Source code for pymordemos.thermalblock_simple

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

"""Simplified version of the thermalblock demo.


  MODEL      High-dimensional model (pymor, fenics, ngsolve, pymor-text).
  ALG        The model reduction algorithm to use (naive, greedy, adaptive_greedy, pod).

  SNAPSHOTS  naive:           ignored

             greedy/pod:      Number of training_set parameters per block
                              (in total SNAPSHOTS^(XBLOCKS * YBLOCKS)

             adaptive_greedy: size of validation set.

  RBSIZE     Size of the reduced basis.
  TEST       Number of parameters for stochastic error estimation.

from pymor.basic import *        # most common pyMOR functions and classes

# parameters for high-dimensional models
XBLOCKS = 2             # pyMOR/FEniCS
YBLOCKS = 2             # pyMOR/FEniCS
TEXT = 'pyMOR'

# High-dimensional models                                                                          #

[docs]def discretize_pymor(): # setup analytical problem problem = thermal_block_problem(num_blocks=(XBLOCKS, YBLOCKS)) # discretize using continuous finite elements fom, _ = discretize_stationary_cg(problem, diameter=1. / GRID_INTERVALS) return fom, problem.parameter_space
[docs]def discretize_fenics(): from import mpi if mpi.parallel: from pymor.models.mpi import mpi_wrap_model fom = mpi_wrap_model(_discretize_fenics, use_with=True, pickle_local_spaces=False) else: fom = _discretize_fenics() return fom,, 1))
def _discretize_fenics(): # assemble system matrices - FEniCS code ######################################## import dolfin as df mesh = df.UnitSquareMesh(GRID_INTERVALS, GRID_INTERVALS, 'crossed') V = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', FENICS_ORDER) u = df.TrialFunction(V) v = df.TestFunction(V) diffusion = df.Expression('(lower0 <= x[0]) * (open0 ? (x[0] < upper0) : (x[0] <= upper0)) *' '(lower1 <= x[1]) * (open1 ? (x[1] < upper1) : (x[1] <= upper1))', lower0=0., upper0=0., open0=0, lower1=0., upper1=0., open1=0, element=df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0).ufl_element()) def assemble_matrix(x, y, nx, ny): diffusion.user_parameters['lower0'] = x/nx diffusion.user_parameters['lower1'] = y/ny diffusion.user_parameters['upper0'] = (x + 1)/nx diffusion.user_parameters['upper1'] = (y + 1)/ny diffusion.user_parameters['open0'] = (x + 1 == nx) diffusion.user_parameters['open1'] = (y + 1 == ny) return df.assemble(df.inner(diffusion * df.nabla_grad(u), df.nabla_grad(v)) * df.dx) mats = [assemble_matrix(x, y, XBLOCKS, YBLOCKS) for x in range(XBLOCKS) for y in range(YBLOCKS)] mat0 = mats[0].copy() h1_mat = df.assemble(df.inner(df.nabla_grad(u), df.nabla_grad(v)) * df.dx) f = df.Constant(1.) * v * df.dx F = df.assemble(f) bc = df.DirichletBC(V, 0., df.DomainBoundary()) for m in mats: bc.apply(mat0) bc.apply(h1_mat) bc.apply(F) # wrap everything as a pyMOR model ################################## # FEniCS wrappers from pymor.bindings.fenics import FenicsVectorSpace, FenicsMatrixOperator, FenicsVisualizer # define parameter functionals (same as in pymor.analyticalproblems.thermalblock) parameter_functionals = [ProjectionParameterFunctional('diffusion', size=YBLOCKS*XBLOCKS, index=YBLOCKS - y - 1 + x*YBLOCKS) for x in range(XBLOCKS) for y in range(YBLOCKS)] # wrap operators ops = [FenicsMatrixOperator(mat0, V, V)] + [FenicsMatrixOperator(m, V, V) for m in mats] op = LincombOperator(ops, [1.] + parameter_functionals) rhs = VectorOperator(FenicsVectorSpace(V).make_array([F])) h1_product = FenicsMatrixOperator(h1_mat, V, V, name='h1_0_semi') # build model visualizer = FenicsVisualizer(FenicsVectorSpace(V)) fom = StationaryModel(op, rhs, products={'h1_0_semi': h1_product}, visualizer=visualizer) return fom
