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Click here to run this tutorial on binder:Available MOR methods¶
Here we give an overview over (most of) the available MOR methods implemented in pyMOR. We provide short code snippets that show how to use these methods with pyMOR. For more in-depth explanations we refer to the Tutorials.
Data approximation¶
# generate some data to approximate
from pymor.models.examples import thermal_block_example
fom = thermal_block_example(diameter=1/10)
U = fom.solution_space.empty()
for mu in, 1).sample_randomly(10):
# return first 3 POD modes and singular values
from pymor.algorithms.pod import pod
modes, singular_values = pod(U, modes=3)
# return modes with singular value larger than 1e-3
modes, _ = pod(U, atol=1e-3)
# return right-singular vectors
modes, _, coeffs = pod(U, return_reduced_coefficients=True)
# use slower but more accurate algorithm
# (default algorithm is only accurate up to half machine precision)
modes, _ = pod(U, method='qr_svd')
Parametric MOR¶
Here we consider MOR methods for Models
that depend on one or more Parameters
Reduced Basis method for parameter-separable, linear, coercive models¶
from pymor.models.examples import thermal_block_example
fom = thermal_block_example(diameter=1/10)
# FOM is parameter separable, i.e., system operator is a
# linear combination of non-parametric operators with parametric coefficients
# instantiate reductor that builds the ROM given some reduced basis;
# `product` is inner product w.r.t. which MOR error is estimated;
# `coercivity_estimator` needs to return lower bound for the operator's
# coercivity constant (w.r.t. given `product`) for the given parameter values
from pymor.parameters.functionals import ExpressionParameterFunctional
from pymor.reductors.coercive import CoerciveRBReductor
reductor = CoerciveRBReductor(
coercivity_estimator=ExpressionParameterFunctional('min(diffusion)', fom.parameters)
# note: use SimpleCoerciveRBReductor for faster offline phase but error estimator that
# only is accurate up to half machine precision
# use weak greedy algorithm to train the model
from pymor.algorithms.greedy import rb_greedy
greedy_data = rb_greedy(fom, reductor,, 1).sample_randomly(1000), # training set
rom = greedy_data['rom']
# estimate and compute state-space MOR error
mu = rom.parameters.parse([0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 0.3])
u = rom.solve(mu)
print(f'Error estimate: {rom.estimate_error(mu)}')
print(f'Actual error: {(fom.solve(mu) - reductor.reconstruct(u)).norm(fom.h1_0_semi_product)}')
POD-Greedy method for parabolic models¶
from pymor.models.examples import heat_equation_example
fom = heat_equation_example()
parameter_space =, 100)
from pymor.parameters.functionals import ExpressionParameterFunctional
coercivity_estimator = ExpressionParameterFunctional('1.', fom.parameters)
from pymor.reductors.parabolic import ParabolicRBReductor
reductor = ParabolicRBReductor(fom, product=fom.h1_0_semi_product, coercivity_estimator=coercivity_estimator)
from pymor.algorithms.greedy import rb_greedy
training_set = parameter_space.sample_uniformly(20)
greedy_data = rb_greedy(fom, reductor, training_set=parameter_space.sample_uniformly(20), max_extensions=10)
rom = greedy_data['rom']
Estimation of coercivity and continuity constants using the min/max-theta approach¶
from pymor.models.examples import thermal_block_example
fom = thermal_block_example(diameter=1/10)
from pymor.parameters.functionals import ExpressionParameterFunctional
mu = fom.parameters.parse([0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 0.3])
exact_coercivity_estimator = ExpressionParameterFunctional('min(diffusion)', fom.parameters)
from pymor.parameters.functionals import MaxThetaParameterFunctional, MinThetaParameterFunctional
mu_bar = fom.parameters.parse([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
coercivity_estimator = MinThetaParameterFunctional(fom.operator.coefficients, mu_bar, alpha_mu_bar=0.5)
continuity_estimator = MaxThetaParameterFunctional(fom.operator.coefficients, mu_bar, gamma_mu_bar=0.5)
print(f"Exact coercivity constant estimate: {exact_coercivity_estimator.evaluate(mu)}")
print(f"Coercivity constant estimate using min-theta approach: {coercivity_estimator.evaluate(mu)}")
print(f"Continuity constant estimate using max-theta approach: {continuity_estimator.evaluate(mu)}")
Estimation of coercivity constants using the successive constraints method¶
from pymor.models.examples import thermal_block_example
fom = thermal_block_example(diameter=0.1)
parameter_space =, 1.)
