Source code for pymor.models.iosys

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as spla
import scipy.sparse as sps

from pymor.algorithms.lyapunov import solve_lyap_lrcf, solve_lyap_dense
from pymor.algorithms.to_matrix import to_matrix
from pymor.core.cache import cached
from pymor.core.config import config
from pymor.core.defaults import defaults
from pymor.models.interface import Model
from pymor.operators.block import (BlockOperator, BlockRowOperator, BlockColumnOperator, BlockDiagonalOperator,
from pymor.operators.constructions import IdentityOperator, LincombOperator, ZeroOperator
from pymor.operators.numpy import NumpyMatrixOperator
from pymor.parameters.base import Mu, Parameters
from import indent_value
from pymor.vectorarrays.block import BlockVectorSpace

[docs]@defaults('value') def sparse_min_size(value=1000): """Return minimal sparse problem size for which to warn about converting to dense.""" return value
[docs]class InputOutputModel(Model): """Base class for input-output systems.""" cache_region = 'memory' def __init__(self, input_space, output_space, cont_time=True, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): assert cont_time in (True, False) super().__init__(estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name) self.__auto_init(locals()) @property def input_dim(self): return self.input_space.dim @property def output_dim(self): return self.output_space.dim def _solve(self, mu=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def eval_tf(self, s, mu=None): """Evaluate the transfer function.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def eval_dtf(self, s, mu=None): """Evaluate the derivative of the transfer function.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @cached def freq_resp(self, w, mu=None): """Evaluate the transfer function on the imaginary axis. Parameters ---------- w A sequence of angular frequencies at which to compute the transfer function. mu |Parameter values| for which to evaluate the transfer function. Returns ------- tfw Transfer function values at frequencies in `w`, |NumPy array| of shape `(len(w), self.output_dim, self.input_dim)`. """ if not self.cont_time: raise NotImplementedError if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) return np.stack([self.eval_tf(1j * wi, mu=mu) for wi in w])
[docs] def mag_plot(self, w, mu=None, ax=None, ord=None, Hz=False, dB=False, **mpl_kwargs): """Draw the magnitude plot. Parameters ---------- w A sequence of angular frequencies at which to compute the transfer function. mu |Parameter values| for which to evaluate the transfer function. ax Axis to which to plot. If not given, `matplotlib.pyplot.gca` is used. ord The order of the norm used to compute the magnitude (the default is the Frobenius norm). Hz Should the frequency be in Hz on the plot. dB Should the magnitude be in dB on the plot. mpl_kwargs Keyword arguments used in the matplotlib plot function. Returns ------- out List of matplotlib artists added. """ if ax is None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() w = np.asarray(w) freq = w / (2 * np.pi) if Hz else w mag = spla.norm(self.freq_resp(w, mu=mu), ord=ord, axis=(1, 2)) if dB: out = ax.semilogx(freq, 20 * np.log2(mag), **mpl_kwargs) else: out = ax.loglog(freq, mag, **mpl_kwargs) ax.set_title('Magnitude plot') freq_unit = ' (Hz)' if Hz else ' (rad/s)' ax.set_xlabel('Frequency' + freq_unit) mag_unit = ' (dB)' if dB else '' ax.set_ylabel('Magnitude' + mag_unit) return out
[docs]class InputStateOutputModel(InputOutputModel): """Base class for input-output systems with state space.""" def __init__(self, input_space, solution_space, output_space, cont_time=True, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): super().__init__(input_space, output_space, cont_time=cont_time, estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name) self.__auto_init(locals()) @property def order(self): return self.solution_space.dim
[docs]class LTIModel(InputStateOutputModel): r"""Class for linear time-invariant systems. This class describes input-state-output systems given by .. math:: E(\mu) \dot{x}(t, \mu) & = A(\mu) x(t, \mu) + B(\mu) u(t), \\ y(t, \mu) & = C(\mu) x(t, \mu) + D(\mu) u(t), if continuous-time, or .. math:: E(\mu) x(k + 1, \mu) & = A(\mu) x(k, \mu) + B(\mu) u(k), \\ y(k, \mu) & = C(\mu) x(k, \mu) + D(\mu) u(k), if discrete-time, where :math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`C`, :math:`D`, and :math:`E` are linear operators. Parameters ---------- A The |Operator| A. B The |Operator| B. C The |Operator| C. D The |Operator| D or `None` (then D is assumed to be zero). E The |Operator| E or `None` (then E is assumed to be identity). cont_time `True` if the system is continuous-time, otherwise `False`. solver_options The solver options to use to solve the Lyapunov equations. estimator An error estimator for the problem. This can be any object with an `estimate(U, mu, model)` method. If `estimator` is not `None`, an `estimate(U, mu)` method is added to the model which will call `estimator.estimate(U, mu, self)`. visualizer A visualizer for the problem. This can be any object with a `visualize(U, model, ...)` method. If `visualizer` is not `None`, a `visualize(U, *args, **kwargs)` method is added to the model which forwards its arguments to the visualizer's `visualize` method. name Name of the system. Attributes ---------- order The order of the system. input_dim The number of inputs. output_dim The number of outputs. A The |Operator| A. B The |Operator| B. C The |Operator| C. D The |Operator| D. E The |Operator| E. """ def __init__(self, A, B, C, D=None, E=None, cont_time=True, solver_options=None, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): assert A.linear assert A.source == A.range assert B.linear assert B.range == A.source assert C.linear assert C.source == A.range D = D or ZeroOperator(C.range, B.source) assert D.linear assert D.source == B.source assert D.range == C.range E = E or IdentityOperator(A.source) assert E.linear assert E.source == E.range assert E.source == A.source assert solver_options is None or solver_options.keys() <= {'lyap_lrcf', 'lyap_dense'} super().__init__(B.source, A.source, C.range, cont_time=cont_time, estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name) self.__auto_init(locals())
[docs] def __str__(self): return ( f'{}\n' f' class: {self.__class__.__name__}\n' f' number of equations: {self.order}\n' f' number of inputs: {self.input_dim}\n' f' number of outputs: {self.output_dim}\n' f' {"continuous" if self.cont_time else "discrete"}-time\n' f' linear time-invariant\n' f' solution_space: {self.solution_space}' )
[docs] @classmethod def from_matrices(cls, A, B, C, D=None, E=None, cont_time=True, state_id='STATE', solver_options=None, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): """Create |LTIModel| from matrices. Parameters ---------- A The |NumPy array| or |SciPy spmatrix| A. B The |NumPy array| or |SciPy spmatrix| B. C The |NumPy array| or |SciPy spmatrix| C. D The |NumPy array| or |SciPy spmatrix| D or `None` (then D is assumed to be zero). E The |NumPy array| or |SciPy spmatrix| E or `None` (then E is assumed to be identity). cont_time `True` if the system is continuous-time, otherwise `False`. state_id Id of the state space. solver_options The solver options to use to solve the Lyapunov equations. estimator An error estimator for the problem. This can be any object with an `estimate(U, mu, model)` method. If `estimator` is not `None`, an `estimate(U, mu)` method is added to the model which will call `estimator.estimate(U, mu, self)`. visualizer A visualizer for the problem. This can be any object with a `visualize(U, model, ...)