Source code for pymor.bindings.pymess

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (

from pymor.core.config import config

if config.HAVE_PYMESS:
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.linalg as spla
    import pymess

    from pymor.algorithms.genericsolvers import _parse_options
    from pymor.algorithms.lyapunov import (mat_eqn_sparse_min_size, _solve_lyap_lrcf_check_args,
                                           _solve_lyap_dense_check_args, _chol)
    from pymor.algorithms.to_matrix import to_matrix
    from pymor.bindings.scipy import _solve_ricc_check_args
    from pymor.core.defaults import defaults
    from pymor.core.logger import getLogger
    from pymor.operators.constructions import IdentityOperator

[docs] @defaults('adi_maxit', 'adi_memory_usage', 'adi_output', 'adi_rel_change_tol', 'adi_res2_tol', 'adi_res2c_tol', 'adi_shifts_arp_m', 'adi_shifts_arp_p', 'adi_shifts_b0', 'adi_shifts_l0', 'adi_shifts_p', 'adi_shifts_paratype') def lradi_solver_options(adi_maxit=500, adi_memory_usage=pymess.MESS_MEMORY_MID, adi_output=1, adi_rel_change_tol=1e-10, adi_res2_tol=1e-10, adi_res2c_tol=1e-11, adi_shifts_arp_m=32, adi_shifts_arp_p=48, adi_shifts_b0=None, adi_shifts_l0=16, adi_shifts_p=None, adi_shifts_paratype=pymess.MESS_LRCFADI_PARA_ADAPTIVE_V): """Return available adi solver options with default values for the pymess backend. Parameters ---------- adi_maxit See `pymess.OptionsAdi`. adi_memory_usage See `pymess.OptionsAdi`. adi_output See `pymess.OptionsAdi`. adi_rel_change_tol See `pymess.OptionsAdi`. adi_res2_tol See `pymess.OptionsAdi`. adi_res2c_tol See `pymess.OptionsAdi`. adi_shifts_arp_m See `pymess.OptionsAdiShifts`. adi_shifts_arp_p See `pymess.OptionsAdiShifts`. adi_shifts_b0 See `pymess.OptionsAdiShifts`. adi_shifts_l0 See `pymess.OptionsAdiShifts`. adi_shifts_p See `pymess.OptionsAdiShifts`. adi_shifts_paratype See `pymess.OptionsAdiShifts`. Returns ------- A dict of available solvers with default solver options. """ lradi_opts = pymess.Options() lradi_opts.adi.maxit = adi_maxit lradi_opts.adi.memory_usage = adi_memory_usage lradi_opts.adi.output = adi_output lradi_opts.adi.rel_change_tol = adi_rel_change_tol lradi_opts.adi.res2_tol = adi_res2_tol lradi_opts.adi.res2c_tol = adi_res2c_tol lradi_opts.adi.shifts.arp_m = adi_shifts_arp_m lradi_opts.adi.shifts.arp_p = adi_shifts_arp_p lradi_opts.adi.shifts.b0 = adi_shifts_b0 lradi_opts.adi.shifts.l0 = adi_shifts_l0 lradi_opts.adi.shifts.p = adi_shifts_p lradi_opts.adi.shifts.paratype = adi_shifts_paratype return lradi_opts
[docs] def lyap_lrcf_solver_options(): """Return available Lyapunov solvers with default options for the pymess backend. Also see :func:`lradi_solver_options`. Returns ------- A dict of available solvers with default solver options. """ return {'pymess_glyap': {'type': 'pymess_glyap'}, 'pymess_lradi': {'type': 'pymess_lradi', 'opts': lradi_solver_options()}}
