Source code for pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.interfaces

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

import numpy as np

from pymor.analyticalproblems.domaindescriptions import KNOWN_BOUNDARY_TYPES
from pymor.core.base import abstractmethod
from pymor.core.cache import CacheableObject, cached
from pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.defaultimpl import (ConformalTopologicalGridDefaultImplementations,

[docs]class ConformalTopologicalGrid(ConformalTopologicalGridDefaultImplementations, CacheableObject): """A topological grid without hanging nodes. The grid is completely determined via the subentity relation given by :meth:`~ConformalTopologicalGrid.subentities`. In addition, only :meth:`~ConformalTopologicalGrid.size` has to be implemented, cached default implementations for all other methods are provided by :class:`~pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.defaultimpl.ConformalTopologicalGridDefaultImplementations`. Attributes ---------- dim The dimension of the grid. """ cache_region = 'memory'
[docs] @abstractmethod def size(self, codim): """The number of entities of codimension `codim`.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def subentities(self, codim, subentity_codim): """`retval[e,s]` is the global index of the `s`-th codim-`subentity_codim` subentity of the codim-`codim` entity with global index `e`. Only `subentities(codim, codim+1)` has to be implemented; a default implementation is provided which evaluates `subentities(codim, subentity_codim)` by computing the transitive closure of `subentities(codim, codim+1)`. """ return self._subentities(codim, subentity_codim)
[docs] def superentities(self, codim, superentity_codim): """`retval[e,s]` is the global index of the `s`-th codim-`superentity_codim` superentity of the codim-`codim` entity with global index `e`. `retval[e]` is sorted by global index. The default implementation is to compute the result from `subentities(superentity_codim, codim)`. """ return self._superentities(codim, superentity_codim)
[docs] def superentity_indices(self, codim, superentity_codim): """`retval[e,s]` is the local index of the codim-`codim` entity `e` in the codim-`superentity_codim` superentity `superentities(codim, superentity_codim)[e,s].` """ return self._superentity_indices(codim, superentity_codim)
[docs] def neighbours(self, codim, neighbour_codim, intersection_codim=None): """`retval[e,n]` is the global index of the `n`-th codim-`neighbour_codim` entitiy of the codim-`codim` entity `e` that shares with `e` a subentity of codimension `intersection_codim`. If `intersection_codim == None`, it is set to `codim + 1` if `codim == neighbour_codim` and to `min(codim, neighbour_codim)` otherwise. The default implementation is to compute the result from `subentities(codim, intersection_codim)` and `superentities(intersection_codim, neihbour_codim)`. """ return self._neighbours(codim, neighbour_codim, intersection_codim)
[docs] def boundary_mask(self, codim): """`retval[e]` is true iff the codim-`codim` entity with global index `e` is a boundary entity. By definition, a codim-1 entity is a boundary entity if it has only one codim-0 superentity. For `codim != 1`, a codim-`codim` entity is a boundary entity if it has a codim-1 sub/super-entity. """ return self._boundary_mask(codim)
[docs] def boundaries(self, codim): """Returns the global indices of all codim-`codim` boundary entities. By definition, a codim-1 entity is a boundary entity if it has only one codim-0 superentity. For `codim != 1`, a codim-`codim` entity is a boundary entity if it has a codim-1 sub/super-entity. """ return self._boundaries(codim)
[docs]class ReferenceElement(ReferenceElementDefaultImplementations, CacheableObject): """Defines a reference element. All reference elements have the property that all subentities of a given codimension are of the same type. I.e. a three-dimensional reference element cannot have triangles and rectangles as faces at the same time. Attributes ---------- dim The dimension of the reference element volume The volume of the reference element """ dim = None volume = None cache_region = 'memory'
