Source code for pymor.algorithms.ei

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

"""This module contains algorithms for the empirical interpolation of |Operators|.

The main work for generating the necessary interpolation data is handled by
the :func:`ei_greedy` method. The objects returned by this method can be used
to instantiate an |EmpiricalInterpolatedOperator|.

As a convenience, the :func:`interpolate_operators` method allows to perform
the empirical interpolation of the |Operators| of a given model with
a single function call.

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import solve

from pymor.core.logger import getLogger
from pymor.algorithms.pod import pod as pod_alg
from pymor.operators.ei import EmpiricalInterpolatedOperator
from pymor.parallel.dummy import dummy_pool
from pymor.parallel.interface import RemoteObject
from pymor.parallel.manager import RemoteObjectManager
from pymor.vectorarrays.interface import VectorArray

[docs]def ei_greedy(U, error_norm=None, atol=None, rtol=None, max_interpolation_dofs=None, copy=True, pool=dummy_pool): """Generate data for empirical interpolation using EI-Greedy algorithm. Given a |VectorArray| `U`, this method generates a collateral basis and interpolation DOFs for empirical interpolation of the vectors contained in `U`. The returned objects can be used to instantiate an |EmpiricalInterpolatedOperator| (with `triangular=True`). The interpolation data is generated by a greedy search algorithm, where in each loop iteration the worst approximated vector in `U` is added to the collateral basis. Parameters ---------- U A |VectorArray| of vectors to interpolate. error_norm Norm w.r.t. which to calculate the interpolation error. If `None`, the Euclidean norm is used. atol Stop the greedy search if the largest approximation error is below this threshold. rtol Stop the greedy search if the largest relative approximation error is below this threshold. max_interpolation_dofs Stop the greedy search if the number of interpolation DOF (= dimension of the collateral basis) reaches this value. copy If `False`, `U` will be modified during executing of the algorithm. pool If not `None`, the |WorkerPool| to use for parallelization. Returns ------- interpolation_dofs |NumPy array| of the DOFs at which the vectors are evaluated. collateral_basis |VectorArray| containing the generated collateral basis. data Dict containing the following fields: :errors: Sequence of maximum approximation errors during greedy search. :triangularity_errors: Sequence of maximum absolute values of interoplation matrix coefficients in the upper triangle (should be near zero). """ if pool: # dispatch to parallel implemenation assert isinstance(U, (VectorArray, RemoteObject)) with RemoteObjectManager() as rom: if isinstance(U, VectorArray): U = rom.manage(pool.scatter_array(U)) return _parallel_ei_greedy(U, error_norm=error_norm, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, max_interpolation_dofs=max_interpolation_dofs, copy=copy, pool=pool) assert isinstance(U, VectorArray) logger = getLogger('pymor.algorithms.ei.ei_greedy')'Generating Interpolation Data ...') interpolation_dofs = np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.int32) collateral_basis = U.empty() max_errs = [] triangularity_errs = [] if copy: U = U.copy() ERR = U errs = ERR.l2_norm() if error_norm is None else error_norm(ERR) max_err_ind = np.argmax(errs) initial_max_err = max_err = errs[max_err_ind] # main loop while True: if max_interpolation_dofs is not None and len(interpolation_dofs) >= max_interpolation_dofs:'Maximum number of interpolation DOFs reached. Stopping extension loop.')'Final maximum interpolation error with' f'{len(interpolation_dofs)} interpolation DOFs: {max_err}') break'Maximum interpolation error with ' f'{len(interpolation_dofs)} interpolation