Source code for pymor.algorithms.sylvester
# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
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import scipy.linalg as spla
from pymor.algorithms.to_matrix import to_matrix
from pymor.operators.interface import Operator
from pymor.operators.constructions import IdentityOperator
[docs]def solve_sylv_schur(A, Ar, E=None, Er=None, B=None, Br=None, C=None, Cr=None):
r"""Solve Sylvester equation by Schur decomposition.
Solves Sylvester equation
.. math::
A V E_r^T + E V A_r^T + B B_r^T = 0
.. math::
A^T W E_r + E^T W A_r + C^T C_r = 0
or both using (generalized) Schur decomposition (Algorithms 3 and 4
in [BKS11]_), if the necessary parameters are given.
Real |Operator|.
Real |Operator|.
It is converted into a |NumPy array| using
Real |Operator| or `None` (then assumed to be the identity).
Real |Operator| or `None` (then assumed to be the identity).
It is converted into a |NumPy array| using
Real |Operator| or `None`.
Real |Operator| or `None`.
It is assumed that `Br.range.from_numpy` is implemented.
Real |Operator| or `None`.
Real |Operator| or `None`.
It is assumed that `Cr.source.from_numpy` is implemented.
Returned if `B` and `Br` are given, |VectorArray| from
Returned if `C` and `Cr` are given, |VectorArray| from
If `V` and `W` cannot be returned.
# check types
assert isinstance(A, Operator) and A.linear and A.source == A.range
assert isinstance(Ar, Operator) and Ar.linear and Ar.source == Ar.range
assert E is None or isinstance(E, Operator) and E.linear and E.source == E.range == A.source
if E is None:
E = IdentityOperator(A.source)
assert Er is None or isinstance(Er, Operator) and Er.linear and Er.source == Er.range == Ar.source
compute_V = B is not None and Br is not None
compute_W = C is not None and Cr is not None
if not compute_V and not compute_W:
raise ValueError('Not enough parameters are given to solve a Sylvester equation.')
if compute_V:
assert isinstance(B, Operator) and B.linear and B.range == A.source
assert isinstance(Br, Operator) and Br.linear and Br.range == Ar.source
assert B.source == Br.source
if compute_W:
assert isinstance(C, Operator) and C.linear and C.source == A.source
assert isinstance(Cr, Operator) and Cr.linear and Cr.source == Ar.source
assert C.range == Cr.range
# convert reduced operators
Ar = to_matrix(Ar, format='dense')
r = Ar.shape[0]
if Er is not None:
Er = to_matrix(Er, format='dense')
# (Generalized) Schur decomposition
if Er is None:
TAr, Z = spla.schur(Ar, output='complex')
Q = Z
TAr, TEr, Q, Z = spla.qz(Ar, Er, output='complex')
# solve for V, from the last column to the first
if compute_V:
V = A.source.empty(reserve=r)
BrTQ = Br.apply_adjoint(Br.range.from_numpy(Q.T))
BBrTQ = B.apply(BrTQ)
for i in range(-1, -r - 1, -1):
rhs = -BBrTQ[i].copy()
if i < -1:
if Er is not None:
rhs -= A.apply(V.lincomb(TEr[i, :i:-1].conjugate()))
rhs -= E.apply(V.lincomb(TAr[i, :i:-1].conjugate()))
TErii = 1 if Er is None else TEr[i, i]
eAaE = TErii.conjugate() * A + TAr[i, i].conjugate() * E
V = V.lincomb(Z.conjugate()[:, ::-1])
V = V.real
# solve for W, from the first column to the last
if compute_W:
W = A.source.empty(reserve=r)
CrZ = Cr.apply(Cr.source.from_numpy(Z.T))
CTCrZ = C.apply_adjoint(CrZ)
for i in range(r):
rhs = -CTCrZ[i].copy()
if i > 0:
if Er is not None:
rhs -= A.apply_adjoint(W.lincomb(TEr[:i, i]))
rhs -= E.apply_adjoint(W.lincomb(TAr[:i, i]))
TErii = 1 if Er is None else TEr[i, i]
eAaE = TErii.conjugate() * A + TAr[i, i].conjugate() * E
W = W.lincomb(Q.conjugate())
W = W.real
if compute_V and compute_W:
return V, W
elif compute_V:
return V
return W