` method. If `visualizer` is not `None`, a `visualize(U, *args, **kwargs)` method is added to the model which forwards its arguments to the visualizer's `visualize` method. name Name of the system. Returns ------- lti The |LTIModel| with operators A, B, C, D, and E. """ assert isinstance(A, (np.ndarray, sps.spmatrix)) assert isinstance(B, (np.ndarray, sps.spmatrix)) assert isinstance(C, (np.ndarray, sps.spmatrix)) assert D is None or isinstance(D, (np.ndarray, sps.spmatrix)) assert E is None or isinstance(E, (np.ndarray, sps.spmatrix)) A = NumpyMatrixOperator(A, source_id=state_id, range_id=state_id) B = NumpyMatrixOperator(B, range_id=state_id) C = NumpyMatrixOperator(C, source_id=state_id) if D is not None: D = NumpyMatrixOperator(D) if E is not None: E = NumpyMatrixOperator(E, source_id=state_id, range_id=state_id) return cls(A, B, C, D, E, cont_time=cont_time, solver_options=solver_options, estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, A_file, B_file, C_file, D_file=None, E_file=None, cont_time=True, state_id='STATE', solver_options=None, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): """Create |LTIModel| from matrices stored in separate files. Parameters ---------- A_file The name of the file (with extension) containing A. B_file The name of the file (with extension) containing B. C_file The name of the file (with extension) containing C. D_file `None` or the name of the file (with extension) containing D. E_file `None` or the name of the file (with extension) containing E. cont_time `True` if the system is continuous-time, otherwise `False`. state_id Id of the state space. solver_options The solver options to use to solve the Lyapunov equations. estimator An error estimator for the problem. This can be any object with an `estimate(U, mu, model)` method. If `estimator` is not `None`, an `estimate(U, mu)` method is added to the model which will call `estimator.estimate(U, mu, self)`. visualizer A visualizer for the problem. This can be any object with a `visualize(U, model, ...)` method. If `visualizer` is not `None`, a `visualize(U, *args, **kwargs)` method is added to the model which forwards its arguments to the visualizer's `visualize` method. name Name of the system. Returns ------- lti The |LTIModel| with operators A, B, C, D, and E. """ from import load_matrix A = load_matrix(A_file) B = load_matrix(B_file) C = load_matrix(C_file) D = load_matrix(D_file) if D_file is not None else None E = load_matrix(E_file) if E_file is not None else None return cls.from_matrices(A, B, C, D, E, cont_time=cont_time, state_id=state_id, solver_options=solver_options, estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_mat_file(cls, file_name, cont_time=True, state_id='STATE', solver_options=None, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): """Create |LTIModel| from matrices stored in a .mat file. Parameters ---------- file_name The name of the .mat file (extension .mat does not need to be included) containing A, B, C, and optionally D and E. cont_time `True` if the system is continuous-time, otherwise `False`. state_id Id of the state space. solver_options The solver options to use to solve the Lyapunov equations. estimator An error estimator for the problem. This can be any object with an `estimate(U, mu, model)` method. If `estimator` is not `None`, an `estimate(U, mu)` method is added to the model which will call `estimator.estimate(U, mu, self)`. visualizer A visualizer for the problem. This can be any object with a `visualize(U, model, ...)` method. If `visualizer` is not `None`, a `visualize(U, *args, **kwargs)` method is added to the model which forwards its arguments to the visualizer's `visualize` method. name Name of the system. Returns ------- lti The |LTIModel| with operators A, B, C, D, and E. """ import as spio mat_dict = spio.loadmat(file_name) assert 'A' in mat_dict and 'B' in mat_dict and 'C' in mat_dict A = mat_dict['A'] B = mat_dict['B'] C = mat_dict['C'] D = mat_dict['D'] if 'D' in mat_dict else None E = mat_dict['E'] if 'E' in mat_dict else None return cls.from_matrices(A, B, C, D, E, cont_time=cont_time, state_id=state_id, solver_options=solver_options, estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_abcde_files(cls, files_basename, cont_time=True, state_id='STATE', solver_options=None, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): """Create |LTIModel| from matrices stored in a .[ABCDE] files. Parameters ---------- files_basename The basename of files containing A, B, C, and optionally D and E. cont_time `True` if the system is continuous-time, otherwise `False`. state_id Id of the state space. solver_options The solver options to use to solve the Lyapunov equations. estimator An error estimator for the problem. This can be any object with an `estimate(U, mu, model)` method. If `estimator` is not `None`, an `estimate(U, mu)` method is added to the model which will call `estimator.estimate(U, mu, self)`. visualizer A visualizer for the problem. This can be any object with a `visualize(U, model, ...)` method. If `visualizer` is not `None`, a `visualize(U, *args, **kwargs)` method is added to the model which forwards its arguments to the visualizer's `visualize` method. name Name of the system. Returns ------- lti The |LTIModel| with operators A, B, C, D, and E. """ from import load_matrix import os.path A = load_matrix(files_basename + '.A') B = load_matrix(files_basename + '.B') C = load_matrix(files_basename + '.C') D = load_matrix(files_basename + '.D') if os.path.isfile(files_basename + '.D') else None E = load_matrix(files_basename + '.E') if os.path.isfile(files_basename + '.E') else None return cls.from_matrices(A, B, C, D, E, cont_time=cont_time, state_id=state_id, solver_options=solver_options, estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name)
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """Add an |LTIModel|.""" assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.input_space assert self.output_space == other.output_space if not isinstance(other, LTIModel): return NotImplemented A = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.A, other.A]) B = BlockColumnOperator([self.B, other.B]) C = BlockRowOperator([self.C, other.C]) D = self.D + other.D if isinstance(self.E, IdentityOperator) and isinstance(other.E, IdentityOperator): E = IdentityOperator(BlockVectorSpace([self.solution_space, other.solution_space])) else: E = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.E, other.E]) return self.with_(A=A, B=B, C=C, D=D, E=E)
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract an |LTIModel|.""" assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.input_space assert self.output_space == other.output_space if not isinstance(other, LTIModel): return NotImplemented A = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.A, other.A]) B = BlockColumnOperator([self.B, other.B]) C = BlockRowOperator([self.C, -other.C]) if self.D is other.D: D = ZeroOperator(self.output_space, self.input_space) else: D = self.D - other.D if isinstance(self.E, IdentityOperator) and isinstance(other.E, IdentityOperator): E = IdentityOperator(BlockVectorSpace([self.solution_space, other.solution_space])) else: E = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.E, other.E]) return self.with_(A=A, B=B, C=C, D=D, E=E)
[docs] def __neg__(self): """Negate the |LTIModel|.""" return self.with_(C=-self.C, D=-self.D)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """Postmultiply by an |LTIModel|.""" assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.output_space if not isinstance(other, LTIModel): return NotImplemented A = BlockOperator([[self.A, self.B @ other.C], [None, other.A]]) B = BlockColumnOperator([self.B @ other.D, other.B]) C = BlockRowOperator([self.C, self.D @ other.C]) D = self.D @ other.D E = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.E, other.E]) return self.with_(A=A, B=B, C=C, D=D, E=E)
