Source code for pymor.analyticalproblems.domaindescriptions

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

import collections

import numpy as np

from pymor.core.base import ImmutableObject

KNOWN_BOUNDARY_TYPES = {'dirichlet', 'neumann', 'robin'}

[docs]class DomainDescription(ImmutableObject): """Describes a geometric domain along with its boundary. Attributes ---------- dim The dimension of the domain boundary_types Set of boundary types the domain has. """ dim = None boundary_types = frozenset() @property def has_dirichlet(self): return 'dirichlet' in self.boundary_types @property def has_neumann(self): return 'neumann' in self.boundary_types @property def has_robin(self): return 'robin' in self.boundary_types
[docs]class RectDomain(DomainDescription): """Describes a rectangular domain. Boundary types can be associated edgewise. Parameters ---------- domain List of two points defining the lower-left and upper-right corner of the domain. left The boundary type of the left edge. right The boundary type of the right edge. top The boundary type of the top edge. bottom The boundary type of the bottom edge. Attributes ---------- domain left right top bottom """ dim = 2 def __init__(self, domain=([0, 0], [1, 1]), left='dirichlet', right='dirichlet', top='dirichlet', bottom='dirichlet'): assert domain[0][0] <= domain[1][0] assert domain[0][1] <= domain[1][1] for bt in (left, right, top, bottom): if bt is not None and bt not in KNOWN_BOUNDARY_TYPES: self.logger.warning(f'Unknown boundary type: {bt}') domain = np.array(domain) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.boundary_types = frozenset({left, right, top, bottom}) @property def lower_left(self): return self.domain[0] @property def upper_right(self): return self.domain[1] @property def width(self): return self.domain[1, 0] - self.domain[0, 0] @property def height(self): return self.domain[1, 1] - self.domain[0, 1] @property def volume(self): return self.width * self.height @property def diameter(self): return np.sqrt(self.width ** 2 + self.height ** 2)
[docs]class CylindricalDomain(DomainDescription): """Describes a cylindrical domain. Boundary types can be associated edgewise. Parameters ---------- domain List of two points defining the lower-left and upper-right corner of the domain. The left and right edge are identified. top The boundary type of the top edge. bottom The boundary type of the bottom edge. Attributes ---------- domain top bottom """ dim = 2 def __init__(self, domain=([0, 0], [1, 1]), top='dirichlet', bottom='dirichlet'): assert domain[0][0] <= domain[1][0] assert domain[0][1] <= domain[1][1] for bt in (top, bottom): if bt is not None and bt not in KNOWN_BOUNDARY_TYPES: self.logger.warning(f'Unknown boundary type: {bt}') domain = np.array(domain) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.boundary_types = frozenset({top, bottom}) @property def lower_left(self): return self.domain[0] @property def upper_right(self): return self.domain[1] @property def width(self): return self.domain[1, 0] - self.domain[0, 0] @property def height(self): return self.domain[1, 1] - self.domain[0, 1] @property def volume(self): return self.width * self.height @property def diameter(self): return np.sqrt(self.width ** 2 + self.height ** 2)
[docs]class TorusDomain(DomainDescription): """Describes a domain with the topology of a torus. Parameters ---------- domain List of two points defining the lower-left and upper-right corner of the domain. The left and right edge are identified, as well as the bottom and top edge Attributes ---------- domain """ dim = 2 def __init__(self, domain=([0, 0], [1, 1])): assert domain[0][0] <= domain[1][0] assert domain[0][1] <= domain[1][1] self.boundary_types = frozenset() self.domain = np.array(domain) @property def lower_left(self): return self.domain[0] @property def upper_right(self): return self.domain[1] @property def width(self): return self.domain[1, 0] - self.domain[0, 0] @property def height(self): return self.domain[1, 1] - self.domain[0, 1] @property def volume(self): return self.width * self.height @property def diameter(self): return np.sqrt(self.width ** 2 + self.height ** 2)
