Source code for pymor.operators.constructions

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

"""Module containing some constructions to obtain new operators from old ones."""

from functools import reduce
from numbers import Number

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as spla

from pymor.core.defaults import defaults
from pymor.core.exceptions import InversionError
from pymor.operators.interface import Operator
from pymor.parameters.base import ParametricObject
from pymor.parameters.functionals import ParameterFunctional, ConjugateParameterFunctional
from pymor.vectorarrays.interface import VectorArray, VectorSpace
from pymor.vectorarrays.numpy import NumpyVectorSpace

[docs]class LincombOperator(Operator): """Linear combination of arbitrary |Operators|. This |Operator| represents a (possibly |Parameter| dependent) linear combination of a given list of |Operators|. Parameters ---------- operators List of |Operators| whose linear combination is formed. coefficients A list of linear coefficients. A linear coefficient can either be a fixed number or a |ParameterFunctional|. solver_options The |solver_options| for the operator. name Name of the operator. """ def __init__(self, operators, coefficients, solver_options=None, name=None): assert len(operators) > 0 assert len(operators) == len(coefficients) assert all(isinstance(op, Operator) for op in operators) assert all(isinstance(c, (ParameterFunctional, Number)) for c in coefficients) assert all(op.source == operators[0].source for op in operators[1:]) assert all(op.range == operators[0].range for op in operators[1:]) operators = tuple(operators) coefficients = tuple(coefficients) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.source = operators[0].source self.range = operators[0].range self.linear = all(op.linear for op in operators) @property def H(self): options = {'inverse': self.solver_options.get('inverse_adjoint'), 'inverse_adjoint': self.solver_options.get('inverse')} if self.solver_options else None return self.with_(operators=[op.H for op in self.operators], solver_options=options, coefficients=[ConjugateParameterFunctional(c) if isinstance(c, ParameterFunctional) else np.conj(c) for c in self.coefficients], + '_adjoint')
[docs] def evaluate_coefficients(self, mu): """Compute the linear coefficients for given |parameter values|. Parameters ---------- mu |Parameter values| for which to compute the linear coefficients. Returns ------- List of linear coefficients. """ assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) return [c.evaluate(mu) if hasattr(c, 'evaluate') else c for c in self.coefficients]
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): coeffs = self.evaluate_coefficients(mu) if coeffs[0]: R = self.operators[0].apply(U, mu=mu) R.scal(coeffs[0]) else: R = self.range.zeros(len(U)) for op, c in zip(self.operators[1:], coeffs[1:]): if c: R.axpy(c, op.apply(U, mu=mu)) return R
[docs] def apply2(self, V, U, mu=None): coeffs = self.evaluate_coefficients(mu) coeffs_and_matrices = [(c, self.operators[i].apply2(V, U, mu=mu)) for i, c in enumerate(coeffs) if c] if not coeffs_and_matrices: return np.zeros((len(V), len(U))) else: coeffs, matrices = zip(*coeffs_and_matrices) coeffs_dtype = reduce(np.promote_types, (type(c) for c in coeffs)) matrices_dtype = reduce(np.promote_types, (m.dtype for m in matrices)) common_dtype = np.promote_types(coeffs_dtype, matrices_dtype) R = (coeffs[0] * matrices[0]).astype(common_dtype, copy=False) for m, c in zip(matrices[1:], coeffs[1:]): R += c * m return R
[docs] def pairwise_apply2(self, V, U, mu=None): coeffs = self.evaluate_coefficients(mu) coeffs_and_matrices = [(c, self.operators[i].pairwise_apply2(V, U, mu=mu)) for i, c in enumerate(coeffs) if c] if not coeffs_and_matrices: return np.zeros((len(V), len(U))) else: coeffs, matrices = zip(*coeffs_and_matrices) coeffs_dtype = reduce(np.promote_types, (type(c) for c in coeffs)) matrices_dtype = reduce(np.promote_types, (m.dtype for m in matrices)) common_dtype = np.promote_types(coeffs_dtype, matrices_dtype) R = (coeffs[0] * matrices[0]).astype(common_dtype, copy=False) for m, c in zip(matrices[1:], coeffs[1:]): R += c * m return R
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): coeffs = self.evaluate_coefficients(mu) if coeffs[0]: R = self.operators[0].apply_adjoint(V, mu=mu) R.scal(np.conj(coeffs[0])) else: R = self.source.zeros(len(V)) for op, c in zip(self.operators[1:], coeffs[1:]): if c: R.axpy(np.conj(c), op.apply_adjoint(V, mu=mu)) return R
