# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
from pymor.core.base import abstractmethod
from pymor.parameters.base import Mu, ParametricObject, Parameters
from pymor.tools.floatcmp import float_cmp
[docs]class ParameterFunctional(ParametricObject):
"""Interface for |Parameter| functionals.
A parameter functional is simply a function mapping |Parameters| to
a number.
[docs] @abstractmethod
def evaluate(self, mu=None):
"""Evaluate the functional for given |parameter values| `mu`."""
[docs] def d_mu(self, parameter, index=0):
"""Return the functionals's derivative with respect to a given parameter.
The |Parameter| w.r.t. which to return the derivative.
Index of the |Parameter|'s component w.r.t which to return the derivative.
New |ParameterFunctional| representing the partial derivative.
if parameter not in self.parameters:
return ConstantParameterFunctional(0, name=f'{self.name}_d_{parameter}_{index}')
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def __call__(self, mu=None):
return self.evaluate(mu)
def _add_sub(self, other, sign):
if not isinstance(other, (ParameterFunctional, Number)):
return NotImplemented
if isinstance(other, Number):
if other == 0:
return self
other = ConstantParameterFunctional(other)
if self.name != 'LincombParameterFunctional' or not isinstance(self, LincombParameterFunctional):
if other.name == 'LincombParameterFunctional' and isinstance(other, LincombParameterFunctional):
functionals = (self,) + other.functionals
coefficients = (1.,) + (other.coefficients if sign == 1. else tuple(-c for c in other.coefficients))
functionals, coefficients = (self, other), (1., sign)
elif other.name == 'LincombParameterFunctional' and isinstance(other, LincombParameterFunctional):
functionals = self.functionals + other.functionals
coefficients = self.coefficients + (other.coefficients if sign == 1.
else tuple(-c for c in other.coefficients))
functionals, coefficients = self.functionals + (other,), self.coefficients + (sign,)
return LincombParameterFunctional(functionals, coefficients)
def _radd_sub(self, other, sign):
assert not isinstance(other, ParameterFunctional) # handled by __add__/__sub__
if not isinstance(other, Number):
return NotImplemented
if other == 0:
return self
other = ConstantParameterFunctional(other)
if self.name != 'LincombParameterFunctional' or not isinstance(self, LincombParameterFunctional):
functionals, coefficients = (other, self), (1., sign)
functionals = (other,) + self.functionals
coefficients = (1.,) + (self.coefficients if sign == 1. else tuple(-c for c in self.coefficients))
return LincombParameterFunctional(functionals, coefficients)
def __add__(self, other):
return self._add_sub(other, 1.)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self._add_sub(other, -1.)
def __radd__(self, other):
return self._radd_sub(other, 1.)
def __rsub__(self, other):
return self._radd_sub(other, -1.)
def __mul__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, (Number, ParameterFunctional)):
return NotImplemented
if self.name != 'ProductParameterFunctional' or not isinstance(self, ProductParameterFunctional):
if isinstance(other, ProductParameterFunctional) and other.name == 'ProductParameterFunctional':
return other.with_(factors=(self,) + other.factors)
return ProductParameterFunctional((self, other))
elif isinstance(other, ProductParameterFunctional) and other.name == 'ProductParameterFunctional':
factors = self.factors + other.factors
return ProductParameterFunctional(factors)
return self.with_(factors=self.factors + (other,))
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __neg__(self):
return self * (-1.)
[docs]class ProjectionParameterFunctional(ParameterFunctional):
"""|ParameterFunctional| returning a component value of the given parameter.
For given parameter map `mu`, this functional evaluates to ::
The name of the parameter to return.
The size of the parameter.
See above.
Name of the functional.
def __init__(self, parameter, size=1, index=None, name=None):
assert isinstance(size, Number)
if index is None and size == 1:
index = 0
assert isinstance(index, Number)
assert 0 <= index < size
self.parameters_own = {parameter: size}
[docs] def evaluate(self, mu=None):
assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu)
return mu[self.parameter].item(self.index)
[docs] def d_mu(self, parameter, index=0):
if parameter == self.parameter:
assert 0 <= index < self.size
if index == self.index:
return ConstantParameterFunctional(1, name=f'{self.name}_d_{parameter}_{index}')
return ConstantParameterFunctional(0, name=f'{self.name}_d_{parameter}_{index}')
[docs]class GenericParameterFunctional(ParameterFunctional):
"""A wrapper making an arbitrary Python function a |ParameterFunctional|
Note that a GenericParameterFunctional can only be :mod:`pickled <pymor.core.pickle>`
if the function it is wrapping can be pickled. For this reason, it is usually
preferable to use :class:`ExpressionParameterFunctional` instead of
The function to wrap. The function has signature `mapping(mu)`.
