# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
from importlib import import_module
import sys
import platform
import warnings
def _can_import(module):
return True
except ImportError:
return False
def _get_fenics_version():
import dolfin as df
if df.__version__ != '2019.1.0':
warnings.warn(f'FEniCS bindings have been tested for version 2019.1.0 (installed: {df.__version__}).')
return df.__version__
def _get_matplotib_version():
import matplotlib
return matplotlib.__version__
def _get_ipython_version():
import ipyparallel
return ipyparallel.__version__
except ImportError:
import IPython.parallel
return getattr(IPython.parallel, '__version__', True)
def _get_slycot_version():
from slycot.version import version
if list(map(int, version.split('.'))) < [0, 3, 1]:
import warnings
warnings.warn('Slycot support disabled (version 0.3.1 or higher required).')
return False
return version
def _get_qt_version():
import qtpy
return f'{qtpy.API_NAME} (Qt {qtpy.QT_VERSION})'
except AttributeError as ae:
warnings.warn(f'importing qtpy abstraction failed:\n{ae}')
return False
[docs]def is_jupyter():
"""This Method is not foolprof and might fail with any given jupyter release
:return: True if we believe to be running in a Jupyter Notebook or Lab
from IPython import get_ipython
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
return False
from os import environ
force = environ.get('PYMOR_FORCE_JUPYTER', None)
if force is not None:
return bool(force)
return type(get_ipython()).__module__.startswith('ipykernel.')
[docs]def is_nbconvert():
"""In some visualization cases we need to be able to detect if a notebook
is executed with nbconvert to disable async loading
from os import environ
return is_jupyter() and bool(environ.get('PYMOR_NBCONVERT', False))
'CYTHON': lambda: import_module('cython').__version__,
'DEALII': lambda: import_module('pydealii'),
'FENICS': _get_fenics_version,
'GL': lambda: import_module('OpenGL.GL') and import_module('OpenGL').__version__,
'IPYTHON': _get_ipython_version,
'MATPLOTLIB': _get_matplotib_version,
'MESHIO': lambda: import_module('meshio').__version__,
'IPYWIDGETS': lambda: import_module('ipywidgets').__version__,
'MPI': lambda: import_module('mpi4py.MPI') and import_module('mpi4py').__version__,
'NGSOLVE': lambda: bool(import_module('ngsolve')),
'NUMPY': lambda: import_module('numpy').__version__,
'PYAMG': lambda: import_module('pyamg.version').full_version,
'PYMESS': lambda: bool(import_module('pymess')),
'PYTEST': lambda: import_module('pytest').__version__,
'PYTHREEJS': lambda: import_module('pythreejs._version').__version__,
'PYEVTK': lambda: _can_import('pyevtk'),
'QT': _get_qt_version,
'QTOPENGL': lambda: bool(import_module('qtpy.QtOpenGL')),
'SCIPY': lambda: import_module('scipy').__version__,
'SCIPY_LSMR': lambda: hasattr(import_module('scipy.sparse.linalg'), 'lsmr'),
'SLYCOT': lambda: _get_slycot_version(),
'SPHINX': lambda: import_module('sphinx').__version__,
'TORCH': lambda: import_module('torch').__version__,
'TYPER': lambda: import_module('typer').__version__,
[docs]class Config:
def __init__(self):
self.PYTHON_VERSION = f'{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro}'
def version(self):
from pymor import __version__
return __version__
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name.startswith('HAVE_'):
package = name[len('HAVE_'):]
elif name.endswith('_VERSION'):
package = name[:-len('_VERSION')]
raise AttributeError
if package in _PACKAGES:
version = _PACKAGES[package]()
except ImportError:
version = False
if version is not None and version is not False:
setattr(self, 'HAVE_' + package, True)
setattr(self, package + '_VERSION', version)
setattr(self, 'HAVE_' + package, False)
setattr(self, package + '_VERSION', None)
raise AttributeError
return getattr(self, name)
[docs] def __dir__(self, old=False):
keys = set(super().__dir__())
keys.update('HAVE_' + package for package in _PACKAGES)
keys.update(package + '_VERSION' for package in _PACKAGES)
return list(keys)
[docs] def __repr__(self):
status = {p: (lambda v: 'missing' if not v else 'present' if v is True else v)(getattr(self, p + '_VERSION'))
for p in _PACKAGES}
key_width = max(len(p) for p in _PACKAGES) + 2
package_info = [f"{p+':':{key_width}} {v}" for p, v in sorted(status.items())]
separator = '-' * max(map(len, package_info))
package_info = '\n'.join(package_info)
info = f'''
pyMOR Version {self.version}
Python: {self.PYTHON_VERSION}
External Packages
See pymor.core.defaults.print_defaults.
return info
config = Config()