[docs] def assemble(self, mu=None): from pymor.algorithms.lincomb import assemble_lincomb operators = tuple(op.assemble(mu) for op in self.operators) coefficients = self.evaluate_coefficients(mu) op = assemble_lincomb(operators, coefficients, solver_options=self.solver_options, + '_assembled') if op: return op else: if self.parametric or operators != self.operators: return LincombOperator(operators, coefficients, solver_options=self.solver_options, + '_assembled') else: # this can only happen when both operators and self.operators are tuples! return self # avoid infinite recursion
[docs] def jacobian(self, U, mu=None): from pymor.algorithms.lincomb import assemble_lincomb if self.linear: return self.assemble(mu) jacobians = [op.jacobian(U, mu) for op in self.operators] coefficients = self.evaluate_coefficients(mu) options = self.solver_options.get('jacobian') if self.solver_options else None jac = assemble_lincomb(jacobians, coefficients, solver_options=options, + '_jacobian') if jac is None: return LincombOperator(jacobians, coefficients, solver_options=options, + '_jacobian') else: return jac
[docs] def d_mu(self, parameter, index=0): for op in self.operators: if parameter in op.parameters: raise NotImplementedError derivative_coefficients = [] for coef in self.coefficients: if isinstance(coef, ParametricObject): derivative_coefficients.append(coef.d_mu(parameter, index)) else: derivative_coefficients.append(0.) return self.with_(coefficients=derivative_coefficients, + '_d_mu')
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): if len(self.operators) == 1: if self.coefficients[0] == 0.: if least_squares: return self.source.zeros(len(V)) else: raise InversionError else: U = self.operators[0].apply_inverse(V, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=least_squares) U *= (1. / self.coefficients[0]) return U else: return super().apply_inverse(V, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=least_squares)
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): if len(self.operators) == 1: if self.coefficients[0] == 0.: if least_squares: return self.range.zeros(len(U)) else: raise InversionError else: V = self.operators[0].apply_inverse_adjoint(U, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=least_squares) V *= (1. / self.coefficients[0]) return V else: return super().apply_inverse_adjoint(U, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=least_squares)
def _as_array(self, source, mu): coefficients = np.array(self.evaluate_coefficients(mu)) arrays = [op.as_source_array(mu) if source else op.as_range_array(mu) for op in self.operators] R = arrays[0] R.scal(coefficients[0]) for c, v in zip(coefficients[1:], arrays[1:]): R.axpy(c, v) return R
[docs] def as_range_array(self, mu=None): return self._as_array(False, mu)
[docs] def as_source_array(self, mu=None): return self._as_array(True, mu)
def _add_sub(self, other, sign): if not isinstance(other, Operator): return NotImplemented if != 'LincombOperator': if isinstance(other, LincombOperator) and == 'LincombOperator': operators = (self,) + other.operators coefficients = (1.,) + (other.coefficients if sign == 1. else tuple(-c for c in other.coefficients)) else: operators, coefficients = (self, other), (1., sign) elif isinstance(other, LincombOperator) and == 'LincombOperator': operators = self.operators + other.operators coefficients = self.coefficients + (other.coefficients if sign == 1. else tuple(-c for c in other.coefficients)) else: operators, coefficients = self.operators + (other,), self.coefficients + (sign,) return LincombOperator(operators, coefficients, solver_options=self.solver_options) def _radd_sub(self, other, sign): if not isinstance(other, Operator): return NotImplemented # note that 'other' can never be a LincombOperator if != 'LincombOperator': operators, coefficients = (other, self), (1., sign) else: operators = (other,) + self.operators coefficients = (1.,) + (self.coefficients if sign == 1. else tuple(-c for c in self.coefficients)) return LincombOperator(operators, coefficients, solver_options=other.solver_options)
[docs] def __add__(self, other): return self._add_sub(other, 1.)
def __sub__(self, other): return self._add_sub(other, -1.)
[docs] def __radd__(self, other): return self._radd_sub(other, 1.)