[docs]class LineDomain(DomainDescription): """Describes an interval domain. Boundary types can be associated edgewise. Parameters ---------- domain List [x_l, x_r] providing the left and right endpoint. left The boundary type of the left endpoint. right The boundary type of the right endpoint. Attributes ---------- domain left right """ dim = 1 def __init__(self, domain=(0, 1), left='dirichlet', right='dirichlet'): assert domain[0] <= domain[1] for bt in (left, right): if bt is not None and bt not in KNOWN_BOUNDARY_TYPES: self.logger.warning(f'Unknown boundary type: {bt}') domain = np.array(domain) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.boundary_types = frozenset({left, right}) @property def width(self): return self.domain[1] - self.domain[0]
[docs]class CircleDomain(DomainDescription): """Describes a domain with the topology of a circle, i.e. a line with identified end points. Parameters ---------- domain List [x_l, x_r] providing the left and right endpoint. Attributes ---------- domain """ dim = 1 def __init__(self, domain=(0, 1)): assert domain[0] <= domain[1] self.domain = np.array(domain) @property def width(self): return self.domain[1] - self.domain[0]
[docs]class PolygonalDomain(DomainDescription): """Describes a domain with a polygonal boundary and polygonal holes inside the domain. Parameters ---------- points List of points [x_0, x_1] that describe the polygonal chain that bounds the domain. boundary_types Either a dictionary `{boundary_type: [i_0, ...], boundary_type: [j_0, ...], ...}` with `i_0, ...` being the ids of boundary segments for a given boundary type (`0` is the line connecting point `0` to `1`, `1` is the line connecting point `1` to `2` etc.), or a function that returns the boundary type for a given coordinate. holes List of lists of points that describe the polygonal chains that bound the holes inside the domain. Attributes ---------- points boundary_types holes """ dim = 2 def __init__(self, points, boundary_types, holes=None): holes = holes or [] if isinstance(boundary_types, dict): pass # if the boundary types are not given as a dict, try to evaluate at the edge centers to get a dict. else: points = [points] points.extend(holes) # shift points 1 entry to the left. points_deque = [collections.deque(ps) for ps in points] for ps_d in points_deque: ps_d.rotate(-1) # compute edge centers. centers = [[(p0[0]+p1[0])/2, (p0[1]+p1[1])/2] for ps, ps_d in zip(points, points_deque) for p0, p1 in zip(ps, ps_d)] # evaluate the boundary at the edge centers and save the boundary types together with the # corresponding edge id. boundary_types = dict(zip([boundary_types(centers)], [list(range(1, len(centers)+1))])) for bt in boundary_types.keys(): if bt is not None and bt not in KNOWN_BOUNDARY_TYPES: self.logger.warning(f'Unknown boundary type: {bt}') self.__auto_init(locals())
[docs]class CircularSectorDomain(PolygonalDomain): """Describes a circular sector domain of variable radius. Parameters ---------- angle The angle between 0 and 2*pi of the circular sector. radius The radius of the circular sector. arc The boundary type of the arc. radii The boundary type of the two radii. num_points The number of points of the polygonal chain approximating the circular boundary. Attributes ---------- angle radius arc radii num_points """ def __init__(self, angle, radius, arc='dirichlet', radii='dirichlet', num_points=100): assert (0 < angle) and (angle < 2*np.pi) assert radius > 0 assert num_points > 0 points = [[0., 0.]] points.extend([[radius*np.cos(t), radius*np.sin(t)] for t in np.linspace(start=0, stop=angle, num=num_points, endpoint=True)]) if arc == radii: boundary_types = {arc: list(range(1, len(points)+1))} else: boundary_types = {arc: list(range(2, len(points)))} boundary_types.update({radii: [1, len(points)]}) if None in boundary_types: del boundary_types[None] super().__init__(points, boundary_types) self.__auto_init(locals())
[docs]class DiscDomain(PolygonalDomain): """Describes a disc domain of variable radius. Parameters ---------- radius The radius of the disc. boundary The boundary type of the boundary. num_points The number of points of the polygonal chain approximating the boundary. Attributes ---------- radius boundary num_points """ def __init__(self, radius, boundary='dirichlet', num_points=100): assert radius > 0 assert num_points > 0 points = [[radius*np.cos(t), radius*np.sin(t)] for t in np.linspace(start=0, stop=2*np.pi, num=num_points, endpoint=False)] boundary_types = {} if boundary is None else {boundary: list(range(1, len(points)+1))} super().__init__(points, boundary_types) self.__auto_init(locals())