Source code for pymor.discretizers.builtin.domaindiscretizers.default

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

import math as m
import numpy as np

from pymor.analyticalproblems.domaindescriptions import (RectDomain, CylindricalDomain, TorusDomain, LineDomain,
                                                         CircleDomain, PolygonalDomain)
from pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.boundaryinfos import GenericBoundaryInfo, EmptyBoundaryInfo
from pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.oned import OnedGrid
from pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.rect import RectGrid
from pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.tria import TriaGrid
from import float_cmp

[docs]def discretize_domain_default(domain_description, diameter=1 / 100, grid_type=None): """Mesh a |DomainDescription| using an appropriate default implementation. This method can discretize the following |DomainDescriptions|: +----------------------+-------------+---------+ | DomainDescription | grid_type | default | +======================+=============+=========+ | |RectDomain| | |TriaGrid| | X | | +-------------+---------+ | | |RectGrid| | | +----------------------+-------------+---------+ | |CylindricalDomain| | |TriaGrid| | X | | +-------------+---------+ | | |RectGrid| | | +----------------------+-------------+---------+ | |TorusDomain| | |TriaGrid| | X | | +-------------+---------+ | | |RectGrid| | | +----------------------+-------------+---------+ | |LineDomain| | |OnedGrid| | X | +----------------------+-------------+---------+ | |CircleDomain| | |OnedGrid| | X | +----------------------+-------------+---------+ | |PolygonalDomain| | |GmshGrid| | X | +----------------------+-------------+---------+ Parameters ---------- domain_description A |DomainDescription| of the domain to mesh. diameter Maximal diameter of the codim-0 entities of the generated |Grid|. grid_type The class of the |Grid| which is to be constructed. If `None`, a default choice is made according to the table above. Returns ------- grid The generated |Grid|. boundary_info The generated |BoundaryInfo|. """ def discretize_RectDomain(): if grid_type == RectGrid: x0i = int(m.ceil(domain_description.width * m.sqrt(2) / diameter)) x1i = int(m.ceil(domain_description.height * m.sqrt(2) / diameter)) elif grid_type == TriaGrid: x0i = int(m.ceil(domain_description.width / diameter)) x1i = int(m.ceil(domain_description.height / diameter)) else: raise NotImplementedError grid = grid_type(domain=domain_description.domain, num_intervals=(x0i, x1i)) def indicator_factory(dd, bt): def indicator(X): L = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 0], dd.domain[0, 0]), dd.left == bt) R = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 0], dd.domain[1, 0]), dd.right == bt) T = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 1], dd.domain[1, 1]), == bt) B = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 1], dd.domain[0, 1]), dd.bottom == bt) LR = np.logical_or(L, R) TB = np.logical_or(T, B) return np.logical_or(LR, TB) return indicator indicators = {bt: indicator_factory(domain_description, bt) for bt in domain_description.boundary_types} bi = GenericBoundaryInfo.from_indicators(grid, indicators) return grid, bi def discretize_CylindricalDomain(): if grid_type == RectGrid: x0i = int(m.ceil(domain_description.width * m.sqrt(2) / diameter)) x1i = int(m.ceil(domain_description.height * m.sqrt(2) / diameter)) elif grid_type == TriaGrid: x0i = int(m.ceil(domain_description.width / diameter)) x1i = int(m.ceil(domain_description.height / diameter)) else: raise NotImplementedError grid = grid_type(domain=domain_description.domain, num_intervals=(x0i, x1i), identify_left_right=True) def indicator_factory(dd, bt): def indicator(X): T = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 1], dd.domain[1, 1]), == bt) B = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 1], dd.domain[0, 1]), dd.bottom == bt) TB = np.logical_or(T, B) return TB return indicator indicators = {bt: indicator_factory(domain_description, bt) for bt in domain_description.boundary_types} bi = GenericBoundaryInfo.from_indicators(grid, indicators) return grid, bi def discretize_TorusDomain(): if grid_type == RectGrid: x0i = int(m.ceil(domain_description.width * m.sqrt(2) / diameter)) x1i = int(m.ceil(domain_description.height * m.sqrt(2) / diameter)) elif grid_type == TriaGrid: x0i = int(m.ceil(domain_description.width / diameter)) x1i = int(m.ceil(domain_description.height / diameter)) else: raise NotImplementedError grid = grid_type(domain=domain_description.domain, num_intervals=(x0i, x1i), identify_left_right=True, identify_bottom_top=True) bi = EmptyBoundaryInfo(grid) return grid, bi def discretize_LineDomain(): ni = int(m.ceil(domain_description.width / diameter)) grid = OnedGrid(domain=domain_description.domain, num_intervals=ni) def indicator_factory(dd, bt): def indicator(X): L = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 0], dd.domain[0]), dd.left == bt) R = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 0], dd.domain[1]), dd.right == bt) return np.logical_or(L, R) return indicator indicators = {bt: indicator_factory(domain_description, bt) for bt in domain_description.boundary_types} bi = GenericBoundaryInfo.from_indicators(grid, indicators) return grid, bi def discretize_CircleDomain(): ni = int(m.ceil(domain_description.width / diameter)) grid = OnedGrid(domain=domain_description.domain, num_intervals=ni, identify_left_right=True) bi = EmptyBoundaryInfo(grid) return grid, bi if not isinstance(domain_description, (RectDomain, CylindricalDomain, TorusDomain, LineDomain, CircleDomain, PolygonalDomain)): raise NotImplementedError(f'I do not know how to discretize {domain_description}') if isinstance(domain_description, RectDomain): grid_type = grid_type or TriaGrid if grid_type not in (TriaGrid, RectGrid): raise NotImplementedError(f'I do not know how to discretize RectDomain with {grid_type}') return discretize_RectDomain() elif isinstance(domain_description, (CylindricalDomain, TorusDomain)): grid_type = grid_type or TriaGrid if grid_type not in (TriaGrid, RectGrid): raise NotImplementedError(f'I do not know how to discretize {type(domain_description)} with {grid_type}') if isinstance(domain_description, CylindricalDomain): return discretize_CylindricalDomain() else: return discretize_TorusDomain() elif isinstance(domain_description, PolygonalDomain): from pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.unstructured import UnstructuredTriangleGrid from pymor.discretizers.builtin.domaindiscretizers.gmsh import discretize_gmsh assert grid_type is None or grid_type is UnstructuredTriangleGrid return discretize_gmsh(domain_description, clscale=diameter) else: grid_type = grid_type or OnedGrid if grid_type is not OnedGrid: raise NotImplementedError(f'I do not know hot to discretize {type(domain_description)} with {grid_type}') return discretize_LineDomain() if isinstance(domain_description, LineDomain) else discretize_CircleDomain()