def __rsub__(self, other): return self._radd_sub(other, -1.)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, (Number, ParameterFunctional)) if != 'LincombOperator': return LincombOperator((self,), (other,)) else: return self.with_(coefficients=tuple(c * other for c in self.coefficients))
[docs]class Concatenation(Operator): """|Operator| representing the concatenation of two |Operators|. Parameters ---------- operators Tuple of |Operators| to concatenate. `operators[-1]` is the first applied operator, `operators[0]` is the last applied operator. solver_options The |solver_options| for the operator. name Name of the operator. """ def __init__(self, operators, solver_options=None, name=None): assert all(isinstance(op, Operator) for op in operators) assert all(operators[i].source == operators[i+1].range for i in range(len(operators)-1)) operators = tuple(operators) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.source = operators[-1].source self.range = operators[0].range self.linear = all(op.linear for op in operators) @property def H(self): options = {'inverse': self.solver_options.get('inverse_adjoint'), 'inverse_adjoint': self.solver_options.get('inverse')} if self.solver_options else None return type(self)(tuple(op.H for op in self.operators[::-1]), solver_options=options, + '_adjoint')
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) for op in self.operators[::-1]: U = op.apply(U, mu=mu) return U
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) for op in self.operators: V = op.apply_adjoint(V, mu=mu) return V
[docs] def jacobian(self, U, mu=None): assert len(U) == 1 Us = [U] for op in self.operators[:0:-1]: Us.append(op.apply(Us[-1], mu=mu)) options = self.solver_options.get('jacobian') if self.solver_options else None return Concatenation(tuple(op.jacobian(U, mu=mu) for op, U in zip(self.operators, Us[::-1])), solver_options=options, + '_jacobian')
[docs] def restricted(self, dofs): restricted_ops = [] for op in self.operators: rop, dofs = op.restricted(dofs) restricted_ops.append(rop) return Concatenation(restricted_ops), dofs
[docs] def __matmul__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Operator): return NotImplemented if != 'Concatenation': if isinstance(other, Concatenation) and == 'Concatenation': operators = (self,) + other.operators else: operators = (self, other) elif isinstance(other, Concatenation) and == 'Concatenation': operators = self.operators + other.operators else: operators = self.operators + (other,) return Concatenation(operators, solver_options=self.solver_options)
def __rmatmul__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Operator): return NotImplemented # note that 'other' can never be a Concatenation if != 'Concatenation': operators = (other, self) else: operators = (other,) + self.operators return Concatenation(operators, solver_options=other.solver_options)
[docs]class ProjectedOperator(Operator): """Generic |Operator| representing the projection of an |Operator| to a subspace. This operator is implemented as the concatenation of the linear combination with `source_basis`, application of the original `operator` and projection onto `range_basis`. As such, this operator can be used to obtain a reduced basis projection of any given |Operator|. However, no offline/online decomposition is performed, so this operator is mainly useful for testing before implementing offline/online decomposition for a specific application. This operator is instantiated in :func:`pymor.algorithms.projection.project` as a default implementation for parametric or nonlinear operators. Parameters ---------- operator The |Operator| to project. range_basis See :func:`pymor.algorithms.projection.project`. source_basis See :func:`pymor.algorithms.projection.project`. product See :func:`pymor.algorithms.projection.project`. solver_options The |solver_options| for the projected operator. """ linear = False def __init__(self, operator, range_basis, source_basis, product=None, solver_options=None): assert isinstance(operator, Operator) assert source_basis is None or source_basis in operator.source assert range_basis is None or range_basis in operator.range assert (product is None or (isinstance(product, Operator) and range_basis is not None and operator.range == product.source and product.range == product.source)) if source_basis is not None: source_basis = source_basis.copy() if range_basis is not None: range_basis = range_basis.copy() self.__auto_init(locals()) self.source = NumpyVectorSpace(len(source_basis)) if source_basis is not None else operator.source self.range = NumpyVectorSpace(len(range_basis)) if range_basis is not None else operator.range self.linear = operator.linear @property def H(self): if self.product: return super().H else: options = {'inverse': self.solver_options.get('inverse_adjoint'), 'inverse_adjoint': self.solver_options.get('inverse')} if self.solver_options else None return ProjectedOperator(self.operator.H, self.source_basis, self.range_basis, solver_options=options)
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) if self.source_basis is None: if self.range_basis is None: return self.operator.apply(U, mu=mu) elif self.product is None: return self.range.make_array(self.operator.apply2(self.range_basis, U, mu=mu).T) else: V = self.operator.apply(U, mu=mu) return self.range.make_array(self.product.apply2(V, self.range_basis)) else: UU = self.source_basis.lincomb(U.to_numpy()) if self.range_basis is None: return self.operator.apply(UU, mu=mu) elif self.product is None: return self.range.make_array(self.operator.apply2(self.range_basis, UU, mu=mu).T) else: V = self.operator.apply(UU, mu=mu) return self.range.make_array(self.product.apply2(V, self.range_basis))
