
Module Contents



BoundaryInfo with no boundary types attached to any boundary.


Generic BoundaryInfo storing entity masks per boundary type.


BoundaryInfo where the boundary type 'dirichlet' is attached to each boundary entity.

class pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.boundaryinfos.EmptyBoundaryInfo(grid)[source]

Bases: pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.interfaces.BoundaryInfo

BoundaryInfo with no boundary types attached to any boundary.

mask(self, boundary_type, codim)[source]

retval[i] is True if the codim-codim entity of global index i is associated to the boundary type boundary_type.

class pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.boundaryinfos.GenericBoundaryInfo(grid, masks, assert_unique_type=(1,), assert_some_type=())[source]

Bases: pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.interfaces.BoundaryInfo

Generic BoundaryInfo storing entity masks per boundary type.

classmethod from_indicators(cls, grid, indicators, assert_unique_type=None, assert_some_type=None)[source]

Create BoundaryInfo from indicator functions.



The Grid to which the BoundaryInfo is associated.


Dict where each key is a boundary type and the corresponding value is a boolean valued function defined on the analytical domain which indicates if a point belongs to a boundary of the given boundary type (the indicator functions must be vectorized).

mask(self, boundary_type, codim)[source]

retval[i] is True if the codim-codim entity of global index i is associated to the boundary type boundary_type.

class pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.boundaryinfos.AllDirichletBoundaryInfo(grid)[source]

Bases: pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.interfaces.BoundaryInfo

BoundaryInfo where the boundary type ‘dirichlet’ is attached to each boundary entity.

mask(self, boundary_type, codim)[source]

retval[i] is True if the codim-codim entity of global index i is associated to the boundary type boundary_type.