# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
from pymor.algorithms.basic import almost_equal
from pymor.algorithms.gram_schmidt import gram_schmidt
from pymor.algorithms.pod import pod
from pymor.algorithms.projection import project, project_to_subbasis
from pymor.core.base import BasicObject, abstractmethod
from pymor.core.defaults import defaults
from pymor.core.exceptions import ExtensionError, AccuracyError
from pymor.models.basic import StationaryModel, InstationaryModel
from pymor.models.iosys import LTIModel, SecondOrderModel, LinearDelayModel
from pymor.operators.numpy import NumpyMatrixOperator
from pymor.operators.constructions import Concatenation, InverseOperator
[docs]class ProjectionBasedReductor(BasicObject):
"""Generic projection based reductor.
The full order |Model| to reduce.
A dict of |VectorArrays| of basis vectors.
A dict of inner product |Operators| w.r.t. which the corresponding bases are
orthonormalized. A value of `None` corresponds to orthonormalization of the
basis w.r.t. the Euclidean inner product.
If `True`, check if bases which have a corresponding entry in the `products`
dict are orthonormal w.r.t. the given inner product. After each
:meth:`basis extension <extend_basis>`, orthonormality is checked again.
If `check_orthonormality` is `True`, the numerical tolerance with which the checks
are performed.
@defaults('check_orthonormality', 'check_tol')
def __init__(self, fom, bases, products={}, check_orthonormality=True, check_tol=1e-3):
assert products.keys() <= bases.keys()
bases = dict(bases)
products = dict(products)
self._last_rom = None
if check_orthonormality:
for basis in bases:
def reduce(self, dims=None):
if dims is None:
dims = {k: len(v) for k, v in self.bases.items()}
if isinstance(dims, Number):
dims = {k: dims for k in self.bases}
if set(dims.keys()) != set(self.bases.keys()):
raise ValueError(f'Must specify dimensions for {set(self.bases.keys())}')
for k, d in dims.items():
if d < 0:
raise ValueError(f'Reduced state dimension must be larger than zero {k}')
if d > len(self.bases[k]):
raise ValueError(f'Specified reduced state dimension larger than reduced basis {k}')
if self._last_rom is None or any(dims[b] > self._last_rom_dims[b] for b in dims):
self._last_rom = self._reduce()
self._last_rom_dims = {k: len(v) for k, v in self.bases.items()}
if dims == self._last_rom_dims:
return self._last_rom
return self._reduce_to_subbasis(dims)
def _reduce(self):
with self.logger.block('Operator projection ...'):
projected_operators = self.project_operators()
# ensure that no logging output is generated for estimator assembly in case there is
# no estimator to assemble
if self.assemble_estimator.__func__ is not ProjectionBasedReductor.assemble_estimator:
with self.logger.block('Assembling error estimator ...'):
estimator = self.assemble_estimator()
estimator = None
with self.logger.block('Building ROM ...'):
rom = self.build_rom(projected_operators, estimator)
rom = rom.with_(name=f'{self.fom.name}_reduced')
return rom
def _reduce_to_subbasis(self, dims):
projected_operators = self.project_operators_to_subbasis(dims)
estimator = self.assemble_estimator_for_subbasis(dims)
rom = self.build_rom(projected_operators, estimator)
rom = rom.with_(name=f'{self.fom.name}_reduced')
return rom
def project_operators(self):
def assemble_estimator(self):
return None
def build_rom(self, projected_operators, estimator):
def project_operators_to_subbasis(self, dims):
raise NotImplementedError
def assemble_estimator_for_subbasis(self, dims):
return None
[docs] def reconstruct(self, u, basis='RB'):
"""Reconstruct high-dimensional vector from reduced vector `u`."""
