Source code for pymor.reductors.h2

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

"""Reductors based on H2-norm."""

from numbers import Integral, Real

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as spla

from pymor.algorithms.gram_schmidt import gram_schmidt, gram_schmidt_biorth
from pymor.algorithms.krylov import tangential_rational_krylov
from pymor.algorithms.sylvester import solve_sylv_schur
from pymor.algorithms.to_matrix import to_matrix
from pymor.core.base import BasicObject
from pymor.models.iosys import InputOutputModel, LTIModel
from pymor.operators.constructions import IdentityOperator
from pymor.parameters.base import Mu
from pymor.reductors.basic import LTIPGReductor
from pymor.reductors.interpolation import LTIBHIReductor, TFBHIReductor

[docs]class GenericIRKAReductor(BasicObject): """Generic IRKA related reductor. Parameters ---------- fom The full-order |Model| to reduce. mu |Parameter values|. """ def _clear_lists(self): self.sigma_list = [] self.b_list = [] self.c_list = [] self.conv_crit = [] self._conv_data = [] self.errors = [] def __init__(self, fom, mu=None): if not isinstance(mu, Mu): mu = fom.parameters.parse(mu) assert fom.parameters.assert_compatible(mu) self.fom = fom = mu self.V = None self.W = None self._pg_reductor = None self._clear_lists()
[docs] def reconstruct(self, u): """Reconstruct high-dimensional vector from reduced vector `u`.""" return self._pg_reductor.reconstruct(u)
def _check_rom0_params(self, rom0_params): if isinstance(rom0_params, Integral): assert rom0_params > 0 if hasattr(self.fom, 'order'): # self.fom can be a TransferFunction assert rom0_params < self.fom.order elif isinstance(rom0_params, np.ndarray): assert rom0_params.ndim == 1 elif isinstance(rom0_params, dict): assert ('sigma', 'b', 'c') in rom0_params assert isinstance(rom0_params['sigma'], np.ndarray) assert rom0_params['sigma'].ndim == 1 assert rom0_params['b'] in self.fom.input_space assert rom0_params['c'] in self.fom.output_space assert len(rom0_params['sigma']) == len(rom0_params['b']) assert len(rom0_params['sigma']) == len(rom0_params['c']) elif isinstance(rom0_params, LTIModel): assert rom0_params.order > 0 if hasattr(self.fom, 'order'): # self.fom can be a TransferFunction assert rom0_params < self.fom.order assert rom0_params.input_space == self.fom.input_space assert rom0_params.output_space == self.fom.output_space else: raise ValueError(f'rom0_params is of wrong type ({type(rom0_params)}).') @staticmethod def _check_common_args(tol, maxit, num_prev, conv_crit): assert isinstance(tol, Real) and tol > 0 assert isinstance(maxit, Integral) and maxit >= 1 assert isinstance(num_prev, Integral) and num_prev >= 1 assert conv_crit in ('sigma', 'h2') def _order_to_sigma_b_c(self, r): sigma = np.logspace(-1, 1, r) b = (self.fom.input_space.ones(r) if self.fom.input_dim == 1 else self.fom.input_space.random(r, distribution='normal', seed=0)) c = (self.fom.output_space.ones(r) if self.fom.output_dim == 1 else self.fom.output_space.random(r, distribution='normal', seed=0)) return sigma, b, c @staticmethod def _rom_to_sigma_b_c(rom, force_sigma_in_rhp): poles, b, c = _lti_to_poles_b_c(rom) sigma = (np.abs(poles.real) + poles.imag * 1j if force_sigma_in_rhp else -poles) return sigma, b, c def _rom0_params_to_sigma_b_c(self, rom0_params, force_sigma_in_rhp):'Generating initial interpolation data') self._check_rom0_params(rom0_params) if isinstance(rom0_params, Integral): sigma, b, c = self._order_to_sigma_b_c(rom0_params) elif isinstance(rom0_params, np.ndarray): sigma = rom0_params _, b, c = self._order_to_sigma_b_c(len(rom0_params)) elif isinstance(rom0_params, dict): sigma = rom0_params['sigma'] b = rom0_params['b'] c = rom0_params['c'] else: sigma, b, c = self._rom_to_sigma_b_c(rom0_params, force_sigma_in_rhp) return sigma, b, c def _rom0_params_to_rom(self, rom0_params):'Generating initial reduced-order model') self._check_rom0_params(rom0_params) if isinstance(rom0_params, Integral): sigma, b, c = self._order_to_sigma_b_c(rom0_params) rom0 = _poles_b_c_to_lti(-sigma, b, c) elif isinstance(rom0_params, np.ndarray): sigma = rom0_params _, b, c = self._order_to_sigma_b_c(len(rom0_params)) rom0 = _poles_b_c_to_lti(-sigma, b, c) elif isinstance(rom0_params, dict): sigma = rom0_params['sigma'] b = rom0_params['b'] c = rom0_params['c'] rom0 = _poles_b_c_to_lti(-sigma, b, c) else: rom0 = rom0_params return rom0 def _store_sigma_b_c(self, sigma, b, c): if sigma is not None: self.sigma_list.append(sigma) if b is not None: self.b_list.append(b) if c is not None: self.c_list.append(c) def _update_conv_data(self, sigma, rom, conv_crit): del self._conv_data[-1] self._conv_data.insert(0, sigma if conv_crit == 'sigma' else rom) def _compute_conv_crit(self, rom, conv_crit, it): if conv_crit == 'sigma': sigma = self._conv_data[0] dist = min(spla.norm((sigma_old - sigma) / sigma_old, ord=np.inf) for sigma_old in self._conv_data[1:] if sigma_old is not None) else: if rom.poles().real.max() >= 0: dist = np.inf else: dist = min((rom_old - rom).h2_norm() / rom_old.h2_norm() if rom_old is not None and rom_old.poles().real.max() < 0 else np.inf for rom_old in self._conv_data[1:]) self.conv_crit.append(dist)'Convergence criterion in iteration {it + 1}: {dist:e}') def _compute_error(self, rom, it, compute_errors): if not compute_errors: return rel_h2_err = ((self.fom - rom).h2_norm() / self.fom.h2_norm() if rom.poles().real.max() < 0 else np.inf) self.errors.append(rel_h2_err)'Relative H2-error in iteration {it + 1}: {rel_h2_err:e}')
[docs]class IRKAReductor(GenericIRKAReductor): """Iterative Rational Krylov Algorithm reductor. Parameters ---------- fom The full-order |LTIModel| to reduce. mu |Parameter values|. """ def __init__(self, fom, mu=None): assert isinstance(fom, LTIModel) super().__init__(fom, mu=mu)
[docs] def reduce(self, rom0_params, tol=1e-4, maxit=100, num_prev=1, force_sigma_in_rhp=False, projection='orth', conv_crit='sigma', compute_errors=False): r"""Reduce using IRKA. See [GAB08]_ (Algorithm 4.1) and [ABG10]_ (Algorithm 1). Parameters ---------- rom0_params Can be: - order of the reduced model (a positive integer), - initial interpolation points (a 1D |NumPy array|), - dict with `'sigma'`, `'b'`, `'c'` as keys mapping to initial interpolation points (a 1D |NumPy array|), right tangential directions (|VectorArray| from `fom.input_space`), and left tangential directions (|VectorArray| from `fom.output_space`), all of the same length (the order of the reduced model), - initial reduced-order model (|LTIModel|). If the order of reduced model is given, initial interpolation data is generated randomly. tol Tolerance for the convergence criterion. maxit Maximum number of iterations. num_prev Number of previous iterations to compare the current iteration to. Larger number can avoid occasional cyclic behavior of IRKA. force_sigma_in_rhp If `False`, new interpolation are reflections of the current reduced-order model's poles. Otherwise, only poles in the left half-plane are reflected. projection Projection method: - `'orth'`: projection matrices are orthogonalized with respect to the Euclidean inner product - `'biorth'`: projection matrices are biorthogolized with respect to the E product - `'arnoldi'`: projection matrices are orthogonalized using the Arnoldi process (available only for SISO systems). conv_crit Convergence criterion: - `'sigma'`: relative change in interpolation points - `'h2'`: relative :math:`\mathcal{H}_2` distance of reduced-order models compute_errors Should the relative :math:`\mathcal{H}_2`-errors of intermediate reduced-order models be computed. .. warning:: Computing :math:`\mathcal{H}_2`-errors is expensive. Use this option only if necessary. Returns ------- rom Reduced |LTIModel| model. """ if not self.fom.cont_time: raise NotImplementedError self._clear_lists() sigma, b, c = self._rom0_params_to_sigma_b_c(rom0_params, force_sigma_in_rhp) self._store_sigma_b_c(sigma, b, c) self._check_common_args(tol, maxit, num_prev, conv_crit) assert projection in ('orth', 'biorth', 'arnoldi') if projection == 'arnoldi': assert self.fom.input_dim == self.fom.output_dim == 1'Starting IRKA') self._conv_data = (num_prev + 1) * [None] if conv_crit == 'sigma': self._conv_data[0] = sigma self._pg_reductor = LTIBHIReductor(self.fom, for it in range(maxit): rom = self._pg_reductor.reduce(sigma, b, c, projection=projection) sigma, b, c = self._rom_to_sigma_b_c(rom, force_sigma_in_rhp) self._store_sigma_b_c(sigma, b, c) self._update_conv_data(sigma, rom, conv_crit) self._compute_conv_crit(rom, conv_crit, it) self._compute_error(rom, it, compute_errors) if self.conv_crit[-1] < tol: break self.V = self._pg_reductor.V self.W = self._pg_reductor.W return rom
