# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
from functools import reduce
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
from pymor.core.base import classinstancemethod
from pymor.vectorarrays.interface import VectorArray, VectorSpace
[docs]class BlockVectorArray(VectorArray):
"""|VectorArray| where each vector is a direct sum of sub-vectors.
Given a list of equal length |VectorArrays| `blocks`, this |VectorArray|
represents the direct sums of the vectors contained in the arrays.
The associated |VectorSpace| is :class:`BlockVectorSpace`.
:class:`BlockVectorArray` can be used in conjunction with
def __init__(self, blocks, space):
self._blocks = tuple(blocks)
self.space = space
assert self._blocks_are_valid()
[docs] def to_numpy(self, ensure_copy=False):
if len(self._blocks):
# hstack will error out with empty input list
return np.hstack([block.to_numpy() for block in self._blocks])
return np.empty((0,0))
def real(self):
return BlockVectorArray([block.real for block in self._blocks], self.space)
def imag(self):
return BlockVectorArray([block.imag for block in self._blocks], self.space)
[docs] def conj(self):
return BlockVectorArray([block.conj() for block in self._blocks], self.space)
[docs] def block(self, ind):
Returns a copy of each block (no slicing).
assert self._blocks_are_valid()
if isinstance(ind, (tuple, list)):
assert all(isinstance(ii, Number) for ii in ind)
return tuple(self._blocks[ii].copy() for ii in ind)
assert isinstance(ind, Number)
return self._blocks[ind].copy()
def num_blocks(self):
return len(self._blocks)
[docs] def __len__(self):
return len(self._blocks[0])
except IndexError:
return 0
[docs] def __getitem__(self, ind):
return BlockVectorArrayView(self, ind)
[docs] def __delitem__(self, ind):
assert self.check_ind(ind)
for block in self._blocks:
del block[ind]
[docs] def append(self, other, remove_from_other=False):
assert self._blocks_are_valid()
assert other in self.space
for block, other_block in zip(self._blocks, other._blocks):
block.append(other_block, remove_from_other=remove_from_other)
[docs] def copy(self, deep=False):
return BlockVectorArray([block.copy(deep) for block in self._blocks], self.space)
[docs] def scal(self, alpha):
for block in self._blocks:
[docs] def axpy(self, alpha, x):
assert x in self.space
assert isinstance(alpha, Number) \
or isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray) and alpha.shape == (len(self),)
if len(x) > 0:
for block, x_block in zip(self._blocks, x._blocks):
block.axpy(alpha, x_block)
assert len(self) == 0
[docs] def inner(self, other, product=None):
assert other in self.space
if product is not None:
return product.apply2(self, other)
prods = [block.inner(other_block) for block, other_block in zip(self._blocks, other._blocks)]
assert all([prod.shape == prods[0].shape for prod in prods])
common_dtype = reduce(np.promote_types, (prod.dtype for prod in prods))
ret = np.zeros(prods[0].shape, dtype=common_dtype)
for prod in prods:
ret += prod
return ret
[docs] def pairwise_inner(self, other, product=None):
assert other in self.space
if product is not None:
return product.pairwise_apply2(self, other)
prods = [block.pairwise_inner(other_block)
for block, other_block in zip(self._blocks, other._blocks)]
assert all([prod.shape == prods[0].shape for prod in prods])
common_dtype = reduce(np.promote_types, (prod.dtype for prod in prods))
ret = np.zeros(prods[0].shape, dtype=common_dtype)
for prod in prods:
ret += prod
return ret
[docs] def lincomb(self, coefficients):
lincombs = [block.lincomb(coefficients) for block in self._blocks]
return BlockVectorArray(lincombs, self.space)