[docs] @cached def poles(self, mu=None): """Compute system poles. .. note:: Assumes the systems is small enough to use a dense eigenvalue solver. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values| for which to compute the systems poles. Returns ------- One-dimensional |NumPy array| of system poles. """ if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) A = self.A.assemble(mu=mu) E = self.E.assemble(mu=mu) if self.order >= sparse_min_size(): if not isinstance(A, NumpyMatrixOperator) or A.sparse: self.logger.warning('Converting operator A to a NumPy array.') if not isinstance(E, IdentityOperator): if not isinstance(E, NumpyMatrixOperator) or E.sparse: self.logger.warning('Converting operator E to a NumPy array.') A = to_matrix(A, format='dense') E = None if isinstance(E, IdentityOperator) else to_matrix(E, format='dense') return spla.eigvals(A, E)
[docs] def eval_tf(self, s, mu=None): r"""Evaluate the transfer function. The transfer function at :math:`s` is .. math:: C(\mu) (s E(\mu) - A(\mu))^{-1} B(\mu) + D(\mu). .. note:: Assumes that either the number of inputs or the number of outputs is much smaller than the order of the system. Parameters ---------- s Complex number. mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- tfs Transfer function evaluated at the complex number `s`, |NumPy array| of shape `(self.output_dim, self.input_dim)`. """ if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) A = self.A B = self.B C = self.C D = self.D E = self.E sEmA = s * E - A if self.input_dim <= self.output_dim: tfs = C.apply(sEmA.apply_inverse(B.as_range_array(mu=mu), mu=mu), mu=mu).to_numpy().T else: tfs = B.apply_adjoint(sEmA.apply_inverse_adjoint(C.as_source_array(mu=mu), mu=mu), mu=mu).to_numpy().conj() if not isinstance(D, ZeroOperator): tfs += to_matrix(D, format='dense', mu=mu) return tfs
[docs] def eval_dtf(self, s, mu=None): r"""Evaluate the derivative of the transfer function. The derivative of the transfer function at :math:`s` is .. math:: -C(\mu) (s E(\mu) - A(\mu))^{-1} E(\mu) (s E(\mu) - A(\mu))^{-1} B(\mu). .. note:: Assumes that either the number of inputs or the number of outputs is much smaller than the order of the system. Parameters ---------- s Complex number. mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- dtfs Derivative of transfer function evaluated at the complex number `s`, |NumPy array| of shape `(self.output_dim, self.input_dim)`. """ if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) A = self.A B = self.B C = self.C E = self.E sEmA = (s * E - A).assemble(mu=mu) if self.input_dim <= self.output_dim: dtfs = -C.apply( sEmA.apply_inverse( E.apply( sEmA.apply_inverse( B.as_range_array(mu=mu)), mu=mu)), mu=mu).to_numpy().T else: dtfs = -B.apply_adjoint( sEmA.apply_inverse_adjoint( E.apply_adjoint( sEmA.apply_inverse_adjoint( C.as_source_array(mu=mu)), mu=mu)), mu=mu).to_numpy().conj() return dtfs
[docs] @cached def gramian(self, typ, mu=None): """Compute a Gramian. Parameters ---------- typ The type of the Gramian: - `'c_lrcf'`: low-rank Cholesky factor of the controllability Gramian, - `'o_lrcf'`: low-rank Cholesky factor of the observability Gramian, - `'c_dense'`: dense controllability Gramian, - `'o_dense'`: dense observability Gramian. .. note:: For `'c_lrcf'` and `'o_lrcf'` types, the method assumes the system is asymptotically stable. For `'c_dense'` and `'o_dense'` types, the method assumes there are no two system poles which add to zero. mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- If typ is `'c_lrcf'` or `'o_lrcf'`, then the Gramian factor as a |VectorArray| from `self.A.source`. If typ is `'c_dense'` or `'o_dense'`, then the Gramian as a |NumPy array|. """ if not self.cont_time: raise NotImplementedError assert typ in ('c_lrcf', 'o_lrcf', 'c_dense', 'o_dense') if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) A = self.A.assemble(mu) B = self.B C = self.C E = self.E.assemble(mu) if not isinstance(self.E, IdentityOperator) else None options_lrcf = self.solver_options.get('lyap_lrcf') if self.solver_options else None options_dense = self.solver_options.get('lyap_dense') if self.solver_options else None if typ == 'c_lrcf': return solve_lyap_lrcf(A, E, B.as_range_array(mu=mu), trans=False, options=options_lrcf) elif typ == 'o_lrcf': return solve_lyap_lrcf(A, E, C.as_source_array(mu=mu), trans=True, options=options_lrcf) elif typ == 'c_dense': return solve_lyap_dense(to_matrix(A, format='dense'), to_matrix(E, format='dense') if E else None, to_matrix(B, format='dense'), trans=False, options=options_dense) elif typ == 'o_dense': return solve_lyap_dense(to_matrix(A, format='dense'), to_matrix(E, format='dense') if E else None, to_matrix(C, format='dense'), trans=True, options=options_dense)
@cached def _hsv_U_V(self, mu=None): """Compute Hankel singular values and vectors. .. note:: Assumes the system is asymptotically stable. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- hsv One-dimensional |NumPy array| of singular values. Uh |NumPy array| of left singular vectors. Vh |NumPy array| of right singular vectors. """ if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) cf = self.gramian('c_lrcf', mu=mu) of = self.gramian('o_lrcf', mu=mu) U, hsv, Vh = spla.svd(self.E.apply2(of, cf, mu=mu), lapack_driver='gesvd') return hsv, U.T, Vh
[docs] def hsv(self, mu=None): """Hankel singular values. .. note:: Assumes the system is asymptotically stable. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- sv One-dimensional |NumPy array| of singular values. """ return self._hsv_U_V(mu=mu)[0]
[docs] @cached def h2_norm(self, mu=None): """Compute the H2-norm of the |LTIModel|. .. note:: Assumes the system is asymptotically stable. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- norm H_2-norm. """ if not self.cont_time: raise NotImplementedError if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) if self.input_dim <= self.output_dim: cf = self.gramian('c_lrcf', mu=mu) return np.sqrt(self.C.apply(cf, mu=mu).l2_norm2().sum()) else: of = self.gramian('o_lrcf', mu=mu) return np.sqrt(self.B.apply_adjoint(of, mu=mu).l2_norm2().sum())
[docs] @cached def hinf_norm(self, mu=None, return_fpeak=False, ab13dd_equilibrate=False): """Compute the H_infinity-norm of the |LTIModel|. .. note:: Assumes the system is asymptotically stable. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. return_fpeak Whether to return the frequency at which the maximum is achieved. ab13dd_equilibrate Whether `slycot.ab13dd` should use equilibration. Returns ------- norm H_infinity-norm. fpeak Frequency at which the maximum is achieved (if `return_fpeak` is `True`). """ if not config.HAVE_SLYCOT: raise NotImplementedError if not return_fpeak: return self.hinf_norm(mu=mu, return_fpeak=True, ab13dd_equilibrate=ab13dd_equilibrate)[0] if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) A, B, C, D, E = (op.assemble(mu=mu) for op in [self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D, self.E]) if self.order >= sparse_min_size(): for op_name in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']: op = locals()[op_name] if not isinstance(op, NumpyMatrixOperator) or op.sparse: self.logger.warning(f'Converting operator {op_name} to a NumPy array.') from slycot import ab13dd dico = 'C' if self.cont_time else 'D' jobe = 'I' if isinstance(self.E, IdentityOperator) else 'G' equil = 'S' if ab13dd_equilibrate else 'N' jobd = 'Z' if isinstance(self.D, ZeroOperator) else 'D' A, B, C, D, E = (to_matrix(op, format='dense') for op in [A, B, C, D, E]) norm, fpeak = ab13dd(dico, jobe, equil, jobd, self.order, self.input_dim, self.output_dim, A, E, B, C, D) return norm, fpeak
[docs] def hankel_norm(self, mu=None): """Compute the Hankel-norm of the |LTIModel|. .. note:: Assumes the system is asymptotically stable. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- norm Hankel-norm. """ return self.hsv(mu=mu)[0]