[docs]class OneSidedIRKAReductor(GenericIRKAReductor): """One-Sided Iterative Rational Krylov Algorithm reductor. Parameters ---------- fom The full-order |LTIModel| to reduce. version Version of the one-sided IRKA: - `'V'`: Galerkin projection using the input Krylov subspace, - `'W'`: Galerkin projection using the output Krylov subspace. mu |Parameter values|. """ def __init__(self, fom, version, mu=None): assert isinstance(fom, LTIModel) assert version in ('V', 'W') super().__init__(fom, mu=mu) self.version = version
[docs] def reduce(self, rom0_params, tol=1e-4, maxit=100, num_prev=1, force_sigma_in_rhp=False, projection='orth', conv_crit='sigma', compute_errors=False): r"""Reduce using one-sided IRKA. Parameters ---------- rom0_params Can be: - order of the reduced model (a positive integer), - initial interpolation points (a 1D |NumPy array|), - dict with `'sigma'`, `'b'`, `'c'` as keys mapping to initial interpolation points (a 1D |NumPy array|), right tangential directions (|VectorArray| from `fom.input_space`), and left tangential directions (|VectorArray| from `fom.output_space`), all of the same length (the order of the reduced model), - initial reduced-order model (|LTIModel|). If the order of reduced model is given, initial interpolation data is generated randomly. tol Tolerance for the largest change in interpolation points. maxit Maximum number of iterations. num_prev Number of previous iterations to compare the current iteration to. A larger number can avoid occasional cyclic behavior. force_sigma_in_rhp If `False`, new interpolation are reflections of the current reduced-order model's poles. Otherwise, only poles in the left half-plane are reflected. projection Projection method: - `'orth'`: projection matrix is orthogonalized with respect to the Euclidean inner product, - `'Eorth'`: projection matrix is orthogonalized with respect to the E product. conv_crit Convergence criterion: - `'sigma'`: relative change in interpolation points, - `'h2'`: relative :math:`\mathcal{H}_2` distance of reduced-order models. compute_errors Should the relative :math:`\mathcal{H}_2`-errors of intermediate reduced-order models be computed. .. warning:: Computing :math:`\mathcal{H}_2`-errors is expensive. Use this option only if necessary. Returns ------- rom Reduced |LTIModel| model. """ if not self.fom.cont_time: raise NotImplementedError self._clear_lists() sigma, b, c = self._rom0_params_to_sigma_b_c(rom0_params, force_sigma_in_rhp) self._store_sigma_b_c(sigma, b, c) self._check_common_args(tol, maxit, num_prev, conv_crit) assert projection in ('orth', 'Eorth')'Starting one-sided IRKA') self._conv_data = (num_prev + 1) * [None] if conv_crit == 'sigma': self._conv_data[0] = sigma for it in range(maxit): self._set_V_reductor(sigma, b, c, projection) rom = self._pg_reductor.reduce() sigma, b, c = self._rom_to_sigma_b_c(rom, force_sigma_in_rhp) self._store_sigma_b_c(sigma, b, c) self._update_conv_data(sigma, rom, conv_crit) self._compute_conv_crit(rom, conv_crit, it) self._compute_error(rom, it, compute_errors) if self.conv_crit[-1] < tol: break return rom
def _set_V_reductor(self, sigma, b, c, projection): fom = ( self.fom.with_( **{op: getattr(self.fom, op).assemble( for op in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']} ) if self.fom.parametric else self.fom ) if self.version == 'V': self.V = tangential_rational_krylov(fom.A, fom.E, fom.B, b, sigma, orth=False) gram_schmidt(self.V, atol=0, rtol=0, product=None if projection == 'orth' else fom.E, copy=False) else: self.V = tangential_rational_krylov(fom.A, fom.E, fom.C, c, sigma, trans=True, orth=False) gram_schmidt(self.V, atol=0, rtol=0, product=None if projection == 'orth' else fom.E, copy=False) self.W = self.V self._pg_reductor = LTIPGReductor(fom, self.V, self.V, projection == 'Eorth')
