Source code for pymor.discretizers.builtin.domaindiscretizers.gmsh

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

import tempfile
import collections
import os
import subprocess
import time

from pymor.analyticalproblems.domaindescriptions import RectDomain, PolygonalDomain
from pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.gmsh import load_gmsh
from pymor.core.exceptions import GmshMissing
from pymor.core.logger import getLogger

[docs]def discretize_gmsh(domain_description=None, geo_file=None, geo_file_path=None, msh_file_path=None, mesh_algorithm='del2d', clscale=1., options='', refinement_steps=0): """Mesh a |DomainDescription| or an already existing Gmsh GEO-file using the Gmsh mesher. Parameters ---------- domain_description A |DomainDescription| of the |PolygonalDomain| or |RectDomain| to discretize. Has to be `None` when `geo_file` is given. geo_file File handle of the Gmsh Geo-file to discretize. Has to be `None` when `domain_description` is given. geo_file_path Path of the created Gmsh GEO-file. When meshing a |PolygonalDomain| or |RectDomain| and `geo_file_path` is `None`, a temporary file will be created. If `geo_file` is specified, this is ignored and the path to `geo_file` will be used. msh_file_path Path of the created Gmsh MSH-file. If `None`, a temporary file will be created. mesh_algorithm The mesh generation algorithm to use (meshadapt, del2d, front2d). clscale Mesh element size scaling factor. options Other options to control the meshing procedure of Gmsh. See for all available options. refinement_steps Number of refinement steps to do after the initial meshing. Returns ------- grid The generated :class:`~pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.gmsh.GmshGrid`. boundary_info The generated :class:`~pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.gmsh.GmshBoundaryInfo`. """ assert domain_description is None or geo_file is None logger = getLogger('pymor.discretizers.builtin.domaindiscretizers.gmsh.discretize_gmsh') # run Gmsh; initial meshing'Checking for Gmsh ...') # when we are running MPI parallel and Gmsh is compiled with MPI support, # we have to make sure Gmsh does not notice the MPI environment or it will fail. env = {k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if 'MPI' not in k.upper()} try: version = subprocess.check_output(['gmsh', '--version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env).decode() except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): raise GmshMissing('Could not find Gmsh.' ' Please ensure that the gmsh binary ( is in your PATH.')'Found version ' + version.strip()) def discretize_PolygonalDomain(): # combine points and holes, since holes are points, too, and have to be stored as such. points = [domain_description.points] points.extend(domain_description.holes) return points, domain_description.boundary_types def discretize_RectDomain(): points = [[domain_description.domain[0].tolist(), [domain_description.domain[1][0], domain_description.domain[0][1]], domain_description.domain[1].tolist(), [domain_description.domain[0][0], domain_description.domain[1][1]]]] boundary_types = {domain_description.bottom: [1]} if domain_description.right not in boundary_types: boundary_types[domain_description.right] = [2] else: boundary_types[domain_description.right].append(2) if not in boundary_types: boundary_types[] = [3] else: boundary_types[].append(3) if domain_description.left not in boundary_types: boundary_types[domain_description.left] = [4] else: boundary_types[domain_description.left].append(4) if None in boundary_types: del boundary_types[None] return points, boundary_types # these two are referenced in a finally block, but were left undefined in some paths geo_file, msh_file = None, None try: # When a |PolygonalDomain| or |RectDomain| has to be discretized create a Gmsh GE0-file and write all data. if domain_description is not None:'Writing Gmsh geometry file ...') # Create a temporary GEO-file if None is specified if geo_file_path is None: geo_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wt', delete=False, suffix='.geo') geo_file_path = else: geo_file = open(geo_file_path, 'w') if isinstance(domain_description, PolygonalDomain): points, boundary_types = discretize_PolygonalDomain() elif isinstance(domain_description, RectDomain): points, boundary_types = discretize_RectDomain() else: raise NotImplementedError(f'I do not know how to discretize {domain_description}') # assign ids to all points and write them to the GEO-file. for id, p in enumerate([p for ps in points for p in ps]): assert len(p) == 2 geo_file.write('Point('+str(id+1)+') = '+str(p+[0, 0]).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}')+';\n') # store points and their ids point_ids = dict(zip([str(p) for ps in points for p in ps], range(1, len([p for ps in points for p in ps])+1))) # shift points 1 entry to the left. points_deque = [collections.deque(ps) for ps in points] for ps_d in points_deque: ps_d.rotate(-1) # create lines by connecting the points with shifted points, such that they form a polygonal chains. lines = [[point_ids[str(p0)], point_ids[str(p1)]] for ps, ps_d in zip(points, points_deque) for p0, p1 in zip(ps, ps_d)] # assign ids to all lines and write them to the GEO-file. for l_id, l in enumerate(lines): geo_file.write('Line('+str(l_id+1)+')'+' = '+str(l).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}')+';\n') # form line_loops (polygonal chains), create ids and write them to file. line_loops = [[point_ids[str(p)] for p in ps] for ps in points] line_loop_ids = range(len(lines)+1, len(lines)+len(line_loops)+1) for ll_id, ll in zip(line_loop_ids, line_loops): geo_file.write('Line Loop('+str(ll_id)+')'+' = '+str(ll).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}')+';\n') # set this here explicitly for string conversion to make sense line_loop_ids = list(line_loop_ids) # create the surface defined by line loops, starting with the exterior and then the holes. geo_file.write('Plane Surface(' + str(line_loop_ids[0]+1) + ')' + ' = ' + str(line_loop_ids).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}') + ';\n') geo_file.write('Physical Surface("boundary") = {'+str(line_loop_ids[0]+1)+'};\n') # write boundaries. for boundary_type, bs in boundary_types.items(): geo_file.write('Physical Line' + '("' + str(boundary_type) + '")' + ' = ' + str([l_id for l_id in bs]).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}') + ';\n') geo_file.close() # When a GEO-File is provided just get the corresponding file path. else: geo_file_path = # Create a temporary MSH-file if no path is specified. if msh_file_path is None: msh_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wt', delete=False, suffix='.msh') msh_file_path = msh_file.close() tic = time.time() # run Gmsh; initial meshing'Calling Gmsh ...') cmd = ['gmsh', geo_file_path, '-2', '-algo', mesh_algorithm, '-clscale', str(clscale), options, '-o', msh_file_path] subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env) # run gmsh; perform mesh refinement cmd = ['gmsh', msh_file_path, '-refine', '-o', msh_file_path] for i in range(refinement_steps):'Performing Gmsh refinement step {i+1}') subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env) toc = time.time() t_gmsh = toc - tic'Gmsh took {t_gmsh} s') # Create |GmshGrid| and |GmshBoundaryInfo| form the just created MSH-file. grid, bi = load_gmsh(msh_file_path) finally: # delete tempfiles if they were created beforehand. if isinstance(geo_file, tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper): os.remove(geo_file_path) if isinstance(msh_file, tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper): os.remove(msh_file_path) return grid, bi