Source code for pymor.reductors.neural_network

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

from pymor.core.config import config

if config.HAVE_TORCH:
    from numbers import Number

    import numpy as np

    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    import torch.optim as optim
    import torch.utils as utils

    from pymor.algorithms.pod import pod
    from pymor.core.base import BasicObject
    from pymor.core.exceptions import NeuralNetworkTrainingFailed
    from pymor.models.neural_network import FullyConnectedNN, NeuralNetworkModel, NeuralNetworkInstationaryModel

[docs] class NeuralNetworkReductor(BasicObject): """Reduced Basis reductor relying on artificial neural networks. This is a reductor that constructs a reduced basis using proper orthogonal decomposition and trains a neural network that approximates the mapping from parameter space to coefficients of the full-order solution in the reduced basis. The approach is described in [HU18]_. Parameters ---------- fom The full-order |Model| to reduce. training_set Set of |parameter values| to use for POD and training of the neural network. validation_set Set of |parameter values| to use for validation in the training of the neural network. validation_ratio Fraction of the training set to use for validation in the training of the neural network (only used if no validation set is provided). basis_size Desired size of the reduced basis. If `None`, rtol, atol or l2_err must be provided. rtol Relative tolerance the basis should guarantee on the training set. atol Absolute tolerance the basis should guarantee on the training set. l2_err L2-approximation error the basis should not exceed on the training set. pod_params Dict of additional parameters for the POD-method. ann_mse If `'like_basis'`, the mean squared error of the neural network on the training set should not exceed the error of projecting onto the basis. If `None`, the neural network with smallest validation error is used to build the ROM. If a tolerance is prescribed, the mean squared error of the neural network on the training set should not exceed this threshold. Training is interrupted if a neural network that undercuts the error tolerance is found. """ def __init__(self, fom, training_set, validation_set=None, validation_ratio=0.1, basis_size=None, rtol=0., atol=0., l2_err=0., pod_params=None, ann_mse='like_basis'): assert 0 < validation_ratio < 1 or validation_set self.__auto_init(locals())
[docs] def reduce(self, hidden_layers='[(N+P)*3, (N+P)*3]', activation_function=torch.tanh, optimizer=optim.LBFGS, epochs=1000, batch_size=20, learning_rate=1., restarts=10, seed=0): """Reduce by training artificial neural networks. Parameters ---------- hidden_layers Number of neurons in the hidden layers. Can either be fixed or a Python expression string depending on the reduced basis size `N` and the total dimension of the |Parameters| `P`. activation_function Activation function to use between the hidden layers. optimizer Algorithm to use as optimizer during training. epochs Maximum number of epochs for training. batch_size Batch size to use if optimizer allows mini-batching. learning_rate Step size to use in each optimization step. restarts Number of restarts of the training algorithm. Since the training results highly depend on the initial starting point, i.e. the initial weights and biases, it is advisable to train multiple neural networks by starting with different initial values and choose that one performing best on the validation set. seed Seed to use for various functions in PyTorch. Using a fixed seed, it is possible to reproduce former results. Returns ------- rom Reduced-order |NeuralNetworkModel|. """ assert restarts > 0 assert epochs > 0 assert batch_size > 0 assert learning_rate > 0. # set a seed for the PyTorch initialization of weights and biases and further PyTorch methods torch.manual_seed(seed) # build a reduced basis using POD and compute training data if not hasattr(self, 'reduced_basis'): self.reduced_basis, self.mse_basis = self.build_basis() # determine the numbers of neurons in the hidden layers if isinstance(hidden_layers, str): hidden_layers = eval(hidden_layers, {'N': len(self.reduced_basis), 'P': self.fom.parameters.dim}) # input and output size of the neural network are prescribed by the dimension of the parameter space # and