Source code for pymor.bindings.fenics

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

from pymor.core.config import config

if config.HAVE_FENICS:
    import dolfin as df
    import ufl
    import numpy as np

    from pymor.core.base import ImmutableObject
    from pymor.core.defaults import defaults
    from pymor.operators.constructions import ZeroOperator
    from pymor.operators.interface import Operator
    from pymor.operators.list import LinearComplexifiedListVectorArrayOperatorBase
    from pymor.operators.numpy import NumpyMatrixOperator
    from pymor.vectorarrays.interface import _create_random_values
    from pymor.vectorarrays.list import CopyOnWriteVector, ComplexifiedVector, ComplexifiedListVectorSpace
    from pymor.vectorarrays.numpy import NumpyVectorSpace

[docs] class FenicsVector(CopyOnWriteVector): """Wraps a FEniCS vector to make it usable with ListVectorArray.""" def __init__(self, impl): self.impl = impl @classmethod def from_instance(cls, instance): return cls(instance.impl) def _copy_data(self): self.impl = self.impl.copy() def to_numpy(self, ensure_copy=False): return self.impl.get_local() # always returns a copy def _scal(self, alpha): self.impl *= alpha def _axpy(self, alpha, x): if x is self: self.scal(1. + alpha) else: self.impl.axpy(alpha, x.impl) def inner(self, other): return self.impl.inner(other.impl) def norm(self): return self.impl.norm('l2') def norm2(self): return self.impl.norm('l2') ** 2 def sup_norm(self): return self.impl.norm('linf') def dofs(self, dof_indices): dof_indices = np.array(dof_indices, dtype=np.intc) if len(dof_indices) == 0: return np.array([], dtype=np.intc) assert 0 <= np.min(dof_indices) assert np.max(dof_indices) < self.impl.size() dofs = self.impl.gather(dof_indices) # in the mpi distributed case, gather returns the values # at the *global* dof_indices on each rank return dofs def amax(self): raise NotImplementedError # is implemented for complexified vector def __add__(self, other): return FenicsVector(self.impl + other.impl) def __iadd__(self, other): self._copy_data_if_needed() self.impl += other.impl return self __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): return FenicsVector(self.impl - other.impl) def __isub__(self, other): self._copy_data_if_needed() self.impl -= other.impl return self def __mul__(self, other): return FenicsVector(self.impl * other) def __neg__(self): return FenicsVector(-self.impl)
[docs] class ComplexifiedFenicsVector(ComplexifiedVector): def amax(self): if self.imag_part is None: A = np.abs(self.real_part.impl.get_local()) else: A = np.abs(self.real_part.impl.get_local() + self.imag_part.impl.get_local() * 1j) # there seems to be no way in the interface to compute amax without making a copy. max_ind_on_rank = np.argmax(A) max_val_on_rank = A[max_ind_on_rank] from import mpi if not mpi.parallel: return max_ind_on_rank, max_val_on_rank else: max_global_ind_on_rank = max_ind_on_rank + self.real_part.impl.local_range()[0] comm = self.real_part.impl.mpi_comm() comm_size = comm.Get_size() max_inds = np.empty(comm_size, dtype='i') comm.Allgather(np.array(max_global_ind_on_rank, dtype='i'), max_inds) max_vals = np.empty(comm_size, dtype=np.float64) comm.Allgather(np.array(max_val_on_rank), max_vals) i = np.argmax(max_vals) return max_inds[i], max_vals[i]
[docs] class FenicsVectorSpace(ComplexifiedListVectorSpace): complexified_vector_type = ComplexifiedFenicsVector def __init__(self, V, id='STATE'): self.__auto_init(locals()) @property def dim(self): return df.Function(self.V).vector().size()
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is FenicsVectorSpace and self.V == other.V and ==
# since we implement __eq__, we also need to implement __hash__
[docs] def __hash__(self): return id(self.V) + hash(
def real_zero_vector(self): impl = df.Function(self.V).vector() return FenicsVector(impl) def real_full_vector(self, value): impl = df.Function(self.V).vector() impl += value return FenicsVector(impl) def real_random_vector(self, distribution, random_state, **kwargs): impl = df.Function(self.V).vector() values = _create_random_values(impl.local_size(), distribution, random_state, **kwargs) impl[:] = np.ascontiguousarray(values) return FenicsVector(impl) def real_vector_from_numpy(self, data, ensure_copy=False): impl = df.Function(self.V).vector() impl[:] = np.ascontiguousarray(data) return FenicsVector(impl) def real_make_vector(self, obj): return FenicsVector(obj)