The |Parameters| the functional depends on.
The name of the functional.
A dict containing all partial derivatives of each |Parameter| and index
with the signature `derivative_mappings[parameter][index](mu)`
A dict containing all second order partial derivatives of each |Parameter| and index
with the signature `second_derivative_mappings[parameter_i][index_i][parameter_j][index_j](mu)`
def __init__(self, mapping, parameters, name=None, derivative_mappings=None, second_derivative_mappings=None):
self.parameters_own = parameters
[docs] def evaluate(self, mu=None):
assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu)
value = self.mapping(mu)
# ensure that we return a number not an array
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
return value.item()
return value
[docs] def d_mu(self, parameter, index=0):
if parameter in self.parameters:
assert 0 <= index < self.parameters[parameter]
if self.derivative_mappings is None:
raise ValueError('You must provide a dict of expressions for all \
partial derivatives in self.parameters')
if parameter in self.derivative_mappings:
if self.second_derivative_mappings is None:
return GenericParameterFunctional(
self.parameters, name=f'{self.name}_d_{parameter}_{index}'
if parameter in self.second_derivative_mappings:
return GenericParameterFunctional(
self.parameters, name=f'{self.name}_d_{parameter}_{index}',
return GenericParameterFunctional(
self.parameters, name=f'{self.name}_d_{parameter}_{index}',
raise ValueError('derivative expressions do not contain item {}'.format(parameter))
return ConstantParameterFunctional(0, name=f'{self.name}_d_{parameter}_{index}')
[docs]class ExpressionParameterFunctional(GenericParameterFunctional):
"""Turns a Python expression given as a string into a |ParameterFunctional|.
Some |NumPy| arithmetic functions like `sin`, `log`, `min` are supported.
For a full list see the `functions` class attribute.
.. warning::
:meth:`eval` is used to evaluate the given expression.
Using this class with expression strings from untrusted sources will cause
mayhem and destruction!
A Python expression in the parameter components of the given `parameters`.
The |Parameters| the functional depends on.
The name of the functional.
A dict containing a Python expression for the partial derivatives of each
parameter component.
A dict containing a list of dicts of Python expressions for all second order partial derivatives of each
parameter component i and j.
functions = {k: getattr(np, k) for k in {'sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'arcsin', 'arccos', 'arctan', 'arctan2',
'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 'arcsinh', 'arccosh', 'arctanh',
'exp', 'exp2', 'log', 'log2', 'log10', 'sqrt', 'array',
'min', 'minimum', 'max', 'maximum', 'pi', 'e',
'sum', 'prod', 'abs', 'sign', 'zeros', 'ones'}}
functions['norm'] = np.linalg.norm
functions['polar'] = lambda x: (np.linalg.norm(x, axis=-1), np.arctan2(x[..., 1], x[..., 0]) % (2*np.pi))
functions['np'] = np
def __init__(self, expression, parameters, name=None, derivative_expressions=None, second_derivative_expressions=None):
self.expression = expression
code = compile(expression, '<expression>', 'eval')
functions = self.functions
def get_lambda(exp_code):
return lambda mu: eval(exp_code, functions, mu)
exp_mapping = get_lambda(code)
if derivative_expressions is not None:
derivative_mappings = derivative_expressions.copy()
for (key,exp) in derivative_mappings.items():
if isinstance(exp, str):
exp = [exp]
exp_array = np.array(exp, dtype=object)
for exp in np.nditer(exp_array, op_flags=['readwrite'], flags= ['refs_ok']):
exp_code = compile(str(exp), '<expression>', 'eval')
mapping = get_lambda(exp_code)
exp[...] = mapping
derivative_mappings[key] = exp_array
derivative_mappings = None
if second_derivative_expressions is not None:
second_derivative_mappings = second_derivative_expressions.copy()
for (key_i,key_dicts) in second_derivative_mappings.items():
if isinstance(key_dicts, dict):
key_dicts = [key_dicts]
key_dicts_array = np.array(key_dicts, dtype=object)
for key_dict in np.nditer(key_dicts_array, op_flags=['readwrite'], flags= ['refs_ok']):
for (key_j, exp) in key_dict[()].items():
if isinstance(exp, str):
exp = [exp]
exp_array = np.array(exp, dtype=object)
for exp in np.nditer(exp_array, op_flags=['readwrite'], flags= ['refs_ok']):
exp_code = compile(str(exp), '<expression>', 'eval')
mapping = get_lambda(exp_code)
exp[...] = mapping
key_dict[()][key_j] = exp_array
second_derivative_mappings[key_i] = key_dicts_array
second_derivative_mappings = None
super().__init__(exp_mapping, parameters, name, derivative_mappings, second_derivative_mappings)
[docs] def __reduce__(self):
return (ExpressionParameterFunctional,
(self.expression, self.parameters, getattr(self, '_name', None),
self.derivative_expressions, self.second_derivative_expressions))
[docs]class ProductParameterFunctional(ParameterFunctional):
"""Forms the product of a list of |ParameterFunctionals| or numbers.