[docs] def jacobian(self, U, mu=None): assert len(U) == 1 assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) if self.linear: return self.assemble(mu) if self.source_basis is None: J = self.operator.jacobian(U, mu=mu) else: J = self.operator.jacobian(self.source_basis.lincomb(U.to_numpy()), mu=mu) from pymor.algorithms.projection import project pop = project(J, range_basis=self.range_basis, source_basis=self.source_basis, product=self.product) if self.solver_options: options = self.solver_options.get('jacobian') if options: pop = pop.with_(solver_options=options) return pop
[docs] def assemble(self, mu=None): op = self.operator.assemble(mu=mu) if op == self.operator: # avoid infinite recursion in apply_inverse default impl return self from pymor.algorithms.projection import project pop = project(op, range_basis=self.range_basis, source_basis=self.source_basis, product=self.product) if self.solver_options: pop = pop.with_(solver_options=self.solver_options) return pop
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): assert V in self.range if self.range_basis is not None: V = self.range_basis.lincomb(V.to_numpy()) U = self.operator.apply_adjoint(V, mu) if self.source_basis is not None: U = self.source.make_array( return U
[docs]class LowRankOperator(Operator): """Non-parametric low-rank operator. Represents an operator of the form :math:`L C R^H` or :math:`L C^{-1} R^H` where :math:`L` and :math:`R` are |VectorArrays| of column vectors and :math:`C` a 2D |NumPy array|. Parameters ---------- left |VectorArray| representing :math:`L`. core |NumPy array| representing :math:`C`. right |VectorArray| representing :math:`R`. inverted Whether :math:`C` is inverted. solver_options The |solver_options| for the operator. name Name of the operator. """ linear = True def __init__(self, left, core, right, inverted=False, solver_options=None, name=None): assert isinstance(left, VectorArray) assert isinstance(right, VectorArray) assert len(left) == len(right) assert (isinstance(core, np.ndarray) and core.ndim == 2 and core.shape[0] == core.shape[1] == len(left)) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.source = self.range = @property def H(self): options = { 'inverse': self.solver_options.get('inverse_adjoint'), 'inverse_adjoint': self.solver_options.get('inverse'), } if self.solver_options else None return type(self)(self.right, self.core.T.conj(), self.left, inverted=self.inverted, solver_options=options, + '_adjoint')
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source V = if self.inverted: V = spla.solve(self.core, V) else: V = self.core @ V return self.left.lincomb(V.T)
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): assert V in self.range U = if self.inverted: U = spla.solve(self.core.T.conj(), U) else: U = self.core.T.conj() @ U return self.right.lincomb(U.T)
[docs]class LowRankUpdatedOperator(LincombOperator): r"""|Operator| plus :class:`LowRankOperator`. Represents a linear combination of an |Operator| and :class:`LowRankOperator`. Uses the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula in `apply_inverse` and `apply_inverse_adjoint`: .. math:: \left(\alpha A + \beta L C R^H \right)^{-1} & = \alpha^{-1} A^{-1} - \alpha^{-1} \beta A^{-1} L C \left(\alpha C + \beta C R^H A^{-1} L C \right)^{-1} C R^H A^{-1}, \\ \left(\alpha A + \beta L C^{-1} R^H \right)^{-1} & = \alpha^{-1} A^{-1} - \alpha^{-1} \beta A^{-1} L \left(\alpha C + \beta R^H A^{-1} L \right)^{-1} R^H A^{-1}. Parameters ---------- operator |Operator|. lr_operator :class:`LowRankOperator`. coeff A linear coefficient for `operator`. Can either be a fixed number or a |ParameterFunctional|. lr_coeff A linear coefficient for `lr_operator`. Can either be a fixed number or a |ParameterFunctional|. solver_options The |solver_options| for the operator. name Name of the operator. """ def __init__(self, operator, lr_operator, coeff, lr_coeff, solver_options=None, name=None): assert isinstance(lr_operator, LowRankOperator) super().__init__([operator, lr_operator], [coeff, lr_coeff], solver_options=solver_options, name=name) self.__auto_init(locals())
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): if least_squares: return super().apply_inverse(V, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=True) A, LR = self.operators L, C, R = LR.left, LR.core, LR.right if not LR.inverted: L = L.lincomb(C.T) R = R.lincomb(C.conj()) alpha, beta = self.evaluate_coefficients(mu) AinvV = A.apply_inverse(V) AinvL = A.apply_inverse(L) mat = alpha * C + beta * RhAinvV = U = AinvV U.axpy(-beta, AinvL.lincomb(spla.solve(mat, RhAinvV).T)) U.scal(1 / alpha) return U
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): if least_squares: return super().apply_inverse_adjoint(U, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=True) A, LR = self.operators L, C, R = LR.left, LR.core, LR.right if not LR.inverted: L = L.lincomb(C.T) R = R.lincomb(C.conj()) alpha, beta = (c.conjugate() for c in self.evaluate_coefficients(mu)) AinvhU = A.apply_inverse_adjoint(U) AinvhR = A.apply_inverse_adjoint(R) mat = alpha * C.T.conj() + beta * LhAinvhU = V = AinvhU V.axpy(-beta, AinvhR.lincomb(spla.solve(mat, LhAinvhU).T)) V.scal(1 / alpha) return V