[docs]def discretize_ngsolve(): from ngsolve import (ngsglobals, Mesh, H1, CoefficientFunction, LinearForm, SymbolicLFI, BilinearForm, SymbolicBFI, grad, TaskManager) from netgen.csg import CSGeometry, OrthoBrick, Pnt import numpy as np ngsglobals.msg_level = 1 geo = CSGeometry() obox = OrthoBrick(Pnt(-1, -1, -1), Pnt(1, 1, 1)).bc("outer") b = [] b.append(OrthoBrick(Pnt(-1, -1, -1), Pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)).mat("mat1").bc("inner")) b.append(OrthoBrick(Pnt(-1, 0, -1), Pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)).mat("mat2").bc("inner")) b.append(OrthoBrick(Pnt(0, -1, -1), Pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)).mat("mat3").bc("inner")) b.append(OrthoBrick(Pnt(0, 0, -1), Pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)).mat("mat4").bc("inner")) b.append(OrthoBrick(Pnt(-1, -1, 0), Pnt(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)).mat("mat5").bc("inner")) b.append(OrthoBrick(Pnt(-1, 0, 0), Pnt(0.0, 1.0, 1.0)).mat("mat6").bc("inner")) b.append(OrthoBrick(Pnt(0, -1, 0), Pnt(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)).mat("mat7").bc("inner")) b.append(OrthoBrick(Pnt(0, 0, 0), Pnt(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)).mat("mat8").bc("inner")) box = (obox - b[0] - b[1] - b[2] - b[3] - b[4] - b[5] - b[6] - b[7]) geo.Add(box) for bi in b: geo.Add(bi) # domain 0 is empty! mesh = Mesh(geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.3)) # H1-conforming finite element space V = H1(mesh, order=NGS_ORDER, dirichlet="outer") v = V.TestFunction() u = V.TrialFunction() # Coeff as array: variable coefficient function (one CoefFct. per domain): sourcefct = CoefficientFunction([1 for i in range(9)]) with TaskManager(): # the right hand side f = LinearForm(V) f += SymbolicLFI(sourcefct * v) f.Assemble() # the bilinear-form mats = [] coeffs = [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]] for c in coeffs: diffusion = CoefficientFunction(c) a = BilinearForm(V, symmetric=False) a += SymbolicBFI(diffusion * grad(u) * grad(v), definedon=(np.where(np.array(c) == 1)[0] + 1).tolist()) a.Assemble() mats.append(a.mat) from pymor.bindings.ngsolve import NGSolveVectorSpace, NGSolveMatrixOperator, NGSolveVisualizer space = NGSolveVectorSpace(V) op = LincombOperator([NGSolveMatrixOperator(m, space, space) for m in mats], [ProjectionParameterFunctional('diffusion', len(coeffs), i) for i in range(len(coeffs))]) h1_0_op = op.assemble(Mu(diffusion=[1] * len(coeffs))).with_(name='h1_0_semi') F = space.zeros() F._list[0] = f.vec F = VectorOperator(F) fom = StationaryModel(op, F, visualizer=NGSolveVisualizer(mesh, V), products={'h1_0_semi': h1_0_op}) return fom,, 1))
[docs]def discretize_pymor_text(): # setup analytical problem problem = text_problem(TEXT) # discretize using continuous finite elements fom, _ = discretize_stationary_cg(problem, diameter=1.) return fom, problem.parameter_space
#################################################################################################### # Reduction algorithms # ####################################################################################################
[docs]def reduce_naive(fom, reductor, parameter_space, basis_size): training_set = parameter_space.sample_randomly(basis_size) for mu in training_set: reductor.extend_basis(fom.solve(mu), method='trivial') rom = reductor.reduce() return rom