A list of |ParameterFunctionals| or numbers.
Name of the functional.
def __init__(self, factors, name=None):
assert len(factors) > 0
assert all(isinstance(f, (ParameterFunctional, Number)) for f in factors)
factors = tuple(factors)
[docs] def evaluate(self, mu=None):
assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu)
return np.array([f.evaluate(mu) if hasattr(f, 'evaluate') else f for f in self.factors]).prod()
[docs] def d_mu(self, parameter, index=0):
summands = []
for i, f in enumerate(self.factors):
if hasattr(f, 'evaluate'):
f_d_mu = f.d_mu(parameter, index)
if isinstance(f_d_mu, ConstantParameterFunctional) and f_d_mu() == 0:
ProductParameterFunctional([f_d_mu if j == i else g for j, g in enumerate(self.factors)])
if not summands:
return ConstantParameterFunctional(0, name=f'{self.name}_d_{parameter}_{index}')
return LincombParameterFunctional(summands, [1] * len(summands), name=f'{self.name}_d_{parameter}_{index}')
[docs]class ConjugateParameterFunctional(ParameterFunctional):
"""Conjugate of a given |ParameterFunctional|
Evaluates a given |ParameterFunctional| and returns the complex
conjugate of the value.
The |ParameterFunctional| of which the complex conjuate is
Name of the functional.
def __init__(self, functional, name=None):
self.functional = functional
self.name = name or f'{functional.name}_conj'
[docs] def evaluate(self, mu=None):
assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu)
return np.conj(self.functional.evaluate(mu))
[docs]class ConstantParameterFunctional(ParameterFunctional):
"""|ParameterFunctional| returning a constant value for each parameter.
value of the functional
Name of the functional.
def __init__(self, constant_value, name=None):
self.constant_value = constant_value
[docs] def evaluate(self, mu=None):
return self.constant_value
[docs] def d_mu(self, parameter, index=0):
return self.with_(constant_value=0, name=f'{self.name}_d_{parameter}_{index}')
[docs]class LincombParameterFunctional(ParameterFunctional):
"""A |ParameterFunctional| representing a linear combination of |ParameterFunctionals|.
The coefficients must be provided as scalars.
List of |ParameterFunctionals| whose linear combination is formed.
A list of scalar coefficients.
Name of the functional.
def __init__(self, functionals, coefficients, name=None):
assert len(functionals) > 0
assert len(functionals) == len(coefficients)
assert all(isinstance(f, ParameterFunctional) for f in functionals)
assert all(isinstance(c, Number) for c in coefficients)
functionals = tuple(functionals)
coefficients = tuple(coefficients)
[docs] def evaluate(self, mu=None):
assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu)
return sum(c * f(mu) for c, f in zip(self.coefficients, self.functionals))
[docs] def d_mu(self, parameter, index=0):
functionals_d_mu = [f.d_mu(parameter, index) for f in self.functionals]
return self.with_(functionals=functionals_d_mu, name=f'{self.name}_d_{parameter}_{index}')
[docs]class MinThetaParameterFunctional(ParameterFunctional):
"""|ParameterFunctional| implementing the min-theta approach from [Haa17]_ (Proposition 2.35).
