# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
from pymor.core.base import BasicObject, abstractmethod, abstractclassmethod, classinstancemethod
from pymor.tools.random import get_random_state
from pymor.vectorarrays.interface import VectorArray, VectorSpace, _create_random_values
[docs]class Vector(BasicObject):
"""Interface for vectors used in conjunction with |ListVectorArray|.
This interface must be satisfied by the individual entries of the
vector `list` managed by |ListVectorArray|. All interface methods
have a direct counterpart in the |VectorArray| interface.
def copy(self, deep=False):
def scal(self, alpha):
def axpy(self, alpha, x):
def inner(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError
def norm(self):
def norm2(self):
def sup_norm(self):
_, max_val = self.amax()
return max_val
def dofs(self, dof_indices):
def amax(self):
def __add__(self, other):
result = self.copy()
result.axpy(1, other)
return result
def __iadd__(self, other):
self.axpy(1, other)
return self
__radd__ = __add__
def __sub__(self, other):
result = self.copy()
result.axpy(-1, other)
return result
def __isub__(self, other):
self.axpy(-1, other)
return self
def __mul__(self, other):
result = self.copy()
return result
def __imul__(self, other):
return self
def __neg__(self):
result = self.copy()
return result
def real(self):
return self.copy()
def imag(self):
return None
def conj(self):
return self.copy()
[docs]class CopyOnWriteVector(Vector):
def from_instance(cls, instance):
def _copy_data(self):
def _scal(self, alpha):
def _axpy(self, alpha, x):
def copy(self, deep=False):
c = self.from_instance(self)
if deep:
self._refcount[0] += 1
except AttributeError:
self._refcount = [2]
c._refcount = self._refcount
return c
def scal(self, alpha):
def axpy(self, alpha, x):
self._axpy(alpha, x)
def __del__(self):
self._refcount[0] -= 1
except AttributeError:
def _copy_data_if_needed(self):
if self._refcount[0] > 1:
self._refcount[0] -= 1
self._refcount = [1]
except AttributeError:
self._refcount = [1]
[docs]class ComplexifiedVector(Vector):
def __init__(self, real_part, imag_part):
self.real_part, self.imag_part = real_part, imag_part
def copy(self, deep=False):
real_part = self.real_part.copy(deep=deep)
imag_part = self.imag_part.copy(deep=deep) if self.imag_part is not None else None
return type(self)(real_part, imag_part)
def scal(self, alpha):
if self.imag_part is None:
if alpha.imag != 0:
self.imag_part = self.real_part * alpha.imag
if alpha.imag == 0:
old_real_part = self.real_part.copy()
self.real_part.axpy(-alpha.imag, self.imag_part)
self.imag_part.axpy(alpha.imag, old_real_part)
def axpy(self, alpha, x):
if x is self:
self.scal(1. + alpha)
# real part
self.real_part.axpy(alpha.real, x.real_part)
if x.imag_part is not None:
self.real_part.axpy(-alpha.imag, x.imag_part)
# imaginary part
if alpha.imag != 0:
if self.imag_part is None:
self.imag_part = x.real_part * alpha.imag
self.imag_part.axpy(alpha.imag, x.real_part)
if x.imag_part is not None:
if self.imag_part is None:
self.imag_part = x.imag_part * alpha.real
self.imag_part.axpy(alpha.real, x.imag_part)
def inner(self, other):
result = self.real_part.inner(other.real_part)
if self.imag_part is not None:
result += self.imag_part.inner(other.real_part) * (-1j)
if other.imag_part is not None:
result += self.real_part.inner(other.imag_part) * 1j
if self.imag_part is not None and other.imag_part is not None:
result += self.imag_part.inner(other.imag_part)
return result
def norm(self):
result = self.real_part.norm()
if self.imag_part is not None:
result = np.linalg.norm([result, self.imag_part.norm()])
return result
def norm2(self):
result = self.real_part.norm2()
if self.imag_part is not None:
result += self.imag_part.norm2()
return result
def sup_norm(self):
if self.imag_part is not None:
# we cannot compute the sup_norm from the sup_norms of real_part and imag_part
return self.amax()[1]
return self.real_part.sup_norm()
def dofs(self, dof_indices):
values = self.real_part.dofs(dof_indices)
if self.imag_part is not None:
imag_values = self.imag_part.dofs(dof_indices)
return values + imag_values * 1j
return values
def amax(self):
if self.imag_part is not None:
raise NotImplementedError
return self.real_part.amax()
def to_numpy(self, ensure_copy=False):
if self.imag_part is not None:
return self.real_part.to_numpy(ensure_copy=False) + self.imag_part.to_numpy(ensure_copy=False) * 1j
return self.real_part.to_numpy(ensure_copy=ensure_copy)
def real(self):
return type(self)(self.real_part.copy(), None)
def imag(self):
return type(self)(self.imag_part.copy(), None) if self.imag_part is not None else None
def conj(self):
return type(self)(self.real_part.copy(), -self.imag_part if self.imag_part is not None else None)
[docs]class NumpyVector(CopyOnWriteVector):
"""Vector stored in a NumPy 1D-array."""
