Source code for pymor.algorithms.basic

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

"""Module containing some basic but generic linear algebra algorithms."""

import numpy as np
import scipy

from pymor.core.defaults import defaults
from import float_cmp

[docs]@defaults('rtol', 'atol') def almost_equal(U, V, product=None, sup_norm=False, rtol=1e-14, atol=1e-14): """Compare U and V for almost equality. The vectors of `U` and `V` are compared in pairs for almost equality. Two vectors `u` and `v` are considered almost equal iff ||u - v|| <= atol + ||v|| * rtol. The norm to be used can be specified via the `product` or `sup_norm` parameters. If the length of `U` resp. `V` is 1, the single specified vector is compared to all vectors of the other array. Otherwise, the lengths of both indexed arrays have to agree. Parameters ---------- U, V |VectorArrays| to be compared. product If specified, use this inner product |Operator| to compute the norm. Otherwise, the Euclidean norm is used. sup_norm If `True`, use the sup norm to compute the error. rtol The relative tolerance. atol The absolute tolerance. """ assert product is None or not sup_norm V_norm = V.sup_norm() if sup_norm else V.norm(product) X = V.copy() # broadcast if necessary if len(X) == 1: if len(U) > 1: X.append(X[np.zeros(len(U) - 1,]) X -= U ERR_norm = X.sup_norm() if sup_norm else X.norm(product) return ERR_norm <= atol + V_norm * rtol
[docs]def relative_error(U, V, product=None): """Compute error between U and V relative to norm of U.""" return (U - V).norm(product) / U.norm(product)
[docs]def project_array(U, basis, product=None, orthonormal=True): """Orthogonal projection of |VectorArray| onto subspace. Parameters ---------- U The |VectorArray| to project. basis |VectorArray| of basis vectors for the subspace onto which to project. product Inner product |Operator| w.r.t. which to project. orthonormal If `True`, the vectors in `basis` are assumed to be orthonormal w.r.t. `product`. Returns ------- The projected |VectorArray|. """ if orthonormal: return basis.lincomb(U.inner(basis, product)) else: gramian = basis.gramian(product) rhs = basis.inner(U, product) coeffs = scipy.linalg.solve(gramian, rhs, sym_pos=True, overwrite_a=True, overwrite_b=True).T return basis.lincomb(coeffs)
[docs]def contains_zero_vector(vector_array, rtol=None, atol=None): """returns `True` iff any vector in the array float_compares to 0s of the same dim Parameters ---------- vector_array a |VectorArray| implementation rtol relative tolerance for float_cmp atol absolute tolerance for float_cmp """ for i in range(len(vector_array)): sup = vector_array[i].sup_norm() if float_cmp(sup, 0.0, rtol, atol): return True return False