the reduced basis size assert isinstance(hidden_layers, list) layers = self._compute_layers_sizes(hidden_layers) # compute validation data if not hasattr(self, 'validation_data'): with self.logger.block('Computing validation snapshots ...'): if self.validation_set: self.validation_data = [] for mu in self.validation_set: sample = self._compute_sample(mu, self.fom.solve(mu), self.reduced_basis) self.validation_data.extend(sample) else: number_validation_snapshots = int(len(self.training_data)*self.validation_ratio) # randomly shuffle training data before splitting into two sets np.random.shuffle(self.training_data) # split training data into validation and training set self.validation_data = self.training_data[0:number_validation_snapshots] self.training_data = self.training_data[number_validation_snapshots+1:] # run the actual training of the neural network with self.logger.block(f'Performing {restarts} restarts for training ...'): for run in range(restarts): neural_network, current_losses = self._train(layers, activation_function, optimizer, epochs, batch_size, learning_rate) if not hasattr(self, 'losses') or current_losses['val'] < self.losses['val']: self.losses = current_losses self.neural_network = neural_network # check if neural network is sufficient to guarantee certain error bounds with self.logger.block('Checking tolerances for error of neural network ...'): if isinstance(self.ann_mse, Number) and self.losses['full'] <= self.ann_mse:'Aborting training after {run} restarts ...') return self._build_rom() elif self.ann_mse == 'like_basis' and self.losses['full'] <= self.mse_basis:'Aborting training after {run} restarts ...') return self._build_rom() # check if neural network is sufficient to guarantee certain error bounds with self.logger.block('Checking tolerances for error of neural network ...'): if isinstance(self.ann_mse, Number) and self.losses['full'] > self.ann_mse: raise NeuralNetworkTrainingFailed('Could not train a neural network that ' 'guarantees prescribed tolerance!') elif self.ann_mse == 'like_basis' and self.losses['full'] > self.mse_basis: raise NeuralNetworkTrainingFailed('Could not train a neural network with an error as small as the ' 'reduced basis error! Maybe you can try a different neural ' 'network architecture or change the value of `ann_mse`.') elif self.ann_mse is None:'Using neural network with smallest validation error ...')'Finished training with a validation loss of {self.losses["val"]} ...') return self._build_rom() else: raise ValueError('Unknown value for mean squared error of neural network')
[docs] def _compute_layers_sizes(self, hidden_layers): """Compute the number of neurons in the layers of the neural network.""" return [len(self.fom.parameters),] + hidden_layers + [len(self.reduced_basis),]
[docs] def _build_rom(self): """Construct the reduced order model.""" with self.logger.block('Building ROM ...'): rom = NeuralNetworkModel(self.neural_network, self.fom.parameters, name=f'{}_reduced') return rom
[docs] def _train(self, layers, activation_function, optimizer, epochs, batch_size, learning_rate): """Perform a single training iteration and return the resulting neural network.""" assert hasattr(self, 'training_data') assert hasattr(self, 'validation_data') # LBFGS-optimizer does not support mini-batching, so the batch size needs to be adjusted if optimizer == optim.LBFGS: batch_size = max(len(self.training_data), len(self.validation_data)) with self.logger.block('Training the neural network ...'): # initialize the neural network neural_network = FullyConnectedNN(layers, activation_function=activation_function).double() # initialize the optimizer optimizer = optimizer(neural_network.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) loss_function = nn.MSELoss() early_stopping_scheduler = EarlyStoppingScheduler(len(self.training_data) + len(self.validation_data)) # create the training and validation sets as well as the respective data loaders training_dataset = CustomDataset(self.training_data) validation_dataset = CustomDataset(self.validation_data) phases = ['train', 'val'] training_loader =, batch_size=batch_size) validation_loader =, batch_size=batch_size) dataloaders = {'train': training_loader, 'val': validation_loader}'Starting optimization procedure ...') # perform optimization procedure for epoch in range(epochs): losses = {'full': 0.