def __init__(self, array):
self._array = array
def from_instance(cls, instance):
return cls(instance._array)
def to_numpy(self, ensure_copy=False):
if ensure_copy:
return self._array.copy()
return self._array
def dim(self):
return len(self._array)
def _copy_data(self):
self._array = self._array.copy()
def _scal(self, alpha):
self._array *= alpha
except TypeError: # e.g. when scaling real array by complex alpha
self._array = self._array * alpha
def _axpy(self, alpha, x):
assert self.dim == x.dim
if alpha == 0:
if alpha == 1:
self._array += x._array
except TypeError:
self._array = self._array + x._array
elif alpha == -1:
self._array -= x._array
except TypeError:
self._array = self._array - x._array
self._array += x._array * alpha
except TypeError:
self._array = self._array + x._array * alpha
def inner(self, other):
assert self.dim == other.dim
return np.sum(self._array.conj() * other._array)
def norm(self):
return np.linalg.norm(self._array)
def norm2(self):
return np.sum((self._array * self._array.conj()).real)
def dofs(self, dof_indices):
return self._array[dof_indices]
def amax(self):
A = np.abs(self._array)
max_ind = np.argmax(A)
max_val = A[max_ind]
return max_ind, np.abs(max_val)
def real(self):
return self.__class__(self._array.real.copy())
def imag(self):
return self.__class__(self._array.imag.copy())
def conj(self):
return self.__class__(self._array.conj())
[docs]class ListVectorArray(VectorArray):
"""|VectorArray| implemented as a Python list of vectors.
This |VectorArray| implementation is the first choice when
creating pyMOR wrappers for external solvers which are based
on single vector objects. In order to do so, a wrapping
subclass of :class:`Vector` has to be provided
on which the implementation of |ListVectorArray| will operate.
The associated |VectorSpace| is a subclass of
For an example, see :class:`NumpyVector`, :class:`NumpyListVectorSpace`
or :class:`~pymor.bindings.fenics.FenicsVector`,
_NONE = ()
def __init__(self, vectors, space):
self._list = vectors
self.space = space
[docs] def to_numpy(self, ensure_copy=False):
if len(self._list) > 0:
return np.array([v.to_numpy() for v in self._list])
return np.empty((0, self.dim))
def _data(self):
"""Return list of NumPy Array views on vector data for hacking / interactive use."""
return ListVectorArrayNumpyView(self)
[docs] def __len__(self):
return len(self._list)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, ind):
if isinstance(ind, Number) and (ind >= len(self) or ind < -len(self)):
raise IndexError('VectorArray index out of range')
return ListVectorArrayView(self, ind)
[docs] def __delitem__(self, ind):
assert self.check_ind(ind)
if hasattr(ind, '__len__'):
thelist = self._list
l = len(thelist)
remaining = sorted(set(range(l)) - {i if 0 <= i else l+i for i in ind})
self._list = [thelist[i] for i in remaining]
del self._list[ind]
[docs] def append(self, other, remove_from_other=False):
assert other.space == self.space
assert not remove_from_other or (other is not self and getattr(other, 'base', None) is not self)
if not remove_from_other:
self._list.extend([v.copy() for v in other._list])
if other.is_view:
del other.base[other.ind]
del other[:]
[docs] def copy(self, deep=False):
return ListVectorArray([v.copy(deep=deep) for v in self._list], self.space)
[docs] def scal(self, alpha):
assert isinstance(alpha, Number) \
or isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray) and alpha.shape == (len(self),)
if type(alpha) is np.ndarray:
