Source code for pymor.vectorarrays.numpy

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

from numbers import Number

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import issparse

from pymor.core.base import classinstancemethod
from import get_random_state
from pymor.vectorarrays.interface import VectorArray, VectorSpace, _create_random_values

[docs]class NumpyVectorArray(VectorArray): """|VectorArray| implementation via |NumPy arrays|. This is the default |VectorArray| type used by all |Operators| in pyMOR's discretization toolkit. Moreover, all reduced |Operators| are based on |NumpyVectorArray|. This class is just a thin wrapper around the underlying |NumPy array|. Thus, while operations like :meth:`~pymor.vectorarrays.interface.VectorArray.axpy` or :meth:`` will be quite efficient, removing or appending vectors will be costly. .. warning:: This class is not intended to be instantiated directly. Use the associated :class:`VectorSpace <NumpyVectorSpace>` instead. """ def __init__(self, array, space): self._array = array = space self._refcount = [1] self._len = len(array)
[docs] def to_numpy(self, ensure_copy=False): if ensure_copy: return self._array[:self._len].copy() if self._refcount[0] > 1: # While changing the returned NumPy array may change the data of `self`, # it should not change the data of other arrays. self._deep_copy() return self._array[:self._len]
@property def _data(self): """Return NumPy Array view on data for hacking / interactive use.""" return self.to_numpy() @property def real(self): return NumpyVectorArray(self.to_numpy().real.copy(), @property def imag(self): return NumpyVectorArray(self.to_numpy().imag.copy(),
[docs] def conj(self): if np.isrealobj(self.to_numpy()): return self.copy() return NumpyVectorArray(np.conj(self.to_numpy()),
[docs] def __len__(self): return self._len
[docs] def __getitem__(self, ind): return NumpyVectorArrayView(self, ind)
[docs] def __delitem__(self, ind): assert self.check_ind(ind) if self._refcount[0] > 1: self._deep_copy() if type(ind) is slice: ind = set(range(*ind.indices(self._len))) elif not hasattr(ind, '__len__'): ind = {ind if 0 <= ind else self._len + ind} else: l = self._len ind = {i if 0 <= i else l+i for i in ind} remaining = sorted(set(range(len(self))) - ind) self._array = self._array[remaining] self._len = len(self._array) if not self._array.flags['OWNDATA']: self._array = self._array.copy()
[docs] def copy(self, deep=False, *, _ind=None): if _ind is None and not deep: C = NumpyVectorArray(self._array, C._len = self._len C._refcount = self._refcount self._refcount[0] += 1 return C else: new_array = self._array[:self._len] if _ind is None else self._array[_ind] if not new_array.flags['OWNDATA']: new_array = new_array.copy() return NumpyVectorArray(new_array,
[docs] def append(self, other, remove_from_other=False): assert self.dim == other.dim assert not remove_from_other or (other is not self and getattr(other, 'base', None) is not self) if self._refcount[0] > 1: self._deep_copy() other_array = other.to_numpy() len_other = len(other_array) if len_other == 0: return if len_other <= self._array.shape[0] - self._len: if self._array.dtype != other_array.dtype: self._array = self._array.astype(np.promote_types(self._array.dtype, other_array.dtype)) self._array[self._len:self._len + len_other] = other_array else: self._array = np.append(self._array[:self._len], other_array, axis=0) self._len += len_other if remove_from_other: if other.is_view: del other.base[other.ind] else: del other[:]
[docs] def scal(self, alpha, *, _ind=None): if _ind is None: _ind = slice(0, self._len) assert isinstance(alpha, Number) \ or isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray) and alpha.shape == (self.len_ind(_ind),) if self._refcount[0] > 1: self._deep_copy() if type(alpha) is np.ndarray: alpha = alpha[:, np.newaxis] alpha_type = type(alpha) alpha_dtype = alpha.dtype if alpha_type is np.ndarray else alpha_type if self._array.dtype != alpha_dtype: self._array = self._array.astype(np.promote_types(self._array.dtype, alpha_dtype)) self._array[_ind] *= alpha
