Source code for pymor.bindings.pyamg

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

from pymor.core.config import config

if config.HAVE_PYAMG:

    import numpy as np
    import pyamg

    from pymor.algorithms.genericsolvers import _parse_options
    from pymor.core.defaults import defaults
    from pymor.core.exceptions import InversionError
    from pymor.operators.numpy import NumpyMatrixOperator

[docs] @defaults('tol', 'maxiter', 'verb', 'rs_strength', 'rs_CF', 'rs_postsmoother', 'rs_max_levels', 'rs_max_coarse', 'rs_coarse_solver', 'rs_cycle', 'rs_accel', 'rs_tol', 'rs_maxiter', 'sa_symmetry', 'sa_strength', 'sa_aggregate', 'sa_smooth', 'sa_presmoother', 'sa_postsmoother', 'sa_improve_candidates', 'sa_max_levels', 'sa_max_coarse', 'sa_diagonal_dominance', 'sa_coarse_solver', 'sa_cycle', 'sa_accel', 'sa_tol', 'sa_maxiter') def solver_options(tol=1e-5, maxiter=400, verb=False, rs_strength=('classical', {'theta': 0.25}), rs_CF='RS', rs_presmoother=('gauss_seidel', {'sweep': 'symmetric'}), rs_postsmoother=('gauss_seidel', {'sweep': 'symmetric'}), rs_max_levels=10, rs_max_coarse=500, rs_coarse_solver='pinv2', rs_cycle='V', rs_accel=None, rs_tol=1e-5, rs_maxiter=100, sa_symmetry='hermitian', sa_strength='symmetric', sa_aggregate='standard', sa_smooth=('jacobi', {'omega': 4.0/3.0}), sa_presmoother=('block_gauss_seidel', {'sweep': 'symmetric'}), sa_postsmoother=('block_gauss_seidel', {'sweep': 'symmetric'}), sa_improve_candidates=(('block_gauss_seidel', {'sweep': 'symmetric', 'iterations': 4}), None), sa_max_levels=10, sa_max_coarse=500, sa_diagonal_dominance=False, sa_coarse_solver='pinv2', sa_cycle='V', sa_accel=None, sa_tol=1e-5, sa_maxiter=100): """Returns available solvers with default |solver_options| for the PyAMG backend. Parameters ---------- tol Tolerance for `PyAMG <>`_ blackbox solver. maxiter Maximum iterations for `PyAMG <>`_ blackbox solver. verb Verbosity flag for `PyAMG <>`_ blackbox solver. rs_strength Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Ruge-Stuben solver. rs_CF Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Ruge-Stuben solver. rs_presmoother Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Ruge-Stuben solver. rs_postsmoother Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Ruge-Stuben solver. rs_max_levels Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Ruge-Stuben solver. rs_max_coarse Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Ruge-Stuben solver. rs_coarse_solver Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Ruge-Stuben solver. rs_cycle Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Ruge-Stuben solver. rs_accel Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Ruge-Stuben solver. rs_tol Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Ruge-Stuben solver. rs_maxiter Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Ruge-Stuben solver. sa_symmetry Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_strength Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_aggregate Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_smooth Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_presmoother Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_postsmoother Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_improve_candidates Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_max_levels Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_max_coarse Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_diagonal_dominance Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_coarse_solver Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_cycle Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_accel Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_tol Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. sa_maxiter Parameter for `PyAMG <>`_ Smoothed-Aggregation solver. Returns ------- A dict of available