# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
"""IRKA-type reductor for |SecondOrderModels|."""
from pymor.models.iosys import SecondOrderModel
from pymor.reductors.h2 import GenericIRKAReductor, IRKAReductor
from pymor.reductors.interpolation import SOBHIReductor
[docs]class SORIRKAReductor(GenericIRKAReductor):
"""SOR-IRKA reductor.
The full-order |SecondOrderModel| to reduce.
|Parameter values|.
def __init__(self, fom, mu=None):
assert isinstance(fom, SecondOrderModel)
super().__init__(fom, mu=mu)
[docs] def reduce(self, rom0_params, tol=1e-4, maxit=100, num_prev=1,
force_sigma_in_rhp=False, projection='orth', conv_crit='sigma',
compute_errors=False, irka_options=None):
r"""Reduce using SOR-IRKA.
It uses IRKA as the intermediate reductor, to reduce from 2r to
r poles. See Section 5.3.2 in [W12]_.
Can be:
- order of the reduced model (a positive integer),
- dict with `'sigma'`, `'b'`, `'c'` as keys mapping to
initial interpolation points (a 1D |NumPy array|), right
tangential directions (|VectorArray| from
`fom.D.source`), and left tangential directions
(|VectorArray| from `fom.D.range`), all of the same
length (the order of the reduced model),
- initial reduced-order model (|LTIModel|).
If the order of reduced model is given, initial
interpolation data is generated randomly.
Tolerance for the convergence criterion.
Maximum number of iterations.
Number of previous iterations to compare the current
iteration to. Larger number can avoid occasional cyclic
behavior of IRKA.
If `False`, new interpolation are reflections of the current
reduced order model's poles. Otherwise, only the poles in
the left half-plane are reflected.
Projection method:
- `'orth'`: projection matrices are orthogonalized with
respect to the Euclidean inner product
- `'biorth'`: projection matrices are biorthogolized with
respect to the E product
Convergence criterion:
- `'sigma'`: relative change in interpolation points
- `'h2'`: relative :math:`\mathcal{H}_2` distance of
reduced-order models
Should the relative :math:`\mathcal{H}_2`-errors of
intermediate reduced order models be computed.
.. warning::
Computing :math:`\mathcal{H}_2`-errors is expensive. Use
this option only if necessary.
Dict of options for IRKAReductor.reduce.
Reduced-order |SecondOrderModel|.
if not self.fom.cont_time:
raise NotImplementedError
sigma, b, c = self._rom0_params_to_sigma_b_c(rom0_params, force_sigma_in_rhp)
self._store_sigma_b_c(sigma, b, c)
self._check_common_args(tol, maxit, num_prev, conv_crit)
assert projection in ('orth', 'biorth')
assert irka_options is None or isinstance(irka_options, dict)
if not irka_options:
irka_options = {}
self.logger.info('Starting SOR-IRKA')
self._conv_data = (num_prev + 1) * [None]
if conv_crit == 'sigma':
self._conv_data[0] = sigma
self._pg_reductor = SOBHIReductor(self.fom, mu=self.mu)
for it in range(maxit):
rom = self._pg_reductor.reduce(sigma, b, c, projection=projection)
with self.logger.block('Intermediate reduction ...'):
irka_reductor = IRKAReductor(rom.to_lti())
rom_r = irka_reductor.reduce(rom.order, **irka_options)
sigma, b, c = self._rom_to_sigma_b_c(rom_r, force_sigma_in_rhp)
self._store_sigma_b_c(sigma, b, c)
self._update_conv_data(sigma, rom, conv_crit)
self._compute_conv_crit(rom, conv_crit, it)
self._compute_error(rom, it, compute_errors)
if self.conv_crit[-1] < tol:
self.V = self._pg_reductor.V
self.W = self._pg_reductor.W
return rom