Source code for pymor.algorithms.projection

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

import numpy as np

from pymor.algorithms.rules import RuleTable, match_class, match_generic, match_always
from pymor.core.exceptions import RuleNotMatchingError, NoMatchingRuleError
from pymor.operators.block import BlockOperatorBase, BlockRowOperator, BlockColumnOperator
from pymor.operators.constructions import (LincombOperator, Concatenation, ConstantOperator, ProjectedOperator,
                                           ZeroOperator, AffineOperator, AdjointOperator, SelectionOperator,
from pymor.operators.ei import EmpiricalInterpolatedOperator, ProjectedEmpiciralInterpolatedOperator
from pymor.operators.numpy import NumpyMatrixOperator
from pymor.vectorarrays.numpy import NumpyVectorSpace

[docs]def project(op, range_basis, source_basis, product=None): """Petrov-Galerkin projection of a given |Operator|. Given an inner product `( ⋅, ⋅)`, source vectors `b_1, ..., b_N` and range vectors `c_1, ..., c_M`, the projection `op_proj` of `op` is defined by :: [ op_proj(e_j) ]_i = ( c_i, op(b_j) ) for all i,j, where `e_j` denotes the j-th canonical basis vector of R^N. In particular, if the `c_i` are orthonormal w.r.t. the given product, then `op_proj` is the coordinate representation w.r.t. the `b_i/c_i` bases of the restriction of `op` to `span(b_i)` concatenated with the orthogonal projection onto `span(c_i)`. From another point of view, if `op` is viewed as a bilinear form (see :meth:`apply2`) and `( ⋅, ⋅ )` is the Euclidean inner product, then `op_proj` represents the matrix of the bilinear form restricted to `span(b_i) / span(c_i)` (w.r.t. the `b_i/c_i` bases). How the projection is realized will depend on the given |Operator|. While a projected |NumpyMatrixOperator| will again be a |NumpyMatrixOperator|, only a generic :class:`~pymor.operators.constructions.ProjectedOperator` can be returned in general. The exact algorithm is specified in :class:`ProjectRules`. Parameters ---------- range_basis The vectors `c_1, ..., c_M` as a |VectorArray|. If `None`, no projection in the range space is performed. source_basis The vectors `b_1, ..., b_N` as a |VectorArray| or `None`. If `None`, no restriction of the source space is performed. product An |Operator| representing the inner product. If `None`, the Euclidean inner product is chosen. Returns ------- The projected |Operator| `op_proj`. """ assert source_basis is None or source_basis in op.source assert range_basis is None or range_basis in op.range assert product is None or product.source == product.range == op.range rb = product.apply(range_basis) if product is not None and range_basis is not None else range_basis try: return ProjectRules(rb, source_basis).apply(op) except NoMatchingRuleError: op.logger.warning('Using inefficient generic projection operator') return ProjectedOperator(op, range_basis, source_basis, product)
[docs]class ProjectRules(RuleTable): """|RuleTable| for the :func:`project` algorithm.""" def __init__(self, range_basis, source_basis): super().__init__(use_caching=True) self.__auto_init(locals()) @match_always def action_no_bases(self, op): if self.range_basis is None and self.source_basis is None: return op else: raise RuleNotMatchingError @match_class(ZeroOperator) def action_ZeroOperator(self, op): range_basis, source_basis = self.range_basis, self.source_basis if source_basis is not None and range_basis is not None: from pymor.operators.numpy import NumpyMatrixOperator return NumpyMatrixOperator(np.zeros((len(range_basis), len(source_basis))), else: new_source = NumpyVectorSpace(len(source_basis)) if source_basis is not None else op.source new_range = NumpyVectorSpace(len(range_basis)) if range_basis is not None else op.range return ZeroOperator(new_range, new_source, @match_class(ConstantOperator) def action_ConstantOperator(self, op): range_basis, source_basis = self.range_basis, self.source_basis if range_basis is not None: projected_value = NumpyVectorSpace.make_array( else: projected_value = op.value if source_basis is None: return ConstantOperator(projected_value, op.source, else: return ConstantOperator(projected_value, NumpyVectorSpace(len(source_basis)), @match_generic(lambda op: op.linear and not op.parametric, 'linear and not parametric') def action_apply_basis(self, op): range_basis, source_basis = self.range_basis, self.source_basis if source_basis is None: try: V = op.apply_adjoint(range_basis) except NotImplementedError: raise RuleNotMatchingError('apply_adjoint not implemented') if isinstance(op.source, NumpyVectorSpace): from pymor.operators.numpy import NumpyMatrixOperator return NumpyMatrixOperator(V.to_numpy(),, else: from pymor.operators.constructions import VectorArrayOperator return VectorArrayOperator(V, adjoint=True, else: if range_basis is None: V = op.apply(source_basis) if isinstance(op.range, NumpyVectorSpace): from pymor.operators.numpy import NumpyMatrixOperator return NumpyMatrixOperator(V.to_numpy().T,, else: from pymor.operators.constructions import VectorArrayOperator return VectorArrayOperator(V, adjoint=False, else: from pymor.operators.numpy import NumpyMatrixOperator return NumpyMatrixOperator(op.apply2(range_basis, source_basis), @match_class(Concatenation) def action_Concatenation(self, op): if len(op.operators) == 1: return self.apply(op.operators[0]) range_basis, source_basis = self.range_basis, self.source_basis last, first = op.operators[0], op.operators[-1] if source_basis is not None and first.linear and not first.parametric: V = first.apply(source_basis) return project(op.with_(operators=op.operators[:-1]), range_basis, V) elif range_basis is not None and last.linear and not last.parametric: V = last.apply_adjoint(range_basis) return project(op.with_(operators=op.operators[1:]), V, source_basis) else: projected_first = project(first, None, source_basis) projected_last = project(last, range_basis, None) return Concatenation((projected_last,) + op.operators[1:-1] + (projected_first,), @match_class(AdjointOperator) def action_AdjointOperator(self, op): range_basis, source_basis = self.range_basis, self.source_basis if range_basis is not None: if op.source_product: range_basis = op.source_product.apply_inverse(range_basis) if source_basis is not None and op.range_product: source_basis = op.range_product.apply(source_basis) operator = project(op.operator, source_basis, range_basis) range_product = op.range_product if source_basis is None else None source_product = op.source_product if range_basis is None else None return AdjointOperator(operator, source_product=source_product, range_product=range_product, @match_class(EmpiricalInterpolatedOperator) def action_EmpiricalInterpolatedOperator(self, op): range_basis, source_basis = self.range_basis, self.source_basis if len(op.interpolation_dofs) == 0: return self.apply(ZeroOperator(op.range, op.source, elif not hasattr(op, 'restricted_operator') or source_basis is None: raise RuleNotMatchingError('Has no restricted operator or source_basis is None') if range_basis is not None: projected_collateral_basis = NumpyVectorSpace.make_array( else: projected_collateral_basis = op.collateral_basis return ProjectedEmpiciralInterpolatedOperator(op.restricted_operator, op.interpolation_matrix, NumpyVectorSpace.make_array(source_basis.dofs(op.source_dofs)), projected_collateral_basis, op.triangular, None, @match_class(AffineOperator) def action_AffineOperator(self, op): return self.apply(op.affine_shift + op.linear_part) @match_class(LincombOperator) def action_LincombOperator(self, op): return self.replace_children(op).with_(solver_options=None) @match_class(SelectionOperator) def action_SelectionOperator(self, op): return self.replace_children(op) @match_class(BlockOperatorBase) def action_BlockOperatorBase(self, op): if op.blocked_range: if self.range_basis is not None: range_bases = self.range_basis._blocks else: range_bases = [None] * len(op.range.subspaces) else: range_bases = [self.range_basis] if op.blocked_source: if self.source_basis is not None: source_bases = self.source_basis._blocks else: source_bases = [None] * len(op.source.subspaces) else: source_bases = [self.source_basis] projected_ops = np.array([[project(op.blocks[i, j], rb, sb) for j, sb in enumerate(source_bases)] for i, rb in enumerate(range_bases)]) if self.range_basis is None and op.blocked_range: return BlockColumnOperator(np.sum(projected_ops, axis=1)) elif self.source_basis is None and op.blocked_source: return BlockRowOperator(np.sum(projected_ops, axis=0)) else: return np.sum(projected_ops)
[docs]def project_to_subbasis(op, dim_range=None, dim_source=None): """Project already projected |Operator| to a subbasis. The purpose of this method is to further project an operator that has been obtained through :meth:`project` to subbases of the original projection bases, i.e. :: project_to_subbasis(project(op, r_basis, s_basis, prod), dim_range, dim_source) should be the same as :: project(op, r_basis[:dim_range], s_basis[:dim_source], prod) For a |NumpyMatrixOperator| this amounts to extracting the upper-left (dim_range, dim_source) corner of its matrix. The subbasis projection algorithm is specified in :class:`ProjectToSubbasisRules`. Parameters ---------- dim_range Dimension of the range subbasis. dim_source Dimension of the source subbasis. Returns ------- The projected |Operator|. """ assert dim_source is None or (isinstance(op.source, NumpyVectorSpace) and dim_source <= op.source.dim) assert dim_range is None or (isinstance(op.range, NumpyVectorSpace) and dim_range <= op.range.dim) return ProjectToSubbasisRules(dim_range, dim_source).apply(op)
[docs]class ProjectToSubbasisRules(RuleTable): """|RuleTable| for the :func:`project_to_subbasis` algorithm.""" def __init__(self, dim_range, dim_source): super().__init__(use_caching=True) self.__auto_init(locals()) @match_class(LincombOperator) def action_recurse(self, op): return self.replace_children(op) @match_class(NumpyMatrixOperator) def action_NumpyMatrixOperator(self, op): # copy instead of just slicing the matrix to ensure contiguous memory return NumpyMatrixOperator(op.matrix[:self.dim_range, :self.dim_source].copy(), solver_options=op.solver_options, @match_class(ConstantOperator) def action_ConstantOperator(self, op): dim_range, dim_source = self.dim_range, self.dim_source source = op.source if dim_source is None else NumpyVectorSpace(dim_source) value = op.value if dim_range is None else NumpyVectorSpace(op.value.to_numpy()[:, :dim_range]) return ConstantOperator(value, source, @match_class(IdentityOperator) def action_IdentityOperator(self, op): dim_range, dim_source = self.dim_range, self.dim_source if dim_range != dim_source: raise RuleNotMatchingError('dim_range and dim_source must be equal.') space = op.source if dim_source is None else NumpyVectorSpace(dim_source) return IdentityOperator(space, @match_class(ProjectedEmpiciralInterpolatedOperator) def action_ProjectedEmpiciralInterpolatedOperator(self, op): if not isinstance(, NumpyVectorSpace): raise NotImplementedError restricted_operator = op.restricted_operator old_pcb = op.projected_collateral_basis projected_collateral_basis = NumpyVectorSpace.make_array(old_pcb.to_numpy()[:, :self.dim_range]) old_sbd = op.source_basis_dofs source_basis_dofs = NumpyVectorSpace.make_array(old_sbd.to_numpy()[:self.dim_source]) return ProjectedEmpiciralInterpolatedOperator(restricted_operator, op.interpolation_matrix, source_basis_dofs, projected_collateral_basis, op.triangular, solver_options=op.solver_options, @match_class(ProjectedOperator) def action_ProjectedOperator(self, op): dim_range, dim_source = self.dim_range, self.dim_source source_basis = op.source_basis if dim_source is None \ else op.source_basis[:dim_source] range_basis = op.range_basis if dim_range is None \ else op.range_basis[:dim_range] return ProjectedOperator(op.operator, range_basis, source_basis, product=None, solver_options=op.solver_options)