# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
from collections import namedtuple
from pymor.core.base import ImmutableObject
from pymor.models.interface import Model
from pymor.operators.interface import Operator
from pymor.operators.mpi import mpi_wrap_operator
from pymor.tools import mpi
from pymor.vectorarrays.mpi import MPIVectorSpace
[docs]class MPIModel:
"""Wrapper class mixin for MPI distributed |Models|.
Given a single-rank implementation of a |Model|, this
wrapper class uses the event loop from :mod:`pymor.tools.mpi`
to allow an MPI distributed usage of the |Model|.
The underlying implementation needs to be MPI aware.
In particular, the model's
method has to perform an MPI parallel solve of the model.
Note that this class is not intended to be instantiated directly.
Instead, you should use :func:`mpi_wrap_model`.
def __init__(self, obj_id, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.obj_id = obj_id
m = mpi.get_object(obj_id)
self.parameters = m.parameters
self.parameters_own = m.parameters_own
self.parameters_internal = m.parameters_internal
self.visualizer = MPIVisualizer(obj_id)
def _compute_solution(self, mu=None, **kwargs):
return self.solution_space.make_array(
mpi.call(mpi.method_call_manage, self.obj_id, '_compute_solution', mu=mu, **kwargs)
def visualize(self, U, **kwargs):
self.visualizer.visualize(U, self, **kwargs)
def __del__(self):
mpi.call(mpi.remove_object, self.obj_id)
[docs]class MPIVisualizer(ImmutableObject):
def __init__(self, m_obj_id):
self.m_obj_id = m_obj_id
def visualize(self, U, m, **kwargs):
if isinstance(U, tuple):
U = tuple(u.obj_id for u in U)
U = U.obj_id
mpi.call(_MPIVisualizer_visualize, self.m_obj_id, U, **kwargs)
def _MPIVisualizer_visualize(m, U, **kwargs):
m = mpi.get_object(m)
if isinstance(U, tuple):
U = tuple(mpi.get_object(u) for u in U)
U = mpi.get_object(U)
m.visualize(U, **kwargs)
[docs]def mpi_wrap_model(local_models, mpi_spaces=('STATE',), use_with=True, with_apply2=False,
pickle_local_spaces=True, space_type=MPIVectorSpace,
"""Wrap MPI distributed local |Models| to a global |Model| on rank 0.
Given MPI distributed local |Models| referred to by the
:class:`~pymor.tools.mpi.ObjectId` `local_models`, return a new |Model|
which manages these distributed models from rank 0. This
is done by first wrapping all |Operators| of the |Model| using
Alternatively, `local_models` can be a callable (with no arguments)
which is then called on each rank to instantiate the local |Models|.
When `use_with` is `False`, an :class:`MPIModel` is instantiated
with the wrapped operators. A call to
will then use an MPI parallel call to the
methods of the wrapped local |Models| to obtain the solution.
This is usually what you want when the actual solve is performed by
an implementation in the external solver.
When `use_with` is `True`, :meth:`~pymor.core.base.ImmutableObject.with_`
is called on the local |Model| on rank 0, to obtain a new
|Model| with the wrapped MPI |Operators|. This is mainly useful
when the local models are generic |Models| as in
:mod:`pymor.models.basic` and
is implemented directly in pyMOR via operations on the contained
:class:`~pymor.tools.mpi.ObjectId` of the local |Models|
on each rank or a callable generating the |Models|.
List of types or ids of |VectorSpaces| which are MPI distributed
and need to be wrapped.
See above.
See :class:`~pymor.operators.mpi.MPIOperator`.
See :class:`~pymor.operators.mpi.MPIOperator`.
See :class:`~pymor.operators.mpi.MPIOperator`.
assert use_with or isinstance(base_type, Model)
if not isinstance(local_models, mpi.ObjectId):
local_models = mpi.call(mpi.function_call_manage, local_models)
attributes = mpi.call(_mpi_wrap_model_manage_operators, local_models, mpi_spaces, use_with, base_type)
wrapped_attributes = {
k: _map_children(lambda v: mpi_wrap_operator(*v, with_apply2=with_apply2,
space_type=space_type) if isinstance(v, _OperatorToWrap) else v,
for k, v in attributes.items()
if use_with:
m = mpi.get_object(local_models)
if m.visualizer:
wrapped_attributes['visualizer'] = MPIVisualizer(local_models)
m = m.with_(**wrapped_attributes)
return m
class MPIWrappedModel(MPIModel, base_type):
return MPIWrappedModel(local_models, **wrapped_attributes)
_OperatorToWrap = namedtuple('_OperatorToWrap', 'operator mpi_range mpi_source')
def _mpi_wrap_model_manage_operators(obj_id, mpi_spaces, use_with, base_type):
m = mpi.get_object(obj_id)
attributes_to_consider = m._init_arguments if use_with else base_type._init_arguments
attributes = {k: getattr(m, k) for k in attributes_to_consider}
def process_attribute(v):
if isinstance(v, Operator):
mpi_range = type(v.range) in mpi_spaces or v.range.id in mpi_spaces
mpi_source = type(v.source) in mpi_spaces or v.source.id in mpi_spaces
if mpi_range or mpi_source:
return _OperatorToWrap(mpi.manage_object(v), mpi_range, mpi_source)
return v
return v
managed_attributes = {k: _map_children(process_attribute, v)
for k, v in sorted(attributes.items()) if k not in {'cache_region', 'visualizer'}}
if mpi.rank0:
return managed_attributes
def _map_children(f, obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return {k: f(v) for k, v in sorted(obj.items())}
elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)) and not isinstance(obj, _OperatorToWrap):
return type(obj)(f(v) for v in obj)
return f(obj)