[docs] @defaults('default_solver') def solve_lyap_lrcf(A, E, B, trans=False, options=None, default_solver=None): """Compute an approximate low-rank solution of a Lyapunov equation. See :func:`pymor.algorithms.lyapunov.solve_lyap_lrcf` for a general description. This function uses `pymess.glyap` and `pymess.lradi`. For both methods, :meth:`~pymor.vectorarrays.interface.VectorArray.to_numpy` and :meth:`~pymor.vectorarrays.interface.VectorSpace.from_numpy` need to be implemented for `A.source`. Additionally, since `glyap` is a dense solver, it expects :func:`~pymor.algorithms.to_matrix.to_matrix` to work for A and E. If the solver is not specified using the options or default_solver arguments, `glyap` is used for small problems (smaller than defined with :func:`~pymor.algorithms.lyapunov.mat_eqn_sparse_min_size`) and `lradi` for large problems. Parameters ---------- A The non-parametric |Operator| A. E The non-parametric |Operator| E or `None`. B The operator B as a |VectorArray| from `A.source`. trans Whether the first |Operator| in the Lyapunov equation is transposed. options The solver options to use (see :func:`lyap_lrcf_solver_options`). default_solver Default solver to use (pymess_lradi, pymess_glyap). If `None`, choose solver depending on the dimension of A. Returns ------- Z Low-rank Cholesky factor of the Lyapunov equation solution, |VectorArray| from `A.source`. """ _solve_lyap_lrcf_check_args(A, E, B, trans) if default_solver is None: default_solver = 'pymess_lradi' if A.source.dim >= mat_eqn_sparse_min_size() else 'pymess_glyap' options = _parse_options(options, lyap_lrcf_solver_options(), default_solver, None, False) if options['type'] == 'pymess_glyap': X = solve_lyap_dense(to_matrix(A, format='dense'), to_matrix(E, format='dense') if E else None, B.to_numpy().T if not trans else B.to_numpy(), trans=trans, options=options) Z = _chol(X) elif options['type'] == 'pymess_lradi': opts = options['opts'] opts.type = pymess.MESS_OP_NONE if not trans else pymess.MESS_OP_TRANSPOSE eqn = LyapunovEquation(opts, A, E, B) Z, status = pymess.lradi(eqn, opts) relres = status.res2_norm / status.res2_0 if relres > opts.adi.res2_tol: logger = getLogger('pymor.bindings.pymess.solve_lyap_lrcf') logger.warning(f'Desired relative residual tolerance was not achieved ' f'({relres:e} > {opts.adi.res2_tol:e}).') else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected Lyapunov equation solver ({options["type"]}).') return A.source.from_numpy(Z.T)
[docs] def lyap_dense_solver_options(): """Return available Lyapunov solvers with default options for the pymess backend. Returns ------- A dict of available solvers with default solver options. """ return {'pymess_glyap': {'type': 'pymess_glyap'}}
[docs] def solve_lyap_dense(A, E, B, trans=False, options=None): """Compute the solution of a Lyapunov equation. See :func:`pymor.algorithms.lyapunov.solve_lyap_dense` for a general description. This function uses `pymess.glyap`. Parameters ---------- A The operator A as a 2D |NumPy array|. E The operator E as a 2D |NumPy array| or `None`. B The operator B as a 2D |NumPy array|. trans Whether the first operator in the Lyapunov equation is transposed. options The solver options to use (see :func:`lyap_dense_solver_options`). Returns ------- X Lyapunov equation solution as a |NumPy array|. """ _solve_lyap_dense_check_args(A, E, B, trans) options = _parse_options(options, lyap_lrcf_solver_options(), 'pymess_glyap', None, False) if options['type'] == 'pymess_glyap': Y = if not trans else op = pymess.MESS_OP_NONE if not trans else pymess.MESS_OP_TRANSPOSE X = pymess.glyap(A, E, Y, op=op)[0] else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected Lyapunov equation solver ({options["type"]}).') return X
