Source code for pymordemos.hapod
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (
"""HAPOD demo.
Demonstrates compression of snapshot data with the HAPOD algorithm from [HLR18].
Usage: [options] TOL DIST INC
TOL Prescribed mean l2 approximation error.
DIST Number of slices for distributed HAPOD.
INC Number of steps for incremental HAPOD.
--grid=NI Use grid with (2*NI)*NI elements [default: 60].
-h, --help Show this message.
--nt=COUNT Number of time steps [default: 100].
--omega=OMEGA Parameter omega from HAPOD algorithm [default: 0.9].
--procs=PROCS Number of processes to use for parallelization [default: 0].
--snap=SNAP Number of snapshot trajectories to compute [default: 20].
--threads=THREADS Number of threads to use for parallelization [default: 0].
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor
from time import time
from docopt import docopt
import numpy as np
from pymor.analyticalproblems.burgers import burgers_problem_2d
from pymor.discretizers.builtin import discretize_instationary_fv, RectGrid
from pymor.algorithms.hapod import dist_vectorarray_hapod, inc_vectorarray_hapod
from pymor.algorithms.pod import pod
from import format_table
[docs]def hapod_demo(args):
args['--grid'] = int(args['--grid'])
args['--nt'] = int(args['--nt'])
args['--omega'] = float(args['--omega'])
args['--procs'] = int(args['--procs'])
args['--snap'] = int(args['--snap'])
args['--threads'] = int(args['--threads'])
args['TOL'] = float(args['TOL'])
args['DIST'] = int(args['DIST'])
args['INC'] = int(args['INC'])
assert args['--procs'] == 0 or args['--threads'] == 0
tol = args['TOL']
omega = args['--omega']
executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(args['--procs']) if args['--procs'] > 0 else \
ThreadPoolExecutor(args['--threads']) if args['--threads'] > 0 else \
p = burgers_problem_2d()
m, data = discretize_instationary_fv(p, grid_type=RectGrid, diameter=np.sqrt(2)/args['--grid'], nt=args['--nt'])
U = m.solution_space.empty()
for mu in p.parameter_space.sample_randomly(args['--snap']):
tic = time()
pod_modes = pod(U, l2_err=tol * np.sqrt(len(U)), product=m.l2_product)[0]
pod_time = time() - tic
tic = time()
dist_modes = dist_vectorarray_hapod(args['DIST'], U, tol, omega, product=m.l2_product, executor=executor)[0]
dist_time = time() - tic
tic = time()
inc_modes = inc_vectorarray_hapod(args['INC'], U, tol, omega, product=m.l2_product)[0]
inc_time = time() - tic
print(f'Snapshot matrix: {U.dim} x {len(U)}')
['Method', 'Error', 'Modes', 'Time'],
['POD', np.linalg.norm(m.l2_norm(U-pod_modes.lincomb(m.l2_product.apply2(U, pod_modes)))/np.sqrt(len(U))),
len(pod_modes), pod_time],
['DIST HAPOD', np.linalg.norm(m.l2_norm(U-dist_modes.lincomb(m.l2_product.apply2(U, dist_modes)))/np.sqrt(len(U))),
len(dist_modes), dist_time],
['INC HAPOD', np.linalg.norm(m.l2_norm(U-inc_modes.lincomb(m.l2_product.apply2(U, inc_modes)))/np.sqrt(len(U))),
len(inc_modes), inc_time]]
if __name__ == '__main__':
# parse arguments
args = docopt(__doc__)
# run demo