# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
import numpy as np
from pymor.algorithms.krylov import rational_arnoldi
from pymor.algorithms.gram_schmidt import gram_schmidt, gram_schmidt_biorth
from pymor.core.base import BasicObject
from pymor.models.iosys import LTIModel, SecondOrderModel, LinearDelayModel
from pymor.operators.constructions import LincombOperator
from pymor.parameters.base import Mu
from pymor.reductors.basic import (ProjectionBasedReductor, LTIPGReductor, SOLTIPGReductor,
from pymor.vectorarrays.numpy import NumpyVectorSpace
[docs]class GenericBHIReductor(BasicObject):
r"""Generic bitangential Hermite interpolation reductor.
This is a generic reductor for reducing any linear
:class:`~pymor.models.iosys.InputStateOutputModel` with the transfer
function which can be written in the generalized coprime
factorization :math:`H(s) = \mathcal{C}(s) \mathcal{K}(s)^{-1}
\mathcal{B}(s)` as in [BG09]_. The interpolation here is limited to
only up to the first derivative. Interpolation points are assumed to
be pairwise distinct.
In particular, given interpolation points :math:`\sigma_i`, right
tangential directions :math:`b_i`, and left tangential directions
:math:`c_i`, for :math:`i = 1, 2, \ldots, r`, which are closed under
conjugation (if :math:`\sigma_i` is real, then so are :math:`b_i`
and :math:`c_i`; if :math:`\sigma_i` is complex, there is
:math:`\sigma_j` such that :math:`\sigma_j = \overline{\sigma_i}`,
:math:`b_j = \overline{b_i}`, :math:`c_j = \overline{c_i}`), this
reductor finds a transfer function :math:`\hat{H}` such that
.. math::
H(\sigma_i) b_i & = \hat{H}(\sigma_i) b_i, \\
c_i^T H(\sigma_i) & = c_i^T \hat{H}(\sigma_i) b_i, \ - \widehat{y}\
c_i^T H'(\sigma_i) b_i & = c_i^T \hat{H}'(\sigma_i) b_i,
for all :math:`i = 1, 2, \ldots, r`.
The full-order |Model| to reduce.
|Parameter values|.
_PGReductor = ProjectionBasedReductor
def __init__(self, fom, mu=None):
if not isinstance(mu, Mu):
mu = fom.parameters.parse(mu)
assert fom.parameters.assert_compatible(mu)
self.fom = fom
self.mu = mu
self.V = None
self.W = None
self._pg_reductor = None
self._product = None
def _B_apply(self, s, V):
raise NotImplementedError
def _C_apply_adjoint(self, s, V):
raise NotImplementedError
def _K_apply_inverse(self, s, V):
raise NotImplementedError
def _K_apply_inverse_adjoint(self, s, V):
raise NotImplementedError
def _fom_assemble(self):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reduce(self, sigma, b, c, projection='orth'):
"""Bitangential Hermite interpolation.
Interpolation points (closed under conjugation), sequence of
length `r`.
Right tangential directions, |NumPy array| of shape
`(r, fom.dim_input)`.
Left tangential directions, |NumPy array| of shape
`(r, fom.dim_output)`.
Projection method:
- `'orth'`: projection matrices are orthogonalized with
respect to the Euclidean inner product
- `'biorth'`: projection matrices are biorthogolized with
respect to the E product
Reduced-order model.
r = len(sigma)
assert b.shape == (r, self.fom.dim_input)
assert c.shape == (r, self.fom.dim_output)
assert projection in ('orth', 'biorth')
# rescale tangential directions (to avoid overflow or underflow)
b = b * (1 / np.linalg.norm(b)) if b.shape[1] > 1 else np.ones((r, 1))
c = c * (1 / np.linalg.norm(c)) if c.shape[1] > 1 else np.ones((r, 1))
b = self.fom.D.source.from_numpy(b)
c = self.fom.D.range.from_numpy(c)
# compute projection matrices
self.V = self.fom.solution_space.empty(reserve=r)
self.W = self.fom.solution_space.empty(reserve=r)
for i in range(r):
if sigma[i].imag == 0:
Bb = self._B_apply(sigma[i].real, b.real[i])
self.V.append(self._K_apply_inverse(sigma[i].real, Bb))
CTc = self._C_apply_adjoint(sigma[i].real, c.real[i])
self.W.append(self._K_apply_inverse_adjoint(sigma[i].real, CTc))
elif sigma[i].imag > 0:
Bb = self._B_apply(sigma[i], b[i])
v = self._K_apply_inverse(sigma[i], Bb)
CTc = self._C_apply_adjoint(sigma[i], c[i].conj())
w = self._K_apply_inverse_adjoint(sigma[i], CTc)
if projection == 'orth':
gram_schmidt(self.V, atol=0, rtol=0, copy=False)
gram_schmidt(self.W, atol=0, rtol=0, copy=False)
elif projection == 'biorth':
gram_schmidt_biorth(self.V, self.W, product=self._product, copy=False)
# find reduced-order model
self._pg_reductor = self._PGReductor(self._fom_assemble(), self.W, self.V,
projection == 'biorth')
rom = self._pg_reductor.reduce()
return rom
[docs] def reconstruct(self, u):
"""Reconstruct high-dimensional vector from reduced vector `u`."""