[docs] @defaults('linesearch', 'maxit', 'absres_tol', 'relres_tol', 'nrm') def dense_nm_gmpcare_solver_options(linesearch=False, maxit=50, absres_tol=1e-11, relres_tol=1e-12, nrm=0): """Return available Riccati solvers with default options for the pymess backend. Also see :func:`lradi_solver_options`. Parameters ---------- linesearch See `pymess.dense_nm_gmpcare`. maxit See `pymess.dense_nm_gmpcare`. absres_tol See `pymess.dense_nm_gmpcare`. relres_tol See `pymess.dense_nm_gmpcare`. nrm See `pymess.dense_nm_gmpcare`. Returns ------- A dict of available solvers with default solver options. """ return {'linesearch': linesearch, 'maxit': maxit, 'absres_tol': absres_tol, 'relres_tol': relres_tol, 'nrm': nrm}
[docs] @defaults('newton_gstep', 'newton_k0', 'newton_linesearch', 'newton_maxit', 'newton_output', 'newton_res2_tol', 'newton_singleshifts') def lrnm_solver_options(newton_gstep=0, newton_k0=None, newton_linesearch=0, newton_maxit=30, newton_output=1, newton_res2_tol=1e-10, newton_singleshifts=0): """Return available adi solver options with default values for the pymess backend. Parameters ---------- newton_gstep See `pymess.OptionsNewton`. newton_k0 See `pymess.OptionsNewton`. newton_linesearch See `pymess.OptionsNewton`. newton_maxit See `pymess.OptionsNewton`. newton_output See `pymess.OptionsNewton`. newton_res2_tol See `pymess.OptionsNewton`. newton_singleshifts See `pymess.OptionsNewton`. Returns ------- A dict of available solvers with default solver options. """ lrnm_opts = lradi_solver_options() lrnm_opts.nm.gstep = newton_gstep lrnm_opts.nm.k0 = newton_k0 lrnm_opts.nm.linesearch = newton_linesearch lrnm_opts.nm.maxit = newton_maxit lrnm_opts.nm.output = newton_output lrnm_opts.nm.res2_tol = newton_res2_tol lrnm_opts.nm.singleshifts = newton_singleshifts return lrnm_opts
[docs] def ricc_lrcf_solver_options(): """Return available Riccati solvers with default options for the pymess backend. Also see :func:`dense_nm_gmpcare_solver_options` and :func:`lrnm_solver_options`. Returns ------- A dict of available solvers with default solver options. """ return {'pymess_dense_nm_gmpcare': {'type': 'pymess_dense_nm_gmpcare', 'opts': dense_nm_gmpcare_solver_options()}, 'pymess_lrnm': {'type': 'pymess_lrnm', 'opts': lrnm_solver_options()}}
[docs] @defaults('default_solver') def solve_ricc_lrcf(A, E, B, C, R=None, S=None, trans=False, options=None, default_solver=None): """Compute an approximate low-rank solution of a Riccati equation. See :func:`pymor.algorithms.riccati.solve_ricc_lrcf` for a general description. This function uses `pymess.dense_nm_gmpcare` and `pymess.lrnm`. For both methods, :meth:`~pymor.vectorarrays.interface.VectorArray.to_numpy` and :meth:`~pymor.vectorarrays.interface.VectorSpace.from_numpy` need to be implemented for `A.source`. Additionally, since `dense_nm_gmpcare` is a dense solver, it expects :func:`~pymor.algorithms.to_matrix.to_matrix` to work for A and E. If the solver is not specified using the options or default_solver arguments, `dense_nm_gmpcare` is used for small problems (smaller than defined with :func:`~pymor.algorithms.lyapunov.mat_eqn_sparse_min_size`) and `lrnm` for large problems. Parameters ---------- A The non-parametric |Operator| A. E The non-parametric |Operator| E or `None`. B The operator B as a |VectorArray| from `A.source`. C The operator C as a |VectorArray| from `A.source`. R The operator R as a 2D |NumPy array| or `None`. S The operator S as a |VectorArray| from `A.source` or `None`. trans Whether the first |Operator| in the Riccati equation is transposed. options The solver options to use (see :func:`ricc_lrcf_solver_options`). default_solver Default solver to use (pymess_lrnm, pymess_dense_nm_gmpcare). If `None`, chose solver depending on dimension `A`. Returns ------- Z Low-rank Cholesky factor of the Riccati equation solution, |VectorArray| from `A.source`. """ _solve_ricc_check_args(A, E, B, C, R, S, trans) if default_solver is None: default_solver = 'pymess_lrnm' if A.source.dim >= mat_eqn_sparse_min_size() else 'pymess_dense_nm_gmpcare' options = _parse_options(options, ricc_lrcf_solver_options(), default_solver, None, False) if options['type'] == 'pymess_dense_nm_gmpcare': X = _call_pymess_dense_nm_gmpare(A, E, B, C, R, S, trans=trans, options=options['opts'], plus=False, method_name='solve_ricc_lrcf') Z = _chol(X) elif options['type'] == 'pymess_lrnm': if S is not None: raise NotImplementedError if R is not None: import scipy.linalg as spla Rc = spla.cholesky(R) # R = Rc^T * Rc Rci = spla.solve_triangular(Rc, np.eye(Rc.shape[0])) # R^{-1} = Rci * Rci^T if not trans: C = C.lincomb(Rci.T) # C <- Rci^T * C = (C^T * Rci)^T else: B = B.lincomb(Rci.T) # B <- B * Rci opts = options['opts'] opts.type = pymess.MESS_OP_NONE if not trans else pymess.MESS_OP_TRANSPOSE eqn = RiccatiEquation(opts, A, E, B, C) Z, status = pymess.lrnm(eqn, opts) relres = status.res2_norm / status.res2_0 if relres > opts.adi.res2_tol: logger = getLogger('pymor.bindings.pymess.solve_ricc_lrcf') logger.warning(f'Desired relative residual tolerance was not achieved ' f'({relres:e} > {opts.adi.res2_tol:e}).') else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected Riccati equation solver ({options["type"]}).') return A.source.from_numpy(Z.T)
[docs] def pos_ricc_lrcf_solver_options(): """Return available positive Riccati solvers with default options for the pymess backend. Returns ------- A dict of available solvers with default solver options. """ return {'pymess_dense_nm_gmpcare': {'type': 'pymess_dense_nm_gmpcare', 'opts': dense_nm_gmpcare_solver_options()}}
[docs] def solve_pos_ricc_lrcf(A, E, B, C, R=None, S=None, trans=False, options=None): """Compute an approximate low-rank solution of a positive Riccati equation. See :func:`pymor.algorithms.riccati.solve_pos_ricc_lrcf` for a general description. This function uses `pymess.dense_nm_gmpcare`. Parameters ---------- A The non-parametric |Operator| A. E The non-parametric |Operator| E or `None`. B The operator B as a |VectorArray| from `A.source`. C The operator C as a |VectorArray| from `A.source`. R The operator R as a 2D |NumPy array| or `None`. S The operator S as a |VectorArray| from `A.source` or `None`. trans Whether the first |Operator| in the Riccati equation is transposed. options The solver options to use (see :func:`pos_ricc_lrcf_solver_options`). Returns ------- Z Low-rank Cholesky factor of the Riccati equation solution, |VectorArray| from `A.source`. """ _solve_ricc_check_args(A, E, B, C, R, S, trans) options = _parse_options(options, pos_ricc_lrcf_solver_options(), 'pymess_dense_nm_gmpcare', None, False) if options['type'] == 'pymess_dense_nm_gmpcare': X = _call_pymess_dense_nm_gmpare(A, E, B, C, R, S, trans=trans, options=options['opts'], plus=True, method_name='solve_pos_ricc_lrcf') Z = _chol(X) else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected positive Riccati equation solver ({options["type"]}).') return A.source.from_numpy(Z.T)
