Source code for pymordemos.thermalblock_adaptive

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

"""Modified thermalblock demo using adaptive greedy basis generation algorithm.

Usage: [options] RBSIZE -h | --help

  RBSIZE     Size of the reduced basis

  -h, --help                 Show this message.
  --without-estimator        Do not use error estimator for basis generation.
  --extension-alg=ALG        Basis extension algorithm (trivial, gram_schmidt)
                             to be used [default: gram_schmidt].
  --grid=NI                  Use grid with 2*NI*NI elements [default: 100].
  --pickle=PREFIX            Pickle reduced discretizaion, as well as reductor and high-dimensional
                             model to files with this prefix.
  -p, --plot-err             Plot error.
  --plot-solutions           Plot some example solutions.
  --plot-error-sequence      Plot reduction error vs. basis size.
  --product=PROD             Product (euclidean, h1) w.r.t. which to orthonormalize
                             and calculate Riesz representatives [default: h1].
  --reductor=RED             Reductor (error estimator) to choose (traditional, residual_basis)
                             [default: residual_basis]
  --test=COUNT               Use COUNT snapshots for stochastic error estimation
                             [default: 10].
  --ipython-engines=COUNT    If positive, the number of IPython cluster engines to use for
                             parallel greedy search. If zero, no parallelization is performed.
                             [default: 0]
  --ipython-profile=PROFILE  IPython profile to use for parallelization.
  --cache-region=REGION      Name of cache region to use for caching solution snapshots
                             (NONE, MEMORY, DISK, PERSISTENT)
                             [default: NONE]
  --list-vector-array        Solve using ListVectorArray[NumpyVector] instead of NumpyVectorArray.
  --no-visualize-refinement  Do not visualize the training set refinement indicators.
  --validation-mus=VALUE     Size of validation set. [default: 0]
  --rho=VALUE                Maximum allowed ratio between error on validation set and on
                             training set [default: 1.1].
  --gamma=VALUE              Weight factor for age penalty term in refinement indicators
                             [default: 0.2].
  --theta=VALUE              Ratio of elements to refine [default: 0.].

import sys

from docopt import docopt

from pymor.algorithms.adaptivegreedy import rb_adaptive_greedy
from pymor.algorithms.error import reduction_error_analysis
from pymor.analyticalproblems.thermalblock import thermal_block_problem
from pymor.core.pickle import dump
from pymor.discretizers.builtin import discretize_stationary_cg
from pymor.parameters.functionals import ExpressionParameterFunctional
from pymor.parallel.default import new_parallel_pool
from pymor.reductors.coercive import CoerciveRBReductor, SimpleCoerciveRBReductor

[docs]def thermalblock_demo(args): args['--grid'] = int(args['--grid']) args['RBSIZE'] = int(args['RBSIZE']) args['--test'] = int(args['--test']) args['--ipython-engines'] = int(args['--ipython-engines']) args['--extension-alg'] = args['--extension-alg'].lower() assert args['--extension-alg'] in {'trivial', 'gram_schmidt'} args['--product'] = args['--product'].lower() assert args['--product'] in {'trivial', 'h1'} args['--reductor'] = args['--reductor'].lower() assert args['--reductor'] in {'traditional', 'residual_basis'} args['--cache-region'] = args['--cache-region'].lower() args['--validation-mus'] = int(args['--validation-mus']) args['--rho'] = float(args['--rho']) args['--gamma'] = float(args['--gamma']) args['--theta'] = float(args['--theta']) problem = thermal_block_problem(num_blocks=(2, 2)) functionals = [ExpressionParameterFunctional('diffusion[0]', {'diffusion': 2}), ExpressionParameterFunctional('diffusion[1]**2', {'diffusion': 2}), ExpressionParameterFunctional('diffusion[0]', {'diffusion': 2}), ExpressionParameterFunctional('diffusion[1]', {'diffusion': 2})] problem = problem.with_( diffusion=problem.diffusion.with_(coefficients=functionals), ) print('Discretize ...') fom, _ = discretize_stationary_cg(problem, diameter=1. / args['--grid']) if args['--list-vector-array']: from pymor.discretizers.builtin.list import convert_to_numpy_list_vector_array fom = convert_to_numpy_list_vector_array(fom) if args['--cache-region'] != 'none': # building a cache_id is only needed for persistent CacheRegions cache_id = f"pymordemos.thermalblock_adaptive {args['--grid']}" fom.enable_caching(args['--cache-region'], cache_id) if args['--plot-solutions']: print('Showing some solutions') Us = () legend = () for mu in problem.parameter_space.sample_randomly(2): print(f"Solving for diffusion = \n{mu['diffusion']} ... ") sys.stdout.flush() Us = Us + (fom.solve(mu),) legend = legend + (str(mu['diffusion']),) fom.visualize(Us, legend=legend, title='Detailed Solutions for different parameters', block=True) print('RB generation ...') product = fom.h1_0_semi_product if args['--product'] == 'h1' else None coercivity_estimator = ExpressionParameterFunctional('min([diffusion[0], diffusion[1]**2])', fom.parameters) reductors = {'residual_basis': CoerciveRBReductor(fom, product=product, coercivity_estimator=coercivity_estimator), 'traditional': SimpleCoerciveRBReductor(fom, product=product, coercivity_estimator=coercivity_estimator)} reductor = reductors[args['--reductor']] pool = new_parallel_pool(ipython_num_engines=args['--ipython-engines'], ipython_profile=args['--ipython-profile']) greedy_data = rb_adaptive_greedy( fom, reductor, problem.parameter_space, validation_mus=args['--validation-mus'], rho=args['--rho'], gamma=args['--gamma'], theta=args['--theta'], use_estimator=not args['--without-estimator'], error_norm=fom.h1_0_semi_norm, max_extensions=args['RBSIZE'], visualize=not args['--no-visualize-refinement'] ) rom = greedy_data['rom'] if args['--pickle']: print(f"\nWriting reduced model to file {args['--pickle']}_reduced ...") with open(args['--pickle'] + '_reduced', 'wb') as f: dump(rom, f) print(f"Writing detailed model and reductor to file {args['--pickle']}_detailed ...") with open(args['--pickle'] + '_detailed', 'wb') as f: dump((fom, reductor), f) print('\nSearching for maximum error on random snapshots ...') results = reduction_error_analysis(rom, fom=fom, reductor=reductor, estimator=True, error_norms=(fom.h1_0_semi_norm,), condition=True, test_mus=problem.parameter_space.sample_randomly(args['--test']), basis_sizes=25 if args['--plot-error-sequence'] else 1, plot=True, pool=pool) real_rb_size = rom.solution_space.dim print(''' *** RESULTS *** Problem: number of blocks: 2x2 h: sqrt(2)/{args[--grid]} Greedy basis generation: estimator disabled: {args[--without-estimator]} extension method: {args[--extension-alg]} product: {args[--product]} prescribed basis size: {args[RBSIZE]} actual basis size: {real_rb_size} elapsed time: {greedy_data[time]} '''.format(**locals())) print(results['summary']) sys.stdout.flush() if args['--plot-error-sequence']: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt['figure']) if args['--plot-err']: mumax = results['max_error_mus'][0, -1] U = fom.solve(mumax) URB = reductor.reconstruct(rom.solve(mumax)) fom.visualize((U, URB, U - URB), legend=('Detailed Solution', 'Reduced Solution', 'Error'), title='Maximum Error Solution', separate_colorbars=True, block=True)
if __name__ == '__main__': # parse arguments args = docopt(__doc__) # run demo thermalblock_demo(args)