[docs] @abstractmethod def size(self, codim): """Number of subentities of codimension `codim`."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def subentities(self, codim, subentity_codim): """`subentities(c,sc)[i,j]` is, with respect to the indexing inside the reference element, the index of the `j`-th codim-`subentity_codim` subentity of the `i`-th codim-`codim` subentity of the reference element. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def subentity_embedding(self, subentity_codim): """Returns a tuple `(A, B)` which defines the embedding of the codim-`subentity_codim` subentities into the reference element. For `subentity_codim > 1', the embedding is by default given recursively via `subentity_embedding(subentity_codim - 1)` and `sub_reference_element(subentity_codim - 1).subentity_embedding(1)` choosing always the superentity with smallest index. """ return self._subentity_embedding(subentity_codim)
[docs] @abstractmethod def sub_reference_element(self, codim): """Returns the reference element of the codim-`codim` subentities.""" return self._sub_reference_element(codim)
[docs] def __call__(self, codim): """Returns the reference element of the codim-`codim` subentities.""" return self.sub_reference_element(codim)
[docs] @abstractmethod def unit_outer_normals(self): """`retval[e]` is the unit outer-normal vector to the codim-1 subentity with index `e`. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def center(self): """Coordinates of the barycenter.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def mapped_diameter(self, A): """The diameter of the reference element after transforming it with the matrix `A` (vectorized). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def quadrature(self, order=None, npoints=None, quadrature_type='default'): """Returns tuple `(P, W)` where `P` is an array of quadrature points with corresponding weights `W`. The quadrature is of order `order` or has `npoints` integration points. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def quadrature_info(self): """Returns a tuple of dicts `(O, N)` where `O[quadrature_type]` is a list of orders which are implemented for `quadrature_type` and `N[quadrature_type]` is a list of the corresponding numbers of integration points. """ pass
def quadrature_types(self): o, _ = self.quadrature_info() return frozenset(o.keys())
[docs]class AffineGrid(AffineGridDefaultImplementations, ConformalTopologicalGrid): """Topological grid with geometry where each codim-0 entity is affinely mapped to the same |ReferenceElement|. The grid is completely determined via the subentity relation given by :meth:`~AffineGrid.subentities` and the embeddings given by :meth:`~AffineGrid.embeddings`. In addition, only :meth:`~ConformalTopologicalGrid.size` and :meth:`~AffineGrid.reference_element` have to be implemented. Cached default implementations for all other methods are provided by :class:`~pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.defaultimpl.AffineGridDefaultImplementations`. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def reference_element(self, codim): """The |ReferenceElement| of the codim-`codim` entities.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def subentities(self, codim, subentity_codim): """`retval[e,s]` is the global index of the `s`-th codim-`subentity_codim` subentity of the codim-`codim` entity with global index `e`. The ordering of `subentities(0, subentity_codim)[e]` has to correspond, w.r.t. the embedding of `e`, to the local ordering inside the reference element. For `codim > 0`, we provide a default implementation by calculating the subentities of `e` as follows: 1. Find the `codim-1` parent entity `e_0` of `e` with minimal global index 2. Lookup the local indices of the subentities of `e` inside `e_0` using the reference element. 3. Map these local indices to global indices using `subentities(codim - 1, subentity_codim)`. This procedures assures that `subentities(codim, subentity_codim)[e]` has the right ordering w.r.t. the embedding determined by `e_0`, which agrees with what is returned by `embeddings(codim)` """ return self._subentities(codim, subentity_codim)
[docs] @abstractmethod def embeddings(self, codim): """Returns tuple `(A, B)` where `A[e]` and `B[e]` are the linear part and the translation part of the map from the reference element of `e` to `e`. For `codim > 0`, we provide a default implementation by taking the embedding of the codim-1 parent entity `e_0` of `e` with lowest global index and composing it with the subentity_embedding of `e` into `e_0` determined by the reference element. """ return self._embeddings(codim)
[docs] def jacobian_inverse_transposed(self, codim): """`retval[e]` is the transposed (pseudo-)inverse of the Jacobian of `embeddings(codim)[e]`. """ return self._jacobian_inverse_transposed(codim)