solvers with default |solver_options|. """ return {'pyamg_solve': {'type': 'pyamg_solve', 'tol': tol, 'maxiter': maxiter}, 'pyamg_rs': {'type': 'pyamg_rs', 'strength': rs_strength, 'CF': rs_CF, 'presmoother': rs_presmoother, 'postsmoother': rs_postsmoother, 'max_levels': rs_max_levels, 'max_coarse': rs_max_coarse, 'coarse_solver': rs_coarse_solver, 'cycle': rs_cycle, 'accel': rs_accel, 'tol': rs_tol, 'maxiter': rs_maxiter}, 'pyamg_sa': {'type': 'pyamg_sa', 'symmetry': sa_symmetry, 'strength': sa_strength, 'aggregate': sa_aggregate, 'smooth': sa_smooth, 'presmoother': sa_presmoother, 'postsmoother': sa_postsmoother, 'improve_candidates': sa_improve_candidates, 'max_levels': sa_max_levels, 'max_coarse': sa_max_coarse, 'diagonal_dominance': sa_diagonal_dominance, 'coarse_solver': sa_coarse_solver, 'cycle': sa_cycle, 'accel': sa_accel, 'tol': sa_tol, 'maxiter': sa_maxiter}}
[docs] @defaults('check_finite', 'default_solver') def apply_inverse(op, V, initial_guess=None, options=None, least_squares=False, check_finite=True, default_solver='pyamg_solve'): """Solve linear equation system. Applies the inverse of `op` to the vectors in `V` using PyAMG. Parameters ---------- op The linear, non-parametric |Operator| to invert. V |VectorArray| of right-hand sides for the equation system. initial_guess |VectorArray| with the same length as `V` containing initial guesses for the solution. Some implementations of `apply_inverse` may ignore this parameter. If `None` a solver-dependent default is used. options The |solver_options| to use (see :func:`solver_options`). least_squares Must be `False`. check_finite Test if solution only contains finite values. default_solver Default solver to use (pyamg_solve, pyamg_rs, pyamg_sa). Returns ------- |VectorArray| of the solution vectors. """ assert V in op.range assert initial_guess is None or initial_guess in op.source and len(initial_guess) == len(V) if least_squares: raise NotImplementedError if isinstance(op, NumpyMatrixOperator): matrix = op.matrix else: from pymor.algorithms.to_matrix import to_matrix matrix = to_matrix(op) options = _parse_options(options, solver_options(), default_solver, None, least_squares) V = V.to_numpy() promoted_type = np.promote_types(matrix.dtype, V.dtype) R = np.empty((len(V), matrix.shape[1]), dtype=promoted_type) if options['type'] == 'pyamg_solve': if len(V) > 0: V_iter = iter(enumerate(V)) R[0], ml = pyamg.solve(matrix, next(V_iter)[1], tol=options['tol'], maxiter=options['maxiter'], return_solver=True) for i, VV in V_iter: R[i] = pyamg.solve(matrix, VV, tol=options['tol'], maxiter=options['maxiter'], existing_solver=ml) elif options['type'] == 'pyamg_rs': ml = pyamg.ruge_stuben_solver(matrix, strength=options['strength'], CF=options['CF'], presmoother=options['presmoother'], postsmoother=options['postsmoother'], max_levels=options['max_levels'], max_coarse=options['max_coarse'], coarse_solver=options['coarse_solver']) for i, VV in enumerate(V): R[i] = ml.solve(VV, tol=options['tol'], maxiter=options['maxiter'], cycle=options['cycle'], accel=options['accel']) elif options['type'] == 'pyamg_sa': ml = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver(matrix, symmetry=options['symmetry'], strength=options['strength'], aggregate=options['aggregate'], smooth=options['smooth'], presmoother=options['presmoother'], postsmoother=options['postsmoother'], improve_candidates=options['improve_candidates'], max_levels=options['max_levels'], max_coarse=options['max_coarse'], diagonal_dominance=options['diagonal_dominance']) for i, VV in enumerate(V): R[i] = ml.solve(VV, tol=options['tol'], maxiter=options['maxiter'], cycle=options['cycle'], accel=options['accel']) else: raise ValueError('Unknown solver type') if check_finite: if not np.isfinite(np.sum(R)): raise InversionError('Result contains non-finite values') return op.source.from_numpy(R)