[docs] class FenicsMatrixOperator(LinearComplexifiedListVectorArrayOperatorBase): """Wraps a FEniCS matrix as an |Operator|.""" def __init__(self, matrix, source_space, range_space, solver_options=None, name=None): assert matrix.rank() == 2 self.__auto_init(locals()) self.source = FenicsVectorSpace(source_space) self.range = FenicsVectorSpace(range_space) def _real_apply_one_vector(self, u, mu=None, prepare_data=None): r = self.range.real_zero_vector() self.matrix.mult(u.impl, r.impl) return r def _real_apply_adjoint_one_vector(self, v, mu=None, prepare_data=None): r = self.source.real_zero_vector() self.matrix.transpmult(v.impl, r.impl) return r def _real_apply_inverse_one_vector(self, v, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False, prepare_data=None): if least_squares: raise NotImplementedError r = (self.source.real_zero_vector() if initial_guess is None else initial_guess.copy(deep=True)) options = self.solver_options.get('inverse') if self.solver_options else None _apply_inverse(self.matrix, r.impl, v.impl, options) return r
[docs] def _assemble_lincomb(self, operators, coefficients, identity_shift=0., solver_options=None, name=None): if not all(isinstance(op, FenicsMatrixOperator) for op in operators): return None if identity_shift != 0: return None if np.iscomplexobj(coefficients): return None if coefficients[0] == 1: matrix = operators[0].matrix.copy() else: matrix = operators[0].matrix * coefficients[0] for op, c in zip(operators[1:], coefficients[1:]): matrix.axpy(c, op.matrix, False) # in general, we cannot assume the same nonzero pattern for # all matrices. how to improve this? return FenicsMatrixOperator(matrix, self.source.V, self.range.V, solver_options=solver_options, name=name)
[docs] class FenicsOperator(Operator): """Wraps a FEniCS form as an |Operator|.""" linear = False def __init__(self, form, source_space, range_space, source_function, dirichlet_bcs=(), parameter_setter=None, parameters={}, solver_options=None, name=None): assert len(form.arguments()) == 1 self.__auto_init(locals()) self.source = source_space self.range = range_space self.parameters_own = parameters def _set_mu(self, mu=None): assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) if self.parameter_setter: self.parameter_setter(mu)
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source self._set_mu(mu) R = [] source_vec = self.source_function.vector() for u in U._list: if u.imag_part is not None: raise NotImplementedError source_vec[:] = u.real_part.impl r = df.assemble(self.form) for bc in self.dirichlet_bcs: bc.apply(r, source_vec) R.append(r) return self.range.make_array(R)
[docs] def jacobian(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source and len(U) == 1 if U._list[0].imag_part is not None: raise NotImplementedError self._set_mu(mu) source_vec = self.source_function.vector() source_vec[:] = U._list[0].real_part.impl matrix = df.assemble(df.derivative(self.form, self.source_function)) for bc in self.dirichlet_bcs: bc.apply(matrix) return FenicsMatrixOperator(matrix, self.source.V, self.range.V)
[docs] def restricted(self, dofs): from import parallel if parallel: raise NotImplementedError('SubMesh does not work in parallel') with self.logger.block(f'Restricting operator to {len(dofs)} dofs ...'): if len(dofs) == 0: return ZeroOperator(NumpyVectorSpace(0), NumpyVectorSpace(0)), np.array([], if self.source.V.mesh().id() != self.range.V.mesh().id(): raise NotImplementedError'Computing affected cells ...') mesh = self.source.V.mesh() range_dofmap = self.range.V.dofmap() affected_cell_indices = set() for c in df.cells(mesh): cell_index = c.index() local_dofs = range_dofmap.cell_dofs(cell_index) for ld in local_dofs: if ld in dofs: affected_cell_indices.add(cell_index) continue affected_cell_indices = list(sorted(affected_cell_indices)) if any(i.integral_type() not in ('cell', 'exterior_facet') for i in self.form.integrals()): # enlarge affected_cell_indices if needed raise NotImplementedError'Computing source DOFs ...') source_dofmap = self.source.V.dofmap() source_dofs = set() for cell_index in affected_cell_indices: local_dofs = source_dofmap.cell_dofs(cell_index) source_dofs.update(local_dofs) source_dofs = np.array(sorted(source_dofs), dtype=np.intc)'Building submesh ...') subdomain = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.geometry().dim()) for ci in affected_cell_indices: subdomain.set_value(ci, 1) submesh = df.SubMesh(mesh, subdomain, 1)'Building UFL form on submesh ...') form_r, V_r_source, V_r_range, source_function_r = self._restrict_form(submesh, source_dofs)'Building DirichletBCs on submesh ...') bc_r = self._restrict_dirichlet_bcs(submesh, source_dofs, V_r_source)'Computing source DOF mapping ...') restricted_source_dofs = self._build_dof_map(self.source.V, V_r_source, source_dofs)'Computing range DOF mapping ...') restricted_range_dofs = self._build_dof_map(self.range.V, V_r_range, dofs) op_r = FenicsOperator(form_r, FenicsVectorSpace(V_r_source), FenicsVectorSpace(V_r_range), source_function_r, dirichlet_bcs=bc_r, parameter_setter=self.parameter_setter, parameters=self.parameters) return (RestrictedFenicsOperator(op_r, restricted_range_dofs), source_dofs[np.argsort(restricted_source_dofs)])
def _restrict_form(self, submesh, source_dofs): V_r_source = df.FunctionSpace(submesh, self.source.V.ufl_element()) V_r_range = df.FunctionSpace(submesh, self.range.V.ufl_element()) assert V_r_source.dim() == len(source_dofs) if self.source.V != self.range.V: assert all(arg.ufl_function_space() != self.source.V for arg in self.form.arguments()) args = tuple((df.function.argument.Argument(V_r_range, arg.number(), arg.part()) if arg.ufl_function_space() == self.range.V else arg) for arg in self.form.arguments()) if any(isinstance(coeff, df.Function) and coeff != self.source_function for coeff in self.form.coefficients()): raise NotImplementedError source_function_r = df.Function(V_r_source) form_r = ufl.replace_integral_domains( self.form(*args, coefficients={self.source_function: source_function_r}), submesh.ufl_domain() ) return form_r, V_r_source, V_r_range, source_function_r def _restrict_dirichlet_bcs(self, submesh, source_dofs, V_r_source): mesh = self.source.V.mesh() parent_facet_indices = compute_parent_facet_indices(submesh, mesh) def restrict_dirichlet_bc(bc): # ensure that markers are initialized bc.get_boundary_values() facets = np.zeros(mesh.num_facets(), dtype=np.uint) facets[bc.markers()] = 1 facets_r = facets[parent_facet_indices] sub_domains = df.MeshFunction('size_t', submesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1) sub_domains.array()[:] = facets_r bc_r = df.DirichletBC(V_r_source, bc.value(), sub_domains, 1, bc.method()) return bc_r return tuple(restrict_dirichlet_bc(bc) for bc in self.dirichlet_bcs) def _build_dof_map(self, V, V_r, dofs): u = df.Function(V) u_vec = u.vector() restricted_dofs = [] for dof in dofs: u_vec[dof] = 1 u_r = df.interpolate(u, V_r) u_r = u_r.vector().get_local() if not np.all(np.logical_or(np.abs(u_r) < 1e-10, np.abs(u_r - 1.) < 1e-10)): raise NotImplementedError r_dof = np.where(np.abs(u_r - 1.) < 1e-10)[0] if not len(r_dof) == 1: raise NotImplementedError restricted_dofs.append(r_dof[0]) restricted_dofs = np.array(restricted_dofs, dtype=np.int32) assert len(set(restricted_dofs)) == len(set(dofs)) return restricted_dofs
[docs] class RestrictedFenicsOperator(Operator): linear = False def __init__(self, op, restricted_range_dofs): self.source = NumpyVectorSpace(op.source.dim) self.range = NumpyVectorSpace(len(restricted_range_dofs)) self.op = op self.restricted_range_dofs = restricted_range_dofs
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source UU = self.op.source.zeros(len(U)) for uu, u in zip(UU._list, U.to_numpy()): uu.real_part.impl[:] = np.ascontiguousarray(u) VV = self.op.apply(UU, mu=mu) V = self.range.zeros(len(VV)) for v, vv in zip(V.to_numpy(), VV._list): v[:] = vv.real_part.impl[self.restricted_range_dofs] return V
[docs] def jacobian(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source and len(U) == 1 UU = self.op.source.zeros() UU._list[0].real_part.impl[:] = np.ascontiguousarray(U.to_numpy()[0]) JJ = self.op.jacobian(UU, mu=mu) return NumpyMatrixOperator(JJ.matrix.array()[self.restricted_range_dofs, :])