Let V denote a Hilbert space and let a: V x V -> K denote a parametric coercive bilinear form with affine
decomposition ::
a(u, v, mu) = sum_{q = 1}^Q theta_q(mu) a_q(u, v),
for Q positive coefficient |ParameterFunctional| theta_1, ..., theta_Q and positive semi-definite component
bilinear forms a_1, ..., a_Q: V x V -> K. Let mu_bar be a parameter with respect to which the coercivity constant
of a(., ., mu_bar) is known, i.e. we known alpha_mu_bar > 0, s.t. ::
alpha_mu_bar |u|_V^2 <= a(u, u, mu=mu_bar).
The min-theta approach from [Haa17]_ (Proposition 2.35) allows to obtain a computable bound for the coercivity
constant of a(., ., mu) for arbitrary parameters mu, since ::
a(u, u, mu=mu) >= min_{q = 1}^Q theta_q(mu)/theta_q(mu_bar) a(u, u, mu=mu_bar).
Given a list of the thetas, the |parameter values| mu_bar and the constant alpha_mu_bar, this functional thus evaluates
to ::
alpha_mu_bar * min_{q = 1}^Q theta_q(mu)/theta_q(mu_bar)
List or tuple of |ParameterFunctional|
Parameter associated with alpha_mu_bar.
Known coercivity constant.
Name of the functional.
def __init__(self, thetas, mu_bar, alpha_mu_bar=1., name=None):
assert isinstance(thetas, (list, tuple))
assert len(thetas) > 0
assert all([isinstance(theta, (Number, ParameterFunctional)) for theta in thetas])
thetas = tuple(ConstantParameterFunctional(theta) if not isinstance(theta, ParameterFunctional) else theta
for theta in thetas)
if not isinstance(mu_bar, Mu):
mu_bar = Parameters.of(thetas).parse(mu_bar)
assert Parameters.of(thetas).assert_compatible(mu_bar)
thetas_mu_bar = np.array([theta(mu_bar) for theta in thetas])
assert np.all(thetas_mu_bar > 0)
assert isinstance(alpha_mu_bar, Number)
assert alpha_mu_bar > 0
self.thetas_mu_bar = thetas_mu_bar
[docs] def evaluate(self, mu=None):
assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu)
thetas_mu = np.array([theta(mu) for theta in self.thetas])
assert np.all(thetas_mu > 0)
return self.alpha_mu_bar * np.min(thetas_mu / self.thetas_mu_bar)
[docs]class BaseMaxThetaParameterFunctional(ParameterFunctional):
"""|ParameterFunctional| implementing a generalization of the max-theta approach from [Haa17]_ (Exercise 5.12).
Let V denote a Hilbert space and let a: V x V -> K denote a continuous bilinear form or l: V -> K a continuous
linear functional, either with affine decomposition ::
a(u, v, mu) = sum_{q = 1}^Q theta_q(mu) a_q(u, v) or l(v, mu) = sum_{q = 1}^Q theta_q(mu) l_q(v)
for Q coefficient |ParameterFunctional| theta_1, ..., theta_Q and continuous bilinear forms
a_1, ..., a_Q: V x V -> K or continuous linear functionals l_q: V -> K. Let mu_bar be a parameter with respect to
which the continuity constant of a(., ., mu_bar) or l(., mu_bar) is known, i.e. we known gamma_mu_bar > 0, s.t. ::
a(u, v, mu_bar) <= gamma_mu_bar |u|_V |v|_V or l(v, mu_bar) <= gamma_mu_bar |v|_V.
The max-theta approach (in its generalized form) from [Haa17]_ (Exercise 5.12) allows to obtain a computable bound
for the continuity constant of another bilinear form a_prime(., ., mu) or linear form l_prime(., mu) with the same
affine decomposition but different theta_prime_q for arbitrary parameters mu, since ::
a_prime(u, v, mu=mu) <= |max_{q = 1}^Q theta_prime_q(mu)/theta_q(mu_bar)| |a(u, v, mu=mu_bar)|
or ::
l_prime(v, mu=mu) <= |max_{q = 1}^Q theta_prime_q(mu)/theta_q(mu_bar)| |l(v, mu=mu_bar)|,
if all theta_q(mu_bar) != 0.