DOFs: {max_err}') if atol is not None and max_err <= atol:'Absolute error tolerance reached! Stopping extension loop.') break if rtol is not None and max_err / initial_max_err <= rtol:'Relative error tolerance reached! Stopping extension loop.') break # compute new interpolation dof and collateral basis vector new_vec = U[max_err_ind].copy() new_dof = new_vec.amax()[0][0] if new_dof in interpolation_dofs:'DOF {new_dof} selected twice for interplation! Stopping extension loop.') break new_dof_value = new_vec.dofs([new_dof])[0, 0] if new_dof_value == 0.:'DOF {new_dof} selected for interpolation has zero maximum error! Stopping extension loop.') break new_vec *= 1 / new_dof_value interpolation_dofs = np.hstack((interpolation_dofs, new_dof)) collateral_basis.append(new_vec) max_errs.append(max_err) # update U and ERR new_dof_values = U.dofs([new_dof]) U.axpy(-new_dof_values[:, 0], new_vec) errs = ERR.l2_norm() if error_norm is None else error_norm(ERR) max_err_ind = np.argmax(errs) max_err = errs[max_err_ind] interpolation_matrix = collateral_basis.dofs(interpolation_dofs).T triangularity_errors = np.abs(interpolation_matrix - np.tril(interpolation_matrix)) for d in range(1, len(interpolation_matrix) + 1): triangularity_errs.append(np.max(triangularity_errors[:d, :d])) if len(triangularity_errs) > 0:'Interpolation matrix is not lower triangular with maximum error of {triangularity_errs[-1]}') data = {'errors': max_errs, 'triangularity_errors': triangularity_errs} return interpolation_dofs, collateral_basis, data
[docs]def deim(U, modes=None, pod=True, atol=None, rtol=None, product=None, pod_options={}): """Generate data for empirical interpolation using DEIM algorithm. Given a |VectorArray| `U`, this method generates a collateral basis and interpolation DOFs for empirical interpolation of the vectors contained in `U`. The returned objects can be used to instantiate an |EmpiricalInterpolatedOperator| (with `triangular=False`). The collateral basis is determined by the first :func:`~pymor.algorithms.pod.pod` modes of `U`. Parameters ---------- U A |VectorArray| of vectors to interpolate. modes Dimension of the collateral basis i.e. number of POD modes of the vectors in `U`. pod If `True`, perform a POD of `U` to obtain the collateral basis. If `False`, `U` is used as collateral basis. atol Absolute POD tolerance. rtol Relative POD tolerance. product Inner product |Operator| used for the POD. pod_options Dictionary of additional options to pass to the :func:`~pymor.algorithms.pod.pod` algorithm. Returns ------- interpolation_dofs |NumPy array| of the DOFs at which the vectors are interpolated. collateral_basis |VectorArray| containing the generated collateral basis. data Dict containing the following fields: :svals: POD singular values. """ assert isinstance(U, VectorArray) logger = getLogger('pymor.algorithms.ei.deim')'Generating Interpolation Data ...') data = {} if pod: collateral_basis, svals = pod_alg(U, modes=modes, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, product=product, **pod_options) data['svals'] = svals else: collateral_basis = U interpolation_dofs = np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.int32) interpolation_matrix = np.zeros((0, 0)) for i in range(len(collateral_basis)):'Choosing interpolation point for basis vector {i}.') if len(interpolation_dofs) > 0: coefficients = solve(interpolation_matrix, collateral_basis[i].dofs(interpolation_dofs).T).T U_interpolated = collateral_basis[:len(interpolation_dofs)].lincomb(coefficients) ERR = collateral_basis[i] - U_interpolated else: ERR = collateral_basis[i] # compute new interpolation dof and collateral basis vector new_dof = ERR.amax()[0][0] if new_dof in interpolation_dofs:'DOF {new_dof} selected twice for interplation! Stopping extension loop.') break interpolation_dofs = np.hstack((interpolation_dofs, new_dof)) interpolation_matrix = collateral_basis[:len(interpolation_dofs)].dofs(interpolation_dofs).T if len(interpolation_dofs) < len(collateral_basis): del collateral_basis[len(interpolation_dofs):len(collateral_basis)]'Finished.') return interpolation_dofs, collateral_basis, data
