Source code for pymor.core.logger

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

"""This module contains pyMOR's logging facilities.

pyMOR's logging facilities are based on the :mod:`logging` module of the
Python standard library. To obtain a new logger object use :func:`getLogger`.
Logging can be configured via the :func:`set_log_format` and
:func:`set_log_levels` methods.

import logging
import os
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from types import MethodType

from pymor.core.defaults import defaults
from import mpi

BLOCK = logging.INFO + 5
INFO2 = logging.INFO + 1
INFO3 = logging.INFO + 2
logging.addLevelName(BLOCK, 'BLOCK')
logging.addLevelName(BLOCK_TIME, 'BLOCK_TIME')
logging.addLevelName(INFO2, 'INFO2')
logging.addLevelName(INFO3, 'INFO3')


# The background is set with 40 plus the number of the color, and the foreground with 30
# These are the sequences needed to get colored output
RESET_SEQ = "\033[0m"
COLOR_SEQ = "\033[1;%dm"
BOLD_SEQ = "\033[1m"
    'INFO2':    YELLOW,
    'INFO3':    RED,
    'DEBUG':    BLUE,
    'ERROR':    RED
    'WARNING':  'yellow',
    'INFO2':    'yellow',
    'INFO3':    'red',
    'DEBUG':    'blue',
    'CRITICAL': 'magenta',
    'ERROR':    'red'


start_time = time.time()