from pymor.algorithms.scm import construct_scm_functionals
initial_parameter = parameter_space.sample_randomly(1)[0]
training_set = parameter_space.sample_randomly(50)
coercivity_estimator, _, _ = construct_scm_functionals(
fom.operator, training_set, initial_parameter, product=fom.h1_0_semi_product, max_extensions=10, M=5)
POD/neural network approximation¶
from pymor.models.examples import thermal_block_example
fom = thermal_block_example(diameter=1/10)
# instantiate reductor with training and validation parameters and desired errors
from pymor.reductors.neural_network import NeuralNetworkReductor
reductor = NeuralNetworkReductor(fom,, 1).sample_uniformly(2),, 1).sample_randomly(5),
ann_mse=None, scale_outputs=True)
rom = reductor.reduce(restarts=5)
Empirical interpolation of coefficient functions¶
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pymor.algorithms.ei import interpolate_function
from pymor.analyticalproblems.functions import ExpressionFunction
f = ExpressionFunction('1 + x[0]**exp[0]', 1, {'exp': 1})
parameter_space =, 3)
f_ei, _ = interpolate_function(
f, parameter_space.sample_uniformly(10), np.linspace(0, 1, 100).reshape((-1,1)), rtol=1e-4)
mu = f.parameters.parse(2.3)
X = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
plt.plot(X, f(X.reshape((-1,1)), mu=mu) - f_ei(X.reshape((-1,1)), mu=mu))
EI-Greedy/POD-Greedy reduction of nonlinear models¶
from pymor.algorithms.ei import interpolate_operators
from pymor.algorithms.greedy import rb_greedy
from pymor.analyticalproblems.burgers import burgers_problem_2d
from pymor.discretizers.builtin.fv import discretize_instationary_fv
from pymor.reductors.basic import InstationaryRBReductor
problem = burgers_problem_2d()
fom, _ = discretize_instationary_fv(problem, diameter=1./20, num_flux='engquist_osher', nt=100)
fom.enable_caching('disk') # cache solution snapshots on disk
training_set = problem.parameter_space.sample_uniformly(10)
fom_ei, _ = interpolate_operators(
fom, ['operator'], training_set, error_norm=fom.l2_norm, max_interpolation_dofs=30)
reductor = InstationaryRBReductor(fom_ei)
greedy_data = rb_greedy(
fom, reductor, training_set, use_error_estimator=False, max_extensions=10)
rom = greedy_data['rom']
LTI System MOR¶
Here we consider some of the methods for LTIModels
Balancing-based MOR¶
from pymor.models.examples import penzl_example
fom = penzl_example()
from import BTReductor
rom_bt = BTReductor(fom).reduce(10)
from import LQGBTReductor
rom_lqgbt = LQGBTReductor(fom).reduce(10)
Interpolation-based MOR¶
from pymor.models.examples import penzl_example
fom = penzl_example()
from pymor.reductors.h2 import IRKAReductor
rom_irka = IRKAReductor(fom).reduce(10)
from pymor.reductors.h2 import TFIRKAReductor
rom_irka = TFIRKAReductor(fom).reduce(10)
Eigenvalue-based MOR¶
from pymor.models.examples import penzl_example
fom = penzl_example()
from import MTReductor
rom_mt = MTReductor(fom).reduce(10)
Data-driven MOR¶
from pymor.models.examples import penzl_example
import numpy as np
fom = penzl_example()
s = np.logspace(1, 3, 100) * 1j
from import PAAAReductor
rom_aaa = PAAAReductor(s, fom).reduce()
from pymor.reductors.loewner import LoewnerReductor
rom_loewner = LoewnerReductor(s, fom).reduce()
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