#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of the pyMOR project (http://www.pymor.org).
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
import numpy as np
from typer import Argument, Option, run
from pymor.basic import *
from pymor.core.config import config
from pymor.core.exceptions import TorchMissing
[docs]def main(
grid_intervals: int = Argument(..., help='Grid interval count.'),
training_samples: int = Argument(..., help='Number of samples used for training the neural network.'),
validation_samples: int = Argument(..., help='Number of samples used for validation during the training phase.'),
fv: bool = Option(False, help='Use finite volume discretization instead of finite elements.'),
vis: bool = Option(False, help='Visualize full order solution and reduced solution for a test set.'),
"""Model oder reduction with neural networks (approach by Hesthaven and Ubbiali)."""
if not config.HAVE_TORCH:
raise TorchMissing()
fom = create_fom(fv, grid_intervals)
parameter_space = fom.parameters.space((0.1, 1))
from pymor.reductors.neural_network import NeuralNetworkReductor
training_set = parameter_space.sample_uniformly(training_samples)
validation_set = parameter_space.sample_randomly(validation_samples)
reductor = NeuralNetworkReductor(fom, training_set, validation_set, l2_err=1e-5,
rom = reductor.reduce(restarts=100)
test_set = parameter_space.sample_randomly(10)
speedups = []
import time
print(f'Performing test on set of size {len(test_set)} ...')
U = fom.solution_space.empty(reserve=len(test_set))
U_red = fom.solution_space.empty(reserve=len(test_set))
for mu in test_set:
tic = time.perf_counter()
time_fom = time.perf_counter() - tic
tic = time.perf_counter()
time_red = time.perf_counter() - tic
speedups.append(time_fom / time_red)
absolute_errors = (U - U_red).norm()
relative_errors = (U - U_red).norm() / U.norm()
if vis:
fom.visualize((U, U_red),
legend=('Full solution', 'Reduced solution'))
print(f'Average absolute error: {np.average(absolute_errors)}')
print(f'Average relative error: {np.average(relative_errors)}')
print(f'Median of speedup: {np.median(speedups)}')
[docs]def create_fom(fv, grid_intervals):
problem = StationaryProblem(
[ExpressionFunction('ones(x.shape[:-1]) * 10', 2, ()), ConstantFunction(1., 2)],
[ProjectionParameterFunctional('mu'), 0.1]),
[ExpressionFunction('1 - x[..., 0]', 2, ()), ExpressionFunction('x[..., 0]', 2, ())],
[ProjectionParameterFunctional('mu'), 1]),
[ExpressionFunction('2 * x[..., 0]', 2, ()), ConstantFunction(1., 2)],
[ProjectionParameterFunctional('mu'), 0.5]),
print('Discretize ...')
discretizer = discretize_stationary_fv if fv else discretize_stationary_cg
fom, _ = discretizer(problem, diameter=1. / int(grid_intervals))
return fom
if __name__ == '__main__':