Source code for pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.jupyter.matplotlib

# This file is part of the pyMOR project (
# Copyright 2013-2020 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD 2-Clause License (
import itertools
from pprint import pprint

import numpy as np
from IPython.core.display import display
from ipywidgets import HTML, HBox, widgets, Layout
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pymor.core.config import config
from pymor.discretizers.builtin.gui.matplotlib import MatplotlibPatchAxes, Matplotlib1DAxes
from pymor.vectorarrays.interface import VectorArray

[docs]class MPLPlotBase: def __init__(self, U, grid, codim, legend, bounding_box=None, separate_colorbars=False, columns=2, separate_plots=False, separate_axes=False): assert isinstance(U, VectorArray) \ or (isinstance(U, tuple) and all(isinstance(u, VectorArray) for u in U) and all(len(u) == len(U[0]) for u in U)) if separate_plots: self.fig_ids = (U.uid,) if isinstance(U, VectorArray) else tuple(u.uid for u in U) else: # using the same id multiple times lets us automagically re-use the same figure self.fig_ids = (U.uid,) if isinstance(U, VectorArray) else [U[0].uid] * len(U) self.U = U = (U.to_numpy().astype(np.float64, copy=False),) if isinstance(U, VectorArray) else \ tuple(u.to_numpy().astype(np.float64, copy=False) for u in U) if grid.dim == 1 and len(U[0]) > 1 and not separate_plots: raise NotImplementedError('Plotting of VectorArrays with length > 1 is only available with ' '`separate_plots=True`') if not config.HAVE_MATPLOTLIB: raise ImportError('cannot visualize: import of matplotlib failed') if not config.HAVE_IPYWIDGETS and len(U[0]) > 1: raise ImportError('cannot visualize: import of ipywidgets failed') self.legend = (legend,) if isinstance(legend, str) else legend assert self.legend is None or isinstance(self.legend, tuple) and len(self.legend) == len(U) self._set_limits(U) self.plots = [] # this _supposed_ to let animations run in sync sync_timer = None do_animation = not separate_axes and len(U[0]) > 1 if separate_plots: for i, (vmin, vmax, u) in enumerate(zip(self.vmins, self.vmaxs, U)): figure = plt.figure(self.fig_ids[i]) sync_timer = sync_timer or figure.canvas.new_timer() if grid.dim == 2: plot = MatplotlibPatchAxes(U=u, figure=figure, sync_timer=sync_timer, grid=grid, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, bounding_box=bounding_box, codim=codim, columns=columns, colorbar=separate_colorbars or i == len(U) - 1) else: plot = Matplotlib1DAxes(U=u, figure=figure, sync_timer=sync_timer, grid=grid, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, columns=columns, codim=codim, separate_axes=separate_axes) if self.legend:[0].set_title(self.legend[i]) self.plots.append(plot) # plt.tight_layout() else: figure = plt.figure(self.fig_ids[0]) sync_timer = sync_timer or figure.canvas.new_timer() if grid.dim == 2: plot = MatplotlibPatchAxes(U=U, figure=figure, sync_timer=sync_timer, grid=grid, vmin=self.vmins, vmax=self.vmaxs, bounding_box=bounding_box, codim=codim, columns=columns, colorbar=True) else: plot = Matplotlib1DAxes(U=U, figure=figure, sync_timer=sync_timer, grid=grid, vmin=self.vmins, vmax=self.vmaxs, columns=columns, codim=codim, separate_axes=separate_axes) if self.legend:[0].set_title(self.legend[0]) self.plots.append(plot) if do_animation: for fig_id in self.fig_ids: # avoids figure double display plt.close(fig_id) html = [p.html for p in self.plots] template = """<div style="float: left; padding: 10px;">{0}</div>""" # IPython display system checks for presence and calls this func self._repr_html_ = lambda : '\n'.join(template.format(a._repr_html_()) for a in html) else: self._out = widgets.Output() with self._out: # IPython display system checks for presence and calls this func self._ipython_display_ = self._out._ipython_display_