[docs]def interpolate_operators(fom, operator_names, parameter_sample, error_norm=None, product=None, atol=None, rtol=None, max_interpolation_dofs=None, pod_options={}, alg='ei_greedy', pool=dummy_pool): """Empirical operator interpolation using the EI-Greedy/DEIM algorithm. This is a convenience method to facilitate the use of :func:`ei_greedy` or :func:`deim`. Given a |Model|, names of |Operators|, and a sample of |Parameters|, first the operators are evaluated on the solution snapshots of the model for the provided parameters. These evaluations are then used as input for :func:`ei_greedy`/:func:`deim`. Finally the resulting interpolation data is used to create |EmpiricalInterpolatedOperators| and a new model with the interpolated operators is returned. Note that this implementation creates *one* common collateral basis for all specified operators, which might not be what you want. Parameters ---------- fom The |Model| whose |Operators| will be interpolated. operator_names List of keys in the `operators` dict of the model. The corresponding |Operators| will be interpolated. parameter_sample A list of |Parameters| for which solution snapshots are calculated. error_norm See :func:`ei_greedy`. Has no effect if `alg == 'deim'`. product Inner product for POD computation in :func:`deim`. Has no effect if `alg == 'ei_greedy'`. atol See :func:`ei_greedy`. rtol See :func:`ei_greedy`. max_interpolation_dofs See :func:`ei_greedy`. pod_options Further options for :func:`~pymor.algorithms.pod.pod` algorithm. Has no effect if `alg == 'ei_greedy'`. alg Either `ei_greedy` or `deim`. pool If not `None`, the |WorkerPool| to use for parallelization. Returns ------- eim |Model| with |Operators| given by `operator_names` replaced by |EmpiricalInterpolatedOperators|. data Dict containing the following fields: :dofs: |NumPy array| of the DOFs at which the |Operators| have to be evaluated. :basis: |VectorArray| containing the generated collateral basis. In addition, `data` contains the fields of the `data` `dict` returned by :func:`ei_greedy`/:func:`deim`. """ assert alg in ('ei_greedy', 'deim') logger = getLogger('pymor.algorithms.ei.interpolate_operators') with RemoteObjectManager() as rom: operators = [getattr(fom, operator_name) for operator_name in operator_names] with logger.block('Computing operator evaluations on solution snapshots ...'): if pool:'Using pool of {len(pool)} workers for parallel evaluation') evaluations = rom.manage(pool.push(fom.solution_space.empty())), parameter_sample, fom=fom, operators=operators, evaluations=evaluations) else: evaluations = operators[0].range.empty() for mu in parameter_sample: U = fom.solve(mu) for op in operators: evaluations.append(op.apply(U, mu=mu)) if alg == 'ei_greedy': with logger.block('Performing EI-Greedy:'): dofs, basis, data = ei_greedy(evaluations, error_norm, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, max_interpolation_dofs=max_interpolation_dofs, copy=False, pool=pool) elif alg == 'deim': if alg == 'deim' and pool is not dummy_pool: logger.warning('DEIM algorithm not parallel. Collecting operator evaluations.') evaluations = pool.apply(_identity, x=evaluations) evs = evaluations[0] for e in evaluations[1:]: evs.append(e, remove_from_other=True) evaluations = evs with logger.block('Executing DEIM algorithm:'): dofs, basis, data = deim(evaluations, modes=max_interpolation_dofs, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, pod_options=pod_options, product=product) else: assert False ei_operators = {name: EmpiricalInterpolatedOperator(operator, dofs, basis, triangular=(alg == 'ei_greedy')) for name, operator in zip(operator_names, operators)} eim = fom.with_(name=f'{}_ei', **ei_operators) data.update({'dofs': dofs, 'basis': basis}) return eim, data