for a, v in zip(alpha, self._list):
for v in self._list:
[docs] def axpy(self, alpha, x):
assert self.space == x.space
len_x = len(x)
assert len(self) == len_x or len_x == 1
assert isinstance(alpha, Number) \
or isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray) and alpha.shape == (len(self),)
if np.all(alpha == 0):
if self is x or x.is_view and self is x.base:
x = x.copy()
if len(x) == 1:
xx = x._list[0]
if type(alpha) is np.ndarray:
for a, y in zip(alpha, self._list):
y.axpy(a, xx)
for y in self._list:
y.axpy(alpha, xx)
if type(alpha) is np.ndarray:
for a, xx, y in zip(alpha, x._list, self._list):
y.axpy(a, xx)
for xx, y in zip(x._list, self._list):
y.axpy(alpha, xx)
[docs] def inner(self, other, product=None):
assert self.space == other.space
if product is not None:
return product.apply2(self, other)
return np.array([[a.inner(b) for b in other._list] for a in self._list]).reshape((len(self), len(other)))
[docs] def pairwise_inner(self, other, product=None):
assert self.space == other.space
assert len(self._list) == len(other)
if product is not None:
return product.pairwise_apply2(self, other)
return np.array([a.inner(b) for a, b in zip(self._list, other._list)])
[docs] def gramian(self, product=None):
if product is not None:
return super().gramian(product)
l = len(self._list)
R = [[0.] * l for _ in range(l)]
for i in range(l):
for j in range(i, l):
R[i][j] = self._list[i].inner(self._list[j])
if i == j:
R[i][j] = R[i][j].real
R[j][i] = R[i][j].conjugate()
R = np.array(R)
return R
[docs] def lincomb(self, coefficients):
assert 1 <= coefficients.ndim <= 2
if coefficients.ndim == 1:
coefficients = coefficients[np.newaxis, :]
assert coefficients.shape[1] == len(self)
RL = []
for coeffs in coefficients:
R = self.space.zero_vector()
for v, c in zip(self._list, coeffs):
R.axpy(c, v)
return ListVectorArray(RL, self.space)
[docs] def _norm(self):
return np.array([v.norm() for v in self._list])
[docs] def _norm2(self):
return np.array([v.norm2() for v in self._list])
[docs] def sup_norm(self):
if self.dim == 0:
return np.zeros(len(self))
return np.array([v.sup_norm() for v in self._list])
[docs] def dofs(self, dof_indices):
assert isinstance(dof_indices, list) and (len(dof_indices) == 0 or min(dof_indices) >= 0) \
or (isinstance(dof_indices, np.ndarray) and dof_indices.ndim == 1
and (len(dof_indices) == 0 or np.min(dof_indices) >= 0))
assert len(self) > 0 or len(dof_indices) == 0 or max(dof_indices) < self.dim
return np.array([v.dofs(dof_indices) for v in self._list]).reshape((len(self), len(dof_indices)))
[docs] def amax(self):
assert self.dim > 0
MI = np.empty(len(self._list), dtype=np.int)
MV = np.empty(len(self._list))
for k, v in enumerate(self._list):
MI[k], MV[k] = v.amax()
return MI, MV
def real(self):
return ListVectorArray([v.real for v in self._list], self.space)
def imag(self):
# note that Vector.imag is allowed to return None in case
# of a real vector, so we have to check for that.
# returning None is allowed as ComplexifiedVector does not know
# how to create a new zero vector.
return ListVectorArray([v.imag or self.space.zero_vector() for v in self._list], self.space)
[docs] def conj(self):
return self.__class__([v.conj() for v in self._list], self.space)
[docs] def __str__(self):
return f'{type(self).__name__} of {len(self._list)} vectors of space {self.space}'
[docs]class ListVectorSpace(VectorSpace):
"""|VectorSpace| of |ListVectorArrays|."""
dim = None
def zero_vector(self):
def ones_vector(self):
return self.full_vector(1.)
