# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
import numpy as np
from pymor.operators.constructions import IdentityOperator, ZeroOperator
from pymor.operators.interface import Operator
from pymor.vectorarrays.block import BlockVectorSpace
[docs]class BlockOperatorBase(Operator):
[docs] def _operators(self):
"""Iterator over operators."""
for (i, j) in np.ndindex(self.blocks.shape):
yield self.blocks[i, j]
def __init__(self, blocks):
self.blocks = blocks = np.array(blocks)
assert 1 <= blocks.ndim <= 2
if self.blocked_source and self.blocked_range:
assert blocks.ndim == 2
elif self.blocked_source:
if blocks.ndim == 1:
blocks.shape = (1, len(blocks))
if blocks.ndim == 1:
blocks.shape = (len(blocks), 1)
assert all(isinstance(op, Operator) or op is None for op in self._operators())
# check if every row/column contains at least one operator
assert all(any(blocks[i, j] is not None for j in range(blocks.shape[1]))
for i in range(blocks.shape[0]))
assert all(any(blocks[i, j] is not None for i in range(blocks.shape[0]))
for j in range(blocks.shape[1]))
# find source/range spaces for every column/row
source_spaces = [None for j in range(blocks.shape[1])]
range_spaces = [None for i in range(blocks.shape[0])]
for (i, j), op in np.ndenumerate(blocks):
if op is not None:
assert source_spaces[j] is None or op.source == source_spaces[j]
source_spaces[j] = op.source
assert range_spaces[i] is None or op.range == range_spaces[i]
range_spaces[i] = op.range
# turn Nones to ZeroOperators
for (i, j) in np.ndindex(blocks.shape):
if blocks[i, j] is None:
self.blocks[i, j] = ZeroOperator(range_spaces[i], source_spaces[j])
self.source = BlockVectorSpace(source_spaces) if self.blocked_source else source_spaces[0]
self.range = BlockVectorSpace(range_spaces) if self.blocked_range else range_spaces[0]
self.num_source_blocks = len(source_spaces)
self.num_range_blocks = len(range_spaces)
self.linear = all(op.linear for op in self._operators())
def H(self):
return self.adjoint_type(np.vectorize(lambda op: op.H)(self.blocks.T))
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None):
assert U in self.source
V_blocks = [None for i in range(self.num_range_blocks)]
for (i, j), op in np.ndenumerate(self.blocks):
if isinstance(op, ZeroOperator):
Vi = op.range.zeros(len(U))
Vi = op.apply(U.block(j) if self.blocked_source else U, mu=mu)
if V_blocks[i] is None:
V_blocks[i] = Vi
V_blocks[i] += Vi
return self.range.make_array(V_blocks) if self.blocked_range else V_blocks[0]
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None):
assert V in self.range
U_blocks = [None for j in range(self.num_source_blocks)]
for (i, j), op in np.ndenumerate(self.blocks):
if isinstance(op, ZeroOperator):
Uj = op.source.zeros(len(V))
Uj = op.apply_adjoint(V.block(i) if self.blocked_range else V, mu=mu)
if U_blocks[j] is None:
U_blocks[j] = Uj
U_blocks[j] += Uj
return self.source.make_array(U_blocks) if self.blocked_source else U_blocks[0]
[docs] def assemble(self, mu=None):
blocks = np.empty(self.blocks.shape, dtype=object)
for (i, j) in np.ndindex(self.blocks.shape):
blocks[i, j] = self.blocks[i, j].assemble(mu)
if np.all(blocks == self.blocks):
return self
return self.__class__(blocks)
[docs] def as_range_array(self, mu=None):
def process_row(row, space):
R = space.empty()
for op in row:
return R
subspaces = self.range.subspaces if self.blocked_range else [self.range]
blocks = [process_row(row, space) for row, space in zip(self.blocks, subspaces)]
return self.range.make_array(blocks) if self.blocked_range else blocks[0]
[docs] def as_source_array(self, mu=None):
def process_col(col, space):
R = space.empty()
for op in col:
return R
subspaces = self.source.subspaces if self.blocked_source else [self.source]
blocks = [process_col(col, space) for col, space in zip(self.blocks.T, subspaces)]
return self.source.make_array(blocks) if self.blocked_source else blocks[0]
[docs] def d_mu(self, parameter, index=0):
blocks = np.empty(self.blocks.shape, dtype=object)
for (i, j) in np.ndindex(self.blocks.shape):
blocks[i, j] = self.blocks[i, j].d_mu(parameter, index)
return self.with_(blocks=blocks)
[docs]class BlockOperator(BlockOperatorBase):
"""A matrix of arbitrary |Operators|.
This operator can be :meth:`applied <pymor.operators.interface.Operator.apply>`
to a compatible :class:`BlockVectorArrays <pymor.vectorarrays.block.BlockVectorArray>`.