[docs]class TransferFunction(InputOutputModel): """Class for systems represented by a transfer function. This class describes input-output systems given by a transfer function :math:`H(s, mu)`. Parameters ---------- input_space The input |VectorSpace|. Typically `NumpyVectorSpace(m)` where m is the number of inputs. output_space The output |VectorSpace|. Typically `NumpyVectorSpace(p)` where p is the number of outputs. tf The transfer function defined at least on the open right complex half-plane. `tf(s, mu)` is a |NumPy array| of shape `(p, m)`. dtf The complex derivative of `H` with respect to `s`. cont_time `True` if the system is continuous-time, otherwise `False`. name Name of the system. Attributes ---------- input_dim The number of inputs. output_dim The number of outputs. tf The transfer function. dtf The complex derivative of the transfer function. """ def __init__(self, input_space, output_space, tf, dtf, parameters={}, cont_time=True, name=None): super().__init__(input_space, output_space, cont_time=cont_time, name=name) self.parameters_own = parameters self.__auto_init(locals())
[docs] def __str__(self): return ( f'{}\n' f' class: {self.__class__.__name__}\n' f' number of inputs: {self.input_dim}\n' f' number of outputs: {self.output_dim}\n' f' {"continuous" if self.cont_time else "discrete"}-time\n' f' linear time-invariant\n' f' solution_space: {self.solution_space}' )
[docs] def eval_tf(self, s, mu=None): if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) if not self.parametric: return else: return, mu=mu)
[docs] def eval_dtf(self, s, mu=None): if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) if not self.parametric: return self.dtf(s) else: return self.dtf(s, mu=mu)
def __add__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, InputOutputModel) assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.input_space assert self.output_space == other.output_space tf = lambda s, mu=None: self.eval_tf(s, mu=mu) + other.eval_tf(s, mu=mu) dtf = lambda s, mu=None: self.eval_dtf(s, mu=mu) + other.eval_dtf(s, mu=mu) return self.with_(tf=tf, dtf=dtf) __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, InputOutputModel) assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.input_space assert self.output_space == other.output_space tf = lambda s, mu=None: self.eval_tf(s, mu=mu) - other.eval_tf(s, mu=mu) dtf = lambda s, mu=None: self.eval_dtf(s, mu=mu) - other.eval_dtf(s, mu=mu) return self.with_(tf=tf, dtf=dtf) def __rsub__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, InputOutputModel) assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.input_space assert self.output_space == other.output_space tf = lambda s, mu=None: other.eval_tf(s, mu=mu) - self.eval_tf(s, mu=mu) dtf = lambda s, mu=None: other.eval_dtf(s, mu=mu) - self.eval_dtf(s, mu=mu) return self.with_(tf=tf, dtf=dtf) def __neg__(self): tf = lambda s, mu=None: -self.eval_tf(s, mu=mu) dtf = lambda s, mu=None: -self.eval_dtf(s, mu=mu) return self.with_(tf=tf, dtf=dtf) def __mul__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, InputOutputModel) assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.output_space tf = lambda s, mu=None: self.eval_tf(s, mu=mu) @ other.eval_tf(s, mu=mu) dtf = lambda s, mu=None: self.eval_dtf(s, mu=mu) @ other.eval_dtf(s, mu=mu) return self.with_(tf=tf, dtf=dtf) def __rmul__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, InputOutputModel) assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.output_space == other.input_space tf = lambda s, mu=None: other.eval_tf(s, mu=mu) @ self.eval_tf(s, mu=mu) dtf = lambda s, mu=None: other.eval_dtf(s, mu=mu) @ self.eval_dtf(s, mu=mu) return self.with_(tf=tf, dtf=dtf)
[docs] @cached def h2_norm(self, return_norm_only=True, **quad_kwargs): """Compute the H2-norm using quadrature. This method uses `scipy.integrate.quad` and makes no assumptions on the form of the transfer function. By default, the absolute error tolerance in `scipy.integrate.quad` is set to zero (see its optional argument `epsabs`). It can be changed by using the `epsabs` keyword argument. Parameters ---------- return_norm_only Whether to only return the approximate H2-norm. quad_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to `scipy.integrate.quad`. Returns ------- norm Computed H2-norm. norm_relerr Relative error estimate (returned if `return_norm_only` is `False`). info Quadrature info (returned if `return_norm_only` is `False` and `full_output` is `True`). See `scipy.integrate.quad` documentation for more details. """ if not self.cont_time: raise NotImplementedError import scipy.integrate as spint if 'epsabs' not in quad_kwargs: quad_kwargs['epsabs'] = 0 quad_out = spint.quad(lambda w: spla.norm(self.eval_tf(w * 1j))**2, -np.inf, np.inf, **quad_kwargs) norm = np.sqrt(quad_out[0] / (2 * np.pi)) if return_norm_only: return norm else: abserr = quad_out[1] norm_relerr = abserr / (2 * np.pi) / (2 * norm) / norm if len(quad_out) == 2: return norm, norm_relerr else: return norm, norm_relerr, quad_out[2:]
[docs]class SecondOrderModel(InputStateOutputModel): r"""Class for linear second order systems. This class describes input-output systems given by .. math:: M(\mu) \ddot{x}(t, \mu) + E(\mu) \dot{x}(t, \mu) + K(\mu) x(t, \mu) & = B(\mu) u(t), \\ y(t, \mu) & = C_p(\mu) x(t, \mu) + C_v(\mu) \dot{x}(t, \mu) + D(\mu) u(t), if continuous-time, or .. math:: M(\mu) x(k + 2, \mu) + E(\mu) x(k + 1, \mu) + K(\mu) x(k, \mu) & = B(\mu) u(k), \\ y(k, \mu) & = C_p(\mu) x(k, \mu) + C_v(\mu) x(k + 1, \mu) + D(\mu) u(k), if discrete-time, where :math:`M`, :math:`E`, :math:`K`, :math:`B`, :math:`C_p`, :math:`C_v`, and :math:`D` are linear operators. Parameters ---------- M The |Operator| M. E The |Operator| E. K The |Operator| K. B The |Operator| B. Cp The |Operator| Cp. Cv The |Operator| Cv or `None` (then Cv is assumed to be zero). D The |Operator| D or `None` (then D is assumed to be zero). cont_time `True` if the system is continuous-time, otherwise `False`. solver_options The solver options to use to solve the Lyapunov equations. estimator An error estimator for the problem. This can be any object with an `estimate(U, mu, model)` method. If `estimator` is not `None`, an `estimate(U, mu)` method is added to the model which will call `estimator.estimate(U, mu, self)`. visualizer A visualizer for the problem. This can be any object with a `visualize(U, model, ...)` method. If `visualizer` is not `None`, a `visualize(U, *args, **kwargs)` method is added to the model which forwards its arguments to the visualizer's `visualize` method. name Name of the system. Attributes ---------- order The order of the system (equal to M.source.dim). input_dim The number of inputs. output_dim The number of outputs. M The |Operator| M. E The |Operator| E. K The |Operator| K. B The |Operator| B. Cp The |Operator| Cp. Cv The |Operator| Cv. D The |Operator| D. """ def __init__(self, M, E, K, B, Cp, Cv=None, D=None, cont_time=True, solver_options=None, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): assert M.linear and M.source == M.range assert E.linear and E.source == E.range == M.source assert K.linear and K.source == K.range == M.source assert B.linear and B.range == M.source assert Cp.linear and Cp.source == M.range Cv = Cv or ZeroOperator(Cp.range, Cp.source) assert Cv.linear and Cv.source == M.range and Cv.range == Cp.range D = D or ZeroOperator(Cp.range, B.source) assert D.linear and D.source == B.source and D.range == Cp.range assert solver_options is None or solver_options.keys() <= {'lyap_lrcf', 'lyap_dense'} super().__init__(B.source, M.source, Cp.range, cont_time=cont_time, estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name) self.__auto_init(locals())
[docs] def __str__(self): return ( f'{}\n' f' class: {self.__class__.__name__}\n' f' number of equations: {self.order}\n' f' number of inputs: {self.input_dim}\n' f' number of outputs: {self.output_dim}\n' f' {"continuous" if self.cont_time else "discrete"}-time\n' f' second-order\n' f' linear time-invariant\n' f' solution_space: {self.solution_space}' )
