# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as spla
from pymor.algorithms.gram_schmidt import gram_schmidt
from pymor.core.logger import getLogger
from pymor.operators.constructions import IdentityOperator
from pymor.operators.interface import Operator
[docs]def eigs(A, E=None, k=3, which='LM', b=None, l=None, maxiter=1000, tol=1e-13,
imag_tol=1e-12, complex_pair_tol=1e-12, seed=0):
"""Approximate a few eigenvalues of a linear |Operator|.
Computes `k` eigenvalues `w` with corresponding eigenvectors `v` which solve
the eigenvalue problem
.. math::
A v_i = w_i v_i
or the generalized eigenvalue problem
.. math::
A v_i = w_i E v_i
if `E` is not `None`.
The implementation is based on Algorithm 4.2 in [RL95]_.
The real linear |Operator| for which the eigenvalues are to be computed.
The real linear |Operator| which defines the generalized eigenvalue problem.
The number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors which are to be computed.
A string specifying which `k` eigenvalues and eigenvectors to compute:
- `'LM'`: select eigenvalues with largest magnitude
- `'SM'`: select eigenvalues with smallest magnitude
- `'LR'`: select eigenvalues with largest real part
- `'SR'`: select eigenvalues with smallest real part
- `'LI'`: select eigenvalues with largest imaginary part
- `'SI'`: select eigenvalues with smallest imaginary part
Initial vector for Arnoldi iteration. Default is a random vector.
The size of the Arnoldi factorization. Default is `min(n - 1, max(2*k + 1, 20))`.
The maximum number of iterations.
The relative error tolerance for the Ritz estimates.
Relative imaginary parts below this tolerance are set to 0.
Tolerance for detecting pairs of complex conjugate eigenvalues.
Random seed which is used for computing the initial vector for the Arnoldi
A 1D |NumPy array| which contains the computed eigenvalues.
A |VectorArray| which contains the computed eigenvectors.
logger = getLogger('pymor.algorithms.eigs.eigs')
assert isinstance(A, Operator) and A.linear
assert not A.parametric
assert A.source == A.range
if E is None:
E = IdentityOperator(A.source)
assert isinstance(E, Operator) and E.linear
assert not E.parametric
assert E.source == E.range
assert E.source == A.source
if b is None:
b = A.source.random(seed=seed)
assert b in A.source
n = A.source.dim
l_min = 20
if l is None:
l = min(n - 1, max(2 * k + 1, l_min))
assert k < n
assert l > k
V, H, f = _arnoldi(A, E, k, b)
k0 = k
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
V, H, f = _extend_arnoldi(A, E, V, H, f, l - k)
ew, ev = spla.eig(H)
# truncate small imaginary parts
ew.imag[np.abs(ew.imag) / np.abs(ew) < imag_tol] = 0
if which == 'LM':
idx = np.argsort(-np.abs(ew))
elif which == 'SM':
idx = np.argsort(np.abs(ew))
elif which == 'LR':
idx = np.argsort(-ew.real)
elif which == 'SR':
idx = np.argsort(ew.real)
elif which == 'LI':
idx = np.argsort(-np.abs(ew.imag))
elif which == 'SI':
idx = np.argsort(np.abs(ew.imag))
k = k0
ews = ew[idx]
evs = ev[:, idx]
rres = f.norm()[0] * np.abs(evs[l - 1]) / np.abs(ews)
# increase k by one in order to keep complex conjugate pairs together
if ews[k - 1].imag != 0 and ews[k - 1].imag + ews[k].imag < complex_pair_tol:
k += 1
logger.info(f'Maximum of relative Ritz estimates at step {i}: {rres[:k].max():.5e}')
if np.all(rres[:k] <= tol) or i >= maxiter:
# increase k in order to prevent stagnation
k = min(l - 1, k + min(np.count_nonzero(rres[:k] <= tol), (l - k) // 2))
# sort shifts for QR iteration based on their residual
shifts = ews[k:l]
srres = rres[k:l]
idx = np.argsort(-srres)
srres = srres[idx]
shifts = shifts[idx]
# don't use converged unwanted Ritz values as shifts
shifts = shifts[srres != 0]
k += np.count_nonzero(srres == 0)
if shifts[0].imag != 0 and shifts[0].imag + ews[1].imag >= complex_pair_tol:
shifts = shifts[1:]
k += 1
H, Qs = _qr_iteration(H, shifts)
V = V.lincomb(Qs.T)
f = V[k] * H[k, k - 1] + f * Qs[l - 1, k - 1]
V = V[:k]
H = H[:k, :k]
return ews[:k0], V.lincomb(evs[:, :k0].T)
[docs]def _arnoldi(A, E, l, b):
"""Compute an Arnoldi factorization."""
v = b * (1 / b.norm()[0])
H = np.zeros((l, l))
V = A.source.empty(reserve=l)
for i in range(l):
v = E.apply_inverse(A.apply(v))
_, R = gram_schmidt(V, return_R=True, atol=0, rtol=0, offset=len(V) - 1, copy=False)
H[:i + 2, i] = R[:l, i + 1]
v = V[-1]
return V[:l], H, v * R[l, l]
[docs]def _extend_arnoldi(A, E, V, H, f, p):
"""Extend an existing Arnoldi factorization."""
k = len(V)
res = f.norm()[0]
H = np.pad(H, ((0, p), (0, p)))
H[k, k - 1] = res
v = f * (1 / res)
V = V.copy()
for i in range(k, k + p):
v = E.apply_inverse(A.apply(v))
_, R = gram_schmidt(V, return_R=True, atol=0, rtol=0, offset=len(V) - 1, copy=False)
H[:i + 2, i] = R[:k + p, i + 1]
v = V[-1]
return V[:k + p], H, v * R[k + p, k + p]
[docs]def _qr_iteration(H, shifts):
"""Perform the QR iteration."""
Qs = np.eye(len(H))
i = 0
while i < len(shifts) - 1:
s = shifts[i]
if shifts[i].imag != 0:
Q, _ = np.linalg.qr(H @ H - 2 * s.real * H + np.abs(s)**2 * np.eye(len(H)))
i += 2
Q, _ = np.linalg.qr(H - s * np.eye(len(H)))
i += 1
Qs = Qs @ Q
H = Q.T @ H @ Q
return H, Qs