return self._pg_reductor.reconstruct(u)
[docs]class LTIBHIReductor(GenericBHIReductor):
"""Bitangential Hermite interpolation for |LTIModels|.
The full-order |LTIModel| to reduce.
|Parameter values|.
_PGReductor = LTIPGReductor
def __init__(self, fom, mu=None):
assert isinstance(fom, LTIModel)
super().__init__(fom, mu=mu)
self._product = fom.E
def _B_apply(self, s, V):
return self.fom.B.apply(V, mu=self.mu)
def _C_apply_adjoint(self, s, V):
return self.fom.C.apply_adjoint(V, mu=self.mu)
def _K_apply_inverse(self, s, V):
sEmA = s * self.fom.E - self.fom.A
return sEmA.apply_inverse(V, mu=self.mu)
def _K_apply_inverse_adjoint(self, s, V):
sEmA = s * self.fom.E - self.fom.A
return sEmA.apply_inverse_adjoint(V, mu=self.mu)
def _fom_assemble(self):
if self.fom.parametric:
return self.fom.with_(
**{op: getattr(self.fom, op).assemble(mu=self.mu)
for op in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']}
return self.fom
[docs] def reduce(self, sigma, b, c, projection='orth'):
"""Bitangential Hermite interpolation.
Interpolation points (closed under conjugation), sequence of
length `r`.
Right tangential directions, |NumPy array| of shape
`(r, fom.dim_input)`.
Left tangential directions, |NumPy array| of shape
`(r, fom.dim_output)`.
Projection method:
- `'orth'`: projection matrices are orthogonalized with
respect to the Euclidean inner product
- `'biorth'`: projection matrices are biorthogolized with
respect to the E product
- `'arnoldi'`: projection matrices are orthogonalized using
the rational Arnoldi process (available only for SISO
Reduced-order model.
if projection != 'arnoldi':
return super().reduce(sigma, b, c, projection=projection)
assert self.fom.dim_input == 1 and self.fom.dim_output == 1
r = len(sigma)
assert b.shape == (r, self.fom.dim_input)
assert c.shape == (r, self.fom.dim_output)
# compute projection matrices
self.V = rational_arnoldi(self.fom.A, self.fom.E, self.fom.B, sigma)
self.W = rational_arnoldi(self.fom.A, self.fom.E, self.fom.C, sigma, trans=True)
# find reduced-order model
self._pg_reductor = self._PGReductor(self._fom_assemble(), self.W, self.V)
rom = self._pg_reductor.reduce()
return rom
[docs]class SOBHIReductor(GenericBHIReductor):
"""Bitangential Hermite interpolation for |SecondOrderModels|.
The full-order |SecondOrderModel| to reduce.
|Parameter values|.
_PGReductor = SOLTIPGReductor
def __init__(self, fom, mu=None):
assert isinstance(fom, SecondOrderModel)
super().__init__(fom, mu=mu)
self._product = fom.M
def _B_apply(self, s, V):
return self.fom.B.apply(V, mu=self.mu)
def _C_apply_adjoint(self, s, V):
x = self.fom.Cp.apply_adjoint(V, mu=self.mu)
y = self.fom.Cv.apply_adjoint(V, mu=self.mu)
return x + y * s.conjugate()
def _K_apply_inverse(self, s, V):
s2MpsEpK = s**2 * self.fom.M + s * self.fom.E + self.fom.K
return s2MpsEpK.apply_inverse(V, mu=self.mu)
def _K_apply_inverse_adjoint(self, s, V):
s2MpsEpK = s**2 * self.fom.M + s * self.fom.E + self.fom.K
return s2MpsEpK.apply_inverse_adjoint(V, mu=self.mu)
def _fom_assemble(self):
if self.fom.parametric:
return self.fom.with_(
**{op: getattr(self.fom, op).assemble(mu=self.mu)
for op in ['M', 'E', 'K', 'B', 'Cp', 'Cv', 'D']}
return self.fom
[docs]class DelayBHIReductor(GenericBHIReductor):
"""Bitangential Hermite interpolation for |LinearDelayModels|.