return self.bases[basis][:u.dim].lincomb(u.to_numpy())
def extend_basis(self, U, basis='RB', method='gram_schmidt', pod_modes=1, pod_orthonormalize=True, copy_U=True):
basis_length = len(self.bases[basis])
extend_basis(U, self.bases[basis], self.products.get(basis), method=method, pod_modes=pod_modes,
self._check_orthonormality(basis, basis_length)
def _check_orthonormality(self, basis, offset=0):
if not self.check_orthonormality or basis not in self.products:
U = self.bases[basis]
product = self.products.get(basis, None)
error_matrix = U[offset:].inner(U, product)
error_matrix[:len(U) - offset, offset:] -= np.eye(len(U) - offset)
if error_matrix.size > 0:
err = np.max(np.abs(error_matrix))
if err >= self.check_tol:
raise AccuracyError(f"result not orthogonal (max err={err})")
[docs]class StationaryRBReductor(ProjectionBasedReductor):
"""Galerkin projection of a |StationaryModel|.
The full order |Model| to reduce.
The basis of the reduced space onto which to project. If `None` an empty basis is used.
Inner product |Operator| w.r.t. which `RB` is orthonormalized. If `None`, the Euclidean
inner product is used.
See :class:`ProjectionBasedReductor`.
See :class:`ProjectionBasedReductor`.
def __init__(self, fom, RB=None, product=None, check_orthonormality=None, check_tol=None):
assert isinstance(fom, StationaryModel)
RB = fom.solution_space.empty() if RB is None else RB
assert RB in fom.solution_space
super().__init__(fom, {'RB': RB}, {'RB': product},
check_orthonormality=check_orthonormality, check_tol=check_tol)
def project_operators(self):
fom = self.fom
RB = self.bases['RB']
projected_operators = {
'operator': project(fom.operator, RB, RB),
'rhs': project(fom.rhs, RB, None),
'products': {k: project(v, RB, RB) for k, v in fom.products.items()},
'output_functional': project(fom.output_functional, None, RB) if fom.output_functional else None
return projected_operators
def project_operators_to_subbasis(self, dims):
rom = self._last_rom
dim = dims['RB']
projected_operators = {
'operator': project_to_subbasis(rom.operator, dim, dim),
'rhs': project_to_subbasis(rom.rhs, dim, None),
'products': {k: project_to_subbasis(v, dim, dim) for k, v in rom.products.items()},
'output_functional': project_to_subbasis(rom.output_functional, None, dim) if rom.output_functional else None
return projected_operators
def build_rom(self, projected_operators, estimator):
return StationaryModel(estimator=estimator, **projected_operators)
[docs]class InstationaryRBReductor(ProjectionBasedReductor):
"""Galerkin projection of an |InstationaryModel|.
The full order |Model| to reduce.
The basis of the reduced space onto which to project. If `None` an empty basis is used.
Inner product |Operator| w.r.t. which `RB` is orthonormalized. If `None`, the
the Euclidean inner product is used.
Inner product |Operator| w.r.t. which the `initial_data` of `fom` is orthogonally projected.
If `None`, the Euclidean inner product is used.
If `True`, no mass matrix for the reduced |Model| is assembled. Set to `True` if `RB` is
orthonormal w.r.t. the `mass` matrix of `fom`.
See :class:`ProjectionBasedReductor`.
See :class:`ProjectionBasedReductor`.