[docs]class ComponentProjection(Operator): """|Operator| representing the projection of a |VectorArray| onto some of its components. Parameters ---------- components List or 1D |NumPy array| of the indices of the vector :meth:`~pymor.vectorarrays.interface.VectorArray.components` that are to be extracted by the operator. source Source |VectorSpace| of the operator. name Name of the operator. """ linear = True def __init__(self, components, source, name=None): assert all(0 <= c < source.dim for c in components) components = np.array(components, dtype=np.int32) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.range = NumpyVectorSpace(len(components))
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source return self.range.make_array(U.dofs(self.components))
[docs] def restricted(self, dofs): assert all(0 <= c < self.range.dim for c in dofs) source_dofs = self.components[dofs] return IdentityOperator(NumpyVectorSpace(len(source_dofs))), source_dofs
[docs]class IdentityOperator(Operator): """The identity |Operator|. In other words:: op.apply(U) == U Parameters ---------- space The |VectorSpace| the operator acts on. name Name of the operator. """ linear = True def __init__(self, space, name=None): self.__auto_init(locals()) self.source = self.range = space @property def H(self): return self
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source return U.copy()
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): assert V in self.range return V.copy()
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): assert V in self.range assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in self.source and len(initial_guess) == len(V) return V.copy()
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): assert U in self.source assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in self.range and len(initial_guess) == len(U) return U.copy()
[docs] def assemble(self, mu=None): return self
[docs] def restricted(self, dofs): assert all(0 <= c < self.range.dim for c in dofs) return IdentityOperator(NumpyVectorSpace(len(dofs))), dofs
[docs]class ConstantOperator(Operator): """A constant |Operator| always returning the same vector. Parameters ---------- value A |VectorArray| of length 1 containing the vector which is returned by the operator. source Source |VectorSpace| of the operator. name Name of the operator. """ linear = False def __init__(self, value, source, name=None): assert isinstance(value, VectorArray) assert len(value) == 1 value = value.copy() self.__auto_init(locals()) self.range =
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source return self.value[[0] * len(U)].copy()
[docs] def jacobian(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source assert len(U) == 1 return ZeroOperator(self.range, self.source, + '_jacobian')
[docs] def restricted(self, dofs): assert all(0 <= c < self.range.dim for c in dofs) restricted_value = NumpyVectorSpace.make_array(self.value.dofs(dofs)) return ConstantOperator(restricted_value, NumpyVectorSpace(len(dofs))), dofs
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): if not least_squares: raise InversionError('ConstantOperator is not invertible.') return self.source.zeros(len(V))
[docs]class ZeroOperator(Operator): """The |Operator| which maps every vector to zero. Parameters ---------- range Range |VectorSpace| of the operator. source Source |VectorSpace| of the operator. name Name of the operator. """ linear = True def __init__(self, range, source, name=None): assert isinstance(range, VectorSpace) assert isinstance(source, VectorSpace) self.__auto_init(locals()) @property def H(self): return type(self)(self.source, self.range, + '_adjoint')
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source return self.range.zeros(len(U))
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): assert V in self.range return self.source.zeros(len(V))
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): assert V in self.range assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in self.source and len(initial_guess) == len(V) if not least_squares: raise InversionError return self.source.zeros(len(V))
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): assert U in self.source assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in self.range and len(initial_guess) == len(U) if not least_squares: raise InversionError return self.range.zeros(len(U))
[docs] def restricted(self, dofs): assert all(0 <= c < self.range.dim for c in dofs) return ZeroOperator(NumpyVectorSpace(len(dofs)), NumpyVectorSpace(0)), np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
[docs]class VectorArrayOperator(Operator): """Wraps a |VectorArray| as an |Operator|. If `adjoint` is `False`, the operator maps from `NumpyVectorSpace(len(array))` to `` by forming linear combinations of the vectors in the array with given coefficient arrays. If `adjoint == True`, the operator maps from `` to `NumpyVectorSpace(len(array))` by forming the inner products of the argument with the vectors in the given array. Parameters ---------- array The |VectorArray| which is to be treated as an operator. adjoint See description above. space_id Id of the `source` (`range`) |VectorSpace| in case `adjoint` is `False` (`True`). name The name of the operator. """ linear = True def __init__(self, array, adjoint=False, space_id=None, name=None): array = array.copy() self.__auto_init(locals()) if adjoint: self.source = self.range = NumpyVectorSpace(len(array), space_id) else: self.source = NumpyVectorSpace(len(array), space_id) self.range = @property def H(self): return VectorArrayOperator(self.array, not self.adjoint, self.space_id, + '_adjoint')