[docs] def integration_elements(self, codim): """`retval[e]` is given as `sqrt(det(A^T*A))`, where `A = embeddings(codim)[0][e]`.""" return self._integration_elements(codim)
[docs] def volumes(self, codim): """`retval[e]` is the (dim-`codim`)-dimensional volume of the codim-`codim` entity with global index `e`.""" return self._volumes(codim)
[docs] def volumes_inverse(self, codim): """`retval[e] = 1 / volumes(codim)[e]`.""" return self._volumes_inverse(codim)
[docs] def unit_outer_normals(self): """`retval[e,i]` is the unit outer normal to the i-th codim-1 subentity of the codim-0 entitiy with global index `e`. """ return self._unit_outer_normals()
[docs] def centers(self, codim): """`retval[e]` is the barycenter of the codim-`codim` entity with global index `e`.""" return self._centers(codim)
[docs] def diameters(self, codim): """`retval[e]` is the diameter of the codim-`codim` entity with global index `e`.""" return self._diameters(codim)
[docs] def quadrature_points(self, codim, order=None, npoints=None, quadrature_type='default'): """`retval[e]` is an array of quadrature points in global coordinates for the codim-`codim` entity with global index `e`. The quadrature is of order `order` or has `npoints` integration points. To integrate a function `f` over `e` one has to form ::, order)[e]), reference_element(codim).quadrature(order)[1]) * integration_elements(codim)[e]. # NOQA """ return self._quadrature_points(codim, order, npoints, quadrature_type)
[docs] def bounding_box(self): """returns a `(2, dim)`-shaped array containing lower/upper bounding box coordinates.""" return self._bounding_box()
[docs]class AffineGridWithOrthogonalCenters(AffineGrid): """|AffineGrid| with an additional `orthogonal_centers` method."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def orthogonal_centers(self): """`retval[e]` is a point inside the codim-0 entity with global index `e` such that the line segment from `retval[e]` to `retval[e2]` is always orthogonal to the codim-1 entity shared by the codim-0 entities with global index `e` and `e2`. (This is mainly useful for gradient approximation in finite volume schemes.) """ pass
[docs]class BoundaryInfo(CacheableObject): """Provides boundary types for the boundaries of a given |ConformalTopologicalGrid|. For every boundary type and codimension a mask is provided, marking grid entities of the respective type and codimension by their global index. Attributes ---------- boundary_types set of all boundary types the grid has. """ boundary_types = frozenset() cache_region = 'memory'
[docs] def mask(self, boundary_type, codim): """retval[i] is `True` if the codim-`codim` entity of global index `i` is associated to the boundary type `boundary_type`. """ raise ValueError(f'Has no boundary_type "{boundary_type}"')
[docs] def unique_boundary_type_mask(self, codim): """retval[i] is `True` if the codim-`codim` entity of global index `i` is associated to one and only one boundary type. """ return np.less_equal(sum(self.mask(bt, codim=codim).astype( for bt in self.boundary_types), 1)
[docs] def no_boundary_type_mask(self, codim): """retval[i] is `True` if the codim-`codim` entity of global index `i` is associated to no boundary type. """ return np.equal(sum(self.mask(bt, codim=codim).astype( for bt in self.boundary_types), 0)
def check_boundary_types(self, assert_unique_type=(1,), assert_some_type=()): for bt in self.boundary_types: if bt not in KNOWN_BOUNDARY_TYPES: self.logger.warning(f'Unknown boundary type: {bt}') if assert_unique_type: for codim in assert_unique_type: assert np.all(self.unique_boundary_type_mask(codim)) if assert_some_type: for codim in assert_some_type: assert not np.any(self.no_boundary_type_mask(codim)) @property def has_dirichlet(self): return 'dirichlet' in self.boundary_types @property def has_neumann(self): return 'neumann' in self.boundary_types @property def has_robin(self): return 'robin' in self.boundary_types def dirichlet_mask(self, codim): return self.mask('dirichlet', codim) def neumann_mask(self, codim): return self.mask('neumann', codim) def robin_mask(self, codim): return self.mask('robin', codim) @cached def _boundaries(self, boundary_type, codim): return np.where(self.mask(boundary_type, codim))[0].astype('int32') def boundaries(self, boundary_type, codim): return self._boundaries(boundary_type, codim) def dirichlet_boundaries(self, codim): return self._boundaries('dirichlet', codim) def neumann_boundaries(self, codim): return self._boundaries('neumann', codim) def robin_boundaries(self, codim): return self._boundaries('robin', codim)