def __init__(self, fom, RB=None, product=None, initial_data_product=None, product_is_mass=False,
check_orthonormality=None, check_tol=None):
assert isinstance(fom, InstationaryModel)
RB = fom.solution_space.empty() if RB is None else RB
assert RB in fom.solution_space
super().__init__(fom, {'RB': RB}, {'RB': product},
check_orthonormality=check_orthonormality, check_tol=check_tol)
self.initial_data_product = initial_data_product or product
self.product_is_mass = product_is_mass
def project_operators(self):
fom = self.fom
RB = self.bases['RB']
product = self.products['RB']
if self.initial_data_product != product:
# TODO there should be functionality for this somewhere else
projection_matrix = RB.gramian(self.initial_data_product)
projection_op = NumpyMatrixOperator(projection_matrix)
inverse_projection_op = InverseOperator(projection_op, 'inverse_projection_op')
pid = project(fom.initial_data, range_basis=RB, source_basis=None, product=self.initial_data_product)
projected_initial_data = Concatenation([inverse_projection_op, pid])
projected_initial_data = project(fom.initial_data, range_basis=RB, source_basis=None,
projected_operators = {
'mass': None if fom.mass is None or self.product_is_mass else project(fom.mass, RB, RB),
'operator': project(fom.operator, RB, RB),
'rhs': project(fom.rhs, RB, None) if fom.rhs is not None else None,
'initial_data': projected_initial_data,
'products': {k: project(v, RB, RB) for k, v in fom.products.items()},
'output_functional': project(fom.output_functional, None, RB) if fom.output_functional else None
return projected_operators
def project_operators_to_subbasis(self, dims):
rom = self._last_rom
dim = dims['RB']
product = self.products['RB']
if self.initial_data_product != product:
# TODO there should be functionality for this somewhere else
pop = project_to_subbasis(rom.initial_data.operators[1], dim_range=dim, dim_source=None)
inverse_projection_op = InverseOperator(
project_to_subbasis(rom.initial_data.operators[0].operator, dim_range=dim, dim_source=dim),
projected_initial_data = Concatenation([inverse_projection_op, pop])
projected_initial_data = project_to_subbasis(rom.initial_data, dim_range=dim, dim_source=None)
projected_operators = {
'mass': (None if rom.mass is None or self.product_is_mass else
project_to_subbasis(rom.mass, dim, dim)),
'operator': project_to_subbasis(rom.operator, dim, dim),
'rhs': project_to_subbasis(rom.rhs, dim, None) if rom.rhs is not None else None,
'initial_data': projected_initial_data,
'products': {k: project_to_subbasis(v, dim, dim) for k, v in rom.products.items()},
'output_functional': project_to_subbasis(rom.output_functional, None, dim) if rom.output_functional else None
return projected_operators
def build_rom(self, projected_operators, estimator):
fom = self.fom
return InstationaryModel(T=fom.T, time_stepper=fom.time_stepper, num_values=fom.num_values,
estimator=estimator, **projected_operators)
[docs]class LTIPGReductor(ProjectionBasedReductor):
"""Petrov-Galerkin projection of an |LTIModel|.
The full order |Model| to reduce.
The basis of the test space.
The basis of the ansatz space.
If `True`, no `E` matrix will be assembled for the reduced |Model|.
Set to `True` if `W` and `V` are biorthonormal w.r.t. `fom.E`.
def __init__(self, fom, W, V, E_biorthonormal=False):
assert isinstance(fom, LTIModel)
super().__init__(fom, {'W': W, 'V': V})
self.E_biorthonormal = E_biorthonormal
def project_operators(self):
fom = self.fom
W = self.bases['W']
V = self.bases['V']
projected_operators = {'A': project(fom.A, W, V),
'B': project(fom.B, W, None),
'C': project(fom.C, None, V),
'D': fom.D,
'E': None if self.E_biorthonormal else project(fom.E, W, V)}
return projected_operators
def project_operators_to_subbasis(self, dims):
if dims['W'] != dims['V']:
raise ValueError
rom = self._last_rom
dim = dims['V']
projected_operators = {'A': project_to_subbasis(rom.A, dim, dim),
'B': project_to_subbasis(rom.B, dim, None),
'C': project_to_subbasis(rom.C, None, dim),
'D': rom.D,
'E': None if self.E_biorthonormal else project_to_subbasis(rom.E, dim, dim)}
return projected_operators
def build_rom(self, projected_operators, estimator):
return LTIModel(estimator=estimator, **projected_operators)
def extend_basis(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reconstruct(self, u, basis='V'):
return super().reconstruct(u, basis)
[docs]class SOLTIPGReductor(ProjectionBasedReductor):
"""Petrov-Galerkin projection of an |SecondOrderModel|.
The full order |Model| to reduce.
The basis of the test space.
The basis of the ansatz space.
If `True`, no `E` matrix will be assembled for the reduced |Model|.