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source if not self.adjoint: return self.array.lincomb(U.to_numpy()) else: return self.range.make_array(
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): if not least_squares and len(self.array) != self.array.dim: raise InversionError from pymor.algorithms.gram_schmidt import gram_schmidt from numpy.linalg import lstsq Q, R = gram_schmidt(self.array, return_R=True, reiterate=False) if self.adjoint: v = lstsq(R.T.conj(), V.to_numpy().T)[0] U = Q.lincomb(v.T) else: v = u = lstsq(R, v)[0] U = self.source.make_array(u.T) return U
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): assert V in self.range if not self.adjoint: return self.source.make_array( else: return self.array.lincomb(V.to_numpy())
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): adjoint_op = VectorArrayOperator(self.array, adjoint=not self.adjoint) return adjoint_op.apply_inverse(U, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=least_squares)
[docs] def as_range_array(self, mu=None): if not self.adjoint: return self.array.copy() else: return super().as_range_array(mu)
[docs] def as_source_array(self, mu=None): if self.adjoint: return self.array.copy() else: return super().as_source_array(mu)
[docs] def restricted(self, dofs): assert all(0 <= c < self.range.dim for c in dofs) if not self.adjoint: restricted_value = NumpyVectorSpace.make_array(self.array.dofs(dofs)) return VectorArrayOperator(restricted_value, False), np.arange(self.source.dim, dtype=np.int32) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class VectorOperator(VectorArrayOperator): """Wrap a vector as a vector-like |Operator|. Given a vector `v` of dimension `d`, this class represents the operator :: op: R^1 ----> R^d x |---> xâ‹…v In particular:: VectorOperator(vector).as_range_array() == vector Parameters ---------- vector |VectorArray| of length 1 containing the vector `v`. name Name of the operator. """ linear = True source = NumpyVectorSpace(1) def __init__(self, vector, name=None): assert isinstance(vector, VectorArray) assert len(vector) == 1 super().__init__(vector, adjoint=False, name=name) self.vector = self.array # do not init with vector arg, as vector gets copied in VectorArrayOperator.__init__
[docs]class VectorFunctional(VectorArrayOperator): """Wrap a vector as a linear |Functional|. Given a vector `v` of dimension `d`, this class represents the functional :: f: R^d ----> R^1 u |---> (u, v) where `( , )` denotes the inner product given by `product`. In particular, if `product` is `None` :: VectorFunctional(vector).as_source_array() == vector. If `product` is not none, we obtain :: VectorFunctional(vector).as_source_array() == product.apply(vector). Parameters ---------- vector |VectorArray| of length 1 containing the vector `v`. product |Operator| representing the scalar product to use. name Name of the operator. """ linear = True range = NumpyVectorSpace(1) def __init__(self, vector, product=None, name=None): assert isinstance(vector, VectorArray) assert len(vector) == 1 assert product is None or isinstance(product, Operator) and vector in product.source if product is None: super().__init__(vector, adjoint=True, name=name) else: super().__init__(product.apply(vector), adjoint=True, name=name) self.vector = self.array # do not init with vector arg, as vector gets copied in VectorArrayOperator.__init__ self.product = product
[docs]class ProxyOperator(Operator): """Forwards all interface calls to given |Operator|. Mainly useful as base class for other |Operator| implementations. Parameters ---------- operator The |Operator| to wrap. name Name of the wrapping operator. """ def __init__(self, operator, name=None): assert isinstance(operator, Operator) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.source = operator.source self.range = operator.range self.linear = operator.linear @property def H(self): return self.with_(operator=self.operator.H, + '_adjoint')
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): return self.operator.apply(U, mu=mu)
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): return self.operator.apply_adjoint(V, mu=mu)
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): return self.operator.apply_inverse(V, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=least_squares)
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): return self.operator.apply_inverse_adjoint(U, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=least_squares)
[docs] def jacobian(self, U, mu=None): return self.operator.jacobian(U, mu=mu)
[docs] def restricted(self, dofs): op, source_dofs = self.operator.restricted(dofs) return self.with_(operator=op), source_dofs
[docs]class FixedParameterOperator(ProxyOperator): """Makes an |Operator| |Parameter|-independent by setting fixed |parameter values|. Parameters ---------- operator The |Operator| to wrap. mu The fixed |parameter values| that will be fed to the :meth:`~pymor.operators.interface.Operator.apply` method (and related methods) of `operator`. """ def __init__(self, operator, mu=None, name=None): super().__init__(operator, name) assert operator.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) = mu if mu: self.parameters_internal = mu.parameters
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): return self.operator.apply(U,
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): return self.operator.apply_adjoint(V,
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): return self.operator.apply_inverse(V,, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=least_squares)