[docs]def visualize_patch(grid, U, bounding_box=([0, 0], [1, 1]), codim=2, title=None, legend=None, separate_colorbars=False, rescale_colorbars=False, columns=2): """Visualize scalar data associated to a two-dimensional |Grid| as a patch plot. The grid's |ReferenceElement| must be the triangle or square. The data can either be attached to the faces or vertices of the grid. Parameters ---------- grid The underlying |Grid|. U |VectorArray| of the data to visualize. If `len(U) > 1`, the data is visualized as a time series of plots. Alternatively, a tuple of |VectorArrays| can be provided, in which case a subplot is created for each entry of the tuple. The lengths of all arrays have to agree. bounding_box A bounding box in which the grid is contained. codim The codimension of the entities the data in `U` is attached to (either 0 or 2). title Title of the plot. legend Description of the data that is plotted. Most useful if `U` is a tuple in which case `legend` has to be a tuple of strings of the same length. separate_colorbars If `True`, use separate colorbars for each subplot. rescale_colorbars If `True`, rescale colorbars to data in each frame. columns The number of columns in the visualizer GUI in case multiple plots are displayed at the same time. """ class Plot(MPLPlotBase): def _set_limits(self, np_U): if separate_colorbars: # todo rescaling not set up if rescale_colorbars: self.vmins = tuple(np.min(u[0]) for u in np_U) self.vmaxs = tuple(np.max(u[0]) for u in np_U) else: self.vmins = tuple(np.min(u) for u in np_U) self.vmaxs = tuple(np.max(u) for u in np_U) else: if rescale_colorbars: self.vmins = (min(np.min(u[0]) for u in np_U),) * len(np_U) self.vmaxs = (max(np.max(u[0]) for u in np_U),) * len(np_U) else: self.vmins = (min(np.min(u) for u in np_U),) * len(np_U) self.vmaxs = (max(np.max(u) for u in np_U),) * len(np_U) def __init__(self): super(Plot, self).__init__(U, grid, codim, legend, bounding_box=bounding_box, columns=columns, separate_colorbars=separate_colorbars, separate_plots=True, separate_axes=False) return Plot()
[docs]def visualize_matplotlib_1d(grid, U, codim=1, title=None, legend=None, separate_plots=True, separate_axes=False, columns=2): """Visualize scalar data associated to a one-dimensional |Grid| as a plot. The grid's |ReferenceElement| must be the line. The data can either be attached to the subintervals or vertices of the grid. Parameters ---------- grid The underlying |Grid|. U |VectorArray| of the data to visualize. If `len(U) > 1`, the data is visualized as an animation in a single axes object or a series of axes, depending on the `separate_axes` switch. It is also possible to provide a tuple of |VectorArrays|, in which case several plots are made into one or multiple figures, depending on the `separate_plots` switch. The lengths of all arrays have to agree. codim The codimension of the entities the data in `U` is attached to (either 0 or 1). title Title of the plot. legend Description of the data that is plotted. Most useful if `U` is a tuple in which case `legend` has to be a tuple of strings of the same length. separate_plots If `True`, use multiple figures to visualize multiple |VectorArrays|. separate_axes If `True`, use separate axes for each figure instead of an Animation. column Number of columns the subplots are organized in. """ class Plot(MPLPlotBase): def _set_limits(self, np_U): if separate_plots: if separate_axes: self.vmins = tuple(np.min(u) for u in np_U) self.vmaxs = tuple(np.max(u) for u in np_U) else: self.vmins = (min(np.min(u) for u in np_U),) * len(np_U) self.vmaxs = (max(np.max(u) for u in np_U),) * len(np_U) else: self.vmins = min(np.min(u) for u in np_U) self.vmaxs = max(np.max(u) for u in np_U) def __init__(self): super(Plot, self).__init__(U, grid, codim, legend, separate_plots=separate_plots, columns=columns, separate_axes=separate_axes) return Plot()