Given a list of the thetas, the |parameter values| mu_bar and the constant gamma_mu_bar, this functional thus evaluates
to ::
|gamma_mu_bar * max_{q = 1}^Q theta_prime_q(mu)/theta_q(mu_bar)|
Note that we also get an upper bound if theta_prime_q(mu) == 0 for any q. However, if theta_prime_q(mu) == 0 for
at least one q, we need to use the absolute value in the denominator, i.e. ::
|gamma_mu_bar * max_{q = 1}^Q theta_prime_q(mu)/|theta_q(mu_bar)| |
List or tuple of |ParameterFunctional| of the base bilinear form a which is used for estimation.
List or tuple of |ParameterFunctional| of the bilinear form a_prime for the numerator of the
Parameter associated with gamma_mu_bar.
Known continuity constant of the base bilinear form a.
Name of the functional.
def __init__(self, thetas_prime, thetas, mu_bar, gamma_mu_bar=1., name=None):
assert isinstance(thetas_prime, (list, tuple))
assert isinstance(thetas, (list, tuple))
assert len(thetas) > 0
assert len(thetas) == len(thetas_prime)
assert all([isinstance(theta, (Number, ParameterFunctional)) for theta in thetas])
assert all([isinstance(theta, (Number, ParameterFunctional)) for theta in thetas_prime])
thetas = tuple(ConstantParameterFunctional(f) if not isinstance(f, ParameterFunctional) else f
for f in thetas)
thetas_prime = tuple(ConstantParameterFunctional(f) if not isinstance(f, ParameterFunctional) else f
for f in thetas_prime)
if not isinstance(mu_bar, Mu):
mu_bar = Parameters.of(thetas).parse(mu_bar)
assert Parameters.of(thetas).assert_compatible(mu_bar)
thetas_mu_bar = np.array([theta(mu_bar) for theta in thetas])
assert not np.any(float_cmp(thetas_mu_bar, 0))
assert isinstance(gamma_mu_bar, Number)
assert gamma_mu_bar > 0
self.thetas_mu_bar = thetas_mu_bar
self.theta_mu_bar_has_negative = True if np.any(thetas_mu_bar < 0) else False
if self.theta_mu_bar_has_negative:
# If 0 is in theta_prime(mu), we need to use the absolute value to ensure
# that the bound is still valid (and not zero)
self.abs_thetas_mu_bar = np.array([np.abs(theta(mu_bar)) for theta in thetas])
[docs] def evaluate(self, mu=None):
assert self.parameters.assert_compatible(mu)
thetas_prime_mu = np.array([theta(mu) for theta in self.thetas_prime])
if np.all(np.logical_or(thetas_prime_mu < 0, thetas_prime_mu > 0)) or not self.theta_mu_bar_has_negative:
return self.gamma_mu_bar * np.abs(np.max(thetas_prime_mu / self.thetas_mu_bar))
# special case
return self.gamma_mu_bar * np.abs(np.max(thetas_prime_mu / self.abs_thetas_mu_bar))
[docs] def d_mu(self, component, index=()):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class MaxThetaParameterFunctional(BaseMaxThetaParameterFunctional):
"""|ParameterFunctional| implementing the max-theta approach from [Haa17]_ (Exercise 5.12).
This is a specialized version of BaseMaxThetaParameterFunctional which allows to obtain a computable bound
for the continuity constant of the actual a(., ., mu) or l(., mu) for arbitrary parameters mu, since ::
a(u, v, mu=mu) <= |max_{q = 1}^Q theta_q(mu)/theta_q(mu_bar)| |a(u, v, mu=mu_bar)|
or ::
l(v, mu=mu) <= |max_{q = 1}^Q theta_q(mu)/theta_q(mu_bar)| |l(v, mu=mu_bar)|,
if all theta_q(mu_bar) != 0.
Given a list of the thetas, the |parameter values| mu_bar and the constant gamma_mu_bar, this functional thus evaluates
to ::
|gamma_mu_bar * max{q = 1}^Q theta_q(mu)/theta_q(mu_bar)|
List or tuple of |ParameterFunctional|
Parameter associated with gamma_mu_bar.
Known continuity constant.
Name of the functional.
def __init__(self, thetas, mu_bar, gamma_mu_bar=1., name=None):
super().__init__(thetas, thetas, mu_bar, gamma_mu_bar, name)