Source code for pymordemos.elliptic2

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

"""Simple demonstration of solving the Poisson equation in 2D using pyMOR's builtin discretizations.

Usage: [--fv] PROBLEM-NUMBER N

    PROBLEM-NUMBER    {0,1}, selects the problem to solve
    N                 Triangle count per direction

    -h, --help   Show this message.
    --fv         Use finite volume discretization instead of finite elements.

from docopt import docopt

from pymor.analyticalproblems.domaindescriptions import RectDomain
from pymor.analyticalproblems.elliptic import StationaryProblem
from pymor.analyticalproblems.functions import ExpressionFunction, LincombFunction, ConstantFunction
from pymor.discretizers.builtin import discretize_stationary_cg, discretize_stationary_fv
from pymor.parameters.functionals import ProjectionParameterFunctional

[docs]def elliptic2_demo(args): args['PROBLEM-NUMBER'] = int(args['PROBLEM-NUMBER']) assert 0 <= args['PROBLEM-NUMBER'] <= 1, ValueError('Invalid problem number.') args['N'] = int(args['N']) rhss = [ExpressionFunction('ones(x.shape[:-1]) * 10', 2, ()), LincombFunction( [ExpressionFunction('ones(x.shape[:-1]) * 10', 2, ()), ConstantFunction(1.,2)], [ProjectionParameterFunctional('mu'), 0.1])] dirichlets = [ExpressionFunction('zeros(x.shape[:-1])', 2, ()), LincombFunction( [ExpressionFunction('2 * x[..., 0]', 2, ()), ConstantFunction(1.,2)], [ProjectionParameterFunctional('mu'), 0.5])] neumanns = [None, LincombFunction( [ExpressionFunction('1 - x[..., 1]', 2, ()), ConstantFunction(1.,2)], [ProjectionParameterFunctional('mu'), 0.5**2])] robins = [None, (LincombFunction( [ExpressionFunction('x[..., 1]', 2, ()), ConstantFunction(1.,2)], [ProjectionParameterFunctional('mu'), 1]), ConstantFunction(1.,2))] domains = [RectDomain(), RectDomain(right='neumann', top='dirichlet', bottom='robin')] rhs = rhss[args['PROBLEM-NUMBER']] dirichlet = dirichlets[args['PROBLEM-NUMBER']] neumann = neumanns[args['PROBLEM-NUMBER']] domain = domains[args['PROBLEM-NUMBER']] robin = robins[args['PROBLEM-NUMBER']] problem = StationaryProblem( domain=domain, rhs=rhs, diffusion=LincombFunction( [ExpressionFunction('1 - x[..., 0]', 2, ()), ExpressionFunction('x[..., 0]', 2, ())], [ProjectionParameterFunctional('mu'), 1] ), dirichlet_data=dirichlet, neumann_data=neumann, robin_data=robin, parameter_ranges=(0.1, 1), name='2DProblem' ) print('Discretize ...') discretizer = discretize_stationary_fv if args['--fv'] else discretize_stationary_cg m, data = discretizer(problem, diameter=1. / args['N']) print(data['grid']) print() print('Solve ...') U = m.solution_space.empty() for mu in problem.parameter_space.sample_uniformly(10): U.append(m.solve(mu)) m.visualize(U, title='Solution for mu in [0.1, 1]')
if __name__ == '__main__': args = docopt(__doc__) elliptic2_demo(args)