[docs] @classmethod def from_matrices(cls, M, E, K, B, Cp, Cv=None, D=None, cont_time=True, state_id='STATE', solver_options=None, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): """Create a second order system from matrices. Parameters ---------- M The |NumPy array| or |SciPy spmatrix| M. E The |NumPy array| or |SciPy spmatrix| E. K The |NumPy array| or |SciPy spmatrix| K. B The |NumPy array| or |SciPy spmatrix| B. Cp The |NumPy array| or |SciPy spmatrix| Cp. Cv The |NumPy array| or |SciPy spmatrix| Cv or `None` (then Cv is assumed to be zero). D The |NumPy array| or |SciPy spmatrix| D or `None` (then D is assumed to be zero). cont_time `True` if the system is continuous-time, otherwise `False`. solver_options The solver options to use to solve the Lyapunov equations. estimator An error estimator for the problem. This can be any object with an `estimate(U, mu, model)` method. If `estimator` is not `None`, an `estimate(U, mu)` method is added to the model which will call `estimator.estimate(U, mu, self)`. visualizer A visualizer for the problem. This can be any object with a `visualize(U, model, ...)` method. If `visualizer` is not `None`, a `visualize(U, *args, **kwargs)` method is added to the model which forwards its arguments to the visualizer's `visualize` method. name Name of the system. Returns ------- lti The SecondOrderModel with operators M, E, K, B, Cp, Cv, and D. """ assert isinstance(M, (np.ndarray, sps.spmatrix)) assert isinstance(E, (np.ndarray, sps.spmatrix)) assert isinstance(K, (np.ndarray, sps.spmatrix)) assert isinstance(B, (np.ndarray, sps.spmatrix)) assert isinstance(Cp, (np.ndarray, sps.spmatrix)) assert Cv is None or isinstance(Cv, (np.ndarray, sps.spmatrix)) assert D is None or isinstance(D, (np.ndarray, sps.spmatrix)) M = NumpyMatrixOperator(M, source_id=state_id, range_id=state_id) E = NumpyMatrixOperator(E, source_id=state_id, range_id=state_id) K = NumpyMatrixOperator(K, source_id=state_id, range_id=state_id) B = NumpyMatrixOperator(B, range_id=state_id) Cp = NumpyMatrixOperator(Cp, source_id=state_id) if Cv is not None: Cv = NumpyMatrixOperator(Cv, source_id=state_id) if D is not None: D = NumpyMatrixOperator(D) return cls(M, E, K, B, Cp, Cv, D, cont_time=cont_time, solver_options=solver_options, estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, M_file, E_file, K_file, B_file, Cp_file, Cv_file=None, D_file=None, cont_time=True, state_id='STATE', solver_options=None, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): """Create |LTIModel| from matrices stored in separate files. Parameters ---------- M_file The name of the file (with extension) containing A. E_file The name of the file (with extension) containing E. K_file The name of the file (with extension) containing K. B_file The name of the file (with extension) containing B. Cp_file The name of the file (with extension) containing Cp. Cv_file `None` or the name of the file (with extension) containing Cv. D_file `None` or the name of the file (with extension) containing D. cont_time `True` if the system is continuous-time, otherwise `False`. state_id Id of the state space. solver_options The solver options to use to solve the Lyapunov equations. estimator An error estimator for the problem. This can be any object with an `estimate(U, mu, model)` method. If `estimator` is not `None`, an `estimate(U, mu)` method is added to the model which will call `estimator.estimate(U, mu, self)`. visualizer A visualizer for the problem. This can be any object with a `visualize(U, model, ...)` method. If `visualizer` is not `None`, a `visualize(U, *args, **kwargs)` method is added to the model which forwards its arguments to the visualizer's `visualize` method. name Name of the system. Returns ------- som The |SecondOrderModel| with operators M, E, K, B, Cp, Cv, and D. """ from import load_matrix M = load_matrix(M_file) E = load_matrix(E_file) K = load_matrix(K_file) B = load_matrix(B_file) Cp = load_matrix(Cp_file) Cv = load_matrix(Cv_file) if Cv_file is not None else None D = load_matrix(D_file) if D_file is not None else None return cls.from_matrices(M, E, K, B, Cp, Cv, D, cont_time=cont_time, state_id=state_id, solver_options=solver_options, estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name)
[docs] @cached def to_lti(self): r"""Return a first order representation. The first order representation .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} I & 0 \\ 0 & M \end{bmatrix} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\! \begin{bmatrix} x(t) \\ \dot{x}(t) \end{bmatrix} & = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & I \\ -K & -E \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x(t) \\ \dot{x}(t) \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ B \end{bmatrix} u(t), \\ y(t) & = \begin{bmatrix} C_p & C_v \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x(t) \\ \dot{x}(t) \end{bmatrix} + D u(t) is returned. Returns ------- lti |LTIModel| equivalent to the second-order model. """ return LTIModel(A=SecondOrderModelOperator(self.E, self.K), B=BlockColumnOperator([ZeroOperator(self.B.range, self.B.source), self.B]), C=BlockRowOperator([self.Cp, self.Cv]), D=self.D, E=(IdentityOperator(BlockVectorSpace([self.M.source, self.M.source])) if isinstance(self.M, IdentityOperator) else BlockDiagonalOperator([IdentityOperator(self.M.source), self.M])), cont_time=self.cont_time, solver_options=self.solver_options, estimator=self.estimator, visualizer=self.visualizer, + '_first_order')
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """Add a |SecondOrderModel| or an |LTIModel|.""" assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.input_space assert self.output_space == other.output_space if isinstance(other, LTIModel): return self.to_lti() + other if not isinstance(other, SecondOrderModel): return NotImplemented M = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.M, other.M]) E = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.E, other.E]) K = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.K, other.K]) B = BlockColumnOperator([self.B, other.B]) Cp = BlockRowOperator([self.Cp, other.Cp]) Cv = BlockRowOperator([self.Cv, other.Cv]) D = self.D + other.D return self.with_(M=M, E=E, K=K, B=B, Cp=Cp, Cv=Cv, D=D)
[docs] def __radd__(self, other): """Add to an |LTIModel|.""" if isinstance(other, LTIModel): return other + self.to_lti() else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract a |SecondOrderModel| or an |LTIModel|.""" assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.input_space assert self.output_space == other.output_space if isinstance(other, LTIModel): return self.to_lti() - other if not isinstance(other, SecondOrderModel): return NotImplemented M = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.M, other.M]) E = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.E, other.E]) K = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.K, other.K]) B = BlockColumnOperator([self.B, other.B]) Cp = BlockRowOperator([self.Cp, -other.Cp]) Cv = BlockRowOperator([self.Cv, -other.Cv]) if self.D is other.D: D = ZeroOperator(self.output_space, self.input_space) else: D = self.D - other.D return self.with_(M=M, E=E, K=K, B=B, Cp=Cp, Cv=Cv, D=D)
[docs] def __rsub__(self, other): """Subtract from an |LTIModel|.""" if isinstance(other, LTIModel): return other - self.to_lti() else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __neg__(self): """Negate the |SecondOrderModel|.""" return self.with_(Cp=-self.Cp, Cv=-self.Cv, D=-self.D)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """Postmultiply by a |SecondOrderModel| or an |LTIModel|.""" assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.output_space if isinstance(other, LTIModel): return self.to_lti() * other if not isinstance(other, SecondOrderModel): return NotImplemented M = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.M, other.M]) E = BlockOperator([[self.E, -(self.B @ other.Cv)], [None, other.E]]) K = BlockOperator([[self.K, -(self.B @ other.Cp)], [None, other.K]]) B = BlockColumnOperator([self.B @ other.D, other.B]) Cp = BlockRowOperator([self.Cp, self.D @ other.Cp]) Cv = BlockRowOperator([self.Cv, self.D @ other.Cv]) D = self.D @ other.D return self.with_(M=M, E=E, K=K, B=B, Cp=Cp, Cv=Cv, D=D)