[docs] def _call_pymess_dense_nm_gmpare(A, E, B, C, R, S, trans=False, options=None, plus=False, method_name=''): """Return the solution from pymess.dense_nm_gmpare solver.""" A = to_matrix(A, format='dense') E = to_matrix(E, format='dense') if E else None B = B.to_numpy().T C = C.to_numpy() S = S.to_numpy().T if S else None Q = if not trans else pymess_trans = pymess.MESS_OP_NONE if not trans else pymess.MESS_OP_TRANSPOSE if not trans: RinvC = spla.solve(R, C) if R is not None else C G = if S is not None: RinvST = spla.solve(R, S.T) if R is not None else S.T if not plus: A -= Q -= else: A += Q += else: RinvBT = spla.solve(R, B.T) if R is not None else B.T G = if S is not None: RinvST = spla.solve(R, S.T) if R is not None else S.T if not plus: A -= Q -= else: A += Q += X, absres, relres = pymess.dense_nm_gmpare(None, A, E, Q, G, plus=plus, trans=pymess_trans, linesearch=options['linesearch'], maxit=options['maxit'], absres_tol=options['absres_tol'], relres_tol=options['relres_tol'], nrm=options['nrm']) if absres > options['absres_tol']: logger = getLogger('pymor.bindings.pymess.' + method_name) logger.warning(f'Desired absolute residual tolerance was not achieved ' f'({absres:e} > {options["absres_tol"]:e}).') if relres > options['relres_tol']: logger = getLogger('pymor.bindings.pymess.' + method_name) logger.warning(f'Desired relative residual tolerance was not achieved ' f'({relres:e} > {options["relres_tol"]:e}).') return X
[docs] class LyapunovEquation(pymess.Equation): """Lyapunov equation class for pymess Represents a (generalized) continuous-time algebraic Lyapunov equation: - if opt.type is `pymess.MESS_OP_NONE` and E is `None`: .. math:: A X + X A^T + B B^T = 0, - if opt.type is `pymess.MESS_OP_NONE` and E is not `None`: .. math:: A X E^T + E X A^T + B B^T = 0, - if opt.type is `pymess.MESS_OP_TRANSPOSE` and E is `None`: .. math:: A^T X + X A + B^T B = 0, - if opt.type is `pymess.MESS_OP_TRANSPOSE` and E is not `None`: .. math:: A^T X E + E^T X A + B^T B = 0. Parameters ---------- opt pymess Options structure. A The non-parametric |Operator| A. E The non-parametric |Operator| E or `None`. B The operator B as a |VectorArray| from `A.source`. """ def __init__(self, opt, A, E, B): super().__init__(name='LyapunovEquation', opt=opt, dim=A.source.dim) self.a = A self.e = E self.rhs = B.to_numpy().T self.p = []
[docs] def ax_apply(self, op, y): y = self.a.source.from_numpy(y.T) if op == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE: x = self.a.apply(y) else: x = self.a.apply_adjoint(y) return x.to_numpy().T
[docs] def ex_apply(self, op, y): if self.e is None: return y y = self.a.source.from_numpy(y.T) if op == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE: x = self.e.apply(y) else: x = self.e.apply_adjoint(y) return x.to_numpy().T
[docs] def ainv_apply(self, op, y): y = self.a.source.from_numpy(y.T) if op == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE: x = self.a.apply_inverse(y) else: x = self.a.apply_inverse_adjoint(y) return x.to_numpy().T
[docs] def einv_apply(self, op, y): if self.e is None: return y y = self.a.source.from_numpy(y.T) if op == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE: x = self.e.apply_inverse(y) else: x = self.e.apply_inverse_adjoint(y) return x.to_numpy().T
[docs] def apex_apply(self, op, p, idx_p, y): y = self.a.source.from_numpy(y.T) if op == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE: x = self.a.apply(y) if self.e is None: x += p * y else: x += p * self.e.apply(y) else: x = self.a.apply_adjoint(y) if self.e is None: x += p.conjugate() * y else: x += p.conjugate() * self.e.apply_adjoint(y) return x.to_numpy().T
