Source code for pymor.analyticalproblems.thermalblock

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
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from itertools import product

from pymor.analyticalproblems.domaindescriptions import RectDomain
from pymor.analyticalproblems.elliptic import StationaryProblem
from pymor.analyticalproblems.functions import ConstantFunction, ExpressionFunction, LincombFunction
from pymor.parameters.functionals import ProjectionParameterFunctional

[docs]def thermal_block_problem(num_blocks=(3, 3), parameter_range=(0.1, 1)): """Analytical description of a 2D 'thermal block' diffusion problem. The problem is to solve the elliptic equation :: - ∇ ⋅ [ d(x, μ) ∇ u(x, μ) ] = f(x, μ) on the domain [0,1]^2 with Dirichlet zero boundary values. The domain is partitioned into nx x ny blocks and the diffusion function d(x, μ) is constant on each such block i with value μ_i. :: ---------------------------- | | | | | μ_4 | μ_5 | μ_6 | | | | | |--------------------------- | | | | | μ_1 | μ_2 | μ_3 | | | | | ---------------------------- Parameters ---------- num_blocks The tuple `(nx, ny)` parameter_range A tuple `(μ_min, μ_max)`. Each |Parameter| component μ_i is allowed to lie in the interval [μ_min, μ_max]. """ def parameter_functional_factory(ix, iy): return ProjectionParameterFunctional('diffusion', size=num_blocks[0]*num_blocks[1], index=ix + iy*num_blocks[0], name=f'diffusion_{ix}_{iy}') def diffusion_function_factory(ix, iy): if ix + 1 < num_blocks[0]: X = '(x[..., 0] >= ix * dx) * (x[..., 0] < (ix + 1) * dx)' else: X = '(x[..., 0] >= ix * dx)' if iy + 1 < num_blocks[1]: Y = '(x[..., 1] >= iy * dy) * (x[..., 1] < (iy + 1) * dy)' else: Y = '(x[..., 1] >= iy * dy)' return ExpressionFunction(f'{X} * {Y} * 1.', 2, (), {}, {'ix': ix, 'iy': iy, 'dx': 1. / num_blocks[0], 'dy': 1. / num_blocks[1]}, name=f'diffusion_{ix}_{iy}') return StationaryProblem( domain=RectDomain(), rhs=ConstantFunction(dim_domain=2, value=1.), diffusion=LincombFunction([diffusion_function_factory(ix, iy) for iy, ix in product(range(num_blocks[1]), range(num_blocks[0]))], [parameter_functional_factory(ix, iy) for iy, ix in product(range(num_blocks[1]), range(num_blocks[0]))], name='diffusion'), parameter_ranges=parameter_range, name=f'ThermalBlock({num_blocks})' )