[docs]def reduce_greedy(fom, reductor, parameter_space, snapshots, basis_size): training_set = parameter_space.sample_uniformly(snapshots) pool = new_parallel_pool() greedy_data = rb_greedy(fom, reductor, training_set, extension_params={'method': 'gram_schmidt'}, max_extensions=basis_size, pool=pool) return greedy_data['rom']
[docs]def reduce_adaptive_greedy(fom, reductor, parameter_space, validation_mus, basis_size): pool = new_parallel_pool() greedy_data = rb_adaptive_greedy(fom, reductor, parameter_space, validation_mus=-validation_mus, extension_params={'method': 'gram_schmidt'}, max_extensions=basis_size, pool=pool) return greedy_data['rom']
[docs]def reduce_pod(fom, reductor, parameter_space, snapshots, basis_size): training_set = parameter_space.sample_uniformly(snapshots) snapshots = fom.operator.source.empty() for mu in training_set: snapshots.append(fom.solve(mu)) basis, singular_values = pod(snapshots, modes=basis_size, product=reductor.products['RB']) reductor.extend_basis(basis, method='trivial') rom = reductor.reduce() return rom
#################################################################################################### # Main script # ####################################################################################################
[docs]def main(): # command line argument parsing ############################### import sys if len(sys.argv) != 6: print(__doc__) sys.exit(1) MODEL, ALG, SNAPSHOTS, RBSIZE, TEST = sys.argv[1:] MODEL, ALG, SNAPSHOTS, RBSIZE, TEST = MODEL.lower(), ALG.lower(), int(SNAPSHOTS), int(RBSIZE), int(TEST) # discretize ############ if MODEL == 'pymor': fom, parameter_space = discretize_pymor() elif MODEL == 'fenics': fom, parameter_space = discretize_fenics() elif MODEL == 'ngsolve': fom, parameter_space = discretize_ngsolve() elif MODEL == 'pymor-text': fom, parameter_space = discretize_pymor_text() else: raise NotImplementedError # select reduction algorithm with error estimator ################################################# coercivity_estimator = ExpressionParameterFunctional('min(diffusion)', fom.parameters) reductor = CoerciveRBReductor(fom, product=fom.h1_0_semi_product, coercivity_estimator=coercivity_estimator, check_orthonormality=False) # generate reduced model ######################## if ALG == 'naive': rom = reduce_naive(fom, reductor, parameter_space, RBSIZE) elif ALG == 'greedy': rom = reduce_greedy(fom, reductor, parameter_space, SNAPSHOTS, RBSIZE) elif ALG == 'adaptive_greedy': rom = reduce_adaptive_greedy(fom, reductor, parameter_space, SNAPSHOTS, RBSIZE) elif ALG == 'pod': rom = reduce_pod(fom, reductor, parameter_space, SNAPSHOTS, RBSIZE) else: raise NotImplementedError # evaluate the reduction error ############################## results = reduction_error_analysis(rom, fom=fom, reductor=reductor, estimator=True, error_norms=[fom.h1_0_semi_norm], condition=True, test_mus=parameter_space.sample_randomly(TEST), plot=True) # show results ############## print(results['summary']) import matplotlib.pyplot['figure']) # write results to disk ####################### from pymor.core.pickle import dump dump((rom, parameter_space), open('reduced_model.out', 'wb')) results.pop('figure') # matplotlib figures cannot be serialized dump(results, open('results.out', 'wb')) # visualize reduction error for worst-approximated mu ##################################################### mumax = results['max_error_mus'][0, -1] U = fom.solve(mumax) U_RB = reductor.reconstruct(rom.solve(mumax)) fom.visualize((U, U_RB, U - U_RB), legend=('Detailed Solution', 'Reduced Solution', 'Error'), separate_colorbars=True, block=True)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()