[docs] def axpy(self, alpha, x, *, _ind=None): if _ind is None: _ind = slice(0, self._len) assert self.dim == x.dim assert isinstance(alpha, Number) \ or isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray) and alpha.shape == (self.len_ind(_ind),) if self._refcount[0] > 1: self._deep_copy() B = x.base._array[x.ind] if x.is_view else x._array[:x._len] assert self.len_ind(_ind) == len(B) or len(B) == 1 alpha_type = type(alpha) alpha_dtype = alpha.dtype if alpha_type is np.ndarray else alpha_type if self._array.dtype != alpha_dtype or self._array.dtype != B.dtype: dtype = np.promote_types(self._array.dtype, alpha_dtype) dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, B.dtype) self._array = self._array.astype(dtype) if type(alpha) is np.ndarray: alpha = alpha[:, np.newaxis] self._array[_ind] += B * alpha
[docs] def dot(self, other, *, _ind=None): if _ind is None: _ind = slice(0, self._len) assert self.dim == other.dim A = self._array[_ind] B = other.base._array[other.ind] if other.is_view else other._array[:other._len] # .conj() is a no-op on non-complex data types return A.conj().dot(B.T)
[docs] def pairwise_dot(self, other, *, _ind=None): if _ind is None: _ind = slice(0, self._len) assert self.dim == other.dim A = self._array[_ind] B = other.base._array[other.ind] if other.is_view else other._array[:other._len] assert len(A) == len(B) # .conj() is a no-op on non-complex data types return np.sum(A.conj() * B, axis=1)
[docs] def lincomb(self, coefficients, *, _ind=None): if _ind is None: _ind = slice(0, self._len) assert 1 <= coefficients.ndim <= 2 if coefficients.ndim == 1: coefficients = coefficients[np.newaxis, ...] return NumpyVectorArray([_ind]),
[docs] def l1_norm(self, *, _ind=None): if _ind is None: _ind = slice(0, self._len) return np.linalg.norm(self._array[_ind], ord=1, axis=1)
[docs] def l2_norm(self, *, _ind=None): if _ind is None: _ind = slice(0, self._len) return np.linalg.norm(self._array[_ind], axis=1)
[docs] def l2_norm2(self, *, _ind=None): if _ind is None: _ind = slice(0, self._len) A = self._array[_ind] return np.sum((A * A.conj()).real, axis=1)
[docs] def sup_norm(self, *, _ind=None): if self.dim == 0: if _ind is None: _ind = slice(0, self._len) return np.zeros(self.len_ind(_ind)) else: _, max_val = self.amax(_ind=_ind) return max_val
[docs] def dofs(self, dof_indices, *, _ind=None): if _ind is None: _ind = slice(0, self._len) assert isinstance(dof_indices, list) and (len(dof_indices) == 0 or min(dof_indices) >= 0) \ or (isinstance(dof_indices, np.ndarray) and dof_indices.ndim == 1 and (len(dof_indices) == 0 or np.min(dof_indices) >= 0)) # NumPy 1.9 is quite permissive when indexing arrays of size 0, so we have to add the # following check: assert self._len > 0 \ or (isinstance(dof_indices, list) and (len(dof_indices) == 0 or max(dof_indices) < self.dim)) \ or (isinstance(dof_indices, np.ndarray) and dof_indices.ndim == 1 and (len(dof_indices) == 0 or np.max(dof_indices) < self.dim)) return self._array[:, dof_indices][_ind, :]
[docs] def amax(self, *, _ind=None): if _ind is None: _ind = slice(0, self._len) assert self.dim > 0 if self._array.shape[1] == 0: l = self.len_ind(_ind) return np.ones(l) * -1, np.zeros(l) A = np.abs(self._array[_ind]) max_ind = np.argmax(A, axis=1) max_val = A[np.arange(len(A)), max_ind] return max_ind, max_val
[docs] def __str__(self): return self._array[:self._len].__str__()
def _format_repr(self, max_width, verbosity): return super()._format_repr(max_width, verbosity, override={'array': str(self._array[:self._len].__str__())}) def __del__(self): self._refcount[0] -= 1 def _deep_copy(self): self._array = self._array.copy() # copy the array data self._refcount[0] -= 1 # decrease refcount for original array self._refcount = [1] # create new reference counter def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Number): assert other == 0 return self.copy() assert self.dim == other.dim return NumpyVectorArray(self._array[:self._len] + (other.base._array[other.ind] if other.is_view else other._array[:other._len]), def __iadd__(self, other): assert self.dim == other.dim if self._refcount[0] > 1: self._deep_copy() other_dtype = other.base._array.dtype if other.is_view else other._array.dtype common_dtype = np.promote_types(self._array.dtype, other_dtype) if self._array.dtype != common_dtype: self._array = self._array.astype(common_dtype) self._array[:self._len] += other.base._array[other.ind] if other.is_view else other._array[:other._len] return self __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): assert self.dim == other.dim return NumpyVectorArray(self._array[:self._len] - (other.base._array[other.ind] if other.is_view else other._array[:other._len]), def __isub__(self, other): assert self.dim == other.dim if self._refcount[0] > 1: self._deep_copy() other_dtype = other.base._array.dtype if other.is_view else other._array.dtype common_dtype = np.promote_types(self._array.dtype, other_dtype) if self._array.dtype != common_dtype: self._array = self._array.astype(common_dtype) self._array[:self._len] -= other.base._array[other.ind] if other.is_view else other._array[:other._len] return self def __mul__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Number) \ or isinstance(other, np.ndarray) and other.shape == (len(self),) if type(other) is np.ndarray: other = other[:, np.newaxis] return NumpyVectorArray(self._array[:self._len] * other, def __imul__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Number) \ or isinstance(other, np.ndarray) and other.shape == (len(self),) if type(other) is np.ndarray: other = other[:, np.newaxis] if self._refcount[0] > 1: self._deep_copy() other_dtype = other.dtype if isinstance(other, np.ndarray) else type(other) common_dtype = np.promote_types(self._array.dtype, other_dtype) if self._array.dtype != common_dtype: self._array = self._array.astype(common_dtype) self._array[:self._len] *= other return self def __neg__(self): return NumpyVectorArray(-self._array[:self._len],
[docs]class NumpyVectorSpace(VectorSpace): """|VectorSpace| of |NumpyVectorArrays|. Parameters ---------- dim The dimension of the vectors contained in the space. id See :attr:``. """ def __init__(self, dim, id=None): self.dim = dim = id
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is type(self) and self.dim == other.dim and ==
[docs] def __hash__(self): return hash(self.dim) + hash(
[docs] def zeros(self, count=1, reserve=0): assert count >= 0 assert reserve >= 0 va = NumpyVectorArray(np.empty((0, 0)), self) va._array = np.zeros((max(count, reserve), self.dim)) va._len = count return va
[docs] def full(self, value, count=1, reserve=0): assert count >= 0 assert reserve >= 0 va = NumpyVectorArray(np.empty((0, 0)), self) va._array = np.full((max(count, reserve), self.dim), value) va._len = count return va
[docs] def random(self, count=1, distribution='uniform', random_state=None, seed=None, reserve=0, **kwargs): assert count >= 0 assert reserve >= 0 assert random_state is None or seed is None random_state = get_random_state(random_state, seed) va = self.zeros(count, reserve) va._array[:count] = _create_random_values((count, self.dim), distribution, random_state, **kwargs) return va
@classinstancemethod def make_array(cls, obj, id=None): return cls._array_factory(obj, id=id) @make_array.instancemethod def make_array(self, obj): return self._array_factory(obj, space=self) @classinstancemethod def from_numpy(cls, data, id=None, ensure_copy=False): return cls._array_factory(data.copy() if ensure_copy else data, id=id) @from_numpy.instancemethod def from_numpy(self, data, ensure_copy=False): return self._array_factory(data.copy() if ensure_copy else data, space=self) @classinstancemethod def from_file(cls, path, key=None, single_vector=False, transpose=False, id=None): assert not (single_vector and transpose) from import load_matrix array = load_matrix(path, key=key) assert isinstance(array, np.ndarray) assert array.ndim <= 2 if array.ndim == 1: array = array.reshape((1, -1)) if single_vector: assert array.shape[0] == 1 or array.shape[1] == 1 array = array.reshape((1, -1)) if transpose: array = array.T return cls.make_array(array, id=id) @from_file.instancemethod def from_file(self, path, key=None, single_vector=False, transpose=False): return type(self).from_file(path, key=key, single_vector=single_vector, transpose=transpose, @classmethod def _array_factory(cls, array, space=None, id=None): if type(array) is np.ndarray: pass elif issparse(array): array = array.toarray() else: array = np.array(array, ndmin=2) if array.ndim != 2: assert array.ndim == 1 array = np.reshape(array, (1, -1)) if space is None: return NumpyVectorArray(array, cls(array.shape[1], id)) else: assert array.shape[1] == space.dim return NumpyVectorArray(array, space) @property def is_scalar(self): return self.dim == 1 and is None