[docs] def __rmul__(self, other): """Premultiply by an |LTIModel|.""" if isinstance(other, LTIModel): return other * self.to_lti() else: return NotImplemented
[docs] @cached def poles(self, mu=None): """Compute system poles. .. note:: Assumes the systems is small enough to use a dense eigenvalue solver. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- One-dimensional |NumPy array| of system poles. """ return self.to_lti().poles(mu=mu)
[docs] def eval_tf(self, s, mu=None): r"""Evaluate the transfer function. The transfer function at :math:`s` is .. math:: (C_p(\mu) + s C_v(\mu)) (s^2 M(\mu) + s E(\mu) + K(\mu))^{-1} B(\mu) + D(\mu). .. note:: Assumes that either the number of inputs or the number of outputs is much smaller than the order of the system. Parameters ---------- s Complex number. mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- tfs Transfer function evaluated at the complex number `s`, |NumPy array| of shape `(self.output_dim, self.input_dim)`. """ if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) M = self.M E = self.E K = self.K B = self.B Cp = self.Cp Cv = self.Cv D = self.D s2MpsEpK = s**2 * M + s * E + K if self.input_dim <= self.output_dim: CppsCv = Cp + s * Cv tfs = CppsCv.apply(s2MpsEpK.apply_inverse(B.as_range_array(mu=mu), mu=mu), mu=mu).to_numpy().T else: tfs = B.apply_adjoint( s2MpsEpK.apply_inverse_adjoint( Cp.as_source_array(mu=mu) + Cv.as_source_array(mu=mu) * s.conjugate(), mu=mu), mu=mu).to_numpy().conj() if not isinstance(D, ZeroOperator): tfs += to_matrix(D, format='dense') return tfs
[docs] def eval_dtf(self, s, mu=None): r"""Evaluate the derivative of the transfer function. .. math:: s C_v(\mu) (s^2 M(\mu) + s E(\mu) + K(\mu))^{-1} B(\mu) - (C_p(\mu) + s C_v(\mu)) (s^2 M(\mu) + s E(\mu) + K(\mu))^{-1} (2 s M(\mu) + E(\mu)) (s^2 M(\mu) + s E(\mu) + K(\mu))^{-1} B(\mu). .. note:: Assumes that either the number of inputs or the number of outputs is much smaller than the order of the system. Parameters ---------- s Complex number. mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- dtfs Derivative of transfer function evaluated at the complex number `s`, |NumPy array| of shape `(self.output_dim, self.input_dim)`. """ if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) M = self.M E = self.E K = self.K B = self.B Cp = self.Cp Cv = self.Cv s2MpsEpK = (s**2 * M + s * E + K).assemble(mu=mu) sM2pE = 2 * s * M + E if self.input_dim <= self.output_dim: dtfs = Cv.apply(s2MpsEpK.apply_inverse(B.as_range_array(mu=mu)), mu=mu).to_numpy().T * s CppsCv = Cp + s * Cv dtfs -= CppsCv.apply( s2MpsEpK.apply_inverse( sM2pE.apply( s2MpsEpK.apply_inverse( B.as_range_array(mu=mu)), mu=mu)), mu=mu).to_numpy().T else: dtfs = B.apply_adjoint(s2MpsEpK.apply_inverse_adjoint(Cv.as_source_array(mu=mu)), mu=mu).to_numpy().conj() * s dtfs -= B.apply_adjoint( s2MpsEpK.apply_inverse_adjoint( sM2pE.apply_adjoint( s2MpsEpK.apply_inverse_adjoint( Cp.as_source_array(mu=mu) + Cv.as_source_array(mu=mu) * s.conjugate()), mu=mu)), mu=mu).to_numpy().conj() return dtfs
[docs] @cached def gramian(self, typ, mu=None): """Compute a second-order Gramian. Parameters ---------- typ The type of the Gramian: - `'pc_lrcf'`: low-rank Cholesky factor of the position controllability Gramian, - `'vc_lrcf'`: low-rank Cholesky factor of the velocity controllability Gramian, - `'po_lrcf'`: low-rank Cholesky factor of the position observability Gramian, - `'vo_lrcf'`: low-rank Cholesky factor of the velocity observability Gramian, - `'pc_dense'`: dense position controllability Gramian, - `'vc_dense'`: dense velocity controllability Gramian, - `'po_dense'`: dense position observability Gramian, - `'vo_dense'`: dense velocity observability Gramian. .. note:: For `'*_lrcf'` types, the method assumes the system is asymptotically stable. For `'*_dense'` types, the method assumes there are no two system poles which add to zero. mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- If typ is `'pc_lrcf'`, `'vc_lrcf'`, `'po_lrcf'` or `'vo_lrcf'`, then the Gramian factor as a |VectorArray| from `self.M.source`. If typ is `'pc_dense'`, `'vc_dense'`, `'po_dense'` or `'vo_dense'`, then the Gramian as a |NumPy array|. """ assert typ in ('pc_lrcf', 'vc_lrcf', 'po_lrcf', 'vo_lrcf', 'pc_dense', 'vc_dense', 'po_dense', 'vo_dense') if typ.endswith('lrcf'): return self.to_lti().gramian(typ[1:], mu=mu).block(0 if typ.startswith('p') else 1) else: g = self.to_lti().gramian(typ[1:], mu=mu) if typ.startswith('p'): return g[:self.order, :self.order] else: return g[self.order:, self.order:]
[docs] def psv(self, mu=None): """Position singular values. .. note:: Assumes the system is asymptotically stable. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- One-dimensional |NumPy array| of singular values. """ return spla.svdvals( self.gramian('po_lrcf', mu=mu)[:self.order] .inner(self.gramian('pc_lrcf', mu=mu)[:self.order]) )
[docs] def vsv(self, mu=None): """Velocity singular values. .. note:: Assumes the system is asymptotically stable. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- One-dimensional |NumPy array| of singular values. """ return spla.svdvals( self.gramian('vo_lrcf', mu=mu)[:self.order] .inner(self.gramian('vc_lrcf', mu=mu)[:self.order], product=self.M) )
[docs] def pvsv(self, mu=None): """Position-velocity singular values. .. note:: Assumes the system is asymptotically stable. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- One-dimensional |NumPy array| of singular values. """ return spla.svdvals( self.gramian('vo_lrcf', mu=mu)[:self.order] .inner(self.gramian('pc_lrcf', mu=mu)[:self.order], product=self.M) )
[docs] def vpsv(self, mu=None): """Velocity-position singular values. .. note:: Assumes the system is asymptotically stable. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- One-dimensional |NumPy array| of singular values. """ return spla.svdvals( self.gramian('po_lrcf', mu=mu)[:self.order] .inner(self.gramian('vc_lrcf', mu=mu)[:self.order]) )
[docs] @cached def h2_norm(self, mu=None): """Compute the H2-norm. .. note:: Assumes the system is asymptotically stable. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- norm H_2-norm. """ return self.to_lti().h2_norm(mu=mu)
[docs] @cached def hinf_norm(self, mu=None, return_fpeak=False, ab13dd_equilibrate=False): """Compute the H_infinity-norm. .. note:: Assumes the system is asymptotically stable. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. return_fpeak Should the frequency at which the maximum is achieved should be returned. ab13dd_equilibrate Should `slycot.ab13dd` use equilibration. Returns ------- norm H_infinity-norm. fpeak Frequency at which the maximum is achieved (if `return_fpeak` is `True`). """ return self.to_lti().hinf_norm(mu=mu, return_fpeak=return_fpeak, ab13dd_equilibrate=ab13dd_equilibrate)
[docs] @cached def hankel_norm(self, mu=None): """Compute the Hankel-norm. .. note:: Assumes the system is asymptotically stable. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- norm Hankel-norm. """ return self.to_lti().hankel_norm(mu=mu)