def full_vector(self, value):
return self.vector_from_numpy(np.full(self.dim, value))
def random_vector(self, distribution, random_state, **kwargs):
values = _create_random_values(self.dim, distribution, random_state, **kwargs)
return self.vector_from_numpy(values)
def make_vector(self, obj):
def vector_from_numpy(self, data, ensure_copy=False):
raise NotImplementedError
def space_from_vector_obj(cls, vec, id):
raise NotImplementedError
def space_from_dim(cls, dim, id):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def zeros(self, count=1, reserve=0):
assert count >= 0 and reserve >= 0
return ListVectorArray([self.zero_vector() for _ in range(count)], self)
[docs] def ones(self, count=1, reserve=0):
assert count >= 0 and reserve >= 0
return ListVectorArray([self.ones_vector() for _ in range(count)], self)
[docs] def full(self, value, count=1, reserve=0):
assert count >= 0 and reserve >= 0
return ListVectorArray([self.full_vector(value) for _ in range(count)], self)
[docs] def random(self, count=1, distribution='uniform', random_state=None, seed=None, reserve=0, **kwargs):
assert count >= 0 and reserve >= 0
assert random_state is None or seed is None
random_state = get_random_state(random_state, seed)
return ListVectorArray([self.random_vector(distribution=distribution, random_state=random_state, **kwargs)
for _ in range(count)], self)
def make_array(cls, obj, id=None):
if len(obj) == 0:
raise NotImplementedError
return cls.space_from_vector_obj(obj[0], id=id).make_array(obj)
def make_array(self, obj):
return ListVectorArray([v if isinstance(v, Vector) else self.make_vector(v) for v in obj], self)
def from_numpy(cls, data, id=None, ensure_copy=False):
return cls.space_from_dim(data.shape[1], id=id).from_numpy(data, ensure_copy=ensure_copy)
def from_numpy(self, data, ensure_copy=False):
return ListVectorArray([self.vector_from_numpy(v, ensure_copy=ensure_copy) for v in data], self)
[docs]class ComplexifiedListVectorSpace(ListVectorSpace):
complexified_vector_type = ComplexifiedVector
def real_zero_vector(self):
def zero_vector(self):
return self.complexified_vector_type(self.real_zero_vector(), None)
def real_full_vector(self, value):
return self.real_vector_from_numpy(np.full(self.dim, value))
def full_vector(self, value):
return self.complexified_vector_type(self.real_full_vector(value), None)
def real_random_vector(self, distribution, random_state, **kwargs):
values = _create_random_values(self.dim, distribution, random_state, **kwargs)
return self.real_vector_from_numpy(values)
def random_vector(self, distribution, random_state, **kwargs):
return self.complexified_vector_type(self.real_random_vector(distribution, random_state, **kwargs), None)
def real_make_vector(self, obj):
def make_vector(self, obj):
return self.complexified_vector_type(self.real_make_vector(obj), None)
def real_vector_from_numpy(self, data, ensure_copy=False):
raise NotImplementedError
def vector_from_numpy(self, data, ensure_copy=False):
if np.iscomplexobj(data):
real_part = self.real_vector_from_numpy(data.real)
imag_part = self.real_vector_from_numpy(data.imag)
real_part = self.real_vector_from_numpy(data, ensure_copy=ensure_copy)
imag_part = None
return self.complexified_vector_type(real_part, imag_part)
[docs]class NumpyListVectorSpace(ListVectorSpace):
def __init__(self, dim, id=None):
self.dim = dim
self.id = id
[docs] def __eq__(self, other):
return type(other) is NumpyListVectorSpace and self.dim == other.dim and self.id == other.id
def space_from_vector_obj(cls, vec, id):
return cls(len(vec), id)
def space_from_dim(cls, dim, id):
return cls(dim, id)
def zero_vector(self):
return NumpyVector(np.zeros(self.dim))
def ones_vector(self):
return NumpyVector(np.ones(self.dim))
def full_vector(self, value):
return NumpyVector(np.full(self.dim, value))
def make_vector(self, obj):
obj = np.asarray(obj)
assert obj.ndim == 1 and len(obj) == self.dim
return NumpyVector(obj)
def vector_from_numpy(self, data, ensure_copy=False):
return self.make_vector(data.copy() if ensure_copy else data)
[docs]class ListVectorArrayView(ListVectorArray):
is_view = True
def __init__(self, base, ind):
self.base = base
assert base.check_ind(ind)
self.ind = base.normalize_ind(ind)
if type(ind) is slice:
self._list = base._list[ind]
elif hasattr(ind, '__len__'):
_list = base._list
self._list = [_list[i] for i in ind]
self._list = [base._list[ind]]
def space(self):
return self.base.space
[docs] def __getitem__(self, ind):
return self.base[self.base.sub_index(self.ind, ind)]
except IndexError:
raise IndexError('VectorArray index out of range')
[docs] def __delitem__(self, ind):
raise TypeError('Cannot remove from ListVectorArrayView')
[docs] def append(self, other, remove_from_other=False):
raise TypeError('Cannot append to ListVectorArrayView')
[docs] def scal(self, alpha):
assert self.base.check_ind_unique(self.ind)
[docs] def axpy(self, alpha, x):
assert self.base.check_ind_unique(self.ind)
if x is self.base or x.is_view and x.base is self.base:
x = x.copy()
super().axpy(alpha, x)
[docs]class ListVectorArrayNumpyView:
def __init__(self, array):
self.array = array
def __len__(self):
return len(self.array)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.array._list[i].to_numpy()
[docs] def __repr__(self):
return '[' + ',\n '.join(repr(v) for v in self) + ']'