[docs]class NumpyVectorArrayView(NumpyVectorArray): is_view = True def __init__(self, array, ind): assert array.check_ind(ind) self.base = array self.ind = array.normalize_ind(ind) =
[docs] def to_numpy(self, ensure_copy=False): result = self.base.to_numpy()[self.ind] if ensure_copy and not result.flags['OWNDATA']: result = result.copy() return result
[docs] def __len__(self): return self.base.len_ind(self.ind)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, ind): return self.base[self.base.sub_index(self.ind, ind)]
[docs] def __delitem__(self): raise ValueError('Cannot remove from NumpyVectorArrayView')
[docs] def append(self, other, remove_from_other=False): raise ValueError('Cannot append to NumpyVectorArrayView')
[docs] def copy(self, deep=False): return self.base.copy(_ind=self.ind, deep=deep)
[docs] def scal(self, alpha): assert self.base.check_ind_unique(self.ind) self.base.scal(alpha, _ind=self.ind)
[docs] def axpy(self, alpha, x): assert self.base.check_ind_unique(self.ind) self.base.axpy(alpha, x, _ind=self.ind)
[docs] def dot(self, other): return, _ind=self.ind)
[docs] def pairwise_dot(self, other): return self.base.pairwise_dot(other, _ind=self.ind)
[docs] def lincomb(self, coefficients): return self.base.lincomb(coefficients, _ind=self.ind)
[docs] def l1_norm(self): return self.base.l1_norm(_ind=self.ind)
[docs] def l2_norm(self): return self.base.l2_norm(_ind=self.ind)
[docs] def l2_norm2(self): return self.base.l2_norm2(_ind=self.ind)
[docs] def sup_norm(self): return self.base.sup_norm(_ind=self.ind)
[docs] def dofs(self, dof_indices): return self.base.dofs(dof_indices, _ind=self.ind)
[docs] def amax(self): return self.base.amax(_ind=self.ind)
def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Number): assert other == 0 return self.copy() assert self.dim == other.dim return NumpyVectorArray(self.base._array[self.ind] + (other.base._array[other.ind] if other.is_view else other._array[:other._len]), def __iadd__(self, other): assert self.dim == other.dim assert self.base.check_ind_unique(self.ind) if self.base._refcount[0] > 1: self._deep_copy() other_dtype = other.base._array.dtype if other.is_view else other._array.dtype common_dtype = np.promote_types(self.base._array.dtype, other_dtype) if self.base._array.dtype != common_dtype: self.base._array = self.base._array.astype(common_dtype) self.base.array[self.ind] += other.base._array[other.ind] if other.is_view else other._array[:other._len] return self __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): assert self.dim == other.dim return NumpyVectorArray(self.base._array[self.ind] - (other.base._array[other.ind] if other.is_view else other._array[:other._len]), def __isub__(self, other): assert self.dim == other.dim assert self.base.check_ind_unique(self.ind) if self.base._refcount[0] > 1: self._deep_copy() other_dtype = other.base._array.dtype if other.is_view else other._array.dtype common_dtype = np.promote_types(self.base._array.dtype, other_dtype) if self.base._array.dtype != common_dtype: self.base._array = self.base._array.astype(common_dtype) self.base._array[self.ind] -= other.base._array[other.ind] if other.is_view else other._array[:other._len] return self def __mul__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Number) \ or isinstance(other, np.ndarray) and other.shape == (len(self),) if type(other) is np.ndarray: other = other[:, np.newaxis] return NumpyVectorArray(self.base._array[self.ind] * other, def __imul__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Number) \ or isinstance(other, np.ndarray) and other.shape == (len(self),) if type(other) is np.ndarray: other = other[:, np.newaxis] assert self.base.check_ind_unique(self.ind) if self.base._refcount[0] > 1: self._deep_copy() other_dtype = other.dtype if isinstance(other, np.ndarray) else type(other) common_dtype = np.promote_types(self.base._array.dtype, other_dtype) if self.base._array.dtype != common_dtype: self.base._array = self.base._array.astype(common_dtype) self.base._array[self.ind] *= other return self def __neg__(self): return NumpyVectorArray(-self.base._array[self.ind], def __del__(self): return
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f'NumpyVectorArrayView({self.to_numpy()}, {})'