Source code for pymor.analyticalproblems.functions

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

from itertools import chain
from numbers import Number

import numpy as np

from pymor.core.base import abstractmethod
from pymor.parameters.base import ParametricObject
from pymor.parameters.functionals import ParameterFunctional, ExpressionParameterFunctional

[docs]class Function(ParametricObject): """Interface for |Parameter| dependent analytical functions. Every |Function| is a map of the form :: f(μ): Ω ⊆ R^d -> R^(shape_range) The returned values are |NumPy arrays| of arbitrary (but fixed) shape. Note that NumPy distinguishes between one-dimensional arrays of length 1 (with shape `(1,)`) and zero-dimensional scalar arrays (with shape `()`). In pyMOR, we usually expect scalar-valued functions to have `shape_range == ()`. While the function might raise an error if it is evaluated for an argument not in the domain Ω, the exact behavior is left undefined. Functions are vectorized in the sense, that if `x.ndim == k`, then :: f(x, μ)[i0, i1, ..., i(k-2)] == f(x[i0, i1, ..., i(k-2)], μ). In particular, `f(x, μ).shape == x.shape[:-1] + shape_range`. Attributes ---------- dim_domain The dimension d > 0. shape_range The shape of the function values. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate(self, x, mu=None): """Evaluate the function for given argument `x` and |parameter values| `mu`.""" pass
[docs] def __call__(self, x, mu=None): """Shorthand for :meth:`~Function.evaluate`.""" return self.evaluate(x, mu)
def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Number) and other == 0: return self elif not isinstance(other, Function): other = np.array(other) assert other.shape == self.shape_range if np.all(other == 0.): return self other = ConstantFunction(other, dim_domain=self.dim_domain) return LincombFunction([self, other], [1., 1.]) __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Function): return LincombFunction([self, other], [1., -1.]) else: return self + (- np.array(other)) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (Number, ParameterFunctional)): return LincombFunction([self], [other]) if isinstance(other, Function): return ProductFunction([self, other]) return NotImplemented __rmul__ = __mul__ def __neg__(self): return LincombFunction([self], [-1.])
[docs]class ConstantFunction(Function): """A constant |Function| :: f: R^d -> R^shape(c), f(x) = c Parameters ---------- value The constant c. dim_domain The dimension d. name The name of the function. """ def __init__(self, value=np.array(1.0), dim_domain=1, name=None): assert dim_domain > 0 assert isinstance(value, (Number, np.ndarray)) value = np.array(value) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.shape_range = value.shape
[docs] def __str__(self): return f'{}: x -> {self.value}'
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, mu=None): x = np.array(x, copy=False, ndmin=1) assert x.shape[-1] == self.dim_domain if x.ndim == 1: return np.array(self.value) else: return np.tile(self.value, x.shape[:-1] + (1,) * len(self.shape_range))
[docs]class GenericFunction(Function): """Wrapper making an arbitrary Python function between |NumPy arrays| a proper |Function|. Note that a :class:`GenericFunction` can only be :mod:`pickled <pymor.core.pickle>` if the function it is wrapping can be pickled (cf. :func:`~pymor.core.pickle.dumps_function`). For this reason, it is usually preferable to use :class:`ExpressionFunction` instead of :class:`GenericFunction`. Parameters ---------- mapping The function to wrap. If `parameters` is `None`, the function is of the form `mapping(x)`. If `parameters` is not `None`, the function has to have the signature `mapping(x, mu)`. Moreover, the function is expected to be vectorized, i.e.:: mapping(x).shape == x.shape[:-1] + shape_range. dim_domain The dimension of the domain. shape_range The shape of the values returned by the mapping. parameters The |Parameters| the mapping accepts. name The name of the function. """ def __init__(self, mapping, dim_domain=1, shape_range=(), parameters={}, name=None): assert dim_domain > 0 assert isinstance(shape_range, (Number, tuple)) if not isinstance(shape_range, tuple): shape_range = (shape_range,) self.parameters_own = parameters self.__auto_init(locals())
[docs] def __str__(self): return f'{}: x -> {self.mapping}'
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, mu=None): assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) x = np.array(x, copy=False, ndmin=1) assert x.shape[-1] == self.dim_domain if self.parametric: v = self.mapping(x, mu) else: v = self.mapping(x) if v.shape != x.shape[:-1] + self.shape_range: assert v.shape[:len(x.shape) - 1] == x.shape[:-1] v = v.reshape(x.shape[:-1] + self.shape_range) return v
