Source code for pymor.algorithms.simplify

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

from pymor.algorithms.rules import RuleTable, match_class
from pymor.models.interface import Model
from pymor.operators.constructions import LincombOperator, ConcatenationOperator
from pymor.operators.interface import Operator

[docs]def expand(obj): """Expand concatenations of LincombOperators. To any given |Operator| or |Model|, the following transformations are applied recursively: - :class:`Concatenations <pymor.operators.constructions.ConcatenationOperator>` of |LincombOperators| are expanded. E.g. :: (O1 + O2) @ (O3 + O4) becomes:: O1 @ O3 + O1 @ O4 + O2 @ O3 + O2 @ O4 - |LincombOperators| inside |LincombOperators| are merged into a single |LincombOperator| - |ConcatenationOperators| inside |ConcatenationOperators| are merged into a single |ConcatenationOperator|. Parameters ---------- obj Either a |Model| or an |Operator| to which the expansion rules are applied recursively for all :meth:`children <pymor.algorithms.rules.RuleTable.get_children>`. Returns ------- The transformed object. """ return ExpandRules().apply(obj)
[docs]class ExpandRules(RuleTable): def __init__(self): super().__init__(use_caching=True) @match_class(LincombOperator) def action_LincombOperator(self, op): # recursively expand all children op = self.replace_children(op) # merge child LincombOperators if any(isinstance(o, LincombOperator) for o in op.operators): ops, coeffs = [], [] for c, o in zip(op.coefficients, op.operators): if isinstance(o, LincombOperator): coeffs.extend(c * cc for cc in o.coefficients) ops.extend(o.operators) else: coeffs.append(c) ops.append(o) op = op.with_(operators=ops, coefficients=coeffs) return op @match_class(ConcatenationOperator) def action_ConcatenationOperator(self, op): op = self.replace_children(op) # merge child ConcatenationOperators if any(isinstance(o, ConcatenationOperator) for o in op.operators): ops = [] for o in ops: if isinstance(o, ConcatenationOperator): ops.extend(o.operators) else: ops.append(o) op = op.with_operators(ops) # expand concatenations with LincombOperators if any(isinstance(o, LincombOperator) for o in op.operators): i = next(iter(i for i, o in enumerate(op.operators) if isinstance(o, LincombOperator))) left, right = op.operators[:i], op.operators[i+1:] ops = [ConcatenationOperator(left + (o,) + right) for o in op.operators[i].operators] op = op.operators[i].with_(operators=ops) # there can still be LincombOperators within the summands so we recurse .. op = self.apply(op) return op @match_class(Model, Operator) def action_recurse(self, op): return self.replace_children(op)