Source code for pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.qt

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

""" This module provides a few methods and classes for visualizing data
associated to grids. We use the `Qt <>`_ widget
toolkit for the GUI.

import math as m

import numpy as np

import multiprocessing

from pymor.core.config import config
from pymor.core.config import is_windows_platform
from pymor.core.defaults import defaults
from pymor.core.logger import getLogger
from pymor.core.exceptions import QtMissing
from pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.vtkio import write_vtk
from import GLPatchWidget, ColorBarWidget
from pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.matplotlib import Matplotlib1DWidget, MatplotlibPatchWidget
from pymor.vectorarrays.interface import VectorArray
from pymor.vectorarrays.numpy import NumpyVectorSpace

if config.HAVE_QT:
    from Qt.QtWidgets import (QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QGridLayout, QSlider, QApplication, QLCDNumber,
                              QAction, QStyle, QToolBar, QLabel, QFileDialog, QMessageBox)
    from Qt.QtCore import Qt, QCoreApplication, QTimer, Slot

[docs] class PlotMainWindow(QWidget): """Base class for plot main windows.""" def __init__(self, U, plot, length=1, title=None): super().__init__() layout = QVBoxLayout() if title: title = QLabel('<b>' + title + '</b>') title.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter) layout.addWidget(title) layout.addWidget(plot) plot.set(U, 0) if length > 1: hlayout = QHBoxLayout() self.slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self.slider.setMinimum(0) self.slider.setMaximum(length - 1) self.slider.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow) hlayout.addWidget(self.slider) lcd = QLCDNumber(m.ceil(m.log10(length))) lcd.setDecMode() lcd.setSegmentStyle(QLCDNumber.Flat) hlayout.addWidget(lcd) layout.addLayout(hlayout) hlayout = QHBoxLayout() toolbar = QToolBar() self.a_play = QAction(, 'Play', self) self.a_play.setCheckable(True) self.a_rewind = QAction(, 'Rewind', self) self.a_toend = QAction(, 'End', self) self.a_step_backward = QAction(, 'Step Back', self) self.a_step_forward = QAction(, 'Step', self) self.a_loop = QAction(, 'Loop', self) self.a_loop.setCheckable(True) toolbar.addAction(self.a_play) toolbar.addAction(self.a_rewind) toolbar.addAction(self.a_toend) toolbar.addAction(self.a_step_backward) toolbar.addAction(self.a_step_forward) toolbar.addAction(self.a_loop) if hasattr(self, 'save'): self.a_save = QAction(, 'Save', self) toolbar.addAction(self.a_save) self.a_save.triggered.connect( hlayout.addWidget(toolbar) self.speed = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self.speed.setMinimum(0) self.speed.setMaximum(100) hlayout.addWidget(QLabel('Speed:')) hlayout.addWidget(self.speed) layout.addLayout(hlayout) self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update_solution) self.slider.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_changed) self.slider.valueChanged.connect(lcd.display) self.speed.valueChanged.connect(self.speed_changed) self.a_play.toggled.connect(self.toggle_play) self.a_rewind.triggered.connect(self.rewind) self.a_toend.triggered.connect(self.to_end) self.a_step_forward.triggered.connect(self.step_forward) self.a_step_backward.triggered.connect(self.step_backward) self.speed.setValue(50) elif hasattr(self, 'save'): hlayout = QHBoxLayout() toolbar = QToolBar() self.a_save = QAction(, 'Save', self) toolbar.addAction(self.a_save) hlayout.addWidget(toolbar) layout.addLayout(hlayout) self.a_save.triggered.connect( self.setLayout(layout) self.plot = plot self.U = U self.length = length def slider_changed(self, ind): self.plot.set(self.U, ind) def speed_changed(self, val): self.timer.setInterval(val * 20) def update_solution(self): ind = self.slider.value() + 1 if ind >= self.length: if self.a_loop.isChecked(): ind = 0 else: self.a_play.setChecked(False) return self.slider.setValue(ind) def toggle_play(self, checked): if checked: if self.slider.value() + 1 == self.length: self.slider.setValue(0) self.timer.start() else: self.timer.stop() def rewind(self): self.slider.setValue(0) def to_end(self): self.a_play.setChecked(False) self.slider.setValue(self.length - 1) def step_forward(self): self.a_play.setChecked(False) ind = self.slider.value() + 1 if ind == self.length and self.a_loop.isChecked(): ind = 0 if ind < self.length: self.slider.setValue(ind) def step_backward(self): self.a_play.setChecked(False) ind = self.slider.value() - 1 if ind == -1 and self.a_loop.isChecked(): ind = self.length - 1 if ind >= 0: self.slider.setValue(ind)
_launch_qt_processes = set()