Two-dimensional array-like where each entry is an |Operator| or `None`.
blocked_source = True
blocked_range = True
[docs]class BlockRowOperator(BlockOperatorBase):
"""A row vector of arbitrary |Operators|."""
blocked_source = True
blocked_range = False
[docs]class BlockColumnOperator(BlockOperatorBase):
"""A column vector of arbitrary |Operators|."""
blocked_source = False
blocked_range = True
BlockOperator.adjoint_type = BlockOperator
BlockRowOperator.adjoint_type = BlockColumnOperator
BlockColumnOperator.adjoint_type = BlockRowOperator
[docs]class BlockProjectionOperator(BlockRowOperator):
def __init__(self, block_space, component):
assert isinstance(block_space, BlockVectorSpace)
assert 0 <= component < len(block_space.subspaces)
blocks = [ZeroOperator(space, space) if i != component else IdentityOperator(space)
for i, space in enumerate(block_space.subspaces)]
[docs]class BlockEmbeddingOperator(BlockColumnOperator):
def __init__(self, block_space, component):
assert isinstance(block_space, BlockVectorSpace)
assert 0 <= component < len(block_space.subspaces)
blocks = [ZeroOperator(space, space) if i != component else IdentityOperator(space)
for i, space in enumerate(block_space.subspaces)]
[docs]class BlockDiagonalOperator(BlockOperator):
"""Block diagonal |Operator| of arbitrary |Operators|.
This is a specialization of :class:`BlockOperator` for the
block diagonal case.
def __init__(self, blocks):
blocks = np.array(blocks)
assert 1 <= blocks.ndim <= 2
if blocks.ndim == 2:
blocks = np.diag(blocks)
n = len(blocks)
blocks2 = np.empty((n, n), dtype=object)
for i, op in enumerate(blocks):
blocks2[i, i] = op
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None):
assert U in self.source
V_blocks = [self.blocks[i, i].apply(U.block(i), mu=mu) for i in range(self.num_range_blocks)]
return self.range.make_array(V_blocks)
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None):
assert V in self.range
U_blocks = [self.blocks[i, i].apply_adjoint(V.block(i), mu=mu) for i in range(self.num_source_blocks)]
return self.source.make_array(U_blocks)
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False):
assert V in self.range
assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in self.source and len(initial_guess) == len(V)
U_blocks = [self.blocks[i, i].apply_inverse(V.block(i), mu=mu,
if initial_guess is not None else None),
for i in range(self.num_source_blocks)]
return self.source.make_array(U_blocks)
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False):
assert U in self.source
assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in self.range and len(initial_guess) == len(U)
V_blocks = [self.blocks[i, i].apply_inverse_adjoint(U.block(i), mu=mu,
if initial_guess is not None else None),
for i in range(self.num_source_blocks)]
return self.range.make_array(V_blocks)
[docs] def assemble(self, mu=None):
blocks = np.empty((self.num_source_blocks,), dtype=object)
assembled = True
for i in range(self.num_source_blocks):
block_i = self.blocks[i, i].assemble(mu)
assembled = assembled and block_i == self.blocks[i, i]
blocks[i] = block_i
if assembled:
return self
return self.__class__(blocks)
[docs]class SecondOrderModelOperator(BlockOperator):
r"""BlockOperator appearing in SecondOrderModel.to_lti().
This represents a block operator
.. math::
\mathcal{A} =
0 & I \\
-K & -E
which satisfies
.. math::
0 & -K^H \\
I & -E^H
\end{bmatrix}, \\
-K^{-1} E & -K^{-1} \\
I & 0
\end{bmatrix}, \\
-E^H K^{-H} & I \\
-K^{-H} & 0
def __init__(self, E, K):
super().__init__([[None, IdentityOperator(E.source)],
[K * (-1), E * (-1)]])
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None):
assert U in self.source
V_blocks = [U.block(1),
-self.K.apply(U.block(0), mu=mu) - self.E.apply(U.block(1), mu=mu)]
return self.range.make_array(V_blocks)
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None):
assert V in self.range
U_blocks = [-self.K.apply_adjoint(V.block(1), mu=mu),
V.block(0) - self.E.apply_adjoint(V.block(1), mu=mu)]
return self.source.make_array(U_blocks)
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False):
assert V in self.range
assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in self.source and len(initial_guess) == len(V)
U_blocks = [-self.K.apply_inverse(self.E.apply(V.block(0), mu=mu) + V.block(1), mu=mu,
return self.source.make_array(U_blocks)
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False):
assert U in self.source
assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in self.range and len(initial_guess) == len(U)
KitU0 = self.K.apply_inverse_adjoint(U.block(0), mu=mu, least_squares=least_squares)
V_blocks = [-self.E.apply_adjoint(KitU0, mu=mu) + U.block(1),
return self.range.make_array(V_blocks)
[docs] def assemble(self, mu=None):
E = self.E.assemble(mu)
K = self.K.assemble(mu)
if E == self.E and K == self.K:
return self
return self.__class__(E, K)
[docs]class ShiftedSecondOrderModelOperator(BlockOperator):
r"""BlockOperator appearing in second-order systems.