[docs]class ColoredFormatter(logging.Formatter): """A logging.Formatter that inserts tty control characters to color loglevel keyword output. Coloring can be disabled by setting the `PYMOR_COLORS_DISABLE` environment variable to `1`. """ def __init__(self): disable_colors = int(os.environ.get('PYMOR_COLORS_DISABLE', 0)) == 1 if disable_colors: self.use_color = False else: try: import curses curses.setupterm() self.use_color = curses.tigetnum("colors") > 1 except Exception: self.use_color = False super().__init__() def _format_common(self, record): global LAST_TIMESTAMP_LENGTH msg = super().format(record) # call base class to support exception formatting # format time elapsed = int(time.time() - start_time) days, remainder = divmod(elapsed, 86400) hours, remainder = divmod(remainder, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) timestamp = f'{days}d {hours:02}:{minutes:02}:{seconds:02}' if days \ else f'{hours:02}:{minutes:02}:{seconds:02}' if hours \ else f'{minutes:02}:{seconds:02}' if not mpi.rank0: timestamp = f'RANK{mpi.rank}|{timestamp}' if LAST_TIMESTAMP_LENGTH == 0: LAST_TIMESTAMP_LENGTH = len(timestamp) # handle special cases if not record.msg: return ' ' * (LAST_TIMESTAMP_LENGTH+1) + '| ' * INDENT if record.levelname == 'BLOCK_TIME': return ' ' * (LAST_TIMESTAMP_LENGTH+1) + '| ' * (INDENT - 1) + r'\----------------- ' + record.msg # handle length change of timestamp if len(timestamp) > LAST_TIMESTAMP_LENGTH: timestep_length = len(timestamp) if INDENT > 0: for i in reversed(range(LAST_TIMESTAMP_LENGTH, timestep_length)): timestamp = ' ' * (i + 2) + r'\ ' * INDENT + '\n' + timestamp LAST_TIMESTAMP_LENGTH = timestep_length indent = '| ' * INDENT tokens ='.') if len(tokens) > MAX_HIERARCHY_LEVEL - 1: path = '.'.join(tokens[1:MAX_HIERARCHY_LEVEL] + [tokens[-1]]) else: path = '.'.join(tokens[1:MAX_HIERARCHY_LEVEL]) levelname = record.levelname return levelname, path, msg, timestamp, indent
[docs] def format(self, record): try: ret = self._format_common(record) levelname, path, msg, timestamp, indent = ret except ValueError: return ret if self.use_color: if levelname in ('INFO', 'BLOCK'): path = BOLD_SEQ + path + RESET_SEQ levelname = '' elif levelname.startswith('INFO'): path = (COLOR_SEQ % (30 + COLORS[levelname])) + path + RESET_SEQ levelname = '' else: path = BOLD_SEQ + path + RESET_SEQ levelname = (COLOR_SEQ % (30 + COLORS[levelname])) + '|' + levelname + '|' + RESET_SEQ else: if levelname in ('INFO', 'BLOCK'): levelname = '' else: levelname = '|' + levelname + '|' return f'{timestamp} {indent}{levelname}{path}: {msg}'
def format_html(self, record): try: ret = self._format_common(record) levelname, path, msg, timestamp, indent = ret except ValueError: return ret levelname, path, msg, timestamp, indent = self._format_common(record) if levelname in ('INFO', 'BLOCK'): path = f'<bold>{path}</bold>' levelname = '' elif levelname.startswith('INFO'): path = f'<span style="color:{CSSCOLORS[levelname]};">{path}</span>' levelname = '' else: path = f'<bold>{path}</bold>' levelname = f'<span style="color:{CSSCOLORS[levelname]};">|{levelname}|</span>' return f'{timestamp} {indent}{levelname}{path}: {msg}'
[docs]@defaults('filename') def default_handler(filename=''): streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler() streamformatter = ColoredFormatter() streamhandler.setFormatter(streamformatter) handlers = [streamhandler] if filename: filehandler = logging.FileHandler(filename) fileformatter = ColoredFormatter() filehandler.setFormatter(fileformatter) handlers.append(filehandler) return handlers
[docs]@defaults('filename') def getLogger(module, level=None, filename=''): """Get the logger of the respective module for pyMOR's logging facility. Parameters ---------- module Name of the module. level If set, `logger.setLevel(level)` is called (see :meth:`~logging.Logger.setLevel`). filename If not empty, path of an existing file where everything logged will be written to. """ module = 'pymor' if module == '__main__' else module logger = logging.getLogger(module) logger.block = MethodType(_block, logger) logger.info2 = MethodType(_info2, logger) logger.info3 = MethodType(_info3, logger) logger.handlers = default_handler(filename) logger.propagate = False if level: logger.setLevel(level) return logger
[docs]class DummyLogger: __slots__ = [] def nop(self, *args, **kwargs): return None propagate = False debug = nop info = nop warn = nop warning = nop error = nop critical = nop log = nop exception = nop def isEnabledFor(sefl, lvl): return False def getEffectiveLevel(self): return None def getChild(self): return self def block(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): return LogIndenter(self, False) def info2(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self.log(INFO2, msg, *args, **kwargs) def info3(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self.log(INFO3, msg, *args, **kwargs)
dummy_logger = DummyLogger()
[docs]@defaults('levels') def set_log_levels(levels=None): """Set log levels for pyMOR's logging facility. Parameters ---------- levels Dict of log levels. Keys are names of loggers (see :func:`logging.getLogger`), values are the log levels to set for the loggers of the given names (see :meth:`~logging.Logger.setLevel`). """ levels = levels or {'pymor': 'INFO'} for k, v in levels.items(): getLogger(k).setLevel(v)
[docs]@defaults('max_hierarchy_level', 'indent_blocks', 'block_timings') def set_log_format(max_hierarchy_level=1, indent_blocks=True, block_timings=False): """Set log levels for pyMOR's logging facility. Parameters ---------- max_hierarchy_level The number of components of the loggers name which are printed. (The first component is always stripped, the last component always preserved.) indent_blocks If `True`, indent log messages inside a code block started with `with logger.block(...)`. block_timings If `True`, measure the duration of a code block started with `with logger.block(...)`. """ global MAX_HIERARCHY_LEVEL global INDENT_BLOCKS global BLOCK_TIMINGS MAX_HIERARCHY_LEVEL = max_hierarchy_level INDENT_BLOCKS = indent_blocks BLOCK_TIMINGS = block_timings
[docs]class LogIndenter: def __init__(self, logger, doit): self.logger = logger self.doit = doit def __enter__(self): global INDENT global BLOCK_TIMINGS if BLOCK_TIMINGS: self.tic = time.time() if self.doit: INDENT += 1 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): global INDENT global BLOCK_TIMINGS if self.doit: if BLOCK_TIMINGS: duration = time.time() - self.tic self.logger.log(BLOCK_TIME, f'duration: {duration}s') INDENT -= 1
def _block(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): global INDENT_BLOCKS self.log(BLOCK, msg, *args, **kwargs) return LogIndenter(self, self.isEnabledFor(BLOCK) and INDENT_BLOCKS) def _info2(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self.log(INFO2, msg, *args, **kwargs) def _info3(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self.log(INFO3, msg, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]@contextmanager def log_levels(level_mapping): """Change levels for given loggers on entry and reset to before state on exit. Parameters ---------- level_mapping a dict of logger name -> level name """ for name, level in level_mapping.items(): logger = getLogger(name) level_mapping[name] = logger.level logger.setLevel(level) try: yield finally: for name, level in level_mapping.items(): getLogger(name).setLevel(level)