} # alternate between training and validation phase for phase in phases: if phase == 'train': neural_network.train() else: neural_network.eval() running_loss = 0.0 # iterate over batches for batch in dataloaders[phase]: inputs = batch[0] targets = batch[1] with torch.set_grad_enabled(phase == 'train'): def closure(): if torch.is_grad_enabled(): optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = neural_network(inputs) loss = loss_function(outputs, targets) if loss.requires_grad: loss.backward() return loss # perform optimization step if phase == 'train': optimizer.step(closure) # compute loss of current batch loss = closure() # update overall absolute loss running_loss += loss.item() * len(batch[0]) # compute average loss epoch_loss = running_loss / len(dataloaders[phase].dataset) losses[phase] = epoch_loss losses['full'] += running_loss # check for early stopping if phase == 'val' and early_stopping_scheduler(losses, neural_network): if not self.logging_disabled:'Early stopping training process after {epoch + 1} epochs ...')'Minimum validation loss: ' f'{early_stopping_scheduler.best_losses["val"]}') return early_stopping_scheduler.best_neural_network, early_stopping_scheduler.best_losses return early_stopping_scheduler.best_neural_network, early_stopping_scheduler.best_losses
[docs] def build_basis(self): """Compute a reduced basis using proper orthogonal decomposition.""" with self.logger.block('Building reduced basis ...'): # compute snapshots for POD and training of neural networks with self.logger.block('Computing training snapshots ...'): U = self.fom.solution_space.empty() for mu in self.training_set: U.append(self.fom.solve(mu)) # compute reduced basis via POD reduced_basis, svals = pod(U, modes=self.basis_size, rtol=self.rtol / 2., atol=self.atol / 2., l2_err=self.l2_err / 2., **(self.pod_params or {})) self.training_data = [] for mu, u in zip(self.training_set, U): sample = self._compute_sample(mu, u, reduced_basis) self.training_data.extend(sample) # compute mean square loss mean_square_loss = (sum(U.norm2()) - sum(svals**2)) / len(U) return reduced_basis, mean_square_loss
[docs] def _compute_sample(self, mu, u, reduced_basis): """Transform parameter and corresponding solution to tensors.""" # determine the coefficients of the full-order solutions in the reduced basis to obtain the # training data; convert everything into tensors that are compatible with PyTorch mu_tensor = torch.DoubleTensor(mu.to_numpy()) u_tensor = torch.DoubleTensor(reduced_basis.inner(u)[:,0]) return [(mu_tensor, u_tensor),]
[docs] def reconstruct(self, u): """Reconstruct high-dimensional vector from reduced vector `u`.""" assert hasattr(self, 'reduced_basis') return self.reduced_basis.lincomb(u.to_numpy())
[docs] class NeuralNetworkInstationaryReductor(NeuralNetworkReductor): """Reduced Basis reductor for instationary problems relying on artificial neural networks. This is a reductor that constructs a reduced basis using proper orthogonal decomposition and trains a neural network that approximates the mapping from parameter and time space to coefficients of the full-order solution in the reduced basis. The approach is described in [WHR19]_. Parameters ---------- fom The full-order |Model| to reduce. training_set Set of |parameter values| to use for POD and training of the neural network. validation_set Set of |parameter values| to use for validation in the training of the neural network. validation_ratio Fraction of the training set to use for validation in the training of the neural network (only used if no validation set is provided). basis_size Desired size of the reduced basis. If `None`, rtol, atol or l2_err must be provided. rtol Relative tolerance the basis should guarantee on the training set. atol Absolute tolerance the basis should guarantee on the training set. l2_err L2-approximation error the basis should not exceed on the training set. pod_params Dict of additional parameters for the POD-method. ann_mse If `'like_basis'`, the mean squared error of the neural network on the training set should not exceed the error of projecting onto the basis. If `None`, the neural network with smallest validation error is used to build the ROM. If a tolerance is prescribed, the mean squared error of the neural network on the training set should not exceed this threshold. Training is interrupted if a neural network that undercuts the error tolerance is found. """ def __init__(self, fom, training_set, validation_set=None, validation_ratio=0.1, basis_size=None, rtol=0., atol=0., l2_err=0., pod_params=None, ann_mse='like_basis'): assert 0 < validation_ratio < 1 or validation_set self.__auto_init(locals())