[docs]def _launch_qt_app(main_window_factory, block): """Wrapper to display plot in a separate process.""" def _doit(factory): try: app = QApplication([]) except RuntimeError: app = QCoreApplication.instance() main_window = factory() if getattr(sys, '_called_from_test', False) and is_windows_platform(): QTimer.singleShot(500, app, Slot('quit()')) app.exec_() import sys if (block and not getattr(sys, '_called_from_test', False)) or is_windows_platform(): _doit(main_window_factory) else: p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_doit, args=(main_window_factory,)) p.start() _launch_qt_processes.add(
[docs]def stop_gui_processes(): import os, signal kill_procs = {p for p in multiprocessing.active_children() if in _launch_qt_processes} for p in kill_procs: # active_children apparently contains false positives sometimes p.terminate() p.join(1) for p in kill_procs: if p.is_alive(): os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL)
[docs]@defaults('backend') def visualize_patch(grid, U, bounding_box=([0, 0], [1, 1]), codim=2, title=None, legend=None, separate_colorbars=False, rescale_colorbars=False, backend='gl', block=False, columns=2): """Visualize scalar data associated to a two-dimensional |Grid| as a patch plot. The grid's |ReferenceElement| must be the triangle or square. The data can either be attached to the faces or vertices of the grid. Parameters ---------- grid The underlying |Grid|. U |VectorArray| of the data to visualize. If `len(U) > 1`, the data is visualized as a time series of plots. Alternatively, a tuple of |VectorArrays| can be provided, in which case a subplot is created for each entry of the tuple. The lengths of all arrays have to agree. bounding_box A bounding box in which the grid is contained. codim The codimension of the entities the data in `U` is attached to (either 0 or 2). title Title of the plot. legend Description of the data that is plotted. Most useful if `U` is a tuple in which case `legend` has to be a tuple of strings of the same length. separate_colorbars If `True`, use separate colorbars for each subplot. rescale_colorbars If `True`, rescale colorbars to data in each frame. backend Plot backend to use ('gl' or 'matplotlib'). block If `True`, block execution until the plot window is closed. columns The number of columns in the visualizer GUI in case multiple plots are displayed at the same time. """ if not config.HAVE_QT: raise QtMissing() assert backend in {'gl', 'matplotlib'} if backend == 'gl': if not config.HAVE_GL: logger = getLogger('pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.qt.visualize_patch') logger.warning('import of PyOpenGL failed, falling back to matplotlib; rendering will be slow') backend = 'matplotlib' elif not config.HAVE_QTOPENGL: logger = getLogger('pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.qt.visualize_patch') logger.warning('import of Qt.QtOpenGL failed, falling back to matplotlib; rendering will be slow') backend = 'matplotlib' if backend == 'matplotlib' and not config.HAVE_MATPLOTLIB: raise ImportError('cannot visualize: import of matplotlib failed') else: if not config.HAVE_MATPLOTLIB: raise ImportError('cannot visualize: import of matplotlib failed') # TODO extract class class MainWindow(PlotMainWindow): def __init__(self, grid, U, bounding_box, codim, title, legend, separate_colorbars, rescale_colorbars, backend): assert isinstance(U, VectorArray) \ or (isinstance(U, tuple) and all(isinstance(u, VectorArray) for u in U) and all(len(u) == len(U[0]) for u in U)) U = (U.to_numpy().astype(np.float64, copy=False),) if isinstance(U, VectorArray) else \ tuple(u.to_numpy().astype(np.float64, copy=False) for u in U) if isinstance(legend, str): legend = (legend,) assert legend is None or isinstance(legend, tuple) and len(legend) == len(U) if backend == 'gl': widget = GLPatchWidget cbar_widget = ColorBarWidget else: widget = MatplotlibPatchWidget cbar_widget = None if not separate_colorbars and len(U) > 1: l = getLogger('pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.qt.visualize_patch') l.warning('separate_colorbars=False not supported for matplotlib backend') separate_colorbars = True class PlotWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() if separate_colorbars: if rescale_colorbars: self.vmins = tuple(np.min(u[0]) for u in U) self.vmaxs = tuple(np.max(u[0]) for u in U) else: self.vmins = tuple(np.min(u) for u in U) self.vmaxs = tuple(np.max(u) for u in U) else: if rescale_colorbars: self.vmins = (min(np.min(u[0]) for u in U),) * len(U) self.vmaxs = (max(np.max(u[0]) for u in U),) * len(U) else: self.vmins = (min(np.min(u) for u in U),) * len(U) self.vmaxs = (max(np.max(u) for u in U),) * len(U) layout = QHBoxLayout() plot_layout = QGridLayout() self.colorbarwidgets = [cbar_widget(self, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if cbar_widget else None for vmin, vmax in zip(self.vmins, self.vmaxs)] plots = [widget(self, grid, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, bounding_box=bounding_box, codim=codim) for vmin, vmax in zip(self.vmins, self.vmaxs)] if legend: for i, plot, colorbar, l in zip(range(len(plots)), plots, self.colorbarwidgets, legend): subplot_layout = QVBoxLayout() caption = QLabel(l) caption.