
Visualization of grid data using matplotlib.

This module provides widgets for displaying plots of scalar data assigned to one- and two-dimensional grids using matplotlib. These widgets are not intended to be used directly.

Module Contents






The canvas the figure renders into.

class pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.matplotlib.MatplotlibAxesBase(figure, sync_timer, grid, U=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, codim=2, separate_axes=False, columns=2, aspect_ratio=1)[source]
abstract _plot_init(self)[source]

Setup MPL figure display with empty data.

abstract set(self, U)[source]

Load new data into existing plot objects.

abstract animate(self, u)[source]

Load new data into existing plot objects.

class pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.matplotlib.MatplotlibPatchAxes(figure, grid, bounding_box=None, U=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, codim=2, columns=2, colorbar=True, sync_timer=None)[source]

Bases: MatplotlibAxesBase


Setup MPL figure display with empty data.

set(self, U, vmin=None, vmax=None)[source]

Load new data into existing plot objects.

class pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.matplotlib.Matplotlib1DAxes(U, figure, grid, vmin=None, vmax=None, codim=1, separate_axes=False, sync_timer=None, columns=2, bounding_box=None)[source]

Bases: MatplotlibAxesBase


Setup MPL figure display with empty data.

_set(self, u, i)[source]
animate(self, u)[source]

Load new data into existing plot objects.

set(self, U, vmin=None, vmax=None)[source]

Load new data into existing plot objects.

class pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.matplotlib.Matplotlib1DWidget(U, parent, grid, count, vmin=None, vmax=None, legend=None, codim=1, separate_plots=False, dpi=100)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg.FigureCanvasQTAgg

The canvas the figure renders into.

figure `matplotlib.figure.Figure`[source]

A high-level figure instance.

set(self, U, ind)[source]