[docs]class ExpressionFunction(GenericFunction): """Turns a Python expression given as a string into a |Function|. Some |NumPy| arithmetic functions like 'sin', 'log', 'min' are supported. For a full list see the `functions` class attribute. .. warning:: :meth:`eval` is used to evaluate the given expression. Using this class with expression strings from untrusted sources will cause mayhem and destruction! Parameters ---------- expression A Python expression of one variable `x` and a parameter `mu` given as a string. dim_domain The dimension of the domain. shape_range The shape of the values returned by the expression. parameters The |Parameters| the expression accepts. values Dictionary of additional constants that can be used in `expression` with their corresponding value. name The name of the function. """ functions = ExpressionParameterFunctional.functions def __init__(self, expression, dim_domain=1, shape_range=(), parameters={}, values=None, name=None): values = values or {} code = compile(expression, '<expression>', 'eval') super().__init__(lambda x, mu={}: eval(code, dict(self.functions, **values), dict(mu, x=x, mu=mu)), dim_domain, shape_range, parameters, name) self.__auto_init(locals())
[docs] def __reduce__(self): return (ExpressionFunction, (self.expression, self.dim_domain, self.shape_range, self.parameters, self.values, getattr(self, '_name', None)))
[docs]class LincombFunction(Function): """A |Function| representing a linear combination of |Functions|. The linear coefficients can be provided either as scalars or as |ParameterFunctionals|. Parameters ---------- functions List of |Functions| whose linear combination is formed. coefficients A list of linear coefficients. A linear coefficient can either be a fixed number or a |ParameterFunctional|. name Name of the function. Attributes ---------- functions coefficients """ def __init__(self, functions, coefficients, name=None): assert len(functions) > 0 assert len(functions) == len(coefficients) assert all(isinstance(f, Function) for f in functions) assert all(isinstance(c, (ParameterFunctional, Number)) for c in coefficients) assert all(f.dim_domain == functions[0].dim_domain for f in functions[1:]) assert all(f.shape_range == functions[0].shape_range for f in functions[1:]) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.dim_domain = functions[0].dim_domain self.shape_range = functions[0].shape_range
[docs] def evaluate_coefficients(self, mu): """Compute the linear coefficients for given |parameter values| `mu`.""" assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) return np.array([c.evaluate(mu) if hasattr(c, 'evaluate') else c for c in self.coefficients])
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, mu=None): assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) coeffs = self.evaluate_coefficients(mu) return sum(c * f(x, mu) for c, f in zip(coeffs, self.functions))
[docs]class ProductFunction(Function): """A |Function| representing a product of |Functions|. Parameters ---------- functions List of |Functions| whose product is formed. name Name of the function. Attributes ---------- functions """ def __init__(self, functions, name=None): assert len(functions) > 0 assert all(isinstance(f, Function) for f in functions) assert all(f.dim_domain == functions[0].dim_domain for f in functions[1:]) assert all(f.shape_range == functions[0].shape_range for f in functions[1:]) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.dim_domain = functions[0].dim_domain self.shape_range = functions[0].shape_range
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, mu=None): assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) return[f(x, mu) for f in self.functions], axis=0)
[docs]class BitmapFunction(Function): """Define a 2D |Function| via a grayscale image. Parameters ---------- filename Path of the image representing the function. bounding_box Lower left and upper right coordinates of the domain of the function. range A pixel of value p is mapped to `(p / 255.) * range[1] + range[0]`. """ dim_domain = 2 shape_range = () def __init__(self, filename, bounding_box=None, range=None): bounding_box = bounding_box or [[0., 0.], [1., 1.]] range = range or [0., 1.] try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: raise ImportError("PIL is needed for loading images. Try 'pip install pillow'") img = if not img.mode == "L": self.logger.warning("Image " + filename + " not in grayscale mode. Converting to grayscale.") img = img.convert('L') self.__auto_init(locals()) self.bitmap = np.array(img).T[:, ::-1] self.lower_left = np.array(bounding_box[0]) self.size = np.array(bounding_box[1] - self.lower_left)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, mu=None): indices = np.maximum(np.floor((x - self.lower_left) * np.array(self.bitmap.shape) / self.size).astype(int), 0) F = (self.bitmap[np.minimum(indices[..., 0], self.bitmap.shape[0] - 1), np.minimum(indices[..., 1], self.bitmap.shape[1] - 1)] * ((self.range[1] - self.range[0]) / 255.) + self.range[0]) return F