Source code for pymor.algorithms.error

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

from numbers import Number
import time

import numpy as np

from pymor.core.logger import getLogger
from pymor.models.basic import StationaryModel
from pymor.parallel.dummy import dummy_pool

[docs]def reduction_error_analysis(rom, fom, reductor, test_mus, basis_sizes=0, estimator=True, condition=False, error_norms=(), error_norm_names=None, estimator_norm_index=0, custom=(), plot=False, plot_custom_logarithmic=True, pool=dummy_pool): """Analyze the model reduction error. The maximum model reduction error is estimated by solving the reduced |Model| for given random |Parameters|. Parameters ---------- rom The reduced |Model|. fom The high-dimensional |Model|. reductor The reductor which has created `rom`. test_mus List of |Parameters| to compute the errors for. basis_sizes Either a list of reduced basis dimensions to consider, or the number of dimensions (which are then selected equidistantly, always including the maximum reduced space dimension). The dimensions are input for the `dim`-Parameter of `reductor.reduce()`. estimator If `True` evaluate the error estimator of `rom` on the test |Parameters|. condition If `True`, compute the condition of the reduced system matrix for the given test |Parameters| (can only be specified if `rom` is an instance of |StationaryModel| and `rom.operator` is linear). error_norms List of norms in which to compute the model reduction error. error_norm_names Names of the norms given by `error_norms`. If `None`, the `name` attributes of the given norms are used. estimator_norm_index When `estimator` is `True` and `error_norms` are specified, this is the index of the norm in `error_norms` w.r.t. which to compute the effectivity of the estimator. custom List of custom functions which are evaluated for each test |parameter values| and basis size. The functions must have the signature :: def custom_value(rom, fom, reductor, mu, dim): pass plot If `True`, generate a plot of the computed quantities w.r.t. the basis size. plot_custom_logarithmic If `True`, use a logarithmic y-axis to plot the computed custom values. pool If not `None`, the |WorkerPool| to use for parallelization. Returns ------- Dict with the following fields: :mus: The test |Parameters| which have been considered. :basis_sizes: The reduced basis dimensions which have been considered. :norms: |Array| of the norms of the high-dimensional solutions w.r.t. all given test |Parameters|, reduced basis dimensions and norms in `error_norms`. (Only present when `error_norms` has been specified.) :max_norms: Maxima of `norms` over the given test |Parameters|. :max_norm_mus: |Parameters| corresponding to `max_norms`. :errors: |Array| of the norms of the model reduction errors w.r.t. all given test |Parameters|, reduced basis dimensions and norms in `error_norms`. (Only present when `error_norms` has been specified.) :max_errors: Maxima of `errors` over the given test |Parameters|. :max_error_mus: |Parameters| corresponding to `max_errors`. :rel_errors: `errors` divided by `norms`. (Only present when `error_norms` has been specified.) :max_rel_errors: Maxima of `rel_errors` over the given test |Parameters|. :max_rel_error_mus: |Parameters| corresponding to `max_rel_errors`. :error_norm_names: Names of the given `error_norms`. (Only present when `error_norms` has been specified.) :estimates: |Array| of the model reduction error estimates w.r.t. all given test |Parameters| and reduced basis dimensions. (Only present when `estimator` is `True`.) :max_estimate: Maxima of `estimates` over the given test |Parameters|. :max_estimate_mus: |Parameters| corresponding to `max_estimates`. :effectivities: `errors` divided by `estimates`. (Only present when `estimator` is `True` and `error_norms` has been specified.) :min_effectivities: Minima of `effectivities` over the given test |Parameters|. :min_effectivity_mus: |Parameters| corresponding to `min_effectivities`. :max_effectivities: Maxima of `effectivities` over the given test |Parameters|. :max_effectivity_mus: |Parameters| corresponding to `max_effectivities`. :errors: |Array| of the reduced system matrix conditions w.r.t. all given test |Parameters| and reduced basis dimensions. (Only present when `conditions` is `True`.) :max_conditions: Maxima of `conditions` over the given test |Parameters|. :max_condition_mus: |Parameters| corresponding to `max_conditions`. :custom_values: |Array| of custom function evaluations w.r.t. all given test |Parameters|, reduced basis dimensions and functions in `custom`. (Only present when `custom` has been specified.) :max_custom_values: Maxima of `custom_values` over the given test |Parameters|. :max_custom_values_mus: |Parameters| corresponding to `max_custom_values`. :time: Time (in seconds) needed for the error analysis. :summary: String containing a summary of all computed quantities for the largest (last) considered basis size. :figure: The figure containing the generated plots. (Only present when `plot` is `True`.) """ assert not error_norms or (fom and reductor) assert error_norm_names is None or len(error_norm_names) == len(error_norms) assert not condition \ or isinstance(rom, StationaryModel) and rom.operator.linear logger = getLogger('pymor.algorithms.error') if pool is None or pool is dummy_pool: pool = dummy_pool else:'Using pool of {len(pool)} workers for error analysis') tic = time.time() if isinstance(basis_sizes, Number): if basis_sizes == 1: basis_sizes = [rom.solution_space.dim] else: if basis_sizes == 0: basis_sizes = rom.solution_space.dim + 1 basis_sizes = min(rom.solution_space.dim + 1, basis_sizes) basis_sizes = np.linspace(0, rom.solution_space.dim, basis_sizes).astype(int) if error_norm_names is None: error_norm_names = tuple( for norm in error_norms) norms, estimates, errors, conditions, custom_values = \ list(zip(*, test_mus, fom=fom, reductor=reductor, estimator=estimator, error_norms=error_norms, condition=condition, custom=custom, basis_sizes=basis_sizes))) print() result = {} result['mus'] = test_mus = np.array(test_mus) result['basis_sizes'] = basis_sizes summary = [('number of samples', str(len(test_mus)))] if error_norms: result['norms'] = norms = np.array(norms) result['max_norms'] = max_norms = np.max(norms, axis=0) result['max_norm_mus'] = max_norm_mus = test_mus[np.argmax(norms, axis=0)] result['errors'] = errors = np.array(errors) result['max_errors'] = max_errors = np.max(errors, axis=0) result['max_error_mus'] = max_error_mus = test_mus[np.argmax(errors, axis=0)] result['rel_errors'] = rel_errors = errors / norms[:, :, np.newaxis] result['max_rel_errors'] = np.max(rel_errors, axis=0) result['max_rel_error_mus'] = test_mus[np.argmax(rel_errors, axis=0)] for name, norm, norm_mu, error, error_mu in zip(error_norm_names, max_norms, max_norm_mus, max_errors[:, -1], max_error_mus[:, -1]): summary.append((f'maximum {name}-norm', f'{norm:.7e} (mu = {error_mu})')) summary.append((f'maximum {name}-error', f'{error:.7e} (mu = {error_mu})')) result['error_norm_names'] = error_norm_names if estimator: result['estimates'] = estimates = np.array(estimates) result['max_estimates'] = max_estimates = np.max(estimates, axis=0) result['max_estimate_mus'] = max_estimate_mus = test_mus[np.argmax(estimates, axis=0)] summary.append(('maximum estimated error', f'{max_estimates[-1]:.7e} (mu = {max_estimate_mus[-1]})')) if estimator and error_norms: result['effectivities'] = effectivities = errors[:, estimator_norm_index, :] / estimates result['max_effectivities'] = max_effectivities = np.max(effectivities, axis=0) result['max_effectivity_mus'] = max_effectivity_mus = test_mus[np.argmax(effectivities, axis=0)] result['min_effectivities'] = min_effectivities = np.min(effectivities, axis=0) result['min_effectivity_mus'] = min_effectivity_mus = test_mus[np.argmin(effectivities, axis=0)] summary.append(('minimum estimator effectivity', f'{min_effectivities[-1]:.7e} (mu = {min_effectivity_mus[-1]})')) summary.append(('maximum estimator effectivity', f'{max_effectivities[-1]:.7e} (mu = {max_effectivity_mus[-1]})')) if