Set to `True` if `W` and `V` are biorthonormal w.r.t. `fom.E`.
def __init__(self, fom, W, V, M_biorthonormal=False):
assert isinstance(fom, SecondOrderModel)
super().__init__(fom, {'W': W, 'V': V})
self.M_biorthonormal = M_biorthonormal
def project_operators(self):
fom = self.fom
W = self.bases['W']
V = self.bases['V']
projected_operators = {'M': None if self.M_biorthonormal else project(fom.M, W, V),
'E': project(fom.E, W, V),
'K': project(fom.K, W, V),
'B': project(fom.B, W, None),
'Cp': project(fom.Cp, None, V),
'Cv': project(fom.Cv, None, V),
'D': fom.D}
return projected_operators
def project_operators_to_subbasis(self, dims):
if dims['W'] != dims['V']:
raise ValueError
rom = self._last_rom
dim = dims['V']
projected_operators = {'M': None if self.M_biorthonormal else project_to_subbasis(rom.M, dim, dim),
'E': project_to_subbasis(rom.E, dim, dim),
'K': project_to_subbasis(rom.K, dim, dim),
'B': project_to_subbasis(rom.B, dim, None),
'Cp': project_to_subbasis(rom.C, None, dim),
'Cv': project_to_subbasis(rom.C, None, dim),
'D': rom.D}
return projected_operators
def build_rom(self, projected_operators, estimator):
return SecondOrderModel(estimator=estimator, **projected_operators)
def extend_basis(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reconstruct(self, u, basis='V'):
return super().reconstruct(u, basis)
[docs]class DelayLTIPGReductor(ProjectionBasedReductor):
"""Petrov-Galerkin projection of an |LinearDelayModel|.
The full order |Model| to reduce.
The basis of the test space.
The basis of the ansatz space.
If `True`, no `E` matrix will be assembled for the reduced |Model|.
Set to `True` if `W` and `V` are biorthonormal w.r.t. `fom.E`.
def __init__(self, fom, W, V, E_biorthonormal=False):
assert isinstance(fom, LinearDelayModel)
super().__init__(fom, {'W': W, 'V': V})
self.E_biorthonormal = E_biorthonormal
def project_operators(self):
fom = self.fom
W = self.bases['W']
V = self.bases['V']
projected_operators = {'A': project(fom.A, W, V),
'Ad': tuple(project(op, W, V) for op in fom.Ad),
'B': project(fom.B, W, None),
'C': project(fom.C, None, V),
'D': fom.D,
'E': None if self.E_biorthonormal else project(fom.E, W, V)}
return projected_operators
def project_operators_to_subbasis(self, dims):
if dims['W'] != dims['V']:
raise ValueError
rom = self._last_rom
dim = dims['V']
projected_operators = {'A': project_to_subbasis(rom.A, dim, dim),
'Ad': tuple(project_to_subbasis(op, dim, dim) for op in rom.Ad),
'B': project_to_subbasis(rom.B, dim, None),
'C': project_to_subbasis(rom.C, None, dim),
'D': rom.D,
'E': None if self.E_biorthonormal else project_to_subbasis(rom.E, dim, dim)}
return projected_operators
def build_rom(self, projected_operators, estimator):
return LinearDelayModel(tau=self.fom.tau, estimator=estimator, **projected_operators)
def extend_basis(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reconstruct(self, u, basis='V'):
return super().reconstruct(u, basis)
[docs]def extend_basis(U, basis, product=None, method='gram_schmidt', pod_modes=1, pod_orthonormalize=True, copy_U=True):
assert method in ('trivial', 'gram_schmidt', 'pod')
basis_length = len(basis)
if method == 'trivial':
remove = set()
for i in range(len(U)):
if np.any(almost_equal(U[i], basis)):
basis.append(U[[i for i in range(len(U)) if i not in remove]],
remove_from_other=(not copy_U))
elif method == 'gram_schmidt':
basis.append(U, remove_from_other=(not copy_U))
gram_schmidt(basis, offset=basis_length, product=product, copy=False, check=False)
elif method == 'pod':
U_proj_err = U - basis.lincomb(U.inner(basis, product))
basis.append(pod(U_proj_err, modes=pod_modes, product=product, orth_tol=np.inf)[0])
if pod_orthonormalize:
gram_schmidt(basis, offset=basis_length, product=product, copy=False, check=False)
if len(basis) <= basis_length:
raise ExtensionError