# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
import tempfile
import collections
import os
import subprocess
import time
from pymor.analyticalproblems.domaindescriptions import RectDomain, PolygonalDomain
from pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.gmsh import load_gmsh
from pymor.core.exceptions import GmshMissing
from pymor.core.logger import getLogger
[docs]def discretize_gmsh(domain_description=None, geo_file=None, geo_file_path=None, msh_file_path=None,
mesh_algorithm='del2d', clscale=1., options='', refinement_steps=0):
"""Mesh a |DomainDescription| or an already existing Gmsh GEO-file using the Gmsh mesher.
A |DomainDescription| of the |PolygonalDomain| or |RectDomain| to discretize. Has to be `None`
when `geo_file` is given.
File handle of the Gmsh Geo-file to discretize. Has to be `None` when
`domain_description` is given.
Path of the created Gmsh GEO-file. When meshing a |PolygonalDomain| or |RectDomain| and
`geo_file_path` is `None`, a temporary file will be created. If `geo_file` is specified, this
is ignored and the path to `geo_file` will be used.
Path of the created Gmsh MSH-file. If `None`, a temporary file will be created.
The mesh generation algorithm to use (meshadapt, del2d, front2d).
Mesh element size scaling factor.
Other options to control the meshing procedure of Gmsh. See
http://geuz.org/gmsh/doc/texinfo/gmsh.html#Command_002dline-options for all available options.
Number of refinement steps to do after the initial meshing.
The generated :class:`~pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.gmsh.GmshGrid`.
The generated :class:`~pymor.discretizers.builtin.grids.gmsh.GmshBoundaryInfo`.
assert domain_description is None or geo_file is None
logger = getLogger('pymor.discretizers.builtin.domaindiscretizers.gmsh.discretize_gmsh')
# run Gmsh; initial meshing
logger.info('Checking for Gmsh ...')
# when we are running MPI parallel and Gmsh is compiled with MPI support,
# we have to make sure Gmsh does not notice the MPI environment or it will fail.
env = {k: v for k, v in os.environ.items()
if 'MPI' not in k.upper()}
version = subprocess.check_output(['gmsh', '--version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env).decode()
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):
raise GmshMissing('Could not find Gmsh.'
' Please ensure that the gmsh binary (http://geuz.org/gmsh/) is in your PATH.')
logger.info('Found version ' + version.strip())
def discretize_PolygonalDomain():
# combine points and holes, since holes are points, too, and have to be stored as such.
points = [domain_description.points]
return points, domain_description.boundary_types
def discretize_RectDomain():
points = [[domain_description.domain[0].tolist(),
[domain_description.domain[1][0], domain_description.domain[0][1]],
[domain_description.domain[0][0], domain_description.domain[1][1]]]]
boundary_types = {domain_description.bottom: [1]}
if domain_description.right not in boundary_types:
boundary_types[domain_description.right] = [2]
if domain_description.top not in boundary_types:
boundary_types[domain_description.top] = [3]
if domain_description.left not in boundary_types:
boundary_types[domain_description.left] = [4]
if None in boundary_types:
del boundary_types[None]
return points, boundary_types
# these two are referenced in a finally block, but were left undefined in some paths
geo_file, msh_file = None, None
# When a |PolygonalDomain| or |RectDomain| has to be discretized create a Gmsh GE0-file and write all data.
if domain_description is not None:
logger.info('Writing Gmsh geometry file ...')
# Create a temporary GEO-file if None is specified
if geo_file_path is None:
geo_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wt', delete=False, suffix='.geo')
geo_file_path = geo_file.name
geo_file = open(geo_file_path, 'w')
if isinstance(domain_description, PolygonalDomain):
points, boundary_types = discretize_PolygonalDomain()
elif isinstance(domain_description, RectDomain):
points, boundary_types = discretize_RectDomain()
raise NotImplementedError(f'I do not know how to discretize {domain_description}')
# assign ids to all points and write them to the GEO-file.
for id, p in enumerate([p for ps in points for p in ps]):
assert len(p) == 2
geo_file.write('Point('+str(id+1)+') = '+str(p+[0, 0]).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}')+';\n')
# store points and their ids
point_ids = dict(zip([str(p) for ps in points for p in ps],
range(1, len([p for ps in points for p in ps])+1)))
# shift points 1 entry to the left.
points_deque = [collections.deque(ps) for ps in points]
for ps_d in points_deque:
# create lines by connecting the points with shifted points, such that they form a polygonal chains.
lines = [[point_ids[str(p0)], point_ids[str(p1)]]
for ps, ps_d in zip(points, points_deque) for p0, p1 in zip(ps, ps_d)]
# assign ids to all lines and write them to the GEO-file.
for l_id, l in enumerate(lines):
geo_file.write('Line('+str(l_id+1)+')'+' = '+str(l).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}')+';\n')
# form line_loops (polygonal chains), create ids and write them to file.
line_loops = [[point_ids[str(p)] for p in ps] for ps in points]
line_loop_ids = range(len(lines)+1, len(lines)+len(line_loops)+1)
for ll_id, ll in zip(line_loop_ids, line_loops):
geo_file.write('Line Loop('+str(ll_id)+')'+' = '+str(ll).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}')+';\n')
# set this here explicitly for string conversion to make sense
line_loop_ids = list(line_loop_ids)
# create the surface defined by line loops, starting with the exterior and then the holes.
geo_file.write('Plane Surface(' + str(line_loop_ids[0]+1) + ')' + ' = '
+ str(line_loop_ids).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}') + ';\n')
geo_file.write('Physical Surface("boundary") = {'+str(line_loop_ids[0]+1)+'};\n')
# write boundaries.
for boundary_type, bs in boundary_types.items():
geo_file.write('Physical Line' + '("' + str(boundary_type) + '")' + ' = '
+ str([l_id for l_id in bs]).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}') + ';\n')
# When a GEO-File is provided just get the corresponding file path.
geo_file_path = geo_file.name
# Create a temporary MSH-file if no path is specified.
if msh_file_path is None:
msh_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wt', delete=False, suffix='.msh')
msh_file_path = msh_file.name
tic = time.perf_counter()
# run Gmsh; initial meshing
logger.info('Calling Gmsh ...')
cmd = ['gmsh', geo_file_path, '-2', '-algo', mesh_algorithm, '-clscale', str(clscale), options, '-o',
subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env)
# run gmsh; perform mesh refinement
cmd = ['gmsh', msh_file_path, '-refine', '-o', msh_file_path]
for i in range(refinement_steps):
logger.info(f'Performing Gmsh refinement step {i+1}')
subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env)
toc = time.perf_counter()
t_gmsh = toc - tic
logger.info(f'Gmsh took {t_gmsh} s')
# Create |GmshGrid| and |GmshBoundaryInfo| form the just created MSH-file.
grid, bi = load_gmsh(msh_file_path)
# delete tempfiles if they were created beforehand.
if isinstance(geo_file, tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper):
if isinstance(msh_file, tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper):
return grid, bi