[docs]class TSIAReductor(GenericIRKAReductor): """Two-Sided Iteration Algorithm reductor. Parameters ---------- fom The full-order |LTIModel| to reduce. mu |Parameter values|. """ def __init__(self, fom, mu=None): assert isinstance(fom, LTIModel) super().__init__(fom, mu=mu)
[docs] def reduce(self, rom0_params, tol=1e-4, maxit=100, num_prev=1, projection='orth', conv_crit='sigma', compute_errors=False): r"""Reduce using TSIA. See [XZ11]_ (Algorithm 1) and [BKS11]_. In exact arithmetic, TSIA is equivalent to IRKA (under some assumptions on the poles of the reduced model). The main difference in implementation is that TSIA computes the Schur decomposition of the reduced matrices, while IRKA computes the eigenvalue decomposition. Therefore, TSIA might behave better for non-normal reduced matrices. Parameters ---------- rom0_params Can be: - order of the reduced model (a positive integer), - initial interpolation points (a 1D |NumPy array|), - dict with `'sigma'`, `'b'`, `'c'` as keys mapping to initial interpolation points (a 1D |NumPy array|), right tangential directions (|VectorArray| from `fom.input_space`), and left tangential directions (|VectorArray| from `fom.output_space`), all of the same length (the order of the reduced model), - initial reduced-order model (|LTIModel|). If the order of reduced model is given, initial interpolation data is generated randomly. tol Tolerance for the convergence criterion. maxit Maximum number of iterations. num_prev Number of previous iterations to compare the current iteration to. Larger number can avoid occasional cyclic behavior of TSIA. projection Projection method: - `'orth'`: projection matrices are orthogonalized with respect to the Euclidean inner product - `'biorth'`: projection matrices are biorthogolized with respect to the E product conv_crit Convergence criterion: - `'sigma'`: relative change in interpolation points - `'h2'`: relative :math:`\mathcal{H}_2` distance of reduced-order models compute_errors Should the relative :math:`\mathcal{H}_2`-errors of intermediate reduced-order models be computed. .. warning:: Computing :math:`\mathcal{H}_2`-errors is expensive. Use this option only if necessary. Returns ------- rom Reduced |LTIModel|. """ if not self.fom.cont_time: raise NotImplementedError self._clear_lists() rom = self._rom0_params_to_rom(rom0_params) self._check_common_args(tol, maxit, num_prev, conv_crit) assert projection in ('orth', 'biorth')'Starting TSIA') self._conv_data = (num_prev + 1) * [None] self._conv_data[0] = -rom.poles() if conv_crit == 'sigma' else rom self._store_sigma_b_c(-rom.poles(), None, None) for it in range(maxit): self._set_V_W_reductor(rom, projection) rom = self._pg_reductor.reduce() self._store_sigma_b_c(-rom.poles(), None, None) self._update_conv_data(-rom.poles(), rom, conv_crit) self._compute_conv_crit(rom, conv_crit, it) self._compute_error(rom, it, compute_errors) if self.conv_crit[-1] < tol: break return rom
def _set_V_W_reductor(self, rom, projection): fom = ( self.fom.with_( **{op: getattr(self.fom, op).assemble( for op in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']} ) if self.fom.parametric else self.fom ) self.V, self.W = solve_sylv_schur(fom.A, rom.A, E=fom.E, Er=rom.E, B=fom.B, Br=rom.B, C=fom.C, Cr=rom.C) if projection == 'orth': gram_schmidt(self.V, atol=0, rtol=0, copy=False) gram_schmidt(self.W, atol=0, rtol=0, copy=False) elif projection == 'biorth': gram_schmidt_biorth(self.V, self.W, product=fom.E, copy=False) self._pg_reductor = LTIPGReductor(fom, self.W, self.V, projection == 'biorth')
[docs]class TFIRKAReductor(GenericIRKAReductor): """Realization-independent IRKA reductor. See [BG12]_. Parameters ---------- fom The full-order |Model| with `eval_tf` and `eval_dtf` methods. mu |Parameter values|. """ def __init__(self, fom, mu=None): assert isinstance(fom, InputOutputModel) super().__init__(fom, mu=mu)
