Source code for pymor.algorithms.lradi

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

import scipy.linalg as spla
import numpy as np

from pymor.algorithms.genericsolvers import _parse_options
from pymor.algorithms.gram_schmidt import gram_schmidt
from pymor.algorithms.lyapunov import _solve_lyap_lrcf_check_args
from pymor.vectorarrays.constructions import cat_arrays
from pymor.core.defaults import defaults
from pymor.core.logger import getLogger
from pymor.operators.constructions import IdentityOperator
from import get_random_state

[docs]@defaults('lradi_tol', 'lradi_maxiter', 'lradi_shifts', 'projection_shifts_init_maxiter', 'projection_shifts_init_seed') def lyap_lrcf_solver_options(lradi_tol=1e-10, lradi_maxiter=500, lradi_shifts='projection_shifts', projection_shifts_init_maxiter=20, projection_shifts_init_seed=None): """Return available Lyapunov solvers with default options. Parameters ---------- lradi_tol See :func:`solve_lyap_lrcf`. lradi_maxiter See :func:`solve_lyap_lrcf`. lradi_shifts See :func:`solve_lyap_lrcf`. projection_shifts_init_maxiter See :func:`projection_shifts_init`. projection_shifts_init_seed See :func:`projection_shifts_init`. Returns ------- A dict of available solvers with default solver options. """ return {'lradi': {'type': 'lradi', 'tol': lradi_tol, 'maxiter': lradi_maxiter, 'shifts': lradi_shifts, 'shift_options': {'projection_shifts': {'type': 'projection_shifts', 'init_maxiter': projection_shifts_init_maxiter, 'init_seed': projection_shifts_init_seed}}}}
[docs]def solve_lyap_lrcf(A, E, B, trans=False, options=None): """Compute an approximate low-rank solution of a Lyapunov equation. See :func:`pymor.algorithms.lyapunov.solve_lyap_lrcf` for a general description. This function uses the low-rank ADI iteration as described in Algorithm 4.3 in [PK16]_. Parameters ---------- A The non-parametric |Operator| A. E The non-parametric |Operator| E or `None`. B The operator B as a |VectorArray| from `A.source`. trans Whether the first |Operator| in the Lyapunov equation is transposed. options The solver options to use (see :func:`lyap_lrcf_solver_options`). Returns ------- Z Low-rank Cholesky factor of the Lyapunov equation solution, |VectorArray| from `A.source`. """ _solve_lyap_lrcf_check_args(A, E, B, trans) options = _parse_options(options, lyap_lrcf_solver_options(), 'lradi', None, False) logger = getLogger('pymor.algorithms.lradi.solve_lyap_lrcf') shift_options = options['shift_options'][options['shifts']] if shift_options['type'] == 'projection_shifts': init_shifts = projection_shifts_init iteration_shifts = projection_shifts else: raise ValueError('Unknown lradi shift strategy.') if E is None: E = IdentityOperator(A.source) Z = A.source.empty(reserve=len(B) * options['maxiter']) W = B.copy() j = 0 j_shift = 0 shifts = init_shifts(A, E, W, shift_options) res = np.linalg.norm(W.gramian(), ord=2) init_res = res Btol = res * options['tol'] while res > Btol and j < options['maxiter']: if shifts[j_shift].imag == 0: AaE = A + shifts[j_shift].real * E if not trans: V = AaE.apply_inverse(W) W -= E.apply(V) * (2 * shifts[j_shift].real) else: V = AaE.apply_inverse_adjoint(W) W -= E.apply_adjoint(V) * (2 * shifts[j_shift].real) Z.append(V * np.sqrt(-2 * shifts[j_shift].real)) j += 1 else: AaE = A + shifts[j_shift] * E gs = -4 * shifts[j_shift].real d = shifts[j_shift].real / shifts[j_shift].imag if not trans: V = AaE.apply_inverse(W) W += E.apply(V.real + V.imag * d) * gs else: V = AaE.apply_inverse_adjoint(W).conj() W += E.apply_adjoint(V.real + V.imag * d) * gs g = np.sqrt(gs) Z.append((V.real + V.imag * d) * g) Z.append(V.imag * (g * np.sqrt(d**2 + 1))) j += 2 j_shift += 1 res = np.linalg.norm(W.gramian(), ord=2)'Relative residual at step {j}: {res/init_res:.5e}') if j_shift >= shifts.size: shifts = iteration_shifts(A, E, V, shifts) j_shift = 0 if res > Btol: logger.warning(f'Prescribed relative residual tolerance was not achieved ' f'({res/init_res:e} > {options["tol"]:e}) after ' f'{options["maxiter"]} ADI steps.') return Z
[docs]def projection_shifts_init(A, E, B, shift_options): """Find starting shift parameters for low-rank ADI iteration using Galerkin projection on spaces spanned by LR-ADI iterates. See [PK16]_, pp. 92-95. Parameters ---------- A The |Operator| A from the corresponding Lyapunov equation. E The |Operator| E from the corresponding Lyapunov equation. B The |VectorArray| B from the corresponding Lyapunov equation. shift_options The shift options to use (see :func:`lyap_lrcf_solver_options`). Returns ------- shifts A |NumPy array| containing a set of stable shift parameters. """ random_state = get_random_state(seed=shift_options['init_seed']) for i in range(shift_options['init_maxiter']): Q = gram_schmidt(B, atol=0, rtol=0) shifts = spla.eigvals(A.apply2(Q, Q), E.apply2(Q, Q)) shifts = shifts[shifts.real < 0] if shifts.size == 0: # use random subspace instead of span{B} (with same dimensions) B = B.random(len(B), distribution='normal', random_state=random_state) else: return shifts raise RuntimeError('Could not generate initial shifts for low-rank ADI iteration.')
[docs]def projection_shifts(A, E, V, prev_shifts): """Find further shift parameters for low-rank ADI iteration using Galerkin projection on spaces spanned by LR-ADI iterates. See [PK16]_, pp. 92-95. Parameters ---------- A The |Operator| A from the corresponding Lyapunov equation. E The |Operator| E from the corresponding Lyapunov equation. V A |VectorArray| representing the currently computed iterate. prev_shifts A |NumPy array| containing the set of all previously used shift parameters. Returns ------- shifts A |NumPy array| containing a set of stable shift parameters. """ if prev_shifts[-1].imag != 0: Q = gram_schmidt(cat_arrays([V.real, V.imag]), atol=0, rtol=0) else: Q = gram_schmidt(V, atol=0, rtol=0) Ap = A.apply2(Q, Q) Ep = E.apply2(Q, Q) shifts = spla.eigvals(Ap, Ep) shifts.imag[abs(shifts.imag) < np.finfo(float).eps] = 0 shifts = shifts[np.real(shifts) < 0] if shifts.size == 0: return prev_shifts else: if np.any(shifts.imag != 0): shifts = shifts[np.abs(shifts).argsort()] else: shifts.sort() return shifts