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter) subplot_layout.addWidget(caption) if not separate_colorbars or backend == 'matplotlib': subplot_layout.addWidget(plot) else: hlayout = QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addWidget(plot) if colorbar: hlayout.addWidget(colorbar) subplot_layout.addLayout(hlayout) plot_layout.addLayout(subplot_layout, int(i/columns), (i % columns), 1, 1) else: for i, plot, colorbar in zip(range(len(plots)), plots, self.colorbarwidgets): if not separate_colorbars or backend == 'matplotlib': plot_layout.addWidget(plot, int(i/columns), (i % columns), 1, 1) else: hlayout = QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addWidget(plot) if colorbar: hlayout.addWidget(colorbar) plot_layout.addLayout(hlayout, int(i/columns), (i % columns), 1, 1) layout.addLayout(plot_layout) if not separate_colorbars: layout.addWidget(self.colorbarwidgets[0]) for w in self.colorbarwidgets[1:]: w.setVisible(False) self.setLayout(layout) self.plots = plots def set(self, U, ind): if rescale_colorbars: if separate_colorbars: self.vmins = tuple(np.min(u[ind]) for u in U) self.vmaxs = tuple(np.max(u[ind]) for u in U) else: self.vmins = (min(np.min(u[ind]) for u in U),) * len(U) self.vmaxs = (max(np.max(u[ind]) for u in U),) * len(U) for u, plot, colorbar, vmin, vmax in zip(U, self.plots, self.colorbarwidgets, self.vmins, self.vmaxs): plot.set(u[ind], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if colorbar: colorbar.set(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) super().__init__(U, PlotWidget(), title=title, length=len(U[0])) self.grid = grid self.codim = codim def save(self): if not config.HAVE_PYEVTK: msg = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical, 'Error', 'VTK output disabled. Pleas install pyvtk.') msg.exec_() return filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save as vtk file')[0] base_name = filename.split('.vtu')[0].split('.vtk')[0].split('.pvd')[0] if base_name: if len(self.U) == 1: write_vtk(self.grid, NumpyVectorSpace.make_array(self.U[0]), base_name, codim=self.codim) else: for i, u in enumerate(self.U): write_vtk(self.grid, NumpyVectorSpace.make_array(u), f'{base_name}-{i}', codim=self.codim) _launch_qt_app(lambda: MainWindow(grid, U, bounding_box, codim, title=title, legend=legend, separate_colorbars=separate_colorbars, rescale_colorbars=rescale_colorbars, backend=backend), block)
[docs]def visualize_matplotlib_1d(grid, U, codim=1, title=None, legend=None, separate_plots=False, block=False): """Visualize scalar data associated to a one-dimensional |Grid| as a plot. The grid's |ReferenceElement| must be the line. The data can either be attached to the subintervals or vertices of the grid. Parameters ---------- grid The underlying |Grid|. U |VectorArray| of the data to visualize. If `len(U) > 1`, the data is visualized as a time series of plots. Alternatively, a tuple of |VectorArrays| can be provided, in which case several plots are made into the same axes. The lengths of all arrays have to agree. codim The codimension of the entities the data in `U` is attached to (either 0 or 1). title Title of the plot. legend Description of the data that is plotted. Most useful if `U` is a tuple in which case `legend` has to be a tuple of strings of the same length. separate_plots If `True`, use subplots to visualize multiple |VectorArrays|. block If `True`, block execution until the plot window is closed. """ if not config.HAVE_QT: raise QtMissing() if not config.HAVE_MATPLOTLIB: raise ImportError('cannot visualize: import of matplotlib failed') class MainWindow(PlotMainWindow): def __init__(self, grid, U, codim, title, legend, separate_plots): assert isinstance(U, VectorArray) \ or (isinstance(U, tuple) and all(isinstance(u, VectorArray) for u in U) and all(len(u) == len(U[0]) for u in U)) U = (U.to_numpy(),) if isinstance(U, VectorArray) else tuple(u.to_numpy() for u in U) if isinstance(legend, str): legend = (legend,) assert legend is None or isinstance(legend, tuple) and len(legend) == len(U) plot_widget = Matplotlib1DWidget(None, grid, count=len(U), vmin=[np.min(u) for u in U], vmax=[np.max(u) for u in U], legend=legend, codim=codim, separate_plots=separate_plots) super().__init__(U, plot_widget, title=title, length=len(U[0])) self.grid = grid _launch_qt_app(lambda: MainWindow(grid, U, codim, title=title, legend=legend, separate_plots=separate_plots), block)