def _interpolate_operators_build_evaluations(mu, fom=None, operators=None, evaluations=None): U = fom.solve(mu) for op in operators: evaluations.append(op.apply(U, mu=mu)) def _parallel_ei_greedy(U, pool, error_norm=None, atol=None, rtol=None, max_interpolation_dofs=None, copy=True): assert isinstance(U, RemoteObject) logger = getLogger('pymor.algorithms.ei.ei_greedy')'Generating Interpolation Data ...')'Using pool of {len(pool)} workers for parallel greedy search') interpolation_dofs = np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.int32) collateral_basis = pool.apply_only(_parallel_ei_greedy_get_empty, 0, U=U) max_errs = [] triangularity_errs = [] with pool.push({}) as distributed_data: errs = pool.apply(_parallel_ei_greedy_initialize, U=U, error_norm=error_norm, copy=copy, data=distributed_data) max_err_ind = np.argmax(errs) initial_max_err = max_err = errs[max_err_ind] # main loop while True: if max_interpolation_dofs is not None and len(interpolation_dofs) >= max_interpolation_dofs:'Maximum number of interpolation DOFs reached. Stopping extension loop.')'Final maximum interpolation error with ' f'{len(interpolation_dofs)} interpolation DOFs: {max_err}') break'Maximum interpolation error with {len(interpolation_dofs)} interpolation DOFs: {max_err}') if atol is not None and max_err <= atol:'Absolute error tolerance reached! Stopping extension loop.') break if rtol is not None and max_err / initial_max_err <= rtol:'Relative error tolerance reached! Stopping extension loop.') break # compute new interpolation dof and collateral basis vector new_vec = pool.apply_only(_parallel_ei_greedy_get_vector, max_err_ind, data=distributed_data) new_dof = new_vec.amax()[0][0] if new_dof in interpolation_dofs:'DOF {new_dof} selected twice for interpolation! Stopping extension loop.') break new_dof_value = new_vec.dofs([new_dof])[0, 0] if new_dof_value == 0.:'DOF {new_dof} selected for interpolation has zero maximum error! ' f'Stopping extension loop.') break new_vec *= 1 / new_dof_value interpolation_dofs = np.hstack((interpolation_dofs, new_dof)) collateral_basis.append(new_vec) max_errs.append(max_err) errs = pool.apply(_parallel_ei_greedy_update, new_vec=new_vec, new_dof=new_dof, data=distributed_data) max_err_ind = np.argmax(errs) max_err = errs[max_err_ind] interpolation_matrix = collateral_basis.dofs(interpolation_dofs).T triangularity_errors = np.abs(interpolation_matrix - np.tril(interpolation_matrix)) for d in range(1, len(interpolation_matrix) + 1): triangularity_errs.append(np.max(triangularity_errors[:d, :d])) if len(triangularity_errs) > 0:'Interpolation matrix is not lower triangular with maximum error of {triangularity_errs[-1]}')'') data = {'errors': max_errs, 'triangularity_errors': triangularity_errs} return interpolation_dofs, collateral_basis, data def _parallel_ei_greedy_get_empty(U=None): return U.empty() def _parallel_ei_greedy_initialize(U=None, error_norm=None, copy=None, data=None): if copy: U = U.copy() data['U'] = U data['error_norm'] = error_norm errs = U.l2_norm() if error_norm is None else error_norm(U) data['max_err_ind'] = max_err_ind = np.argmax(errs) return errs[max_err_ind] def _parallel_ei_greedy_get_vector(data=None): return data['U'][data['max_err_ind']].copy() def _parallel_ei_greedy_update(new_vec=None, new_dof=None, data=None): U = data['U'] error_norm = data['error_norm'] new_dof_values = U.dofs([new_dof]) U.axpy(-new_dof_values[:, 0], new_vec) errs = U.l2_norm() if error_norm is None else error_norm(U) data['max_err_ind'] = max_err_ind = np.argmax(errs) return errs[max_err_ind] def _identity(x): return x