[docs] def _norm(self):
return np.sqrt(self.norm2())
[docs] def _norm2(self):
return np.sum(np.array([block.norm2() for block in self._blocks]), axis=0)
[docs] def sup_norm(self):
return np.max(np.array([block.sup_norm() for block in self._blocks]), axis=0)
[docs] def dofs(self, dof_indices):
dof_indices = np.array(dof_indices)
if not len(dof_indices):
return np.zeros((len(self), 0))
block_inds = np.digitize(dof_indices, self._bins) - 1
dof_indices -= self._bins[block_inds]
block_inds = self._bin_map[block_inds]
blocks = self._blocks
return np.array([blocks[bi].dofs([ci])[:, 0]
for bi, ci in zip(block_inds, dof_indices)]).T
[docs] def amax(self):
blocks = self._blocks
inds, vals = zip(*(blocks[bi].amax() for bi in self._bin_map))
inds, vals = np.array(inds), np.array(vals)
inds += self._bins[:-1][..., np.newaxis]
block_inds = np.argmax(vals, axis=0)
ar = np.arange(inds.shape[1])
return inds[block_inds, ar], vals[block_inds, ar]
def _blocks_are_valid(self):
return all([len(block) == len(self._blocks[0]) for block in self._blocks])
def _compute_bins(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_bins'):
dims = np.array([subspace.dim for subspace in self.space.subspaces])
self._bin_map = bin_map = np.where(dims > 0)[0]
self._bins = np.cumsum(np.hstack(([0], dims[bin_map])))
[docs]class BlockVectorSpace(VectorSpace):
"""|VectorSpace| of :class:`BlockVectorArrays <BlockVectorArray>`.
A :class:`BlockVectorSpace` is defined by the |VectorSpaces| of the
individual subblocks which constitute a given array. In particular
for a given :class`BlockVectorArray` `U`, we have the identity ::
(U.blocks[0].space, U.blocks[1].space, ..., U.blocks[-1].space) == U.space.
The tuple defined above.
def __init__(self, subspaces):
subspaces = tuple(subspaces)
assert all([isinstance(subspace, VectorSpace) for subspace in subspaces])
self.subspaces = subspaces
[docs] def __eq__(self, other):
return (type(other) is BlockVectorSpace
and len(self.subspaces) == len(other.subspaces)
and all(space == other_space for space, other_space in zip(self.subspaces, other.subspaces)))
[docs] def __hash__(self):
return sum(hash(s) for s in self.subspaces)
def dim(self):
return sum(subspace.dim for subspace in self.subspaces)
[docs] def zeros(self, count=1, reserve=0):
# these asserts make sure we also trigger if the subspace list is empty
assert count >= 0
assert reserve >= 0
return BlockVectorArray([subspace.zeros(count=count, reserve=reserve) for subspace in self.subspaces], self)
def make_array(cls, obj):
assert len(obj) > 0
return cls(tuple(o.space for o in obj)).make_array(obj)
def make_array(self, obj):
assert len(obj) == len(self.subspaces)
assert all(block in subspace for block, subspace in zip(obj, self.subspaces))
return BlockVectorArray(obj, self)
def make_block_diagonal_array(self, obj):
assert len(obj) == len(self.subspaces)
assert all(block in subspace for block, subspace in zip(obj, self.subspaces))
U = self.empty(reserve=sum(len(UU) for UU in obj))
for i, UU in enumerate(obj):
U.append(self.make_array([s.zeros(len(UU)) if j != i else UU for j, s in enumerate(self.subspaces)]))
return U
[docs] def from_numpy(self, data, ensure_copy=False):
if data.ndim == 1:
data = data.reshape(1, -1)
data_ind = np.cumsum([0] + [subspace.dim for subspace in self.subspaces])
return BlockVectorArray([subspace.from_numpy(data[:, data_ind[i]:data_ind[i + 1]], ensure_copy=ensure_copy)
for i, subspace in enumerate(self.subspaces)], self)
[docs]class BlockVectorArrayView(BlockVectorArray):
is_view = True
def __init__(self, base, ind):
self._blocks = tuple(block[ind] for block in base._blocks)
self.space = base.space