# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
""" This module provides generic time-stepping algorithms for the solution of
instationary problems.
The algorithms are generic in the sense that each algorithms operates exclusively
on |Operators| and |VectorArrays|. In particular, the algorithms
can also be used to turn an arbitrary stationary |Model| provided
by an external library into an instationary |Model|.
Currently, implementations of :func:`explicit_euler` and :func:`implicit_euler`
time-stepping are provided. The :class:`TimeStepper` defines a
common interface that has to be fulfilled by the time-steppers used
by |InstationaryModel|. The classes :class:`ExplicitEulerTimeStepper`
and :class:`ImplicitEulerTimeStepper` encapsulate :func:`explicit_euler` and
:func:`implicit_euler` to provide this interface.
from pymor.core.base import ImmutableObject, abstractmethod
from pymor.operators.interface import Operator
from pymor.vectorarrays.interface import VectorArray
[docs]class TimeStepper(ImmutableObject):
"""Interface for time-stepping algorithms.
Algorithms implementing this interface solve time-dependent problems
of the form ::
M * d_t u + A(u, mu, t) = F(mu, t).
Time-steppers used by |InstationaryModel| have to fulfill
this interface.
[docs] @abstractmethod
def solve(self, initial_time, end_time, initial_data, operator, rhs=None, mass=None, mu=None, num_values=None):
"""Apply time-stepper to the equation ::
M * d_t u + A(u, mu, t) = F(mu, t).
The time at which to begin time-stepping.
The time until which to perform time-stepping.
The solution vector at `initial_time`.
The |Operator| A.
The right-hand side F (either |VectorArray| of length 1 or |Operator| with
`source.dim == 1`). If `None`, zero right-hand side is assumed.
The |Operator| M. If `None`, the identity operator is assumed.
|Parameter values| for which `operator` and `rhs` are evaluated. The current
time is added to `mu` with key `t`.
The number of returned vectors of the solution trajectory. If `None`, each
intermediate vector that is calculated is returned.
|VectorArray| containing the solution trajectory.
[docs]class ImplicitEulerTimeStepper(TimeStepper):
"""Implict Euler time-stepper.
Solves equations of the form ::
M * d_t u + A(u, mu, t) = F(mu, t).
The number of time-steps the time-stepper will perform.
The |solver_options| used to invert `M + dt*A`.
The special values `'mass'` and `'operator'` are
recognized, in which case the solver_options of
M (resp. A) are used.
def __init__(self, nt, solver_options='operator'):
[docs] def solve(self, initial_time, end_time, initial_data, operator, rhs=None, mass=None, mu=None, num_values=None):
return implicit_euler(operator, rhs, mass, initial_data, initial_time, end_time, self.nt, mu, num_values,
[docs]class ExplicitEulerTimeStepper(TimeStepper):
"""Explicit Euler time-stepper.
Solves equations of the form ::
M * d_t u + A(u, mu, t) = F(mu, t).
The number of time-steps the time-stepper will perform.
def __init__(self, nt):
[docs] def solve(self, initial_time, end_time, initial_data, operator, rhs=None, mass=None, mu=None, num_values=None):
if mass is not None:
raise NotImplementedError
return explicit_euler(operator, rhs, initial_data, initial_time, end_time, self.nt, mu, num_values)
[docs]def implicit_euler(A, F, M, U0, t0, t1, nt, mu=None, num_values=None, solver_options='operator'):
assert isinstance(A, Operator)
assert isinstance(F, (type(None), Operator, VectorArray))
assert isinstance(M, (type(None), Operator))
assert A.source == A.range
num_values = num_values or nt + 1
dt = (t1 - t0) / nt
DT = (t1 - t0) / (num_values - 1)
if F is None:
F_time_dep = False
elif isinstance(F, Operator):
assert F.source.dim == 1
assert F.range == A.range
F_time_dep = F.parametric and 't' in F.parameters
if not F_time_dep:
dt_F = F.as_vector(mu) * dt
assert len(F) == 1
assert F in A.range
F_time_dep = False
dt_F = F * dt
if M is None:
from pymor.operators.constructions import IdentityOperator
M = IdentityOperator(A.source)
assert A.source == M.source == M.range
assert not M.parametric
assert U0 in A.source
assert len(U0) == 1
R = A.source.empty(reserve=nt+1)
options = A.solver_options if solver_options == 'operator' else \
M.solver_options if solver_options == 'mass' else \
M_dt_A = (M + A * dt).with_(solver_options=options)
if not M_dt_A.parametric or 't' not in M_dt_A.parameters:
M_dt_A = M_dt_A.assemble(mu)
t = t0
U = U0.copy()
for n in range(nt):
t += dt
mu = mu.with_(t=t)
rhs = M.apply(U)
if F_time_dep:
dt_F = F.as_vector(mu) * dt
if F:
rhs += dt_F
U = M_dt_A.apply_inverse(rhs, mu=mu, initial_guess=U)
while t - t0 + (min(dt, DT) * 0.5) >= len(R) * DT:
return R
[docs]def explicit_euler(A, F, U0, t0, t1, nt, mu=None, num_values=None):
assert isinstance(A, Operator)
assert F is None or isinstance(F, (Operator, VectorArray))
assert A.source == A.range
num_values = num_values or nt + 1
if isinstance(F, Operator):
assert F.source.dim == 1
assert F.range == A.range
F_time_dep = F.parametric and 't' in F.parameters
if not F_time_dep:
F_ass = F.as_vector(mu)
elif isinstance(F, VectorArray):
assert len(F) == 1
assert F in A.range
F_time_dep = False
F_ass = F
assert len(U0) == 1
assert U0 in A.source
A_time_dep = A.parametric and 't' in A.parameters
if not A_time_dep:
A = A.assemble(mu)
dt = (t1 - t0) / nt
DT = (t1 - t0) / (num_values - 1)
R = A.source.empty(reserve=num_values)
t = t0
U = U0.copy()
if F is None:
for n in range(nt):
t += dt
mu = mu.with_(t=t)
U.axpy(-dt, A.apply(U, mu=mu))
while t - t0 + (min(dt, DT) * 0.5) >= len(R) * DT:
for n in range(nt):
t += dt
mu = mu.with_(t=t)
if F_time_dep:
F_ass = F.as_vector(mu)
U.axpy(dt, F_ass - A.apply(U, mu=mu))
while t - t0 + (min(dt, DT) * 0.5) >= len(R) * DT:
return R