Source code for pymor.algorithms.eigs

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as spla

from pymor.algorithms.gram_schmidt import gram_schmidt
from pymor.core.logger import getLogger
from pymor.operators.constructions import IdentityOperator
from pymor.operators.interface import Operator

[docs]def eigs(A, E=None, k=3, which='LM', b=None, l=None, maxiter=1000, tol=1e-13, imag_tol=1e-12, complex_pair_tol=1e-12, seed=0): """Approximate a few eigenvalues of a linear |Operator|. Computes `k` eigenvalues `w` with corresponding eigenvectors `v` which solve the eigenvalue problem .. math:: A v_i = w_i v_i or the generalized eigenvalue problem .. math:: A v_i = w_i E v_i if `E` is not `None`. The implementation is based on Algorithm 4.2 in [RL95]_. Parameters ---------- A The real linear |Operator| for which the eigenvalues are to be computed. E The real linear |Operator| which defines the generalized eigenvalue problem. k The number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors which are to be computed. which A string specifying which `k` eigenvalues and eigenvectors to compute: - `'LM'`: select eigenvalues with largest magnitude - `'SM'`: select eigenvalues with smallest magnitude - `'LR'`: select eigenvalues with largest real part - `'SR'`: select eigenvalues with smallest real part - `'LI'`: select eigenvalues with largest imaginary part - `'SI'`: select eigenvalues with smallest imaginary part b Initial vector for Arnoldi iteration. Default is a random vector. l The size of the Arnoldi factorization. Default is `min(n - 1, max(2*k + 1, 20))`. maxiter The maximum number of iterations. tol The relative error tolerance for the Ritz estimates. imag_tol Relative imaginary parts below this tolerance are set to 0. complex_pair_tol Tolerance for detecting pairs of complex conjugate eigenvalues. seed Random seed which is used for computing the initial vector for the Arnoldi iteration. Returns ------- w A 1D |NumPy array| which contains the computed eigenvalues. v A |VectorArray| which contains the computed eigenvectors. """ logger = getLogger('pymor.algorithms.eigs.eigs') assert isinstance(A, Operator) and A.linear assert not A.parametric assert A.source == A.range if E is None: E = IdentityOperator(A.source) else: assert isinstance(E, Operator) and E.linear assert not E.parametric assert E.source == E.range assert E.source == A.source if b is None: b = A.source.random(seed=seed) else: assert b in A.source n = A.source.dim l_min = 20 if l is None: l = min(n - 1, max(2 * k + 1, l_min)) assert k < n assert l > k V, H, f = _arnoldi(A, E, k, b) k0 = k i = 0 while True: i += 1 V, H, f = _extend_arnoldi(A, E, V, H, f, l - k) ew, ev = spla.eig(H) # truncate small imaginary parts ew.imag[np.abs(ew.imag) / np.abs(ew) < imag_tol] = 0 if which == 'LM': idx = np.argsort(-np.abs(ew)) elif which == 'SM': idx = np.argsort(np.abs(ew)) elif which == 'LR': idx = np.argsort(-ew.real) elif which == 'SR': idx = np.argsort(ew.real) elif which == 'LI': idx = np.argsort(-np.abs(ew.imag)) elif which == 'SI': idx = np.argsort(np.abs(ew.imag)) k = k0 ews = ew[idx] evs = ev[:, idx] rres = f.l2_norm()[0] * np.abs(evs[l - 1]) / np.abs(ews) # increase k by one in order to keep complex conjugate pairs together if ews[k - 1].imag != 0 and ews[k - 1].imag + ews[k].imag < complex_pair_tol: k += 1'Maximum of relative Ritz estimates at step {i}: {rres[:k].max():.5e}') if np.all(rres[:k] <= tol) or i >= maxiter: break # increase k in order to prevent stagnation k = min(l - 1, k + min(np.count_nonzero(rres[:k] <= tol), (l - k) // 2)) # sort shifts for QR iteration based on their residual shifts = ews[k:l] srres = rres[k:l] idx = np.argsort(-srres) srres = srres[idx] shifts = shifts[idx] # don't use converged unwanted Ritz values as shifts shifts = shifts[srres != 0] k += np.count_nonzero(srres == 0) if shifts[0].imag != 0 and shifts[0].imag + ews[1].imag >= complex_pair_tol: shifts = shifts[1:] k += 1 H, Qs = _qr_iteration(H, shifts) V = V.lincomb(Qs.T) f = V[k] * H[k, k - 1] + f * Qs[l - 1, k - 1] V = V[:k] H = H[:k, :k] return ews[:k0], V.lincomb(evs[:, :k0].T)
[docs]def _arnoldi(A, E, l, b): """Compute an Arnoldi factorization.""" v = b * (1 / b.l2_norm()[0]) H = np.zeros((l, l)) V = A.source.empty(reserve=l) V.append(v) for i in range(l): v = E.apply_inverse(A.apply(v)) V.append(v) _, R = gram_schmidt(V, return_R=True, atol=0, rtol=0, offset=len(V) - 1, copy=False) H[:i + 2, i] = R[:l, i + 1] v = V[-1] return V[:l], H, v * R[l, l]
[docs]def _extend_arnoldi(A, E, V, H, f, p): """Extend an existing Arnoldi factorization.""" k = len(V) res = f.l2_norm()[0] H = np.pad(H, ((0, p), (0, p))) H[k, k - 1] = res v = f * (1 / res) V = V.copy() V.append(v) for i in range(k, k + p): v = E.apply_inverse(A.apply(v)) V.append(v) _, R = gram_schmidt(V, return_R=True, atol=0, rtol=0, offset=len(V) - 1, copy=False) H[:i + 2, i] = R[:k + p, i + 1] v = V[-1] return V[:k + p], H, v * R[k + p, k + p]
[docs]def _qr_iteration(H, shifts): """Perform the QR iteration.""" Qs = np.eye(len(H)) i = 0 while i < len(shifts) - 1: s = shifts[i] if shifts[i].imag != 0: Q, _ = np.linalg.qr(H @ H - 2 * s.real * H + np.abs(s)**2 * np.eye(len(H))) i += 2 else: Q, _ = np.linalg.qr(H - s * np.eye(len(H))) i += 1 Qs = Qs @ Q H = Q.T @ H @ Q return H, Qs