@defaults('solver', 'preconditioner') def _solver_options(solver='mumps' if 'mumps' in df.linear_solver_methods() else 'default', preconditioner=None): return {'solver': solver, 'preconditioner': preconditioner} def _apply_inverse(matrix, r, v, options=None): options = options or _solver_options() solver = options.get('solver') preconditioner = options.get('preconditioner') # preconditioner argument may only be specified for iterative solvers: options = (solver, preconditioner) if preconditioner else (solver,) df.solve(matrix, r, v, *options)
[docs] class FenicsVisualizer(ImmutableObject): """Visualize a FEniCS grid function. Parameters ---------- space The `FenicsVectorSpace` for which we want to visualize DOF vectors. mesh_refinements Number of uniform mesh refinements to perform for vtk visualization (of functions from higher-order FE spaces). """ def __init__(self, space, mesh_refinements=0): = space self.mesh_refinements = mesh_refinements
[docs] def visualize(self, U, m, title='', legend=None, filename=None, block=True, separate_colorbars=True): """Visualize the provided data. Parameters ---------- U |VectorArray| of the data to visualize (length must be 1). Alternatively, a tuple of |VectorArrays| which will be visualized in separate windows. If `filename` is specified, only one |VectorArray| may be provided which, however, is allowed to contain multipled vectors that will be interpreted as a time series. m Filled in by :meth:`pymor.models.interface.Model.visualize` (ignored). title Title of the plot. legend Description of the data that is plotted. If `U` is a tuple of |VectorArrays|, `legend` has to be a tuple of the same length. filename If specified, write the data to that file. `filename` needs to have an extension supported by FEniCS (e.g. `.pvd`). separate_colorbars If `True`, use separate colorbars for each subplot. block If `True`, block execution until the plot window is closed. """ if filename: assert not isinstance(U, tuple) assert U in f = df.File(filename) coarse_function = df.Function( if self.mesh_refinements: mesh = for _ in range(self.mesh_refinements): mesh = df.refine(mesh) V_fine = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, function = df.Function(V_fine) else: function = coarse_function if legend: function.rename(legend, legend) for u in U._list: if u.imag_part is not None: raise NotImplementedError coarse_function.vector()[:] = u.real_part.impl if self.mesh_refinements: function.vector()[:] = df.interpolate(coarse_function, V_fine).vector() f << function else: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt assert U in and len(U) == 1 \ or (isinstance(U, tuple) and all(u in for u in U) and all(len(u) == 1 for u in U)) if not isinstance(U, tuple): U = (U,) if isinstance(legend, str): legend = (legend,) assert legend is None or len(legend) == len(U) if not separate_colorbars: vmin = np.inf vmax = -np.inf for u in U: vec = u._list[0].real_part.impl vmin = min(vmin, vec.min()) vmax = max(vmax, vec.max()) for i, u in enumerate(U): if u._list[0].imag_part is not None: raise NotImplementedError function = df.Function( function.vector()[:] = u._list[0].real_part.impl if legend: tit = title + ' -- ' if title else '' tit += legend[i] else: tit = title if separate_colorbars: plt.figure() df.plot(function, title=tit) else: plt.figure() df.plot(function, title=tit, range_min=vmin, range_max=vmax)
# adapted from dolfin.mesh.ale.init_parent_edge_indices
[docs] def compute_parent_facet_indices(submesh, mesh): dim = mesh.topology().dim() facet_dim = dim - 1 submesh.init(facet_dim) mesh.init(facet_dim) # Make sure we have vertex-facet connectivity for parent mesh mesh.init(0, facet_dim) parent_vertex_indices ="parent_vertex_indices", 0) # Create the fact map parent_facet_indices = np.full(submesh.num_facets(), -1) # Iterate over the edges and figure out their parent number for local_facet in df.facets(submesh): # Get parent indices for edge vertices vs = local_facet.entities(0) Vs = [df.Vertex(mesh, parent_vertex_indices[int(v)]) for v in vs] # Get outgoing facets from the two parent vertices facets = [set(V.entities(facet_dim)) for V in Vs] # Check intersection common_facets = facets[0] for f in facets[1:]: common_facets = common_facets.intersection(f) assert len(common_facets) == 1 parent_facet_index = list(common_facets)[0] # Set value parent_facet_indices[local_facet.index()] = parent_facet_index return parent_facet_indices