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): return self.operator.apply_inverse_adjoint(U,, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=least_squares)
[docs] def jacobian(self, U, mu=None): return self.operator.jacobian(U,
[docs]class LinearOperator(ProxyOperator): """Mark the wrapped |Operator| to be linear.""" def __init__(self, operator, name=None): super().__init__(operator, name) self.linear = True
[docs]class AffineOperator(ProxyOperator): """Decompose an affine |Operator| into affine_shift and linear_part. """ def __init__(self, operator, name=None): if operator.parametric: raise NotImplementedError super().__init__(operator, name) self.affine_shift = ConstantOperator(operator.apply(operator.source.zeros()), source=operator.source) self.linear_part = LinearOperator(operator - self.affine_shift, + '_linear_part')
[docs] def jacobian(self, U, mu=None): return self.linear_part.jacobian(U, mu)
[docs]class InverseOperator(Operator): """Represents the inverse of a given |Operator|. Parameters ---------- operator The |Operator| of which the inverse is formed. name If not `None`, name of the operator. """ def __init__(self, operator, name=None): assert isinstance(operator, Operator) name or + '_inverse' self.__auto_init(locals()) self.source = operator.range self.range = operator.source self.linear = operator.linear @property def H(self): return InverseAdjointOperator(self.operator)
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source return self.operator.apply_inverse(U, mu=mu)
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): assert V in self.range return self.operator.apply_inverse_adjoint(V, mu=mu)
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): assert V in self.range assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in self.source and len(initial_guess) == len(V) return self.operator.apply(V, mu=mu)
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): assert U in self.source assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in self.range and len(initial_guess) == len(U) return self.operator.apply_adjoint(U, mu=mu)
[docs]class InverseAdjointOperator(Operator): """Represents the inverse adjoint of a given |Operator|. Parameters ---------- operator The |Operator| of which the inverse adjoint is formed. name If not `None`, name of the operator. """ linear = True def __init__(self, operator, name=None): assert isinstance(operator, Operator) assert operator.linear name = name or + '_inverse_adjoint' self.__auto_init(locals()) self.source = operator.source self.range = operator.range @property def H(self): return InverseOperator(self.operator)
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source return self.operator.apply_inverse_adjoint(U, mu=mu)
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): assert V in self.range return self.operator.apply_inverse(V, mu=mu)
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): assert V in self.range return self.operator.apply_adjoint(V, mu=mu)
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): assert U in self.source return self.operator.apply(U, mu=mu)
[docs]class AdjointOperator(Operator): """Represents the adjoint of a given linear |Operator|. For a linear |Operator| `op` the adjoint `op^*` of `op` is given by:: (op^*(v), u)_s = (v, op(u))_r, where `( , )_s` and `( , )_r` denote the inner products on the source and range space of `op`. If two products are given by `P_s` and `P_r`, then:: op^*(v) = P_s^(-1) o op.H o P_r, Thus, if `( , )_s` and `( , )_r` are the Euclidean inner products, `op^*v` is simply given by application of the :attr:adjoint <pymor.operators.interface.Operator.H>` |Operator|. Parameters ---------- operator The |Operator| of which the adjoint is formed. source_product If not `None`, inner product |Operator| for the source |VectorSpace| w.r.t. which to take the adjoint. range_product If not `None`, inner product |Operator| for the range |VectorSpace| w.r.t. which to take the adjoint. name If not `None`, name of the operator. with_apply_inverse If `True`, provide own :meth:`~pymor.operators.interface.Operator.apply_inverse` and :meth:`~pymor.operators.interface.Operator.apply_inverse_adjoint` implementations by calling these methods on the given `operator`. (Is set to `False` in the default implementation of and :meth:`~pymor.operators.interface.Operator.apply_inverse_adjoint`.) solver_options When `with_apply_inverse` is `False`, the |solver_options| to use for the `apply_inverse` default implementation. """ linear = True def __init__(self, operator, source_product=None, range_product=None, name=None, with_apply_inverse=True, solver_options=None): assert isinstance(operator, Operator) assert operator.linear assert not with_apply_inverse or solver_options is None name or + '_adjoint' self.__auto_init(locals()) self.source = operator.range self.range = operator.source @property def H(self): if not self.source_product and not self.range_product: return self.operator else: options = {'inverse': self.solver_options.get('inverse_adjoint'), 'inverse_adjoint': self.solver_options.get('inverse')} if self.solver_options else None return AdjointOperator(self.operator.H, source_product=self.range_product, range_product=self.source_product, solver_options=options)
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert U in self.source if self.range_product: U = self.range_product.apply(U) V = self.operator.apply_adjoint(U, mu=mu) if self.source_product: V = self.source_product.apply_inverse(V) return V