This represents a block operator
.. math::
a \mathcal{E} + b \mathcal{A} =
a I & b I \\
-b K & a M - b E
which satisfies
.. math::
(a \mathcal{E} + b \mathcal{A})^H
\overline{a} I & -\overline{b} K^H \\
\overline{b} I & \overline{a} M^H - \overline{b} E^H
\end{bmatrix}, \\
(a \mathcal{E} + b \mathcal{A})^{-1}
(a^2 M - a b E + b^2 K)^{-1} (a M - b E)
& -b (a^2 M - a b E + b^2 K)^{-1} \\
b (a^2 M - a b E + b^2 K)^{-1} K
& a (a^2 M - a b E + b^2 K)^{-1}
\end{bmatrix}, \\
(a \mathcal{E} + b \mathcal{A})^{-H}
(a M - b E)^H (a^2 M - a b E + b^2 K)^{-H}
& \overline{b} K^H (a^2 M - a b E + b^2 K)^{-H} \\
-\overline{b} (a^2 M - a b E + b^2 K)^{-H}
& \overline{a} (a^2 M - a b E + b^2 K)^{-H}
a, b
Complex numbers.
def __init__(self, M, E, K, a, b):
super().__init__([[IdentityOperator(M.source) * a, IdentityOperator(M.source) * b],
[((-b) * K).assemble(), (a * M - b * E).assemble()]])
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None):
assert U in self.source
V_blocks = [U.block(0) * self.a
+ U.block(1) * self.b,
self.K.apply(U.block(0), mu=mu) * (-self.b)
+ self.M.apply(U.block(1), mu=mu) * self.a
- self.E.apply(U.block(1), mu=mu) * self.b]
return self.range.make_array(V_blocks)
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None):
assert V in self.range
U_blocks = [V.block(0) * self.a.conjugate()
- self.K.apply_adjoint(V.block(1), mu=mu) * self.b.conjugate(),
V.block(0) * self.b.conjugate()
+ self.M.apply_adjoint(V.block(1), mu=mu) * self.a.conjugate()
- self.E.apply_adjoint(V.block(1), mu=mu) * self.b.conjugate()]
return self.source.make_array(U_blocks)
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False):
assert V in self.range
assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in self.source and len(initial_guess) == len(V)
aMmbEV0 = self.M.apply(V.block(0), mu=mu) * self.a - self.E.apply(V.block(0), mu=mu) * self.b
KV0 = self.K.apply(V.block(0), mu=mu)
a2MmabEpb2K = (self.a**2 * self.M - self.a * self.b * self.E + self.b**2 * self.K).assemble(mu=mu)
a2MmabEpb2KiV1 = a2MmabEpb2K.apply_inverse(V.block(1), mu=mu, least_squares=least_squares)
U_blocks = [a2MmabEpb2K.apply_inverse(aMmbEV0, mu=mu, least_squares=least_squares)
- a2MmabEpb2KiV1 * self.b,
a2MmabEpb2K.apply_inverse(KV0, mu=mu, least_squares=least_squares) * self.b
+ a2MmabEpb2KiV1 * self.a]
return self.source.make_array(U_blocks)
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False):
assert U in self.source
assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in self.range and len(initial_guess) == len(U)
a2MmabEpb2K = (self.a**2 * self.M - self.a * self.b * self.E + self.b**2 * self.K).assemble(mu=mu)
a2MmabEpb2KitU0 = a2MmabEpb2K.apply_inverse_adjoint(U.block(0), mu=mu, least_squares=least_squares)
a2MmabEpb2KitU1 = a2MmabEpb2K.apply_inverse_adjoint(U.block(1), mu=mu, least_squares=least_squares)
V_blocks = [self.M.apply_adjoint(a2MmabEpb2KitU0, mu=mu) * self.a.conjugate()
- self.E.apply_adjoint(a2MmabEpb2KitU0, mu=mu) * self.b.conjugate()
+ self.K.apply_adjoint(a2MmabEpb2KitU1, mu=mu) * self.b.conjugate(),
-a2MmabEpb2KitU0 * self.b.conjugate()
+ a2MmabEpb2KitU1 * self.a.conjugate()]
return self.range.make_array(V_blocks)
[docs] def assemble(self, mu=None):
M = self.M.assemble(mu)
E = self.E.assemble(mu)
K = self.K.assemble(mu)
if M == self.M and E == self.E and K == self.K:
return self
return self.__class__(M, E, K, self.a, self.b)