The full-order |LinearDelayModel| to reduce.
|Parameter values|.
_PGReductor = DelayLTIPGReductor
def __init__(self, fom, mu=None):
assert isinstance(fom, LinearDelayModel)
super().__init__(fom, mu=mu)
self._product = fom.E
def _B_apply(self, s, V):
return self.fom.B.apply(V, mu=self.mu)
def _C_apply_adjoint(self, s, V):
return self.fom.C.apply_adjoint(V, mu=self.mu)
def _K_apply_inverse(self, s, V):
Ks = LincombOperator(
(self.fom.E, self.fom.A) + self.fom.Ad,
(s, -1) + tuple(-np.exp(-taui * s) for taui in self.fom.tau),
return Ks.apply_inverse(V, mu=self.mu)
def _K_apply_inverse_adjoint(self, s, V):
Ks = LincombOperator(
(self.fom.E, self.fom.A) + self.fom.Ad,
(s, -1) + tuple(-np.exp(-taui * s) for taui in self.fom.tau),
return Ks.apply_inverse_adjoint(V, mu=self.mu)
def _fom_assemble(self):
if self.fom.parametric:
return self.fom.with_(
**{op: getattr(self.fom, op).assemble(mu=self.mu)
for op in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']},
Ad=tuple(op.assemble(mu=self.mu) for op in self.fom.Ad)
return self.fom
[docs]class TFBHIReductor(BasicObject):
"""Loewner bitangential Hermite interpolation reductor.
See [BG12]_.
The |Model| with `eval_tf` and `eval_dtf` methods.
|Parameter values|.
def __init__(self, fom, mu=None):
if not isinstance(mu, Mu):
mu = fom.parameters.parse(mu)
assert fom.parameters.assert_compatible(mu)
self.fom = fom
self.mu = mu
[docs] def reduce(self, sigma, b, c):
"""Realization-independent tangential Hermite interpolation.
Interpolation points (closed under conjugation), sequence of
length `r`.
Right tangential directions, |NumPy array| of shape
`(r, fom.dim_input)`.
Left tangential directions, |NumPy array| of shape
`(r, fom.dim_output)`.
The reduced-order |LTIModel| interpolating the transfer
function of `fom`.
r = len(sigma)
assert b.shape == (r, self.fom.dim_input)
assert c.shape == (r, self.fom.dim_output)
# rescale tangential directions (to avoid overflow or underflow)
b = b * (1 / np.linalg.norm(b)) if b.shape[1] > 1 else np.ones((r, 1))
c = c * (1 / np.linalg.norm(c)) if c.shape[1] > 1 else np.ones((r, 1))
# matrices of the interpolatory LTI system
Er = np.empty((r, r), dtype=np.complex_)
Ar = np.empty((r, r), dtype=np.complex_)
Br = np.empty((r, self.fom.dim_input), dtype=np.complex_)
Cr = np.empty((self.fom.dim_output, r), dtype=np.complex_)
Hs = [self.fom.eval_tf(s, mu=self.mu) for s in sigma]
dHs = [self.fom.eval_dtf(s, mu=self.mu) for s in sigma]
for i in range(r):
for j in range(r):
if i != j:
Er[i, j] = -c[i] @ (Hs[i] - Hs[j]) @ b[j] / (sigma[i] - sigma[j])
Ar[i, j] = (-c[i] @ (sigma[i] * Hs[i] - sigma[j] * Hs[j]) @ b[j]
/ (sigma[i] - sigma[j]))
Er[i, i] = -c[i] @ dHs[i] @ b[i]
Ar[i, i] = -c[i] @ (Hs[i] + sigma[i] * dHs[i]) @ b[i]
Br[i, :] = Hs[i].T @ c[i]
Cr[:, i] = Hs[i] @ b[i]
# transform the system to have real matrices
T = np.zeros((r, r), dtype=np.complex_)
for i in range(r):
if sigma[i].imag == 0:
T[i, i] = 1
j = np.argmin(np.abs(sigma - sigma[i].conjugate()))
if i < j:
T[i, i] = 1
T[i, j] = 1
T[j, i] = -1j
T[j, j] = 1j
Er = (T @ Er @ T.conj().T).real
Ar = (T @ Ar @ T.conj().T).real
Br = (T @ Br).real
Cr = (Cr @ T.conj().T).real
return LTIModel.from_matrices(Ar, Br, Cr, None, Er, cont_time=self.fom.cont_time)
[docs] def reconstruct(self, u):
"""Reconstruct high-dimensional vector from reduced vector `u`."""
raise TypeError(f'The reconstruct method is not available for {self.__class__.__name__}.')