[docs] def apeinv_apply(self, op, p, idx_p, y): y = self.a.source.from_numpy(y.T) e = IdentityOperator(self.a.source) if self.e is None else self.e if p.imag == 0: ape = self.a + p.real * e else: ape = self.a + p * e if op == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE: x = ape.apply_inverse(y) else: x = ape.apply_inverse_adjoint(y.conj()).conj() return x.to_numpy().T
[docs] def parameter(self, arp_p, arp_m, B=None, K=None): return None
[docs] class RiccatiEquation(pymess.Equation): """Riccati equation class for pymess Represents a Riccati equation - if opt.type is `pymess.MESS_OP_NONE` and E is `None`: .. math:: A X + X A^T - X C^T C X + B B^T = 0, - if opt.type is `pymess.MESS_OP_NONE` and E is not `None`: .. math:: A X E^T + E X A^T - E X C^T C X E^T + B B^T = 0, - if opt.type is `pymess.MESS_OP_TRANSPOSE` and E is `None`: .. math:: A^T X + X A - X B B^T X + C^T C = 0, - if opt.type is `pymess.MESS_OP_TRANSPOSE` and E is not `None`: .. math:: A^T X E + E^T X A - E X B B^T X E^T + C^T C = 0. Parameters ---------- opt pymess Options structure. A The non-parametric |Operator| A. E The non-parametric |Operator| E or `None`. B The operator B as a |VectorArray| from `A.source`. C The operator C as a |VectorArray| from `A.source`. """ def __init__(self, opt, A, E, B, C): super().__init__(name='RiccatiEquation', opt=opt, dim=A.source.dim) self.a = A self.e = E self.b = B.to_numpy().T self.c = C.to_numpy() self.rhs = self.b if opt.type == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE else self.c.T self.p = []
[docs] def ax_apply(self, op, y): y = self.a.source.from_numpy(y.T) if op == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE: x = self.a.apply(y) else: x = self.a.apply_adjoint(y) return x.to_numpy().T
[docs] def ex_apply(self, op, y): if self.e is None: return y y = self.a.source.from_numpy(y.T) if op == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE: x = self.e.apply(y) else: x = self.e.apply_adjoint(y) return x.to_numpy().T
[docs] def ainv_apply(self, op, y): y = self.a.source.from_numpy(y.T) if op == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE: x = self.a.apply_inverse(y) else: x = self.a.apply_inverse_adjoint(y) return x.to_numpy().T
[docs] def einv_apply(self, op, y): if self.e is None: return y y = self.a.source.from_numpy(y.T) if op == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE: x = self.e.apply_inverse(y) else: x = self.e.apply_inverse_adjoint(y) return x.to_numpy().T
[docs] def apex_apply(self, op, p, idx_p, y): y = self.a.source.from_numpy(y.T) if op == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE: x = self.a.apply(y) if self.e is None: x += p * y else: x += p * self.e.apply(y) else: x = self.a.apply_adjoint(y) if self.e is None: x += p.conjugate() * y else: x += p.conjugate() * self.e.apply_adjoint(y) return x.to_numpy().T
[docs] def apeinv_apply(self, op, p, idx_p, y): y = self.a.source.from_numpy(y.T) e = IdentityOperator(self.a.source) if self.e is None else self.e if p.imag == 0: ape = self.a + p.real * e else: ape = self.a + p * e if op == pymess.MESS_OP_NONE: x = ape.apply_inverse(y) else: x = ape.apply_inverse_adjoint(y.conj()).conj() return x.to_numpy().T
[docs] def parameter(self, arp_p, arp_m, B=None, K=None): return None