[docs] def reduce(self, rom0_params, tol=1e-4, maxit=100, num_prev=1, force_sigma_in_rhp=False, conv_crit='sigma', compute_errors=False): r"""Reduce using TF-IRKA. Parameters ---------- rom0_params Can be: - order of the reduced model (a positive integer), - initial interpolation points (a 1D |NumPy array|), - dict with `'sigma'`, `'b'`, `'c'` as keys mapping to initial interpolation points (a 1D |NumPy array|), right tangential directions (|VectorArray| from `fom.input_space`), and left tangential directions (|VectorArray| from `fom.output_space`), all of the same length (the order of the reduced model), - initial reduced-order model (|LTIModel|). If the order of reduced model is given, initial interpolation data is generated randomly. tol Tolerance for the convergence criterion. maxit Maximum number of iterations. num_prev Number of previous iterations to compare the current iteration to. Larger number can avoid occasional cyclic behavior of TF-IRKA. force_sigma_in_rhp If `False`, new interpolation are reflections of the current reduced-order model's poles. Otherwise, only poles in the left half-plane are reflected. conv_crit Convergence criterion: - `'sigma'`: relative change in interpolation points - `'h2'`: relative :math:`\mathcal{H}_2` distance of reduced-order models compute_errors Should the relative :math:`\mathcal{H}_2`-errors of intermediate reduced-order models be computed. .. warning:: Computing :math:`\mathcal{H}_2`-errors is expensive. Use this option only if necessary. Returns ------- rom Reduced |LTIModel| model. """ if not self.fom.cont_time: raise NotImplementedError self._clear_lists() sigma, b, c = self._rom0_params_to_sigma_b_c(rom0_params, force_sigma_in_rhp) self._store_sigma_b_c(sigma, b, c) self._check_common_args(tol, maxit, num_prev, conv_crit)'Starting TF-IRKA') self._conv_data = (num_prev + 1) * [None] if conv_crit == 'sigma': self._conv_data[0] = sigma interp_reductor = TFBHIReductor(self.fom, for it in range(maxit): rom = interp_reductor.reduce(sigma, b, c) sigma, b, c = self._rom_to_sigma_b_c(rom, force_sigma_in_rhp) self._store_sigma_b_c(sigma, b, c) self._update_conv_data(sigma, rom, conv_crit) self._compute_conv_crit(rom, conv_crit, it) self._compute_error(rom, it, compute_errors) if self.conv_crit[-1] < tol: break return rom
[docs] def reconstruct(self, u): """Reconstruct high-dimensional vector from reduced vector `u`.""" raise TypeError( f'The reconstruct method is not available for {self.__class__.__name__}.' )
[docs]def _lti_to_poles_b_c(rom): """Compute poles and residues. Parameters ---------- rom Reduced |LTIModel| (consisting of |NumpyMatrixOperators|). Returns ------- poles 1D |NumPy array| of poles. b |VectorArray| from `rom.B.source`. c |VectorArray| from `rom.C.range`. """ A = to_matrix(rom.A, format='dense') B = to_matrix(rom.B, format='dense') C = to_matrix(rom.C, format='dense') if isinstance(rom.E, IdentityOperator): poles, X = spla.eig(A) EX = X else: E = to_matrix(rom.E, format='dense') poles, X = spla.eig(A, E) EX = E @ X b = rom.B.source.from_numpy(spla.solve(EX, B)) c = rom.C.range.from_numpy((C @ X).T) return poles, b, c
[docs]def _poles_b_c_to_lti(poles, b, c): r"""Create an |LTIModel| from poles and residue rank-1 factors. Returns an |LTIModel| with real matrices such that its transfer function is .. math:: \sum_{i = 1}^r \frac{c_i b_i^T}{s - \lambda_i} where :math:`\lambda_i, b_i, c_i` are the poles and residue rank-1 factors. Parameters ---------- poles Sequence of poles. b |VectorArray| of right residue rank-1 factors. c |VectorArray| of left residue rank-1 factors. Returns ------- |LTIModel|. """ A, B, C = [], [], [] for i, pole in enumerate(poles): if pole.imag == 0: A.append(pole.real) B.append(b[i].to_numpy().real) C.append(c[i].to_numpy().real.T) elif pole.imag > 0: A.append([[pole.real, pole.imag], [-pole.imag, pole.real]]) bi = b[i].to_numpy() B.append(np.vstack([2 * bi.real, -2 * bi.imag])) ci = c[i].to_numpy() C.append(np.hstack([ci.real.T, ci.imag.T])) A = spla.block_diag(*A) B = np.vstack(B) C = np.hstack(C) return LTIModel.from_matrices(A, B, C)