
Module Contents

class pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.jupyter.kthreed.VectorArrayPlot(grid, U, codim, color_range, color_map, warp, bounding_box, show_mesh, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: k3d.plot.Plot

Main K3D widget.

antialias: int:

Enable antialiasing in WebGL renderer, changes have no effect after displaying.

logarithmic_depth_buffer: bool.

Enables logarithmic_depth_buffer in WebGL renderer.

height: int:

Height of the Widget in pixels, changes have no effect after displaying.

background_color: int.

Packed RGB color of the plot background (0xff0000 is red, 0xff is blue), -1 is for transparent.

camera_auto_fit: bool.

Enable automatic camera setting after adding, removing or changing a plot object.

grid_auto_fit: bool.

Enable automatic adjustment of the plot grid to contained objects.

grid_color: int.

Packed RGB color of the plot grids (0xff0000 is red, 0xff is blue).

grid_visible: bool.

Enable or disable grid.

screenshot_scale: Float.

Multipiler to screenshot resolution.

voxel_paint_color: int.

The (initial) int value to be inserted when editing voxels.

label_color: int.

Packed RGB color of the labels (0xff0000 is red, 0xff is blue).

lighting: Float.

Lighting factor.

grid: array_like.

6-element tuple specifying the bounds of the plot grid (x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1).

camera: array_like.

9-element list or array specifying camera position.

camera_no_rotate: Bool.

Lock for camera rotation.

camera_no_zoom: Bool.

Lock for camera zoom.

camera_no_pan: Bool.

Lock for camera pan.

camera_rotate_speed: Float.

Speed of camera rotation.

camera_zoom_speed: Float.

Speed of camera zoom.

camera_pan_speed: Float.

Speed of camera pan.

camera_fov: Float.

Camera Field of View.

camera_damping_factor: Float.

Defines the intensity of damping. Default is 0 (disabled).

snapshot_type: string.

Can be ‘full’, ‘online’ or ‘inline’.

axes: list.

Axes labels for plot.

axes_helper: Float.

Axes helper size.

axes_helper_colors: List.

List of triple packed RGB color of the axes helper (0xff0000 is red, 0xff is blue).

time: list.

Time value (used in TimeSeries)

name: string.

Name of the plot. Used to filenames of snapshot/screenshot etc.

mode: str.

Mode of K3D viewer.

Legal values are:


No interaction with objects,


On voxels objects adding mode,


On voxels objects edit mode,


Handling click_callback and hover_callback on some type of objects,


Enable object transform widget.

camera_mode: str.

Mode of camera movement.

Legal values are:


orbit around point with dynamic up-vector of camera,


orbit around point with fixed up-vector of camera,


orbit around point with dynamic up-vector of camera, mouse wheel also moves target point.

manipulate_mode: str.

Mode of manipulate widgets.

Legal values are:


Translation widget,


Rotation widget,


Scaling widget.

auto_rendering: Bool.

State of auto rendering.

fps: Float.

Fps of animation.

minimum_fps: Float.

If negative then disabled. Set target FPS to adaptative resolution.

objects: list.

List of k3d.objects.Drawable currently included in the plot, not to be changed directly.



set(U, vmin, vmax, warp=None)[source]
pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.jupyter.kthreed.visualize_k3d(grid, U, bounding_box=None, codim=2, title=None, legend=None, separate_colorbars=False, rescale_colorbars=False, columns=2, warp_by_scalar=True, scale_factor='auto', show_mesh=True, height=300, color_map=get_cmap('viridis'), background_color=16777215, return_widget=True)[source]

Generate a k3d Plot for scalar data associated to a two-dimensional Grid.

The grid’s ReferenceElement must be the triangle or square. The data can either be attached to the faces or vertices of the grid.



The underlying Grid.


VectorArray of the data to visualize. If len(U) 1, the data is visualized as a time series of plots. Alternatively, a tuple of VectorArrays can be provided, in which case a subplot is created for each entry of the tuple. The lengths of all arrays have to agree.


A bounding box in which the grid is contained.


The codimension of the entities the data in U is attached to (either 0 or 2).


Title of the plot.


Description of the data that is plotted. Most useful if U is a tuple in which case legend has to be a tuple of strings of the same length.


If True, use separate colorbars for each subplot.


If True, rescale colorbars to data in each frame.


The number of columns in the visualizer GUI in case multiple plots are displayed at the same time.


If True, visualize as a surface where the z-coordinate is determined by U.


If warp_by_scalar is enabled, the factor by which the values in U are scaled to obtain the z-coordinate. If set to 'auto', the scale factor is determined from the minimum/maximum values in U and the bounding_box.


If True and warp_by_scalar is enabled, additionally visualize the mesh in the (z=0)-plane.


Height of the subplots in pixels.


Matplotlib Colormap object or a K3D array((step, r, g, b)).


Background color of the plot.