[docs] def _compute_layers_sizes(self, hidden_layers): """Compute the number of neurons in the layers of the neural network (make sure to increase the input dimension to account for the time).""" return [len(self.fom.parameters) + 1,] + hidden_layers + [len(self.reduced_basis),]
[docs] def _build_rom(self): """Construct the reduced order model.""" with self.logger.block('Building ROM ...'): rom = NeuralNetworkInstationaryModel(self.fom.T, self.nt, self.neural_network, self.fom.parameters, name=f'{}_reduced') return rom
[docs] def build_basis(self): """Compute a reduced basis using proper orthogonal decomposition.""" with self.logger.block('Building reduced basis ...'): # compute snapshots for POD and training of neural networks with self.logger.block('Computing training snapshots ...'): U = self.fom.solution_space.empty() for mu in self.training_set: u = self.fom.solve(mu) if hasattr(self, 'nt'): assert self.nt == len(u) else: self.nt = len(u) U.append(u) # compute reduced basis via POD reduced_basis, svals = pod(U, modes=self.basis_size, rtol=self.rtol / 2., atol=self.atol / 2., l2_err=self.l2_err / 2., **(self.pod_params or {})) self.training_data = [] for i, mu in enumerate(self.training_set): sample = self._compute_sample(mu, U[i*self.nt:(i+1)*self.nt], reduced_basis) self.training_data.extend(sample) # compute mean square loss mean_square_loss = (sum(U.norm2()) - sum(svals**2)) / len(U) return reduced_basis, mean_square_loss
[docs] def _compute_sample(self, mu, u, reduced_basis): """Transform parameter and corresponding solution to tensors (make sure to include the time instances in the inputs).""" parameters_with_time = [mu.with_(t=t) for t in np.linspace(0, self.fom.T, self.nt)] samples = [(torch.DoubleTensor(mu.to_numpy()), torch.DoubleTensor(reduced_basis.inner(u_t)[:,0])) for mu, u_t in zip(parameters_with_time, u)] return samples
[docs] class EarlyStoppingScheduler(BasicObject): """Class for performing early stopping in training of neural networks. If the validation loss does not decrease over a certain amount of epochs, the training should be aborted to avoid overfitting the training data. This class implements an early stopping scheduler that recommends to stop the training process if the validation loss did not decrease by at least `delta` over `patience` epochs. Parameters ---------- size_training_validation_set Size of both, training and validation set together. patience Number of epochs of non-decreasing validation loss allowed, before early stopping the training process. delta Minimal amount of decrease in the validation loss that is required to reset the counter of non-decreasing epochs. """ def __init__(self, size_training_validation_set, patience=10, delta=0.): self.__auto_init(locals()) self.best_losses = None self.best_neural_network = None self.counter = 0
[docs] def __call__(self, losses, neural_network=None): """Returns `True` if early stopping of training is suggested. Parameters ---------- losses Dictionary of losses on the validation and the training set in the current epoch. neural_network Neural network that produces the current validation loss. Returns ------- `True` if early stopping is suggested, `False` otherwise. """ if self.best_losses is None: self.best_losses = losses self.best_losses['full'] /= self.size_training_validation_set self.best_neural_network = neural_network elif self.best_losses['val'] - <= losses['val']: self.counter += 1 if self.counter >= self.patience: return True else: self.best_losses = losses self.best_losses['full'] /= self.size_training_validation_set self.best_neural_network = neural_network self.counter = 0 return False
[docs] class CustomDataset( """Class that represents the dataset to use in PyTorch. Parameters ---------- training_data Set of training parameters and the respective coefficients of the solution in the reduced basis. """ def __init__(self, training_data): self.training_data = training_data def __len__(self): return len(self.training_data) def __getitem__(self, idx): t = self.training_data[idx] return t