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): assert V in self.range if self.source_product: V = self.source_product.apply_inverse(V) U = self.operator.apply(V, mu=mu) if self.range_product: U = self.range_product.apply(U) return U
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, V, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): if not self.with_apply_inverse: return super().apply_inverse(V, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=least_squares) assert V in self.range if self.source_product: V = self.source_product(V) U = self.operator.apply_inverse_adjoint(V, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess if not self.range_product else None, least_squares=least_squares) if self.range_product: U = self.range_product.apply_inverse(U) return U
[docs] def apply_inverse_adjoint(self, U, mu=None, initial_guess=None, least_squares=False): if not self.with_apply_inverse: return super().apply_inverse_adjoint(U, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess, least_squares=least_squares) assert U in self.source if self.range_product: U = self.range_product.apply_inverse(U) V = self.operator.apply_inverse(U, mu=mu, initial_guess=initial_guess if not self.source_product else None, least_squares=least_squares) if self.source_product: V = self.source_product.apply(V) return V
[docs]class SelectionOperator(Operator): """An |Operator| selected from a list of |Operators|. `operators[i]` is used if `parameter_functional(mu)` is less or equal than `boundaries[i]` and greater than `boundaries[i-1]`:: -infty ------- boundaries[i] ---------- boundaries[i+1] ------- infty | | --- operators[i] ---|---- operators[i+1] ----|---- operators[i+2] | | Parameters ---------- operators List of |Operators| from which one |Operator| is selected based on the given |parameter values|. parameter_functional The |ParameterFunctional| used for the selection of one |Operator|. boundaries The interval boundaries as defined above. name Name of the operator. """ def __init__(self, operators, parameter_functional, boundaries, name=None): assert len(operators) > 0 assert len(boundaries) == len(operators) - 1 # check that boundaries are ascending: for i in range(len(boundaries)-1): assert boundaries[i] <= boundaries[i+1] assert all(isinstance(op, Operator) for op in operators) assert all(op.source == operators[0].source for op in operators[1:]) assert all(op.range == operators[0].range for op in operators[1:]) operators = tuple(operators) boundaries = tuple(boundaries) self.__auto_init(locals()) self.source = operators[0].source self.range = operators[0].range self.linear = all(op.linear for op in operators) @property def H(self): return self.with_(operators=[op.H for op in self.operators], + '_adjoint') def _get_operator_number(self, mu): value = self.parameter_functional.evaluate(mu) for i in range(len(self.boundaries)): if self.boundaries[i] >= value: return i return len(self.boundaries)
[docs] def assemble(self, mu=None): assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) op = self.operators[self._get_operator_number(mu)] return op.assemble(mu)
[docs] def apply(self, U, mu=None): assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) operator_number = self._get_operator_number(mu) return self.operators[operator_number].apply(U, mu=mu)
[docs] def apply_adjoint(self, V, mu=None): assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) op = self.operators[self._get_operator_number(mu)] return op.apply_adjoint(V, mu=mu)
[docs] def as_range_array(self, mu=None): assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) operator_number = self._get_operator_number(mu) return self.operators[operator_number].as_range_array(mu=mu)
[docs] def as_source_array(self, mu=None): assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) operator_number = self._get_operator_number(mu) return self.operators[operator_number].as_source_array(mu=mu)
[docs]@defaults('raise_negative', 'tol') def induced_norm(product, raise_negative=True, tol=1e-10, name=None): """Obtain induced norm of an inner product. The norm of the vectors in a |VectorArray| U is calculated by calling :: product.pairwise_apply2(U, U, mu=mu). In addition, negative norm squares of absolute value smaller than `tol` are clipped to `0`. If `raise_negative` is `True`, a :exc:`ValueError` exception is raised if there are negative norm squares of absolute value larger than `tol`. Parameters ---------- product The inner product |Operator| for which the norm is to be calculated. raise_negative If `True`, raise an exception if calculated norm is negative. tol See above. name optional, if None product's name is used Returns ------- norm A function `norm(U, mu=None)` taking a |VectorArray| `U` as input together with the |parameter values| `mu` which are passed to the product. """ return InducedNorm(product, raise_negative, tol, name)
[docs]class InducedNorm(ParametricObject): """Instantiated by :func:`induced_norm`. Do not use directly.""" def __init__(self, product, raise_negative, tol, name): name = name or self.__auto_init(locals())
[docs] def __call__(self, U, mu=None): norm_squared = self.product.pairwise_apply2(U, U, mu=mu).real if self.tol > 0: norm_squared = np.where(np.logical_and(0 > norm_squared, norm_squared > - self.tol), 0, norm_squared) if self.raise_negative and np.any(norm_squared < 0): raise ValueError(f'norm is negative (square = {norm_squared})') return np.sqrt(norm_squared)