[docs]class LinearDelayModel(InputStateOutputModel): r"""Class for linear delay systems. This class describes input-state-output systems given by .. math:: E x'(t) & = A x(t) + \sum_{i = 1}^q{A_i x(t - \tau_i)} + B u(t), \\ y(t) & = C x(t) + D u(t), if continuous-time, or .. math:: E x(k + 1) & = A x(k) + \sum_{i = 1}^q{A_i x(k - \tau_i)} + B u(k), \\ y(k) & = C x(k) + D u(k), if discrete-time, where :math:`E`, :math:`A`, :math:`A_i`, :math:`B`, :math:`C`, and :math:`D` are linear operators. Parameters ---------- A The |Operator| A. Ad The tuple of |Operators| A_i. tau The tuple of delay times (positive floats or ints). B The |Operator| B. C The |Operator| C. D The |Operator| D or `None` (then D is assumed to be zero). E The |Operator| E or `None` (then E is assumed to be identity). cont_time `True` if the system is continuous-time, otherwise `False`. estimator An error estimator for the problem. This can be any object with an `estimate(U, mu, model)` method. If `estimator` is not `None`, an `estimate(U, mu)` method is added to the model which will call `estimator.estimate(U, mu, self)`. visualizer A visualizer for the problem. This can be any object with a `visualize(U, model, ...)` method. If `visualizer` is not `None`, a `visualize(U, *args, **kwargs)` method is added to the model which forwards its arguments to the visualizer's `visualize` method. name Name of the system. Attributes ---------- order The order of the system (equal to A.source.dim). input_dim The number of inputs. output_dim The number of outputs. q The number of delay terms. tau The tuple of delay times. A The |Operator| A. Ad The tuple of |Operators| A_i. B The |Operator| B. C The |Operator| C. D The |Operator| D. E The |Operator| E. """ def __init__(self, A, Ad, tau, B, C, D=None, E=None, cont_time=True, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): assert A.linear and A.source == A.range assert isinstance(Ad, tuple) and len(Ad) > 0 assert all(Ai.linear and Ai.source == Ai.range == A.source for Ai in Ad) assert isinstance(tau, tuple) and len(tau) == len(Ad) and all(taui > 0 for taui in tau) assert B.linear and B.range == A.source assert C.linear and C.source == A.range D = D or ZeroOperator(C.range, B.source) assert D.linear and D.source == B.source and D.range == C.range E = E or IdentityOperator(A.source) assert E.linear and E.source == E.range == A.source super().__init__(B.source, A.source, C.range, cont_time=cont_time, estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.q = len(Ad) self.solution_space = A.source
[docs] def __str__(self): return ( f'{}\n' f' class: {self.__class__.__name__}\n' f' number of equations: {self.order}\n' f' number of inputs: {self.input_dim}\n' f' number of outputs: {self.output_dim}\n' f' {"continuous" if self.cont_time else "discrete"}-time\n' f' time-delay\n' f' linear time-invariant\n' f' solution_space: {self.solution_space}' )
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """Add an |LTIModel|, |SecondOrderModel| or |LinearDelayModel|.""" assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.input_space assert self.output_space == other.output_space if isinstance(other, SecondOrderModel): other = other.to_lti() if isinstance(other, LTIModel): Ad = tuple(BlockDiagonalOperator([op, ZeroOperator(other.solution_space, other.solution_space)]) for op in self.Ad) tau = self.tau elif isinstance(other, LinearDelayModel): tau = tuple(set(self.tau).union(set(other.tau))) Ad = [None for _ in tau] for i, taui in enumerate(tau): if taui in self.tau and taui in other.tau: Ad[i] = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.Ad[self.tau.index(taui)], other.Ad[other.tau.index(taui)]]) elif taui in self.tau: Ad[i] = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.Ad[self.tau.index(taui)], ZeroOperator(other.solution_space, other.solution_space)]) else: Ad[i] = BlockDiagonalOperator([ZeroOperator(self.solution_space, self.solution_space), other.Ad[other.tau.index(taui)]]) Ad = tuple(Ad) else: return NotImplemented E = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.E, other.E]) A = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.A, other.A]) B = BlockColumnOperator([self.B, other.B]) C = BlockRowOperator([self.C, other.C]) D = self.D + other.D return self.with_(E=E, A=A, Ad=Ad, tau=tau, B=B, C=C, D=D)
[docs] def __radd__(self, other): """Add to an |LTIModel| or a |SecondOrderModel|.""" if isinstance(other, LTIModel): return self + other elif isinstance(other, SecondOrderModel): return self + other.to_lti() else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract an |LTIModel|, |SecondOrderModel| or |LinearDelayModel|.""" assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.input_space assert self.output_space == other.output_space if isinstance(other, SecondOrderModel): other = other.to_lti() if isinstance(other, LTIModel): Ad = tuple(BlockDiagonalOperator([op, ZeroOperator(other.solution_space, other.solution_space)]) for op in self.Ad) tau = self.tau elif isinstance(other, LinearDelayModel): tau = tuple(set(self.tau).union(set(other.tau))) Ad = [None for _ in tau] for i, taui in enumerate(tau): if taui in self.tau and taui in other.tau: Ad[i] = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.Ad[self.tau.index(taui)], other.Ad[other.tau.index(taui)]]) elif taui in self.tau: Ad[i] = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.Ad[self.tau.index(taui)], ZeroOperator(other.solution_space, other.solution_space)]) else: Ad[i] = BlockDiagonalOperator([ZeroOperator(self.solution_space, self.solution_space), other.Ad[other.tau.index(taui)]]) Ad = tuple(Ad) else: return NotImplemented E = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.E, other.E]) A = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.A, other.A]) B = BlockColumnOperator([self.B, other.B]) C = BlockRowOperator([self.C, -other.C]) if self.D is other.D: D = ZeroOperator(self.output_space, self.input_space) else: D = self.D - other.D return self.with_(E=E, A=A, Ad=Ad, tau=tau, B=B, C=C, D=D)
[docs] def __rsub__(self, other): """Subtract from an |LTIModel| or a |SecondOrderModel|.""" if isinstance(other, (LTIModel, SecondOrderModel)): return -(self - other) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __neg__(self): """Negate the |LinearDelayModel|.""" return self.with_(C=-self.C, D=-self.D)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """Postmultiply by a |SecondOrderModel| or an |LTIModel|.""" assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.output_space if isinstance(other, SecondOrderModel): other = other.to_lti() if isinstance(other, LTIModel): Ad = tuple(BlockDiagonalOperator([op, ZeroOperator(other.solution_space, other.solution_space)]) for op in self.Ad) tau = self.tau elif isinstance(other, LinearDelayModel): tau = tuple(set(self.tau).union(set(other.tau))) Ad = [None for _ in tau] for i, taui in enumerate(tau): if taui in self.tau and taui in other.tau: Ad[i] = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.Ad[self.tau.index(taui)], other.Ad[other.tau.index(taui)]]) elif taui in self.tau: Ad[i] = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.Ad[self.tau.index(taui)], ZeroOperator(other.solution_space, other.solution_space)]) else: Ad[i] = BlockDiagonalOperator([ZeroOperator(self.solution_space, self.solution_space), other.Ad[other.tau.index(taui)]]) Ad = tuple(Ad) else: return NotImplemented E = BlockDiagonalOperator([self.E, other.E]) A = BlockOperator([[self.A, self.B @ other.C], [None, other.A]]) B = BlockColumnOperator([self.B @ other.D, other.B]) C = BlockRowOperator([self.C, self.D @ other.C]) D = self.D @ other.D return self.with_(E=E, A=A, Ad=Ad, tau=tau, B=B, C=C, D=D)
[docs] def __rmul__(self, other): """Premultiply by an |LTIModel| or a |SecondOrderModel|.""" assert self.cont_time == other.cont_time assert self.input_space == other.output_space if isinstance(other, SecondOrderModel): other = other.to_lti() if isinstance(other, LTIModel): E = BlockDiagonalOperator([other.E, self.E]) A = BlockOperator([[other.A, other.B @ self.C], [None, self.A]]) Ad = tuple(BlockDiagonalOperator([ZeroOperator(other.solution_space, other.solution_space), op]) for op in self.Ad) B = BlockColumnOperator([other.B @ self.D, self.B]) C = BlockRowOperator([other.C, other.D @ self.C]) D = other.D @ self.D return self.with_(E=E, A=A, Ad=Ad, B=B, C=C, D=D) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def eval_tf(self, s, mu=None): r"""Evaluate the transfer function. The transfer function at :math:`s` is .. math:: C \left(s E - A - \sum_{i = 1}^q{e^{-\tau_i s} A_i}\right)^{-1} B + D. .. note:: Assumes that either the number of inputs or the number of outputs is much smaller than the order of the system. Parameters ---------- s Complex number. mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- tfs Transfer function evaluated at the complex number `s`, |NumPy array| of shape `(self.output_dim, self.input_dim)`. """ if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) A = self.A Ad = self.Ad B = self.B C = self.C D = self.D E = self.E middle = LincombOperator((E, A) + Ad, (s, -1) + tuple(-np.exp(-taui * s) for taui in self.tau)) if self.input_dim <= self.output_dim: tfs = C.apply(middle.apply_inverse(B.as_range_array(mu=mu), mu=mu), mu=mu).to_numpy().T else: tfs = B.apply_adjoint(middle.apply_inverse_adjoint(C.as_source_array(mu=mu), mu=mu), mu=mu).to_numpy().conj() if not isinstance(D, ZeroOperator): tfs += to_matrix(D, format='dense') return tfs