condition: result['conditions'] = conditions = np.array(conditions) result['max_conditions'] = max_conditions = np.max(conditions, axis=0) result['max_condition_mus'] = max_condition_mus = test_mus[np.argmax(conditions, axis=0)] summary.append(('maximum system matrix condition', f'{max_conditions[-1]:.7e} (mu = {max_condition_mus[-1]})')) if custom: result['custom_values'] = custom_values = np.array(custom_values) result['max_custom_values'] = max_custom_values = np.max(custom_values, axis=0) result['max_custom_values_mus'] = max_custom_values_mus = test_mus[np.argmax(custom_values, axis=0)] for i, (value, mu) in enumerate(zip(max_custom_values[:, -1], max_custom_values_mus[:, -1])): summary.append((f'maximum custom value {i}', f'{value:.7e} (mu = {mu})')) toc = time.time() result['time'] = toc - tic summary.append(('elapsed time', str(toc - tic))) summary_fields, summary_values = list(zip(*summary)) summary_field_width = np.max(list(map(len, summary_fields))) + 2 summary_lines = [f' {field+":":{summary_field_width}} {value}' for field, value in zip(summary_fields, summary_values)] summary = 'Stochastic error estimation:\n' + '\n'.join(summary_lines) result['summary'] = summary if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() num_plots = (int(bool(error_norms) or estimator) + int(bool(error_norms) and estimator) + int(condition) + int(bool(custom))) current_plot = 1 if bool(error_norms) or estimator: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, num_plots, current_plot) legend = [] if error_norms: for name, errors in zip(error_norm_names, max_errors): ax.semilogy(basis_sizes, errors) legend.append(name) if estimator: ax.semilogy(basis_sizes, max_estimates) legend.append('estimator') ax.legend(legend) ax.set_title('maximum errors') current_plot += 1 if bool(error_norms) and estimator: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, num_plots, current_plot) ax.semilogy(basis_sizes, min_effectivities) ax.semilogy(basis_sizes, max_effectivities) ax.legend(('min', 'max')) ax.set_title('estimator effectivities') current_plot += 1 if condition: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, num_plots, current_plot) ax.semilogy(basis_sizes, max_conditions) ax.set_title('maximum condition') current_plot += 1 if custom: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, num_plots, current_plot) legend = [] for i, values in enumerate(custom_values): if plot_custom_logarithmic: ax.semilogy(basis_sizes, values) else: ax.plot(basis_sizes, values) legend.append('value ' + str(i)) ax.legend(legend) ax.set_title('maximum custom values') current_plot += 1 result['figure'] = fig return result
def _compute_errors(mu, fom, reductor, estimator, error_norms, condition, custom, basis_sizes): import sys print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() estimates = np.empty(len(basis_sizes)) if estimator else None norms = np.empty(len(error_norms)) errors = np.empty((len(error_norms), len(basis_sizes))) conditions = np.empty(len(basis_sizes)) if condition else None custom_values = np.empty((len(custom), len(basis_sizes))) if fom: logging_disabled = fom.logging_disabled fom.disable_logging() U = fom.solve(mu) fom.disable_logging(logging_disabled) for i_norm, norm in enumerate(error_norms): n = norm(U) n = n[0] if hasattr(n, '__len__') else n norms[i_norm] = n for i_N, N in enumerate(basis_sizes): rom = reductor.reduce(dims={k: N for k in reductor.bases}) u = rom.solve(mu) if estimator: e = rom.estimate(u, mu) e = e[0] if hasattr(e, '__len__') else e estimates[i_N] = e if fom and reductor: URB = reductor.reconstruct(u) for i_norm, norm in enumerate(error_norms): e = norm(U - URB) e = e[0] if hasattr(e, '__len__') else e errors[i_norm, i_N] = e if condition: conditions[i_N] = np.linalg.cond(rom.operator.assemble(mu).matrix) if N > 0 else 0. for i_custom, cust in enumerate(custom): c = cust(rom=rom, fom=fom, reductor=reductor, mu=mu, dim=N) c = c[0] if hasattr(c, '__len__') else c custom_values[i_custom, i_N] = c return norms, estimates, errors, conditions, custom_values