# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
"""This module contains a base class for implementing WorkerPool."""
import weakref
from pymor.core.base import ImmutableObject
from pymor.parallel.interface import WorkerPool, RemoteObject
[docs]class WorkerPoolDefaultImplementations:
def scatter_array(self, U, copy=True):
slice_len = len(U) // len(self) + (1 if len(U) % len(self) else 0)
if copy:
slices = []
for i in range(len(self)):
slices.append(U[i*slice_len:min((i+1)*slice_len, len(U))].copy())
slices = [U.empty() for _ in range(len(self))]
for s in slices:
s.append(U[:min(slice_len, len(U))], remove_from_other=True)
remote_U = self.push(U.empty())
del U
self.map(_append_array_slice, slices, U=remote_U)
return remote_U
def scatter_list(self, l):
slice_len = len(l) // len(self) + (1 if len(l) % len(self) else 0)
slices = []
for i in range(len(self)):
del l
remote_l = self.push([])
self.map(_append_list_slice, slices, l=remote_l)
return remote_l
[docs]class WorkerPoolBase(WorkerPoolDefaultImplementations, WorkerPool):
def __init__(self):
self._pushed_immutable_objects = {}
[docs] def push(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, ImmutableObject):
uid = obj.uid
if uid not in self._pushed_immutable_objects:
remote_id = self._push_object(obj)
self._pushed_immutable_objects[uid] = (remote_id, 1)
remote_id, ref_count = self._pushed_immutable_objects[uid]
self._pushed_immutable_objects[uid] = (remote_id, ref_count + 1)
return GenericRemoteObject(self, remote_id, uid=uid)
remote_id = self._push_object(obj)
return GenericRemoteObject(self, remote_id)
def _map_kwargs(self, kwargs):
pushed_immutable_objects = self._pushed_immutable_objects
return {k: (pushed_immutable_objects.get(v.uid, (v, 0))[0] if isinstance(v, ImmutableObject) else
v.remote_id if isinstance(v, RemoteObject) else
for k, v in kwargs.items()}
[docs] def apply(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs = self._map_kwargs(kwargs)
return self._apply(function, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def apply_only(self, function, worker, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs = self._map_kwargs(kwargs)
return self._apply_only(function, worker, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def map(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs = self._map_kwargs(kwargs)
chunks = self._split_into_chunks(len(self), *args)
return self._map(function, chunks, **kwargs)
def _split_into_chunks(self, count, *args):
lens = list(map(len, args))
min_len = min(lens)
max_len = max(lens)
assert min_len == max_len
chunk_size = max_len // count + (1 if max_len % count > 0 else 0)
def split_arg(arg):
for _ in range(count):
chunk, arg = arg[:chunk_size], arg[chunk_size:]
yield chunk
from itertools import chain
for arg in args:
assert list(chain(*split_arg(arg))) == arg
chunks = tuple(list(split_arg(arg)) for arg in args)
return chunks
[docs]class GenericRemoteObject(RemoteObject):
def __init__(self, pool, remote_id, uid=None):
self.pool = weakref.ref(pool)
self.remote_id = remote_id
self.uid = uid
def _remove(self):
pool = self.pool()
if self.uid is not None:
remote_id, ref_count = pool._pushed_immutable_objects.pop(self.uid)
if ref_count > 1:
pool._pushed_immutable_objects[self.remote_id] = (remote_id, ref_count - 1)
def _append_array_slice(s, U=None):
U.append(s, remove_from_other=True)
def _append_list_slice(s, l=None):