[docs] def eval_dtf(self, s, mu=None): r"""Evaluate the derivative of the transfer function. The derivative of the transfer function at :math:`s` is .. math:: -C \left(s E - A - \sum_{i = 1}^q{e^{-\tau_i s} A_i}\right)^{-1} \left(E + \sum_{i = 1}^q{\tau_i e^{-\tau_i s} A_i}\right) \left(s E - A - \sum_{i = 1}^q{e^{-\tau_i s} A_i}\right)^{-1} B. .. note:: Assumes that either the number of inputs or the number of outputs is much smaller than the order of the system. Parameters ---------- s Complex number. mu |Parameter values|. Returns ------- dtfs Derivative of transfer function evaluated at the complex number `s`, |NumPy array| of shape `(self.output_dim, self.input_dim)`. """ if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = self.parameters.parse(mu) assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) A = self.A Ad = self.Ad B = self.B C = self.C E = self.E left_and_right = LincombOperator((E, A) + Ad, (s, -1) + tuple(-np.exp(-taui * s) for taui in self.tau)).assemble(mu=mu) middle = LincombOperator((E,) + Ad, (1,) + tuple(taui * np.exp(-taui * s) for taui in self.tau)) if self.input_dim <= self.output_dim: dtfs = -C.apply( left_and_right.apply_inverse( middle.apply(left_and_right.apply_inverse(B.as_range_array(mu=mu)), mu=mu)), mu=mu).to_numpy().T else: dtfs = -B.apply_adjoint( left_and_right.apply_inverse_adjoint( middle.apply_adjoint(left_and_right.apply_inverse_adjoint(C.as_source_array(mu=mu)), mu=mu)), mu=mu).to_numpy().conj() return dtfs
[docs]class LinearStochasticModel(InputStateOutputModel): r"""Class for linear stochastic systems. This class describes input-state-output systems given by .. math:: E \mathrm{d}x(t) & = A x(t) \mathrm{d}t + \sum_{i = 1}^q{A_i x(t) \mathrm{d}\omega_i(t)} + B u(t) \mathrm{d}t, \\ y(t) & = C x(t) + D u(t), if continuous-time, or .. math:: E x(k + 1) & = A x(k) + \sum_{i = 1}^q{A_i x(k) \omega_i(k)} + B u(k), \\ y(k) & = C x(k) + D u(t), if discrete-time, where :math:`E`, :math:`A`, :math:`A_i`, :math:`B`, :math:`C`, and :math:`D` are linear operators and :math:`\omega_i` are stochastic processes. Parameters ---------- A The |Operator| A. As The tuple of |Operators| A_i. B The |Operator| B. C The |Operator| C. D The |Operator| D or `None` (then D is assumed to be zero). E The |Operator| E or `None` (then E is assumed to be identity). cont_time `True` if the system is continuous-time, otherwise `False`. estimator An error estimator for the problem. This can be any object with an `estimate(U, mu, model)` method. If `estimator` is not `None`, an `estimate(U, mu)` method is added to the model which will call `estimator.estimate(U, mu, self)`. visualizer A visualizer for the problem. This can be any object with a `visualize(U, model, ...)` method. If `visualizer` is not `None`, a `visualize(U, *args, **kwargs)` method is added to the model which forwards its arguments to the visualizer's `visualize` method. name Name of the system. Attributes ---------- order The order of the system (equal to A.source.dim). input_dim The number of inputs. output_dim The number of outputs. q The number of stochastic processes. A The |Operator| A. As The tuple of |Operators| A_i. B The |Operator| B. C The |Operator| C. D The |Operator| D. E The |Operator| E. """ def __init__(self, A, As, B, C, D=None, E=None, cont_time=True, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): assert A.linear and A.source == A.range assert isinstance(As, tuple) and len(As) > 0 assert all(Ai.linear and Ai.source == Ai.range == A.source for Ai in As) assert B.linear and B.range == A.source assert C.linear and C.source == A.range D = D or ZeroOperator(C.range, B.source) assert D.linear and D.source == B.source and D.range == C.range E = E or IdentityOperator(A.source) assert E.linear and E.source == E.range == A.source assert cont_time in (True, False) super().__init__(B.source, A.source, C.range, cont_time=cont_time, estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.q = len(As)
[docs] def __str__(self): return ( f'{}\n' f' class: {self.__class__.__name__}\n' f' number of equations: {self.order}\n' f' number of inputs: {self.input_dim}\n' f' number of outputs: {self.output_dim}\n' f' {"continuous" if self.cont_time else "discrete"}-time\n' f' stochastic\n' f' linear time-invariant\n' f' solution_space: {self.solution_space}' )
[docs]class BilinearModel(InputStateOutputModel): r"""Class for bilinear systems. This class describes input-output systems given by .. math:: E x'(t) & = A x(t) + \sum_{i = 1}^m{N_i x(t) u_i(t)} + B u(t), \\ y(t) & = C x(t) + D u(t), if continuous-time, or .. math:: E x(k + 1) & = A x(k) + \sum_{i = 1}^m{N_i x(k) u_i(k)} + B u(k), \\ y(k) & = C x(k) + D u(t), if discrete-time, where :math:`E`, :math:`A`, :math:`N_i`, :math:`B`, :math:`C`, and :math:`D` are linear operators and :math:`m` is the number of inputs. Parameters ---------- A The |Operator| A. N The tuple of |Operators| N_i. B The |Operator| B. C The |Operator| C. D The |Operator| D or `None` (then D is assumed to be zero). E The |Operator| E or `None` (then E is assumed to be identity). cont_time `True` if the system is continuous-time, otherwise `False`. estimator An error estimator for the problem. This can be any object with an `estimate(U, mu, model)` method. If `estimator` is not `None`, an `estimate(U, mu)` method is added to the model which will call `estimator.estimate(U, mu, self)`. visualizer A visualizer for the problem. This can be any object with a `visualize(U, model, ...)` method. If `visualizer` is not `None`, a `visualize(U, *args, **kwargs)` method is added to the model which forwards its arguments to the visualizer's `visualize` method. name Name of the system. Attributes ---------- order The order of the system (equal to A.source.dim). input_dim The number of inputs. output_dim The number of outputs. A The |Operator| A. N The tuple of |Operators| N_i. B The |Operator| B. C The |Operator| C. D The |Operator| D. E The |Operator| E. """ def __init__(self, A, N, B, C, D, E=None, cont_time=True, estimator=None, visualizer=None, name=None): assert A.linear and A.source == A.range assert B.linear and B.range == A.source assert isinstance(N, tuple) and len(N) == B.source.dim assert all(Ni.linear and Ni.source == Ni.range == A.source for Ni in N) assert C.linear and C.source == A.range D = D or ZeroOperator(C.range, B.source) assert D.linear and D.source == B.source and D.range == C.range E = E or IdentityOperator(A.source) assert E.linear and E.source == E.range == A.source assert cont_time in (True, False) super().__init__(B.source, A.source, C.range, cont_time=cont_time, estimator=estimator, visualizer=visualizer, name=name) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.linear = False
[docs] def __str__(self): return ( f'{}\n' f' class: {self.__class__.__name__}\n' f' number of equations: {self.order}\n' f' number of inputs: {self.input_dim}\n' f' number of outputs: {self.output_dim}\n' f' {"continuous" if self.cont_time else "discrete"}-time\n' f' bilinear time-invariant\n' f' solution_space: {self.solution_space}' )